5.1. Convergence Regularity of Complement Weight Function
To avoid proving weight function W[a] converging to 0(it is not easily to prove strictly the numerator part must be equal to 0 finally), build its complement weight function. Build:
, the highest bit of a is 2m.
Through the proof and introduction above, we know Wc[a] monotonically increases except when corresponding odd bi in sequence of ai is 1 or 3, and these exception cases are not worth worrying about. And we also know the convergence state of Wc[a] is .
Suppose odd a0, a1, a2 are three elements in order in sequence, a0 is equal to a, then
, where 2
p is 2
k in first step
Observe this formula, when 2
p is equal to 2 or 4,
, suppose this ratio is
, then
When n->∞, , this is a convergence state, in actual case, it needs a limit number n steps to reach to(or bigger than) , because the ratio is .
when 2p is bigger than 4, is , but still , Wc[a] also increases, Wc[a] can converge in (k is any positive integer), not only . This increases the convergence chance of Wc[a].
Observe the varying of fraction in lowest terms of Wc[a], the denominator part is equal, smaller, or 2 times of previous(because the numerator part at least can be divided by 2 in each step) in each step, when is equal, the numerator part should increase, it is possible to converge, when is 2 times of previous, the total value also increase, when is smaller, the total value should not only be bigger than the value of front Wc[a] with same denominator part(if exists), but also be bigger than all Wc[a] follow it. And in long sequence, usually appear smaller case, it has many chances to appear , especially when the front element is already close to its convergence state. For example, suppose 177/256 is in sequence, if some following element with same denominator part 256 appear after many steps, its value should be bigger than all the elements between 177/256 and itself, it is much possible to be equal to 255/256.
Continuously observe W
c[a], even in the 2 times case, elements are closer to convergence state by themselves. Suppose the denominator part of fraction in lowest terms of
is 2
2m<a<2m+1-1, if a is not equal to 11…101, which is very close to its convergence state 11…1, the above formula is <0. Thus prove the above conclusion.
Below give an example of start number 27 in odd sequence to verify, some decimals are written in the form which is easily to be judged equal to, bigger or smaller than 0.75.
Odds in sequence are:
Wc[a] sequence:
5.2. An Equivalent Description of Collatz Conjecture
Through above we know, it can be written in following forms:
, b-1<>0 mod 4, or
, b-1≡0 mod 4, in which b is the corresponding odd of a in sequence, b-1 reflects the 0-bits in the tail part of a.
Then Collatz Conjecture can be described as: With any odd a in range of 2k to 2k+1-1, set its initial goal set is 2j+1-1(j<=k), its tail part is b, do operation: try to do (b-1) divided by 4, if can not, shift left one bit of a, plus the result of shifting right one bit of b(the 0-bits in the tail part of a), and add 2k+2-1 to goals set of a, this operation makes the 0-bits in the tail part of a shift right or count reduce; if can, a plus the result of (b-1) divided by 4, this operation not only makes the 0-bits in the tail part of a shift right or count reduce, but also reduces the odds count about 1/4 to its goal 2k+1-1, furthermore, if the last result is even, it can reduce a fraction of using 2k+1 as denominator, this makes it can reach its previous goal 2j+1-1(j<=k) possibly. Do these operations repeatedly, it has unlimited chances to reach to one of its goal set.
Through above we know, if sequence have only /2 and(or) /4 cases, the sequence can never converge, /2 case makes goal of a in sequence larger, /4 case needs ∞ steps. But it is not possible in long sequence, this is determined by the regularity of tail binary bits of odd doing operation. Odds of form *10…01(many 0), result can do /4, Odds of form *11…11(many 1), result can do /2, these two cases must become other forms after several steps. Odds with other forms, themselves and their following steps must appear alternately /2, /4, /2k(k>2) cases.
6. (*3+2^. m-1)/2^k Odd Tree and Its Convergence Regularity
6.1. (*3+2^m-1)/2^k Odd Tree and Its Characters
We call 2k are the properties of odds after doing operation. See following tree:
L6: 129(321.1) 131(81.3) 133(327.1) 135(165.2) 137(333.1) 139(21.5) 141(339.1) 143(171.2) 145(345.1) 147(87.3) 149(351.1) 151(177.2) 153(357.1) 155(45.4) 157(363.1) 159(183.2) 161(369.1) 163(93.3) 165(375.1) 167(189.2) 169(381.1) 171(3.8) 173(387.1) 175(195.2) 177(393.1) 179(99.3) 181(399.1) 183(201.2) 185(405.1) 187(51.4) 189(411.1) 191(207.2) 193(417.1) 195(105.3) 197(423.1) 199(213.2) 201(429.1) 203(27.5) 205(435.1) 207(219.2) 209(441.1) 211(111.3) 213(447.1) 215(225.2) 217(453.1) 219(57.4) 221(459.1) 223(231.2) 225(465.1) 227(117.3) 229(471.1) 231(237.2) 233(477.1) 235(15.6) 237(483.1) 239(243.2) 241(489.1) 243(123.3) 245(495.1) 247(249.2) 249(501.1) 251(63.4) 253(507.1) 255
L5: 65(161.1) 67(41.3) 69(167.1) 71(85.2) 73(173.1) 75(11.5) 77(179.1) 79(91.2) 81(185.1) 83(47.3) 85(191.1) 87(97.2) 89(197.1) 91(25.4) 93(203.1) 95(103.2) 97(209.1) 99(53.3) 101(215.1) 103(109.2) 105(221.1) 107(7.6) 109(227.1) 111(115.2) 113(233.1) 115(59.3) 117(239.1) 119(121.2) 121(245.1) 123(31.4) 125(251.1) 127
L4: 33(81.1) 35(21.3) 37(87.1) 39(45.2) 41(93.1) 43(3.6) 45(99.1) 47(51.2) 49(105.1) 51(27.3) 53(111.1) 55(57.2) 57(117.1) 59(15.4) 61(123.1) 63
L3: 17(41.1) 19(11.3) 21(47.1) 23(25.2) 25(53.1) 27(7.4) 29(59.1) 31
L2: 9(21.1) 11(3.4) 13(27.1) 15
L1: 5(11.1) 7
L0: 3
In above tree, a.b in () means result is a*2
b after front odd doing
operation, m_th layer has 2
m elements, the last element is the convergence state. Characters of 2
k are very regular, for example, upward from a specific layer, positions of 2 are 1+2i(i>=0), upward from another specific layer, positions of 2
2 are 4+4i, positions of 2
3 are 2+8i, positions of 2
4 are 14+16i…, this can be easily proved strictly. For example, odds of position 2+8i in m layer are 2
m+1-1+(2+8i)*2, (0=<i<=[(2
Can be divided by 23, result is odd if m+1>3. And because the highest bit of the result odd is 2m, it must be in m-1 layer, downward one layer from m layer.
