Phlebotomus (Paraphlebotomus) sergenti Parrot, 1917, the proven vector of Leishmania tropica Wright, 1903, the causative agent of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis, is widely distributed in Morocco. Previous works using molecular markers (ITS2 rDNA and Cyt b mtDNA) have hy-pothesized the existence of multiple closely related populations of sandfly species (cryptic species) that would exhibit distinct vectorial capacities. In this work, descriptive characteristics of wings (size and shape of the right and left wings) were measured in samples collected from fourteen sta-tions in central Morocco. These analyses support the existence of distinct P. sergenti populations, enlightening significant phenotypic variations of P. sergenti’s wings, regarding their size and shape, depending on geographic origin. In addition, geomorphometric analyses of wing’s length, centroid size, alpha, and beta distances allowed clear discrimination of P. sergenti sub-populations. These data pinpoint the adaptative ability of P. sergenti to local environmental conditions. Additional studies are now required to further shed light on the genetic structure of P. sergenti populations in Morocco.