1. Introduction
Herelleviruses (HVs) are a class of tailed bacteriophages known for their exceptional ability to lyse Firmicutes bacteria [
2]. These typically consist of a non-enveloped icosahedral
capsid housing the genome (aka the “head”) and a “tail” terminated in folded thin fibers (
Scheme 1A).
P100 phages are dsDNA HVs from the Pecentumvirus genus (Jasinkavirinae subfamily) with a genome size of 131 Kbp. These phages selectively infect Listeria monocytogenes (LMS), a dangerous bacterium that thrives in ready-to-eat foods like meats, vegetables, and seafood. LMS and other foodborne zoonoses pose significant risks to human health and place heavy economic burdens on healthcare systems worldwide. Conventional microbiological assays, while accurate, can be tedious due to their complexity and need for skilled personnel and sophisticated equipment. Immunological and nucleic acid amplification techniques, like PCR, offer faster results and improved sensitivities but also present limitations such as the cross-reactivity of polyclonal antibodies (ABs) [
3] or the inability to discern viable pathogens [
4]. Therefore, there is a pressing need to develop a new generation of fast-response, affordable analytical tools for the monitoring of food products at processing and storage facilities. Electrochemical biosensors (EBs) have proven their exceptional feasibility in the detection of pathogens from food matrices due to their capability to handle small samples sizes (microliters), high sensitivity, simple integration with portable readers or smartphones, quick prototyping of parts by 3D printing [
5], and the availability of affordable electrode chips.
Phage-based EBs offer a distinct advantage compared to the prevalent immuno- [
7] and geno-sensors [
8]. The high specificity of phages towards their host bacterial strains makes them a highly desirable choice for incorporation into biosensors designed for the detection of food-borne pathogens in field analysis. As a result, the immobilization of naturally occurring and genetically engineered phages (NOPs and EPs) on different surface materials, has garnered increasing attention in recent years. The use of isolated bacteriophage receptor-binding proteins (RBPs) presents advantages over ABs, NOPs, and EPs, because of their enhanced stability against ambient changes (NOPs are inactivated at mild temperatures and pHs out of the window 5-9 [
9]), ability to recognize specific targets at the host cell wall, high binding efficiencies [
10], and their possible engineering with molecular tags (e.g. peptides with high affinity for a particular protein or carbohydrate) for oriented immobilization. However, the laborious and expensive production of RBPs and EPs is a major drawback for the construction of affordable devices. To this end, the use of wild NOPs seems a more promising avenue but it comes with its own challenges. To ensure high specificity and sensitivity, it is crucial to immobilize the NOPs in a way that maximizes the exposure of the RBPs to the bacterial species in the samples, thus, promoting the occurrence of pathogen recognition events and high infectivity. Unfortunately, unlike EPs [
11], NOPs lack unique molecular tags in their capsids to promote an oriented assembly.
To overcome this issue, researchers have aimed to target amino acids (AAs) on capsid proteins (e.g. lysines, glutamic acid, etc) for the implementation of covalent attachment schemes [
13]. This approach has proven to successfully improve the density of immobilized species [
15] but it cannot provide orientation control as the target AAs are dispersed throughout the entire structure of the phages. Furthermore, covalently attached NOPs exhibit limited mobility and functionality [
11]. This stands in contrast to the high-affinity constants (
Kd) measured for physically adsorbed NOPs, which top those reported for monoclonal ABs [
17]. Consequently, when the main priority is preserving the bioactivity of NOPs, physical immobilization methods may be more appropriate than covalent schemes, despite the former´s inclination to produce random orientations [
16]. Different approaches including the preparation of Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films (Guntupalli et al [
18]), the fabrication of capsid-imprinted templates (Tawil et al. [
19]), or the use of “immobilization layers” (ILs); have been described in the literature to provide better orientation control in physisorbed phages. Unfortunately, the ordered arrangements (with tails mostly oriented to the gas phase) obtained in LB films formed from concentrated phage dispersions, are disrupted as soon as these are transferred to a solid support. Tawil demonstrated the ability of different HVs to fit the capsid-imprinted sites in their templates which led to their immobilization in capsid-down configuration, as confirmed by the registration of enhanced infectivities [
However, the preparation of imprinted materials is laborious, time-consuming, and requires specialized conditions, often resulting in lower selectivity and binding efficiency compared to biological receptors. On the other hand, the IL-coating methods offer versatility, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to tailor surface properties. These rely on the establishment of interactions between the coated layer and specific regions (or residues) in the phage to guide their assembly in an oriented fashion. The use of ILs for the electrostatic capture of phages has been shown to be an effective approach in assembling films of EPs (e.g. biotin- and histidine-modified phages [
21]) and NOPs on a variety of surfaces with great control over their orientation. This method takes advantage of the electric dipole constituted by phage capsids (negatively charged at pH higher than the capsid isoelectric point
22]) and tails (positively charged due to the presence of Fe ions in fiber protein Gp37 [
23]). To foster their adsorption with the specific capsid-down configuration, ILs must be chosen to endow the substrate with a positive net charge at the working pH. Species containing ionizable cationic groups with
pKA >
pICAP (which typically falls in the range 3-5 [
24]), e.g. –NH
2, are excellent candidates for these purposes.
