According to threading e 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress only 33% of fourth graders and 31% of eighth graders are proficient readers, with significant racial disparities apparent between white students and all other races. Clearly many students leave high school without the reading ability needed to fully access all the opportunities available to skilled readers. Educational tracks for the reading ‘Haves’ and ‘Have Nots’ may diverge in many places, but there are two main places students get derailed from the path to reading proficiency, fluency and understanding. The purpose of this article is to review basic reading development to understand where reading becomes difficult for children, identify specific reading processes integral to reading, clarify what is needed to support good reading development, and consider the results from implementing Readable English in grades three through five.
The trajectory for non-proficient adult readers begins in elementary school with low or even low-average reading fluency (Wanzek et. al, 2013). Every year that reading skills deficits of young readers are not remediated compounds reading comprehension problems adult readers will face (Lesgold & Welch-Ross, 2012; Scammacca et al., 2016). Teachers beyond third grade generally do not have the time to remediate students’ reading fluency skills, so students with reading skills deficits often are passed along the grades (Clemens et al., 2017; Cirino, 2013). A basic knowledge of reading skills development allows us to predict that the older students are, the greater the impact reading fluency deficits have on reading comprehension (Fletcher et al., 2019; Lovett et al., 2021). As reading for information increasingly becomes the focus of instruction, students with weak reading skills suffer in a myriad of ways.
The social effects of low reading ability influence virtually every aspect of a person’s life, impacting financial, social, and educational well-being, as well as physical and mental health (Moats, 2020; Zentall, 2012). No one likes to feel inadequate or to appear incompetent, and this is especially true of children. Students understand at an early age that reading is a key part of their learning responsibility (Boulton, n.d.). As nonproficient readers age, they develop coping mechanisms to cover their difficulty reading that vary in severity and range from guessing or skipping the words they cannot read to disruptive behaviors that divert from engagement in reading activities (Lovett et al., 2021). Other students who struggle with reading seem to disappear in the classroom to avoid drawing notice and are absent frequently. Stories abound of children, adolescents, and adults feigning hearing loss and poor vision rather than admit they cannot read (Boulton, n.d.).
Early literacy development begins before students enter school and is influenced by many factors, including the amount of verbal language they are exposed to, the reading habits of their parents, and whether they were read to as very young children (Foster et al., 2005; Hart & Risley, 1995). Before and during kindergarten, students develop awareness of the individual sounds that make up words. Automatic recognition of word sounds (phonological awareness) and the ability to manipulate basic letter sounds (phonemic awareness) are integral in learning to read (Moats, 2020). Students usually begin sounding out two and three letter real words and word parts during kindergarten (Moats, 2020).
Through third grade, reading fluency is the primary focus of reading instruction, with the focus shifting from reading individual words to reading increasingly complex sentences and connected text (Cain & Oakhill, 2011). The number of words students read correctly and accurately continues to increase dramatically through third grade. Around fourth grade the focus on reading instruction shifts from reading fluency (learning-to-read) to reading comprehension (reading-to-learn), though reading fluency also continues to increase (Cain & Barnes, 2017). Beginning in fourth grade students read increasingly complex text to learn new concepts and develop an expansive vocabulary of rare and academic words (Levesque et al., 2019). This read-to-learn shift is a sharp dividing line between students with adequate reading fluency skills and those who have fluency skills deficits (Gilbert et al., 2013; Wanzek et al., 2013). Educators refer to this as the “fourth-grade slump” as student scores on end-of-year state tests suddenly dip or plateau.
Students with unexpected poor comprehension begin to emerge in fourth grade, as students with average or below average reading fluency struggle to understand what they are reading (Catts et al., 2012; Silverman et al., 2013). Students who appeared to be on track academically with low-average or average fluency through grade three begin encountering longer sentences with academic and multisyllable words that require increasing cognitive resources for comprehension (Eason et al., 2013). Students spending finite cognitive resources on reading the words on the page may struggle to comprehend new content or struggle to assimilate rapidly expanding vocabulary and knowledge bases (Levesque et al., 2019). Unable to develop the requisite vocabulary or build foundational knowledge (schema), new learning is significantly reduced through a combination of non-comprehension, misunderstanding information, or insufficient schema (background knowledge) on which to attach new knowledge (Cain & Oakhill, 2011; Eason et al., 2013; Lovett et al., 2000).
