1. Introduction
As the humanity population is growing, more food needs to be produced. The agriculture intensification suggests it becomes more energy demanding. Fossil fuel is substituted with renewables during the global energy transition. The installed capacity and generation of solar PV power plants in the world continue to grow almost exponentially, and the cost of electricity received in new projects has already reached minimum values in many countries as compared to the other generation methods [
1]. While there is no developed infrastructure in the world for the transmission of electricity over very long distances, in most cases PV power plants are located in populated areas where treeless land plots are already largely used for economic activity. In addition, the fastest growing PV power plants are put into operation in economically developed countries [
2], where land is expensive and there are many restrictions on the ways of its use [
Particularly acute conflicts arise over the use of agricultural land, both in connection with the growing need for them to provide food for the growing population, and in connection with desertification and other types of degradation of such lands at a rate of approx. 50 million hectares per year (worldwide) [
4]. As a result, from 1961 to 2016, there was a decrease in the area of arable land per capita by 48%. This led to the development of the UN FAO concept for the creation of integrated food and energy systems [
5]. The solution to this problem is in shared use of areas for both energy generation and other economic activities. For that, photovoltaic modules are integrated into buildings [
6]; are located on waste land or in right-of-the-way of infrastructure objects [
3]; installed at a height sufficient for other land use, for example, agricultural [
7]. The latter way, called agrophotovoltaics, or agrivoltaics (AV), has been rapidly becoming popular recently, as it has been shown that its implementation can significantly increase income per unit area of land when used together for growing crops or grazing livestock and producing energy for sale to the grid and on-site use. The term and principle were proposed back in 1981 [
8], but then it was very far from economic feasibility due to high prices for solar photovoltaic power plants. The installed capacity of AV plants by 2022 was over 14 GW [
9]. If AV were deployed on just 1% of arable land in Europe, that would give over 900 GW of solar power, much more than installed currently [
In Germany, Japan, USA, Italy, Malaysia, Egypt and Chile, the first research and experimental agrivoltaic systems have been established. According to available estimates, by the beginning of 2020, about 2,200 AV systems with a total installed capacity of 2.8 GW were created in the world, which is slightly more than all floating and concentrator PV power plants combined [
11]. Japan, South Korea, China, France, and the USA (Massachusetts) have already been adopted; India and Germany are discussing programs to stimulate the introduction of such systems in agriculture [
12]. Research is being conducted on the perception of AV systems by society and an assessment of possible effects in this direction (for example, stopping the escape of young people from rural areas) [
The main advantage of such a tandem is the additional income received from the generation of energy, and the main problem is the decrease in the yield of some crops due to shading and changes in the soil moisture regime [
14]. As a result, the expected income per unit of farmland area increases on average by 60% [
15], but it can either decrease or reach a 15-fold increase [
16]. Negative effects occur due to changes in soil moisture and lighting regimes during the cultivation of some crops [
15]. The same effects can have a positive result for other crops [
17], dampen the influence of dry or rainy seasons [
18], and stabilise the income of an agricultural producer through diversification of revenue sources and guaranteed sales of electricity throughout the year [
13]. In addition, the constant production of agricultural products reduces the sensitivity to photovoltaic converters degrading over time.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) identifies 3 fundamental approaches to the creation of AV systems: 1) power generation (continuous rows of PV modules with minimal gaps are characteristic); 2) agricultural crops (stand-alone PV with two-axis trackers); 3) joint effect (sparse PV lines). Current research in the field of AV systems is aimed at determining the effects of changes in the microclimate [
20] – first of all, shading [
22] and moisture redistribution [
24] – on the productivity of certain crops, both in the open soil and greenhouses and determination of the final economic effect [
26], incl. the final production of biogas [
27]. Thus, it was shown in [
28] that the level of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) available under the AV is expected to decrease in midday, while in the morning and evening hours, such decrease almost does not occur. The air temperature (dry bulb) under AV systems was lower by 2°С in midday and by 1°С – at the beginning and end of the day (on average lower by 1.65°С). At the same time, the relative air humidity under AV did not differ from the control site in the midday – in the early morning it exceeded it by 7–10%, and in the evening – by 3–5%. The greatest effect from the use of AV with this approach is expected in semi-arid and arid regions [
29], and the most obvious direction of energy use is powering pumps for water supply [
31] and land reclamation.