Accordingly, cationic polyelectrolytes such as polyvinyl acid (PVA) [
25], polyethyleneimine (PEI) [
27], or polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (PolyDADMAC) [
28], have been applied to coat cellulose, carbon nanotubes, and other substrates, with properly oriented phages. However, the potential of other ionizable species, including conducting polymers, biopolymers, or self-assembled monolayers; SAMs [
31], which have been widely applied as biocompatible supports for proteins, enzymes, or ABs, in the physical immobilization of oriented phage films has yet to be explored. This work aims to fill this gap by investigating the electrostatic assembly of P100 phages on SAM-modified electrodes from a commercially available product. P100 formulations are recognized as safe by the US food and drug administration and the European Food Safety Agency for the control of LMC in processed foods [
32]. In an attempt to maximize the uptake of P100 and promote the capsid-down orientation, gold electrodes were pre-coated with a SAM of 11-amino-1-undecanethiol (AUT) which acts like an IL. The structure and morphology of the films were investigated using a combination of electrochemical and microscopy methods. The effect of the pH on the morphology and electrochemical response of the films was also studied. Charge transfer studies allowed us to correlate the structural characteristics of the films to their electroactivity and, in a broader sense, to derive information about the orientation of the phages. The findings discussed in this study bring crucial insights into the design of bacteriophage-based EBs for pathogen detection.
4. Discussion
The analysis of the electrochemical results confirmed, in the first place, the exceptional reversibility of the redox pairs at Au electrodes (as previously established in the literature [
35]). Secondly, the data obtained in FE8 with the Au/AUT electrode only evidenced a very slight decline in electroactivity compared to bare Au. This contradicts the behavior that should be expected for the assembly of a complete monolayer of AUT on the gold electrode, as the adsorption of alkylthiol molecules on the electroactive Au sites would block the ET processes through it. To explain the results obtained for the Au/AUT electrode, we must necessarily admit other phenomenologies, beyond the physical blockage of surface sites, affecting its redox response. It is worth reminding that despite the proximity of the
pKa of AUT (7-8 [
35]) to the working pH, a significant fraction of –NH
2 endgroups in the SAM must remain protonated as –NH
3+, conferring the surface with positive net charge (
σAUT >0) and the ability to establish electrostatic interactions with the probes. In FE8, attractive endgroup-probe forces may drive the diffusion of the [Fe(CN)
3-/4- anions through the SAM, thus, increasing their concentration near the Au surface to boost the ET kinetics [
35]. Indeed, this phenomenon seems to govern the overall electrochemical response of Au/AUT.
In RU8, the positively charged probes establish repulsive interactions with the SAM, thus, hampering their diffusion through it and resulting in the strongly blocked CV and large semicircle observed in
Figure 1C,D. Most phage capsids are known to bear negative overall charge density (
σCAP<0) for pH>5 (i.e. for pH>
pICAP) [
24]. The attractive electrostatic interactions established between the -NH
3+ groups at AUT and the P100 capsids are expected to drive the deposition of the phages with a preferential capsid-down orientation in Au/AUT/P100 (
Scheme 2A). Under such a configuration, the positively charged fiber tails and RBPs are exposed to the solution resulting, again, in a positive net surface charge density (
σ P100). Hence, the electroactivity of Au/AUT/P100 must be also determined by the balance between steric and electrostatic factors. In FE8, the establishment of attractive interactions with the negatively charged probes may facilitate the ET processes (just as indicated in
Scheme 2A). However, the physical blockage of probe diffusion pathways through the SAM by massive virion particles (and, possibly, their still larger aggregates) seems to rule the electrochemical response of Au/AUT/P100. In RU8, both factors are detrimental to the ET rates and this explains the higher impedance registered compared to FE8. The repulsive interactions between the Au/AUT/P100 surface and the RU probes provide another strong barrier for the ET processes to occur (purple probes in
Scheme 2A).
