Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Atmospheric Corrosion on Aluminum Aircraft Structures at Varying Relative Humidity

Version 1 : Received: 3 August 2022 / Approved: 4 August 2022 / Online: 4 August 2022 (03:55:40 CEST)

How to cite: Erlinger, T.; Kralovec, C.; Schagerl, M. Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Atmospheric Corrosion on Aluminum Aircraft Structures at Varying Relative Humidity. Preprints 2022, 2022080097. Erlinger, T.; Kralovec, C.; Schagerl, M. Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Atmospheric Corrosion on Aluminum Aircraft Structures at Varying Relative Humidity. Preprints 2022, 2022080097.


Atmospheric corrosion of aluminum aircraft structures occurs due to numerous reasons. A typical phenomenon leading to corrosion is the deliquescence of contaminants such as salts due to changes in relative humidity (RH) caused by aircraft operation at different altitudes and climate zones. Currently, corrosion of aircrafts is controlled by scheduled inspections. In contrast, the present contribution aims for a continuous monitoring approach by using the acoustic emission (AE) method to detect and further evaluate atmospheric corrosion. The AE method is frequently used for corrosion detection at typically immersion-like conditions or for corrosion types where stress-induced cracking is involved. However, it has not yet been demonstrated for atmospheric corrosion at unloaded aluminum structures. To address this question, the present investigation uses small droplets of a corrosive sodium chloride (NaCl) solution to induce atmospheric corrosion on aluminum alloy AA2024-T351. Operating conditions of an aircraft are simulated by a controlled variation in RH. In addition, videos of the corrosion site are recorded to visually observe the corrosion process. Pitting corrosion is generated and clearly measurable AE signals are detected. An automatic video processing algorithm looking for sudden changes on the corrosion site mainly detects hydrogen bubbles formed when aluminum reacts with aqueous solutions. A clear correlation between the observed pitting corrosion, the AE and the hydrogen bubble activity and the RH, i.e., the electrolyte present at the aluminum surface, is found. Thus, the findings demonstrate the applicability of the AE method for monitoring atmospheric corrosion of aluminum aircraft structures by today’s measurement equipment. Numerous potential effects that can cause measurable AE signals are investigated and discussed. Among these, bubble activity is clearly considered to be the most emissive one.


acoustic emission; atmospheric corrosion; aluminum; aircraft structure; pitting corrosion; hydrogen bubbles; structural health monitoring


Chemistry and Materials Science, Analytical Chemistry

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