Considering the great growth of IoT networks and the need for highly reliable networks and also considering the manufacturing divides of IoT equipment which are highly limited by their memory, processing power and battery; we need a highly efficient routing for guaranteeing our network's high life span. So, this paper has suggested an efficient energy routing method based on the overlapping clustering method which is inspired from the Grey theory. The Overlap clustering method means that some Things collect data that must be sent to two or more Fog nodes for processing. In the suggested method the best node is selected as the cluster head based on factors such as remaining energy, distance, link expiration time, signal power for receiving data from things by the Fog nodes. In the next step the Fog node's data are sent in a hierarchical method using a symmetrical tree of processed data to the server. Thus, the main issue here is making using a proper routing method for data sending to the Cloud that doesn't just focus on energy, but also considers other factors such as delay and network life span. The simulation results show that the HR-IoT reduces the average end to end delay more than 17.2% and 23.1%, decreases the response time more than 20.1% and 25.78% and increase packet delivery rate more than 23.1% and 28.78% and lifetime more than 25.1% and 28.78% compared to EECRP and ERGID approaches.