A decrease in temperature under AV at night, shown in [
28], is an undesirable factor for northern agriculture, but comparison with other works [
19] shows that the temperature can rise if AV screens more than 50% of the sky (for example, grapes from for such an increase it bloomed even earlier [
32]). In general, it has been shown that the temperatures of air, soil and shoots are expected to be in a complex relationship with the AV parameters, local climatic conditions and the characteristics of the cultivated crop [
Although present focus of research in this area is shifted towards determining the degree of susceptibility of certain cultures to the influence of AV and the spatial configuration of these systems in order to achieve the maximum total effect [
26]. At the same time, it is known that it is economically most efficient to use the energy on site, and the lack of energy sources directly in the fields largely limits the economic feasibility of most measures to intensify agriculture. Moreover, there is a seasonal discrepancy between solar power plants energy output and the need for it in the grid, especially the isolated one, which is aggravated from the equator to the poles. Agricultural production has a similar seasonality to solar power plants, which makes the use of energy generated by AV for its intensification expedient and especially attractive in Arctic and remote regions.
Precision (intelligent) farming, vertical greenhouses, and unmanned electric machines [
34] are being actively developed. All those areas require power supply and support structures that AV can provide. Minimising human labour in such systems can help change agricultural practices in many ways. Including the rethinking of the chemical fertilisation scale, because the need to increase yields through those might become less significant, especially given the higher cost of products with various “eco” labels. The resulting energy can be used for the production of fertilisers on site, which can be relevant for hard-to-reach places, for example, for the processing of local natural gas into ammonia fertilisers, phosphates. E.g., in Russia, raw materials are mined in the Arctic, processed in the southern regions, and then shipped all over the world. Such a complicated logistics affects cost, carbon footprint, and overall sustainability of supplies making those dependent on too many factors.
Obtaining high-quality fertilisers when using agricultural wastes in biogas power plants, the operation of those is also possible in combination with thermal photoelectric modules [
35]. Also, the production of bio-hydrogen from agricultural wastes is becoming more and more relevant [
36]. The importance of hydrogen as an energy carrier has been rethought recently, and the global environmental agenda forces to shift the priorities in energy carriers towards hydrogen, moreover, produced in a "green" way, using renewable technologies, not fossil fuels.
The aim of this review is to discuss the appropriate ways to use AV for the intensification of agriculture. This approach is in line with global trends for the intensification and robotisation [
34] of agriculture, deep processing of products on site, the transition to the use of electric transport and renewable energy sources (RES). In many countries it could be demanded due to the difficulty for an agricultural producer to connect to power grids in general or as a prosumer (both consumer and generator) and loss of agricultural or ‘green tariff’ support since AV is considered as neither rather than both agricultural and renewable energy enterprise. It will also be relevant in places of decentralised energy supply and risky farming, incl. Arctic regions (especially in combination with wind power plants). There, it could change the way of farming drastically. In this way, not only ensuring food security in remote regions, but also improving the quality of people's life significantly, creating jobs, and reducing energy bills (by substitution of expensive to deliver fossil fuel). Fresh vegetables and other relatively perishable products that cannot be frozen are in most cases delivered there by air, which makes their prices prohibitive.