These results indicate that steric effects are the dominant factor, which provides a first confirmation of the large-scale deposition of phages onto Au/AUT. In contrast, the results obtained for the Au/P100 electrode do not suggest the existence of strong barriers for the ET processes and indicate negligible adsorption of P100 onto Au (at pH 8). In good agreement, the AFM and SEM images obtained for Au/P100 and Au/AUT/P100 show dramatic differences in the load of material successfully immobilized on both surfaces. While the data in Figures 3A/3D, 3B/3E, and
Table 4 are consistent with a very minor deposition of phages taking place on Au, as indicated by the minor changes in surface morphology and statistical parameters, Figures 3C/3F, 4, & 6, prove that a much larger amount of particles are loaded onto the Au/AUT slide. The wild differences in electrochemical response and morphology found for both surfaces underscore the importance of the positive charge introduced by AUT for the successful immobilization of the phages. Additionally, all the electrochemical results discussed above are consistent with the electrostatic regimens expected to be established by a layer of P100 mostly oriented in capsid-down configuration. With regards to the effect of the electrolyte pH, the decrease in
R2 and
∆EP, and the increase in |
jP|, indicate that the ET processes become increasingly facilitated as the pH decreases in the interval 8-4.
These results are consistent with a gradual decrease in the amount of P100 deposited onto Au/AUT as the electrolyte gets more acidic. As previously noted in the introduction, most NOPs are unstable at pH<5. Any partial disassembly/unfolding of pre-adsorbed phages under these conditions would reduce the density of virions settled on the electrode surface, and that explains the results observed in FE4. However, the changes that occurred within the stability range of the phages (FE8-FE5) seem to be likely influenced by specific characteristics of the deposits at the working pH. In this regard, the positive σAUT is expected to increase and the negative σCAP to be slightly reduced as the pH decreases from 8 to 5. These changes may result in the weakening of the attractive capsid-endgroup electrostatic interactions involved in the formation of the P100 film, thus, causing a gradual decrease in the density of virions immobilized on Au/AUT. This phenomenon would turn ET processes increasingly easier just as indicated by the experimental results. The oscillations found in the data may be due to either the slow equilibration of the surface pH from the bulk pH or to slow re-arrangements occurring in the films. Electrostatic effects established between the probes and the immobilized phages have been left aside because, in the FE electrolytes, these always contribute in the sense of favoring mass transport and improving the ET rates.
In general, similar trends were observed in RU electrolytes but with a couple of main differences. Firstly, the blockage of the ET processes in RU8 was stronger compared to FE8, consistent with the electrostatic repulsion likely established between the adsorbed phages and the redox probes (
Scheme 2A). Secondly, the electrochemical response in RU4 was strongly blocked (instead of going significantly easier as found in FE4). This can be also attributed to the disassembly of the adsorbed phages at the acidic pH, but it is worth noting that, in this case, the detachment of phages exposes the positive charge of the underlying AUT layer (which is even higher at pH 4). Hence, the stronger repulsion established with the positively charged probes must determine the stronger blockage exhibited by the Au/AUT/P100 electrode in RU4. Although the characteristic shape of HVs (
Scheme 1A) could not be resolved in our microscopic images, it can be concluded that the largest fraction of the particles spotted in Figures 3C,FFigures 4A,D and
Figure 6A correspond to isolated P100 phages immobilized on Au/AUT. This is supported by the dimensions reported in the literature for isolated active HVs (200-300 nm [
39]), which are consistent with the measurements from our AFM/SEM data, but also by the perfect match between the shape and size of the particles found in our images and those reported for the mica/PEI/T4 slides prepared by Szermer-Olearnik et al [
They demonstrated that T4 phages can undergo reversible dispersion/aggregation transitions in aqueous media triggered by changes in salt content. Accordingly, the AFM topographies reported for the surfaces prepared with high salt content (
I=150 mM) showed isolated phages with their recognizable head-tail morphology (size: 100-200 nm). On the other hand, much larger amorphous clusters (300-800 nm) were observed in the images of the films prepared from low
I<20 mM. SEM images were also provided in that study revealing that the clusters are formed upon aggregation of individual virions. As for the small fraction of particles over 300 nm observed in our images, these may be due to residual self-aggregation taking place in the aqueous phase or to the effects of common issues in AFM imaging such as tip-dragging phenomena or low lateral resolution (leading both to the overestimation of particle sizes). Regarding the polyhedral nanostructures observed in
Figure 5, the evidence strongly suggests that these may correspond to isolated capsids of P100. Not only do their sizes match the expectations, but their presence on the bacterial walls suggests possible infection processes going on. These results indicate that: 1) P100 species successfully adsorb on top of the Au/AUT surface, 2) despite the samples being thoroughly rinsed in UPW after phage modification, a thin layer of NaCl seems to cover the phages on certain regions of the surface (as suggested by
Figure 5 and
Figure 6 and the EDX analysis), 3) although residual amounts of coliforms are contained in the commercial product, the presence of the polyhedral particles stuck to the walls of the spotted bacteria strongly suggests that these are LMC.
