An earthquake of Mw6.4 hit the coastal zone of Albania on 26 November 2019, at 02:54:11 UTC. It was intensively felt at about 34km far away, in Tirana City, where damages and lives lost occurred. To emphasize a geomagnetic signature before the onset of this earthquake, the data collected on the interval 15 October–30 November 2019, at the Panagjurishte (PAG)-Bulgaria and Surlari (SUA)-Romania observatories are analyzed by using both the polarization parameter (BPOL)-time invariant in non-seismic conditions, becoming unstable before this seismic event, and the strain effect for geomagnetic signal identification. Consequently, BPOL time series and its standard deviations are performed for the both sites using ULF-FFT band-pass filtering. A statistical analysis, based on a standardized random variable equation, was applied to emphasize on the BPOL*(PAG) and ABS BPOL*(PAG) time series the anomalous signal’s singularity and, to differentiate the transient local anomalies due to Mw6.4earthquake, from the internal and external parts of the geomagnetic field, taken PAG observatory as reference. Finally, the ABS BPOL*(PAG-SUA) time series are obtained on the interval 1-30 November, 2019, where a geomagnetic signature greater than 2.0, was detected on 23 November and the lead time was 3 days before the onset of Mw6.4earthquake.