The purpose of this study is to develop a cranial traction therapy program to help correct facial asymmetry of the hard tissues through the means of the treatment of soft tissues—a non-surgical therapeutic method for the correcting of facial asymmetry. We have formed a group of experts who have agreed to the study. In the primary survey, open questions were used. In the second survey, the results of the first survey were summarized and the degree of agreement was presented to the questions in each category. In the third survey, we conducted a statistical analysis of the degree of agreement on each item of question. All surveys also performed email. The distribution was calculated using the SPSS (ver.23.0) program, and the mean difference between the result and X² was calculated. The significance level was set to p<.05. Most of the questions attained a certain level of consensus by the experts (average of 4.0 or higher), it can be said that most are important and suitable questions. the results regarding the degree of importance for each of the points of evaluation made by the groups of experts in both the second and third stage of the cranial traction therapy program were verified using content validity ratio (CVR 77). The ratio for the cranial traction 13 points of evaluation was within the range of 0.40∼1.00, so the Delphi program for the cranial traction therapy verified that the content was valid.