These results confirm the presence of the surface-immobilized virions and are very important to understand the layered structure of the Au/AUT/P100 film. On the other hand, increasing the precursor´s pH from 6 to 8 induced dramatic changes in the morphology of the films. This is reflected qualitatively in the recorded images (
Figure 4 and
Figure 6) and quantitatively through the increase followed by
HAV, and
dAV. Therefore, one can infer that the degree of aggregation of the deposited phages rises significantly with the increase in the precursor´s pH (a behavior analogous to that reported for T4 when the precursor´s salt content was reduced). While the SEM images recorded by Szermer-Olearnik et al were able to display individual T4 phages as being the fundamental components of the aggregates, the fine structure of the clusters could not be resolved in our measurements. This is most likely due to the Au/Pd coating applied to the samples giving the clusters the dark and amorphous appearance shown in
Figure 6. Additionally, Szermer-Olearnik et al applied laborious phage fixation and dehydration treatments originally developed for the characterization of isolated phages. Despite the limitations, the results presented in this work suggest that regular SEM/AFM sample preparation protocols can be still a valid approach for a reliable description of the morphological and structural characteristics of the collective structures formed by solid-supported phages. At this point, it is important to note that our results go beyond the work of Szermer-Olearnik by demonstrating that phage aggregation phenomena in the aqueous phase are not only controlled by salt content but also by pH.
While Szermer-Olearnik´s model highlighted I as the main parameter triggering the reversible aggregation (decreasing salt concentration) and redispersion (increasing salt concentration) of T4 virions, their dynamic light scattering experiments already suggested a relevant role for the pH. These investigated the kinetics of aggregation after diluting a T4 dispersion (I=150 mM) with PBS at pH 5.80, 7.00, and 8.64 (final I=10 mM in all cases). At pH 5.80, no change was observed in the most frequent hydrodynamic radius after dilution (RH≈140 nm). This finding evidenced a negligible role of the salt concentration in the aggregation behavior at that particular pH. On the other hand, the experiments at pH 7.0 and 8.6 showed a pronounced increase in RH to 800 nm and faster aggregation kinetics at pH 8.6. Szermer-Olearnik’s analysis focused on the latter finding and did not emphasize sufficiently the surprising behavior recorded at pH 5.8. However, this was a key finding supporting that, as also backed by the complete body of results presented in this work, pH is more important than salt content in determining the self-aggregation behavior of HVs. Our results at I=200 mM replicate the trends observed by Szermer-Olearnik et al. at I=10 mM within a very similar range of pH: i.e. negligible aggregation for pH≤6 and its increasing role for pH>6.
If the electrostatics ruling phage aggregation was determined by the isoelectric point of the whole phage (e.g.
pIT4=4 [
40]), we should expect the opposite trend. As the pH increases from 6 to 8 the negative charge density at the phage should grow, fostering an increasing electrostatic repulsion among phages and lower degrees of aggregation. To propose a valid model that explains the obtained results, we must regard phages as electrical head-tail dipoles (
Scheme 2B). Considering the typical range of
pICAP for most viral capsids in the range of 3-5 [
24], we should expect
σCAP to be negative within the range of pHs investigated. In addition, its absolute value should increase from pH 6 to 8 (top right corner of
Scheme 2A). Islam et al. have recently reported that the terminal
needle part of Gp37 proteins in the tail fibers of T4 is an interwoven trimer containing three domains (knob, stem, and tip) [
41]. While the tip contains the RBPs, the stem is a long, six-stranded, antiparallel β-barrel formed by residues from three polypeptides which complete one and a half turns around the fiber axis. Central to the interwoven strands, Fe
2+ ions help to hold the strands together and confer the fiber tails with a positive charge [
42] (
Scheme 1A).
Therefore, tail-to-head electrostatic aggregation of HVs in solution is a possibility. Szermer-Olearnik et al. not only demonstrated tail-to-head aggregation of T4 but correlated the size of the aggregates with the magnitude of
I (which proves that the phenomenon is governed by electrostatic) [
36]. As
σCAP grows with increasing the pH, a stronger attraction towards the positive tails leads to a higher number of phages attracted per every single capsid (check the art model in
Scheme 2B). Hence, larger particles will deposit on the positively charged surfaces leaving amorphous patterns as those observed in the AFM and SEM images reported in this work. Such an effect is expected to be stronger in low
I media because of the reduced impact of ion-mediated charge screening phenomena. However, the results presented in this work demonstrate that pH-induced aggregation of P100 phages in solution still operates at
I >150 mM and governs the morphology of the films deposited onto Au/AUT. Contrary to the viewpoint put forth by Szermer-Olearnik et al., which depicted phage aggregation/dispersion of phages as an evolutionary adaptative mechanism that allows for their collective survival outside the host, our study suggests that the behavior of HVs is purely governed by their physicochemical phenomena. This perspective aligns with the current understanding of the behavior of colloidal matter and provides a more comprehensive understanding of the behavior of HVs in aqueous media.