As a result, students in fourth grade who lag slightly behind their peers and who may have seemingly small reading skills deficits are slowly left further behind during grades four and five (Silverman et al., 2013). Beyond grade six those seemingly small reading skills discrepancies are amplified in students who have not built the core knowledge and have not developed the academic vocabulary their peers with strong reading skills have acquired (Cain & Oakhill, 2011; Perfetti & Stafura, 2014). Disfluent readers, unable to read the increasingly complex text of core curriculum, do not develop the rich vocabulary and schema of proficient readers (Perfetti & Stafura, 2014). Every year struggling readers get left further behind their peers as the reading skills gap widens (Clemens et al., 2017; Stanovich, 2009).
The Mechanics of Reading: A Lot of Moving Parts
Successful literacy development can be visualized as a tunnel spiderweb: reading skills build and spiral, integrating multiple mutually supportive processes as new readers progress through the stages of reading. Relying on verbal vocabulary to recognize words, beginning readers decode letters from blended sounds into words to read them aloud (Moats, 2020). Individual words are decoded and quickly and accurately recognized. Rereading words several times adds them to the reader’s mental lexicon (word memory) where they can then be read as whole words, and word reading becomes increasingly automatic as known words are recognized on sight (Ehri, 2014). This process of orthographic mapping is how we create mental images of words.
As word reading becomes easier and faster, reading practice and the volume of words read increases; and beginning readers progress from reading individual words to reading connected text (Ehri, 2015). Exposed to increasingly complex text, developing readers continue to encounter new words which must be decoded and whose meanings must either be recognized or inferred (Schmitt et al., 2011; Perfetti, 2010). Word level reading skills become increasingly less effortful, and more cognitive resources are available for making meaning from text (Perfetti & Stafura, 2014).
Students vary in the ways they form connections between word identification and lexical memory, so a variety of scaffolds are needed to support reading development (Ehri, 2015). The lexical quality of words readers add to their mental lexicon varies in degree of accuracy and depth of knowledge of the words, and is measured in terms of spelling, pronunciation, meaning, and usage (Perfetti, 2007). Readers with higher lexical quality representations of words understand meanings of words used in differing contexts and can use those words. Higher lexical quality of words means faster and more accurate word recognition. When word recognition is automatic, readers can focus on creating meaning from the text rather than on reading the individual words, increasing comprehension (Fletcher et al., 2019). When these processes work smoothly novel words are quickly assimilated, vocabulary grows, and text meaning is synthesized and added to existing schema (Perfetti, 2010; Ehri, 2015). In addition to the complex processes involved in reading, the English language offers particular reading challenges.
English has adopted words from hundreds of languages spoken around the world, resulting in an extremely large and very rich vocabulary (Stockwell & Minkova, 2001). The spelling and pronunciations of adopted words largely has been maintained, meaning many words do not follow basic phonics rules. This creates a tension between understanding the morphology or the phonology of a word. The morphology of an unknown word is seen in its spelling and gives evidence for potential meaning (e.g. foursome), but just as frequently a word’s pronunciation is a clue to its meaning (e.g. wind) (Levesque et al., 2020). Adopting words from other languages with grapho-phonemic correspondences that differ significantly from English often means that words are not pronounced the way they are spelled (e.g. could). Weak grapho-phonemic correspondences mean that many words are not decodable and must be memorized as whole units. Often words change pronunciation with tense changes (e.g., read) or when affixes are added (e.g., live, alive, and livable) and they are pronounced differently among various English-speaking populations.
Given the orthographic and phonemic challenges learning to read and write in English poses, it is unsurprising that most early grades teachers have negative perceptions of scripted phonics programs (Campbell, 2020). Campbell found that early grades teachers are averse to using explicit and systematic phonics programs because they do not like the rigidity of scripted instruction or teaching skills in isolation. Despite current interest in the Science of Reading, teachers continue to perceive explicit reading skills instruction as “drill and kill,” and the widespread belief that rich exposure to reading causes children naturally to grow into skilled readers persists (Jansson, 2020). The dichotomy between a theoretical conception that explicit reading skills instruction is the best way to create skilled readers and actual classroom practices is largely due to time constraints and an inability to embed newly learned reading skills across the curriculum (Campbell, 2020; Jansson, 2020). In other words, reading instruction happens during the reading class time and other subject areas are equally compartmentalized. Teachers continue to report that it is difficult to conceptualize and integrate reading instruction with math, social studies, science, and other core content areas (Jansson, 2020; Campbell, 2020; O’Brien et al., 1995). An inherently complex task, students need thousands of hours of practice to become proficient readers (Lesgold & Welch-Ross, 2012), necessitating cross-curricular reading instruction to get both enough reading instruction and practice reading.