Through above, we can easily prove that if the property of an odd is 21, it moves upward one layer(and also moves forward some location), if the property of an odd is 22, it moves forward in the same layer, if the property of an odd is 2k(k>2), it moves downward k-2 layers(and also moves forward some location).
In this tree, because element count of each layer is 2 times of which of the downward layer, we can transform all positions to one specific layer, m-2 layer transform to m-1 layer do , m layer transform to m-1 layer do , etc. Then all transform positions(to m-1 layer) can not exceed 2m-1!
Next try to prove odds in any layer can converge. We know loop odd sequence and divergence odd sequence both are long non-convergence sequence(expand loop sequence). Below suppose the research sequence is long huge(odds in sequence are huge) sequence.
6.2. Transform Position Sequence and Its Convergence
Suppose a is an odd in m-1 layer, its highest bit is 2m.
Position of a in m-1 layer is: ,
, b is in layer m-p1+1
Position of b in m-p1+1 layer is: ,
Position of b in m-1 layer is:
, c is in layer m+3-p1-p2
Position of c in m+3-p1-p2 layer is:
Position of c in m-1 layer is:
, ratio p is:
Because in long huge sequence, 2m+1-a is very big, the ratio p is very close to 3/4. Only these cases ratio p<3/4: p2=1, p1>=2; p2=2, p1>=3. This is to say: cases of (forward, upward), (downward, upward), (downward, forward) ratio <3/4; cases of (upward, upward), (downward, downward), (upward, downward), (upward, forward), (forward, downward) ratio >3/4; case of (forward, forward) ratio =3/4. Obviously, the ratio regularity is also suitable for all following steps.
We can deduce the common transform position formula:
which bi is the corresponding odd in sequence.
Next try to rebuild a new sequence based on the original sequence which average value of transform position increment ratio p is >3/4.
Suppose one long huge sequence has n upward steps, k forward steps, l downward steps, finally upward h layers, n>h and n>l.
The final transform position is:
Now rebuild, do not change the first step, move number property 2k of all downward steps next to the first step(suppose we can move in order to compare, we can do it from math calculation angle), then forward steps and upward steps. Watch common transform position formula, since and are not changed, the new sequence must have smaller final “transform position”(virtual transform position) than original because more previous the position of number property 2k is, more great influence it produces, bigger the value of subtractive part is.
Hence can use new sequence to estimate the convergence of the original sequence
Then merge the upward steps in the end, forward steps and the last downward step before forward steps to one step. The new sequence(has l or l+1 steps) must have a “transform position” increment ratio>3/4 according to the ratio formula which indicates that (upward, downward), (forward, downward), (downward, downward) have a transform position increment ratio>3/4
If long huge sequence is non-convergence, it must appear downward steps continuously after some upward and/or forward steps each time, the count of downward steps must be infinite. So we can use proportional sequence of ratio 3/4 to estimate the rebuilt sequence.
After a do z(=l or l+1) times
operation, “transform position” is:
When first number property >4(this is very easy to achieve in original long sequence), and z->∞, the final “transform position” is >2m-1. This means, the transform position of original sequence must reach to or become bigger than 2m-1 before a limit steps. Long huge sequence must become a small sequence(once one element becomes a small odd in our range, the sequence becomes), or converge before a limit steps, otherwise overstep the boundary of the tree(it is not possible in real world).
Still has one puzzle, the equivalent elements of elements in m-1 layer(by adding binary 1 before head) are all in right half part in m layer, it seems to exist many loops. It is of course not correct, this is because, although they are equivalent, their functions are different. Other odds can change to them, they can also converge. If some long sequence exist loops, the transform position(to m-1 layer) can never reach to or bigger than 2m-1, it is contradictory.
Maybe it is possible to use proportional sequence of ratio 3/4 to estimate the convergence steps for long huge sequence. For some odds in m-1 layer, if start odd and first position increment can reach to or be bigger than 2m-1 in limit steps n using ratio 3/4, indicates that the convergence step count should be smaller than n multiply a number(because we merge some successive steps to one step to estimate, the suitable value of the number is difficult to get, but should not be very large); if can not reach to forever, indicates should use average ratio >3/4, but we don't know suitable value of the ratio, we can do operation several steps until find a suitable odd(number property of the odd is bigger than 4) as start odd and do estimation again.