3.1. Compositional Analysis
Two types of disposable masks were selected among those largely available and commonly used for personal protection from airborne diseases, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic,
i.e., surgical masks (type IIR certified) and filtering respirators (type FFP2 certified). Identification of the components of the fabric layers was carried out by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy based on the assignment of the main characteristic vibration bands [
15] and through optical microscopy to discriminate between manufacturing processes. All the results shown in this work refer to only three specific commercial items, but very similar compositional evidence was obtained from the preliminary evaluation of many other identical-type masks and respirators available in the European market. In particular, we verified that surgical masks usually contain three layers of nonwoven isotactic PP fabric produced either by the spunbond process or melt-blowing [
18], where the latter consists of a softer and bulkier web with a smaller fibre diameter and pore size. Indeed, the melt-blown PP fabric constitutes the inner filter, whereas the external spunbond layers may be apparently different (coloured outwards side and white, uncoloured inwards side) or be uncoloured and very similar to each other, as in the selected model A and B, respectively (
Table 1). The dye used for the fabrication of the outwards side of model A (layer A1) could not be identified, but it may be supposed that a common anthraquinone or phthalocyanine blue-based master batch was mixed with PP chips by a melt dyeing process to obtain a homogeneous mass-colouring [
On the other hand, the typical FFP2 respirator is formed by at least 5 layers, which in the case of the selected item, herewith named model C, were identified as shown in
Table 1. The two external layers, C1 and C5, made of melt-blown PP, are almost identical to those found in IIR masks, C3 and C4 are made of spunbond PP, as for the inner layer of model A and B, and C2 was identified as a PE/PET sheath-core bicomponent spunbond nonwoven fabric (C2 ATR-FTIR spectrum is shown in
Figure S1a). All the PP components of model C, as well as those of model A and B, showed almost identical spectra, except the layers C3 and C4, in which an additional peak centred at 1541 cm
-1 is visible and can possibly be assigned to triazinic compounds as those belonging to hindered amine light stabilizers (C3 ATR-FTIR spectrum is shown in
Figure S1b) [
20]. Finally, it is worth citing that in some of the analysed commercial FFP2 respirators, all the inner layers are made of PP, and exactly for such reason, they were not considered within this study as not adding further variables.
On such basis, the layers listed below were considered as representative of the variety of materials found in masks and respirators and were submitted to artificial ageing treatments:
A1 (spunbond light blue PP);
A2 (melt-blown PP, identical to B2);
B1 (spunbond PP, very similar to A3, B3 and C5);
C1 (spunbond PP, very similar to B1 but with a higher fibre density);
C2 (PE/PET hot air cotton);
C3 (spundbond PP with light stabilizers, as C4).
To study the weathering of these materials in times shorter than those necessary under natural conditions, we applied a common material science practice in which the factors affecting polymer degradation are simulated and controlled through opportune environmental chambers [
22]. In this investigation, ageing was accelerated in two different ways to compare and bolster the results: irradiation of the fabric samples in a photo-ageing device equipped with a solar-like lamp (filtered for ≤ 295 nm) or through isothermal treatments in an oven at temperatures which do not imply a regime of macromolecular motion different from that occurring under natural conditions. For PP, that corresponds to a temperature necessarily higher than room temperature but lower than its melting temperature (ca. 160℃). It is largely accepted that the conditions of simulated ageing assays do not trigger unexpected reactions: either artificial solar light or isothermal treatment at a moderate temperature essentially accelerates the same chemical changes as those occurring in the long term under environmental conditions, also taking into account that for vinyl polymers weathering pathways are commonly related to oxidative degradation [
3.2. Accelerated Degradation
The temperature used for the isothermal treatment, i.e., 110℃, was selected based on the results of preliminary tests at lower temperatures, which showed only negligible structural or optical changes after exposure up to 500 hours. The choice was also taken considering previously published studies on PP oxidation, either in bulk or in thin films, emphasizing that higher temperatures are incompatible with diffusion-limited oxidation and trigger unwanted degradation processes [
24]. Standard accelerated photoageing was carried out at a controlled temperature of 24℃ and, additionally, at 44℃ to evaluate the further effect of temperature increase on the photooxidative behaviour. Formation of volatile compounds and surface changes, often associated with transformations in polymers, were monitored by gravimetric determination, SEM, and evaluation of colour changes to follow the progress of degradation reactions. Moreover, ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and DSC periodically checked treatment-induced structural and morphological changes.
The weight losses of reference specimens during the isothermal treatment were almost negligible for all the layers, except for A1, A2, and C1, which start to lose a significant weight fraction under isothermal conditions, after ca. 200 h, 900 h and 300 h, respectively (
Figure 1). These data apparently contradict previous studies, indicating that a very small amount of volatile products is released by the oxidation of PP (essentially very low molecular weight oxygen-containing molecules and hydrocarbons), even at higher temperatures or under different conditions of oxidative degradation [
26]. The formation of volatiles from PP layers at 110℃ cannot be excluded, but most of the weight loss is possibly related to a different phenomenon that could be appreciated by optical microscopy and SEM, as well as through an observed increasing fragility of samples during manipulation, e.g., with pliers. Extensive rupture of fibres with a diameter of around 25 mm is especially evident in A1 and C1 (as an example, SEM images of C1 exposed to the isothermal treatment are shown in
Figure 2), where a fragilization of the network leads to the formation of small fragments that eventually are released during the weighting procedure. This detached fraction was macroscopically perceived as impalpable dust (
Figure S2).
