Aim of this research paper is to introduce a novel method of hybrid orthodontic tooth-borne distalizer treatment of class II malocclusion by using 3D printed biocompatible personalized distalizer. Explains 3D designing, printing and clinical application of individualized biocompatible medical device dedicated for orthodontic teeth distalization. Compares such distalizer manufactured from two different biocompatible photopolymers (white and transparent). Evaluates their clinical performance and also patients’ aesthetical perception. Clinical part includes comparison of treatment debonding on the set of 12 complete orthodontic treatments with uni-lateral class II malocclusion managed with hybrid approach (CAT-Invisalign with 3D printed distalizer). Paper offers an evaluation of the personalized distalizer functioning in regard to current publications and comparison to conventional prefabricated alternatives like Carriere® Distalizer™ appliance. Results showed no significance of material differences on clinical performance of such individualized distalizers. Research showed preference of patients towards transparent biocompatible photopolymer instead of white A2 shade.