The Pannonian basin major heat system in Central Europe. Their peripheral basins like the East Slovakian basin is a example of a geothermal structure with a linear directed heat flow ranging from 90 to 100 mW /m2 from west to east. However, the use of the geothermal source is limited by several critical tectono-geologic factors: (a) tectonics, and the associated disintegration of the aquifer block by multiple deformations during the pre-Paleogene mainly Miocene period. The main discontinuities of NW-SE and N-S direction negatively affect the permeability of the environment. On the contrary, for utilization are important the secondary minor NE-SW dilatation open fractures which have developed by sinistral transtension on N–S faults and accelerated normal movements to the southeast in the present. (b) hydrogeological conditions, the geothermal structure accommodated three water types, namely Na-HCO3 with 10.9 g.l-1 mineralization (in the north), the Ca-Mg-HCO3 with 0.5 – 4.5 g.l-1 mineralization (in the west), and Na-Cl water type containing 26.8-33.4 g.l-1 (in the southwest) mineralization. The chemical composition is influenced by the Middle Triassic dolomites aquifer as well as by infiltration of saline solutions and meteoric waters along open fractures/faults. (c) geothermally anomalous heat 123 – 129 °C close to volcanic chain with 170 l/s total flow seems to be the perspective for heat production.