The peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is recognized as one of the most important legume crops globally for its use in human food; it is widely distributed and cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cryopreservation of five peanut varieties conserved in the INIAP Germplasm Bank, testing cryopreservation methods, evaluating the germination percentage of whole seeds and embryonic shoots. Subsequently, two quantitative variables, shoot length and root, were evaluated. The average germination percentage of varieties and treatments was higher when embryonic axes were isolated with 99.31% than 86.06% seeds. The best germination percentage of the five varieties for seeds and embryonic shoots was obtained by the Peruvian variety with 88.13% and 92.50%. The best treatments by variety for the germination of whole seeds and embryonic axes were obtained by the treatment (desiccation and NL) for whole seeds (GS2) with 95.42% and embryonic axes with 92.83%. Ageing and cryopreservation treatments positively affected germination and seedling vigor in whole seeds and embryonic axes. The two quantitative variables, shoot and root length showed variability between the five varieties; significant differences were observed between the four treatments evaluated for whole seeds and embryonic axes. The three treatments for whole seeds (GS1, GS2 GS3) and the non-cryopreserved control treatment (GSC), as well as the treatments for embryonic axes (GEA1, GEA2 GEA3) and the non-cryopreserved control treatment (GEAC), obtained good survival. They germinate whole seeds and embryonic axes with sprout development (aerial part) and root formation. With the most effective treatments for whole seeds (GS2) and embryonic axes (GEA2), the cryopreservation of the national peanut collection of the INIAP Germplasm Bank could be started.