This paper seeks to fill in the gaps of modern relativistic Cosmology by utilizing the total symmetry between space and time dimensions and re-interpreting the scale factor of the Universe as a gravitational potential generated by the mass/energy of the entire Universe as a whole. The gradient of this potential is along the cosmological time dimension through which the Universe is falling. This gradient gives us an arrow of time, we find explanations for why the Universe began expanding and why the expansion is accelerating without the need for a Cosmological Constant. In a finite time, the gradient will point in the opposite direction of time turning the expanding Universe into a collapsing one where it is shown that when placing the Schwarzschild metric in the dynamic Cosmological background, gravity becomes repulsive and things like would-be Black Holes become White Holes. The model naturally describes a Universe and an anti-Universe (consisting of antimatter) moving in opposite directions of time that collide at the end of collapse, annihilating and subsequently pair producing two new Universes as the cycle begins again. It is shown that the model's Hubble diagram fits the currently available supernova and quasar data. It is found that Dark Matter can perhaps be understood as ordinary matter that is not connected to us with null geodesics.