3. Future trends
Energy can be used both in the traditional way – to drive agricultural machines and mechanisms, and in a less traditional way – to provide optimal conditions and stimulate physiological processes, incl. when converting to other forms of energy, creating conditions for processing and storing products on site (which reduces transportation costs compared to raw materials and allows getting the maximum profit at the current level of development of electronic commerce), pest repelling [
46]. Options for using the obtained energy for electric [
47], thermal [
49], magnetic [
52], mechanical [
53], and acoustic [
54] stimulation of plant growth will be considered; control of temperature and light conditions; chemical composition, humidity, flow of air, water and substrate; power supply of agricultural machinery and equipment, incl. for primary processing and storage of products. In addition to energy, it is also proposed to consider the possibilities of the associated use of AV supporting structures to create supports for plants, protective fences (e.g., against insects or hail), rails for machines and mechanisms. At the same time, we will not focus on passive change in microclimate associated with the AV, which is the present research mainstream in the world [
Currently, the problem of photovoltaic (PV) modules recycling after their lifetime expiry is emerging [
56]. Older modules have specified lifetime of 20 years [
57], while Europe’s first PV power plant TISO-10 in Switzerland is still working with 80% of its nameplate capacity being 40 years old [
59] (noteworthy, the invertors have been substituted 5 times). Newer solar panels have a guaranteed lifetime of 30 years with a potential to be improved to 50 years [
60]. It should be borne in mind that, in this case, we do not mean a technical failure, but a decrease in productivity, as a rule, by 20% of the initial one. With the continued decline in the price of PV converters, recycling to recover and reuse materials is not always cost effective. Therefore, it is gaining popularity to send such PV modules for further use in countries where a decrease in output is not so critical compared to a significant decrease in capital costs [
55]. Usually the criterion is the availability of waste land for the placement of solar photovoltaic power plants [
61]. It is quite possible that for a number of AV systems this approach will also be beneficial.
The AV approaches will make it possible to create the prerequisites for farming at future extra-terrestrial bases. The nearest planned one is on Mars; there is also the potential for creating such bases on the Moon.
3.1. Conversion to biogas
In order to utilise agricultural organic waste and obtain highly efficient fertilisers, the introduction of anaerobic bioconversion systems (biogas plants) has a great potential. Conversion of agricultural waste allows harnessing CO
2 otherwise released to the atmosphere at putrescence. The main disadvantage in this case is the need for energy to maintain conversion processes - substrate heating, driving electric mechanisms, production processes monitoring, etc. Those are normally powered by burning the resulting biogas. In AV, it is possible to convert solar radiation both for heating the substrate of biogas plants using solar thermal collectors, and for powering equipment using solar panels. It is also possible to obtain both thermal and electric energy in one solar module (PV/T), as well as high temperatures for various technological processes of anaerobic bioconversion systems using solar concentrators. Using energy from AV allows getting higher biogas net output, and biogas becomes an energy storage to be used for dispatchable power supply in stand-alone systems [
64]. Such combinations are also used in trigeneration systems including an internal combustion engine and an adsorption heat pump [
65]. PV panels can also be used in biogas plants for DC power supply of small power microbial electrolysis cells in order to intensify the process of anaerobic digestion [
The use of photovoltaic modules in anaerobic bioconversion systems occurs in a rather narrow segment of the energy supply of systems due to the specific distribution of the shares of electricity and heat consumption of such systems, when the use of thermal energy for own needs prevails over the use of electrical energy. Heating of the substrate during anaerobic treatment of organic waste to 35–55°C with the help of solar thermal collectors is used all over the place, and the designs of such systems can be unusual - the installation of solar thermal collectors on top of the tank, where fermentation takes place and thus forming a sealed structure below ground level [
67]. Basically, solar thermal collectors are used in systems with active mixing of the substrate [
68], as well as with heat recovery systems [
69]. Adding heat pumps to such systems also increases their efficiency. To solve the problem of unavailability of solar radiation at night, a hybrid system (solar thermal and electric) is proposed, which provides the necessary mesophilic conditions for the operation of a biogas plant [
69]. Thermal energy obtained from solar thermal collectors can be stored in thermally insulated tanks, thanks to which there is a continuous supply of an anaerobic reactor with warm water [
69]. Thermal energy storage can also take place with a phase change heat storage device, making solar anaerobic bioconversion systems more efficient in winter [
69]. In thermostatic anaerobic bioconversion systems, the use of solar thermal collectors is also relevant to meet the needs of farmers for cooking fuel in cold rural areas [
70]. Efficient and stable operation of biogas plants in mesophilic and thermophilic conditions when the plant is supplied with heat using solar thermal collectors can be ensured even in cold and arid regions [
71], but optimization plays a big role in operating conditions and anaerobic digestion temperature [
Thus, along with photovoltaic modules and solar photovoltaic roofing panels, thermal converters of solar radiation are of great interest, the shape of which in the form of roofing panels will also reduce roofing costs, and the use of recycled plastic will improve the ecological state of the environment. Due to the absence of expensive photovoltaic converters in the design of thermal solar roofing panels, the cost of such panels is low and even the most remote and low-budget households can afford to install such solar modules. The solar thermal roofing panel is designed to supply heat to agricultural facilities in an autonomous mode or in parallel with the existing heat network and is built into the structural elements of the roofs of buildings and structures.