The continuum from decoding to reading fluency to reading comprehension is not always a smooth path (Silverman et al., 2013). Though fundamental to learning, reading is not easy for most students, and a breakdown anywhere in the cycle negatively impacts reading comprehension (Wanzek et. al., 2013). Many discrete skills work multi-directionally to support good reading, which means that having a skills deficit in one or more areas can cause reading to be difficult. The greater the degree of reading difficulty a student experiences, the greater the likelihood that multiple reading skills processes need to be supported (Lovett et al., 2021). The potential number of instructional targets and widespread lack of reading proficiency necessitate the use of robust reading programs that facilitate growth of interrelated skills in both foundational reading fluency and reading comprehension (Fogarty et al., 2014; Lovett et al., 2000). This study examines the effectiveness of a reading intervention program that incorporates multilevel fluency and comprehension activities for students in grades three, four, and five with a wide array or reading skills strengths and weaknesses.
The Present Study
The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether and to what degree Readable English effectively teaches students to read. We wanted to evaluate a sustainable, multiple component reading program that included these key criteria:
Is easy for teachers to implement with fidelity.
Includes multiple components for teaching foundational reading skills (i.e., phonemic awareness, phonological awareness, phonics, orthographic mapping, morphological awareness, syntax) that support reading fluency, vocabulary building, comprehension, and writing.
Includes spiral instruction to identify and remediate skills deficits as they occur.
Embeds literacy across the core curriculum to maximize both time spent reading and exploring new subject matter.
Readable English is a multiple component reading program that helps teachers embed literacy throughout the curriculum. Other teaching methods require memorization of dozens of rules that are not widely applicable to even the most common English words. Words that do not follow the rules have to be memorized and recognized on sight. Using Readable English all words follow phonetic rules using glyphs to stabilize pronunciation and decoding, and silent letters are greyed out. Longer words have pronunciation breaks. Rather than providing leveled readers, this program makes all text completely decodable – including grade level curriculum
Multiple component reading programs include many activities in each of three main domains: reading fluency, vocabulary building, and reading comprehension. Strong reading interventions focus on scaffolding reading at the students’ instructional level in the context of reading, math, and written language, and provide multiple types of activities that reinforce individual reading skills (Fletcher et al., 2019). An example of one type of multiple component reading activity could include the teacher identifying unknown vocabulary and prereading words to connect new vocabulary with prior learning, completing a graphic organizer to synthesize thoughts and organize writing, and working on several short reading fluency and spelling activities all organized around a common theme or central text.
Findings from prior studies indicate that multiple component interventions are particularly effective at remediating reading fluency or reading comprehension skills for students in elementary or middle school grades (Fogarty et al. 2014; Lovett et al. 2021). However, interventions that address fluency as a multilevel construct supporting multiple processes tied to reading comprehension rarely extend beyond repeated reading of text (Fletcher et al. 2019; Lovett et al. 2021). Even fewer studies have investigated the effect of multiple component reading programs on students’ reading fluency and text comprehension across elementary grades (Lovett, et al. 2021). No large-scale studies have previously examined the effectiveness of Readable English across a continuum of reading ability levels in grades three through five.
Because students begin moving away from learning to read in third grade toward reading to learn new information, students with average or lower reading skills need ongoing multiple component supports to catch up to and keep up with their peers (Wanzek et al., 2013). Third, fourth, and fifth grade students whose education was disrupted during the prior school year particularly needed robust instruction to improve their reading. This study investigated whether and to what degree Readable English helped elementary students with average to low reading fluency and reading comprehension improve those skills compared with typical instruction. Two main points of inquiry guided our research. When compared with other students in grades three, four, and five receiving typical practice instruction using Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) multiple component reading program:
Does Readable English instruction promote superior growth of reading fluency? Do oral reading fluency, reading rate measured by words read correctly per minute (WCPM), and/or reading accuracy significantly improve for students in the intervention condition?
Does Readable English, a program supporting fluency at multiple levels, meaningfully improve reading comprehension of students in the intervention condition?