To support this hypothesis, it is worth highlighting that extensive embrittlement and progressive pulverization of layer A2 was observed since 150 h and 100 h photoageing at 24℃ and 44℃, respectively, and after 325-500 h photoageing at 44℃ for the other PP layers, entailing continuous mechanical stress of the fibres exposed to the forced-air circulation. That behaviour possibly indicates the beginning of the oxidation process leading to the formation of surface cracks [
27], which effect is more important for the smaller diameter of the A2 fibres (5-20 μm) resulting from the melt-blown processing of this specific layer. Bigger spunbond fibres, such as those of A1 and C1, although already affected by oxidation processes (as also confirmed below by FTIR spectroscopy), do not reach critical conditions under forced-air circulation stress (at 24℃) or do reach it for times longer than A2 fibres (at 44℃).
The evolution of structural changes shown by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy is comparable for all the PP layers under the different accelerated ageing conditions and similar to that previously reported for PP films [9,28-30]. Only C2 did not show any relevant changes over ageing, apart from a very limited broadening of the carbonyl peak, confirming the good oxidative stability of PET-based fibres. PP oxidation mainly resulted in the formation of carbonyl groups easily detectable in the 1600-1800 cm
-1 range (as an example, ATR-FTIR spectra of A1 under isothermal and photoageing conditions are shown in
Figure 3). However, distinct layers showed different oxidative extent during the considered treatments' time.
As visible in
Figure 4a, showing the carbonyl index evolution of PP layers under isothermal conditions, A1 has the shortest induction period, defined as time to carbonyl index increase onset, followed by C1. In contrast, the remaining layers begin to show signs of oxidation only after at least 500 h of treatment. The oxidative stability order C3>B1>A2>C1>A1 is in good agreement with the abovementioned fragilization, and also with the colour changes trends shown below, which may be tentatively ascribed to the presence of polymeric antioxidants or previous thermal processing. In the case of C3, the highest stability is due to the detected triazinic compounds acting as a stabilizer. Also the relative stability order of the other layers may be related to the possible presence of different amounts of stabilizers in their formulation, e.g., hindered phenolic antioxidants, typically found in PPs and difficult to be detected by FTIR spectroscopy. In addition, the highest oxidizability of A1 was related to the spunbond processing of PP with the blue master-batch, in turn obtained by thermal processing of a PP/dye mixture, which becomes more sensitive to further degradation treatments as appreciable by the absence of a relevant induction time.
On the other hand, the induction periods under photoageing at 24℃ are shorter (
Figure 4b), and the carbonyl indexes rapidly reach similar plateau values, i.e., around 0.14-0.17 for all the PP layers except the triazinic stabilized C3, which are in any case smaller than those measured during the isothermal treatment. Further experiments of simulated photoageing at 44℃ showed even shorter induction periods than those at 24℃ but with higher carbonyl peaks, with maximum carbonyl index values of around 0.45 (see, e.g., ATR-FTIR spectra of A1 in
Figure 3c), and an extensive embrittlement and pulverization of the PP layers that limited the simulation to 100-500 h, as abovementioned.
The achievement of different carbonyl index thresholds, depending on the accelerated ageing conditions, does not imply the development of distinct degradation mechanisms but confirms that the oxidation is diffusion-limited [
32]. Photoageing seems to favour the initiation of the oxidation process with respect to isothermal conditions, but at 24℃ oxygen starvation prevents the extensive formation of oxygen-containing groups. In contrast, their easier and deeper development at 44℃, as an effect of a higher oxygen diffusion, shortly leads to a collapse of the fabric, even under moderate mechanical stress due to the air-cooling system.
Moreover, the differences between the spectra of isothermally and photoaged PP (such as those visible comparing
Figure 3a and 3b), and in particular, the presence of a clearer shoulder at ca. 1640 cm
-1 of the carbonyl group of carboxylic acids at 1713 cm
-1 and a broad band in the 3200-3600 cm
-1 hydroxyl region appearance under photoageing, may be explained within a common oxidation mechanism. Photooxidation and thermooxidation of PP produce the same oxidation products, but their relative concentrations are different as an effect of photochemical Norrish-type reactions [
33]. The well-known auto-accelerating mechanism of oxidation of hydrocarbons induces the formation of hydroperoxides [
35], which decompose to form alkoxy radicals, mostly undergoing b-scission with the formation of different carbonyl compounds [
36]. These degradation products are carboxylic acids (the most abundant), ketones, esters, and lactones, visible at 1713 cm
-1, around 1720 cm
-1, 1735 cm
-1, and 1780 cm
-1, respectively. Concerning the hydroxyl domain, it is agreed that the broad band peaking up between 3300 and 3500 cm
-1 is due to the absorptions of bonded hydroperoxides with a very small contribution to the OH absorption of isolated acids. The appearance of a peak at 1640 cm
-1 under photoageing conditions was attributed to the partial decomposition of ketones and especially acid groups by Norrish-type II reactions resulting in the formation of vinyl groups [
27]. In addition, one can expect that such vinyls disappear as an effect of further oxidation, e.g., through hydrogen abstraction from the carbon in α-position to the C=C, but, as already observed for polyethylene [
33], such reaction is strongly affected by the temperature of photoageing. Thus, it is slower at 24℃ than 44℃, leading to a higher accumulation of vinyl groups at the lowest temperature.
