This work has the purpose to demonstrate that if an adequate melt treatment is applied, it is pos-sible to obtain recycled aluminium alloy AlSi10MnMg(Fe) with as good metal cleanliness than primary AlSi10MnMg alloy. The melt quality is assessed by the thermal analysis, density index, macro- and micro-inclusions tests, of one primary and two secondary alloys, before and after the melt treatment. The melt treatment is based on deoxidation, degassing and skimming with de-tailed procedure described in this article. The different analysis are: Thermal analysis to compare the variables of the solidification cooling curve (Al primary temperature and its undercooling; Al-Si eutectic temperature and its recalescence); Density index is used to evaluate the hydrogen gas content in the melt; Macroinclusions level is analysed after solidifying the melt under vacuum of 5 mbar, favouring inclusion floatation to the sample surface; Microinclusion level is evaluate with porous disc filtration apparatus (similar to PoDFA).