Equity in education begins with making certain all students are proficient readers, and to do that we need sustainable, research proven reading programs designed to support the wide variety of processes involved in reading. Just as reading fluency spirals into increasing vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension, reading instruction must be cyclical to address ongoing and evolving student reading needs. To address these needs teachers should be provided with a program equipped to meet very particular needs across multiple grade levels. Effective reading programs should offer a continuous path forward to support students at their current reading ability level as they read core curriculum and become increasingly skilled readers. Ongoing reading skills instruction that is embedded in the content area reading material helps all learners improve their reading and keeps many students from needing pull-out remedial reading instruction.
Overall reading accuracy improved more than 3% in the intervention condition, which is about nine more words read correctly per double spaced page. Post-intervention, students in the intervention condition also read 22 words read correctly per minute (out of mean 142 WCPM) more than students in the typical practice condition. More rapid and accurate reading was accompanied by grade equivalent gains in reading comprehension. As with prior studies showing that fluency instruction benefits students’ reading comprehension even when they have average reading fluency (Eason et al., 2013; Lovett et al., 2021), students in this study’s intervention condition also experienced comprehension gains. By supporting foundational reading skills development, the Readable English intervention enabled students to develop strong reading comprehension skills. The intervention’s individualized reading supports enabled students to access grade level content while simultaneously offering enrichment opportunities for skilled readers to successfully navigate more difficult text.
Despite pandemic instructional interruptions, students in grades three, four, and five in the Readable English intervention conditions experienced meaningful improvement on all measures of oral reading fluency, reading rate, reading accuracy, and passage reading comprehension compared to students in the typical practice condition who also received instruction using a research proven multiple component reading program. Readable English has high utility for elementary teachers who need to scaffold reading instruction for students with wide ranging learning needs. Estimates for remediating about 30% of learning loss due to the pandemic range from $800 to $3,800 per students (Pan & Sass, 2020). This study shows that Readable English can close reading gaps during the regular school day for a fraction of those eye-watering cost estimates.
Readable English is an excellent tool to accelerate reading growth. The program is equally effective across multiple grade levels because it remediates multiple linguistics skills deficits while providing individualized scaffolding for students in core curriculum. Because the program is easy to use, is scripted, and comes with complete lesson plans, training supports, and individual and small group instructional activities, teachers can implement the program with fidelity. All program content is available online, so teachers do not have to store books or take home heavy books or manuals for weekend lesson planning. The student Progress, Data, and Reports tab makes it easy to track individual and class progress. Students willingly engage with and enjoy using Readable English, elements that are critical for successful learning. Being highly effective, easy for teachers, liked by students, and affordable for districts and homeschool parents alike makes Readable English a viable solution to the national reading crisis.
Limitations and Future Research
Several factors should be considered before attempting to generalize these study findings. First, study participants were not demographically diverse: all students lived in rural areas and most students were white. Future research should include more diverse populations including multilingual learners to better ascertain the program’s generalizability.
Additional measures should be considered in future studies. Teacher and student perceptions of the intervention were not measured, and that qualitative data would help provide insight into teacher and student attitudes about aspects of Readable English. Motivation is often an undervalued factor in learning, and future studies might benefit from comparisons of opinion regarding the intervention and measured reading skills growth. One of the perceived strengths of Readable English is that students and teachers can use the conversion tool and choose the text they want to read. Providing students and teachers with choice and voice about what text to read should increase the fun factor for students and the utility of the program for teachers, but without that qualitative data this is pure speculation.
Technical improvements in the Readable English usage database could enable future researchers to compare aspects of intervention usage (i.e., number of words read, number of text conversions, time on site, number of passages read) to skills improvements. The company database was under revision during this research study, so we unable to determine which types of online activities might be positively correlated with measures of reading fluency or comprehension. There should be a strong correlation between word reading volume and increased oral reading fluency, passage comprehension, and vocabulary skills growth. Future studies should consider including a robust measure of vocabulary as a mediator of decoding and comprehension (Perfetti, 2010).
As with other current long-term studies, the biggest limitations stem from the educational disruptions. Participant attrition, though not significantly different between treatment conditions, diminished group sample sizes. Teacher fatigue probably impacted both treatment conditions, and it remains an unquantified factor; and lost instructional time significantly reduced the planned intervention time. Due to the loss of instructional time, students and teachers did not use the Readable English conversion tool as initially planned. While students in the intervention group showed excellent reading skills growth during the forty-five to sixty hours of received instruction, we cannot know how additional intervention instruction would change the slope of the reading trajectory. Would we see increasing benefits over time, or would learning plateau?