The most promising and valuable from the point of view of cost and optimization of energy flows is the simultaneous introduction of photovoltaic and thermal converters of solar radiation into anaerobic bioconversion systems, which will allow simultaneous electricity supply of various components, as well as thermal heating of the substrate. Such systems have shown their techno-economic feasibility of integration and operation [
74]. The photovoltaic module and solar thermal collector can be made as a single solar photovoltaic thermal module, which can be made in the form of the solar photovoltaic thermal roofing panel, the base of which is made of recycled plastic [
75], and the structure itself provides protective and energy-generating functions when its electrical rating is about 40 - 50 years due to the use of a two-component polysiloxane compound in the sealing of high-efficiency photovoltaic converters, the electrical efficiency of which can reach 20%. The use of such planar solar photovoltaic thermal modules is advisable as a finishing material for agricultural buildings and facilities (cowshed, poultry house, greenhouses, etc.), which will increase the generation of electrical and thermal energy and not use land for the location of solar modules, however, the optimal slope of solar modules when located above ground for a certain geographical area of the farm will also provide high production throughout the year. When growing crops under solar modules with their ground-based location, the allocation of land for the construction of a solar installation is offset by the sale of agricultural products from an economic point of view.
Also, for the heat supply of anaerobic bioconversion systems and agricultural facilities, it is advisable to use heat pumps (air, in particular), the power supply and heated coolant for which can be provided by air-cooled solar photovoltaic thermal modules in the form of a siding panel, which function as a building material for facing the walls of buildings. Such an disposition of the solar module will provide high energy production in low solstice days, improve dust and precipitation removal from the surface of the module and ensure cooling of the building walls during periods of high solar irradiation, and in winter provide better thermal insulation, which will reduce energy consumption for air conditioning and heating of the house space. The heated air of air-cooled photovoltaic thermal modules can also be used for drying agricultural products, when air cooling of photovoltaic converters increases their electrical efficiency.
3.2. Growth stimulation
A huge amount of data accumulated by agricultural science in terms of managing the timing of growth, flowering and fruiting; productivity; commercial properties of various crops; methods of tillage, shoots, harvest; storage and processing of products - needs analysis from the point of view of technical and economic feasibility of use in combination with AV, which is missing in the published literature.
The methods considered are: 1) increasing the intensity and duration of exposure to photosynthetically active radiation when converting solar radiation into a yield photon flux (YPF) using LEDs and luminescent concentrators, as well as the use of organic photovoltaic cells and facet concentrators that skip ranges of maximum YPF for converting other sections of the spectrum into electricity; 2) change in the speed of movement and air composition, incl. sequestration of gases for use as fertilisers, saturation of nutrient media; 3) electro-, thermo- and magneto-, acoustic stimulation of plant growth; 4) power supply of agricultural machinery, mechanisms, instruments and equipment; 5) incidental use of structures to create pest barriers, plant supports and equipment.