Colour changes of PP layers were measured by a spectrophotometer in the CIELAB colour space and were considered as an early indicator of oxidation processes, also leading to the formation of chromophores. A2, B1, and C3 showed little changes during the isothermal treatment, smaller or close to ΔE = 2 and 4 (
Figure 5), which are considered threshold values of minimal detectable difference for saturated and unsaturated colours, respectively [
37]. C1 did not show relevant changes up to more than 500 h of treatment, whereas A1 colour changes were clearly perceptible since 250 h, reaching ΔE = 25.2 at 1000 h. Images corresponding to the absolute colour coordinates of some layers are shown in
Figure 5C for a direct visualization of the chromatic evolution as an effect of ageing. A more detailed analysis of the evolution of L*, a* and b* coordinates, shown in
Table S1, indicates that in all the layers, except A1, the most relevant variation is that of Δb*, indicating a progressive yellowing, reaching a maximum value of 15.5 for C1. In the case of the light blue layer A1, the colour change is more complex, also indicating a progressive decrease of lightness (ΔL* = -13.4) and a conversion to greener values (Δa* = -19.3) after 1000 h, possibly due to both chromophore formation in the polymer (as in the other layers) and dye fading [
Accelerated photoageing at 24℃ also induce colour changes but with a different effect on colorimetric parameters (
Figure 5b and
Table S2). Changes are generally smaller than those visible under isothermal conditions and mostly result from an extensive lightness decrease, e.g., ΔL* up to 17.5 and 7.2 for A1 and B1, respectively, while only very little changes (in the range 0.5-1.8) were detected for the chromatic coordinates a* and b*. As a fact, layer yellowing is visually undetectable.
Furthermore, the abovementioned photochemical processes involving the decomposition of carbonyl-containing chromophores, responsible for extensive yellowing visible by isothermal ageing, may account for the limited colour changes detected for the chromatic coordinates a and b for the case of photoaged PP.
Advancement of degradation processes in PP may additionally be followed through an indirect evaluation of the chemical changes influencing polymer crystallinity [
39]. It is well known that a typical DSC curve of PP displays a wide and complex endothermic melting peak, with a main maximum accompanied by one or more shoulders. All the PP layers showed an initial melting temperature,
Tm, with the maximum of the main peak in the approximate range of 155-165℃, as expected for industrial isotactic PP. The small deviation between the layers is related to different processing parameters, e.g., melt-blown vs. spunbond, processing temperature, or fibre diameter, which affect the final polymer molecular weight and crystallites characteristics [
40]. Recent studies on the oxidation of PP films revealed the correlation between their thermal and mechanical properties, and hydroperoxide formation, and in particular, the effect of the very beginning of oxidation on the
Tm [
41]. As visible in
Table 2, where the main melting peak temperature is shown, also in the case of the analysed nonwoven fabrics, the
Tm decrease resulted in being a good indicator of incipient oxidation. For example, DSC curves of A1 before and after 1000 h isothermal treatment at 110℃ are shown in
Figure S3. Comparing the growth of carbonyl indexes shown in
Figure 4 with
Tm values, a direct relationship between the appearance of carbonyls and the
Tm changes may be observed. In particular, ageing under isothermal conditions induced a significant
Tm decrease in A1 and C1 after 250 h and 500 h, respectively, corresponding to their carbonyl accumulation. The shorter induction periods under accelerated photoageing at 24℃ correspond to faster
Tm changes (
Table 3), whereas lower plateau values of the carbonyl indexes are associated with smaller decreases in all the layers.
This behaviour seems to confirm the hypothesis of an implication of the crystallite interfaces in the initiation step of the oxidation process [
42], where the
Tm drop was explained in terms of an increase of the surface energy of the crystallites as a result of the development of oxidation products onto their surfaces. At the same time, such changes justify the reported sudden loss of mechanical properties of PP films before the end of the induction period [
43] and may be considered the cause of the abovementioned embrittlement of layers. Finally, as a secondary effect of PP photooxidation, it is worth remembering the so-called partial chemi-crystallization [
44], which has not been specifically studied for the selected specimens but could account for the lightness decrease (
Figure 5 and
Table S1 and S2) as a consequence of some changes in the PP crystalline structure.