This experiment was carried out to determine the overall prevalence of pigeon diseases and especially emphasized on prevalence of parasitic diseases in study areas. During this study 45 farms were selected which have >20 pair of pigeon for commercial and >10 pair pigeon for traditional farm in the three study area namely Rajshahi, Natore and Pabna district of Bangladesh. The data were collected from different farm within the study area through a questionnaire and interview schedule with the farm owners. During one year of study period a total Out of 3677 pigeon, positive case in cage of external parasites were 722 and internal parasite positives 114 from 263 fecal sample. The overall prevalence of gastrointestinal and external parasites in pigeon at northern Bangladesh is obtained. The infestation of lice Columbaecula columbae and fly Pseudolynchia canariensis were observed 18.08% and 1.55% respectively. The present study found two species of ectoparasites lice and fly. Diversity of ectoparasite in birds infestation may be depend on many factors, which may include home range, behavior, size and roosting habit of the host. The overall prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in pigeon are founded that 43.34% in research area. Specific incidence was 22.81% in Ascariasis, 18.63% in Capilariasis and 1.90% in Raillietina parasite in pigeon. Ascaridia colombae is one of the most common (22.81%) helminth species in pigeons in this study. The effect of breed of pigeon observed in present studies the highest in indigenous (63.47%) and lowest exotic (36%) prevalence of gastrointestinal parasite was observed. The specific percentages of Ascariasis, Capilariasis and Raillatina gastrointestinal parasites of pigeon were found 20% & 31.74%; 14% & 30.15% and 2% & 1.58% in exotic & indigenous breed, respectively. In the present study, there is a relation between the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasitic infections with the age of the pigeons which showed that high prevalence in adults (50%) and compare to young (22.22%). but it was statistically significant (P>0.05). In relation with farming system the gastrointestinal parasitic incidence of pigeon was observed in modern and tradition farming system, the highest incidence was 71.16% in traditional & lowest 31.14% in modern farming. When observed specifically in Ascariasis, Capillariasis & Raillietina were 16.39% & 37.41%; 13.11% & 31.25% and 1.63% & 2.5% in modern & traditional, respectively. The effect of regions on the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in pigeon was observed in Pabna (68.32%), Natore (57.84%) and Rajshahi (33.33%). The specific percentages of Ascariasis, Capilariasis and Raillatina gastrointestinal parasites of pigeon were 18.18%, 33.33% & 26.31%; 14.54%, 33.33% & 23.38% and 0.606%, 1.66% & 7.89% in Rajshahi, Pabna and Natore, respectively.