The efficiency of solar energy conversion in modern PV is much higher than in photosynthesis [
44]. Accordingly, if the electricity generated by the AV could be imparted in some way to the plants, this could contribute to an increase in yield [
76]. It is especially interesting to initiate with the help of these energy processes involving additional sources of energy from the environment. The efficiency of converting electricity in narrow-band LEDs exceeds 50%. The balance between respiration and photosynthesis is achieved at a PAR level of about 125 μmol/m2/s [
45]. A decrease in the PAR level under AV for potatoes [
19] and lettuce [
13] naturally led to an increase in the foliage area, which is an economically significant result for the latter.
Next, we will make a simple estimate. The nutritional value of potatoes is 770 kcal/kg (0.32 GJ/100 kg), and the average yield is about 5 t/ha, then the potential yield is (16 GJ/ha, or 4.44 MWh/ha) in 120 days. The specific installed capacity of a typical AV system is about 330 kW/ha, focused on the joint effect, during the period of potato ripening with an installed capacity utilisation factor of 0.2 (in summer it is higher than the annual average), the generation will be 190 MWh/ha. Obviously, if at least some of this energy can be imparted to the plants, this will significantly increase yields.
In northern regions, it is advisable to combine greenhouses heating with thermal stabilisation of permafrost [
77] under buildings and structures (which is especially important in connection with climate warming), pumping heat from the latter to the former using heat pumps, and in winter time - to heat storage facilities without freezing. We have performed such an experiment in Arkhangelsk, Russia (our unpublished data, used a facility similar to described in [
78]) and got nearly doubled yields of cucumbers and tomatoes.
3.3. Suggestions for future work
For power supply, a combination with kW-class wind turbines is also to be considered. The northern regions are well provided with wind resources, relatively evenly distributed throughout the year, while on a daily time scale there is a negative correlation between the production from PV and wind turbines [
79]. The use of wind turbines will increase the intensity and reliability of power supply, and the cost of their installation should be reduced due to the shared use of AV supports and other infrastructure.
Since DC is generated by PV, stored in batteries, consumed by electronic equipment and motor-wheels, and the inverter is quite expensive and not too reliable for use outdoors, it is reasonable to use direct current as much as possible on-site where long-distance transfer losses are negligible [
43]. These trends must also be taken into account in the development of methods for the local use of energy obtained from AV.
The possibilities of using low-potential solar concentrators needs to be investigated in the context of shading and an increase in electricity generation, cost of concentrators and PV panels (particularly with selective transmission). At the current level of technology development, it is in such concentration systems (selective and holographic concentrators of solar radiation) that it is easier to implement wavelength selection with the aim of minimising PAR shielding. It also suggests feasibility study of a ground-based PV in combination with plastic Fresnel lenses.
When PV are located on the ground, it is easier to divert heat from them to the soil, to reduce shading [
80], and the above-ground location of lighter and more flexible concentrators will facilitate supporting structures and increase their resistance to wind loads, and enhance the greenhouse effect for open ground. In such concentrators, it is also possible to implement such a dependence of the refractive index on the wavelength in order to reduce the YPF loss.
Feasibility study is needed in using special PV designs – transparent with a sparse arrangement of PV cells (to minimise shielding of scattered radiation and homogenization of soil illumination); with luminescence centres introduced into the cover and underlying layers of the panels to convert solar radiation into the most efficient YPF compensating shading losses.
For sure, power availability all over agricultural sites opens great opportunities for plant physiology and agrochemistry experiments seemed to be impractical and expensive earlier.
In addition to science and engineering, a great legal work should be done to make agrivoltaics attractive and easy to implement. The first national standard for this (DIN SPEC 91434) was developed in Germany in 2021. It sets up the priority of agricultural use over generation. On-site energy use can make this approach stronger and more sustainable since green-tariffs become less applicable considering the current and future scale of solar power in the world and its LCOE compared to traditional generation.