4.2.1. High-pressure data and its triple points
Figure 7, the high-pressure data (solid circles) and the fitted lines (eqs. 1, 6-8) have been plotted. The previously measured II-
l equilibrium (eq. 2) has not been used, because the fit may have been based on the melting equilibria of both form I and form II. It can be seen that both II-
l and I-
l (eqs. 7 and 8 respectively) are very close to the former equilibrium eq. 2. From this experimental phase diagram, it is immediately clear that at 0 MPa, form II melts at the highest temperature (purple line) and that a stable I-II equilibrium occurs slightly above 300 K. The blue-purple triangle that is formed with the dashed 0 MPa baseline represents the small P-T domain in which form II is stable. Form I is stable on the upper left-hand side of the blue line and the III-II equilibrium, the green line, must be metastable. Because form I is stable above the blue I-II equilibrium, the red dotted line, representing the melting of form I, becomes stable once it intersects the blue line towards higher pressures, while it is found at the right-hand side of the purple II-
l equilibrium. The intersection of the blue, purple and red lines is the stable I-II-
l triple point of which the coordinates are listed in
Table 4 below. Moreover, the intersection of the green III-II and purple II-
l equilibria provides the position of the III-II-
l triple point. Finally, the green III-II and blue I-II equilibria intersect at negative pressure at the I-II-III triple point. Each intersection of the four two-phase equilibria with their respective vapour phase pressure, close to 0 MPa (and approximated by the dashed black line), represents a triple point involving the vapour phase
v (
Table 4, in order of increasing temperature): III-II-
v, I-II-
v, I-
v, II-
v. Here, the triple point temperature of III-II-
v is determined with eq. 1, which value at 0 MPa equals 267.8 K. For the triple point I-II-
v, eq. 6 is used, leading to a temperature of 316.6 K. In the same way the triple point of II-
v is determined with eq. 8, leading to 359.5 K, while the triple point temperature II-
v follows from eq. 7 and gives rise to 362.0 K. The calculations of the triple points have been carried out with the equations of which the parameters have not been rounded off and the resulting triple point temperatures may therefore differ slightly if the equations are used as listed in this paper.
The remaining question is the position of the I-III equilibrium and connected to this, the position of the III-l equilibrium. This will be solved in a topological manner as discussed in the next section.
4.2.2. The positions of the I-III and the III-L equilibria
The positions of the I-III and the III-
l equilibria in the phase diagram are closely linked. It is, however, easiest to locate the I-III equilibrium, because its position has the more dramatic consequences for the phase behaviour of benzocaine. In
Figure 7, there is one triple point, I-II-III, at low temperature and negative pressure, which must be intersected by the I-III equilibrium. From eqs. 3 and 5 and
Figure 8, it can be seen that form I has the smaller volume, thus form I is according to Le Chatelier the stable high-pressure form in relation to form III. The differences in entropy of the polymorphs I and III in relation to form II are listed in
Table 3. The entropy change going from form III to II is smaller than the entropy change of form I to form II. This implies that form III contains more entropy and is therefore the high-temperature form in relation to form I. The same conclusion can be reached by comparing the entropies listed in the tables S6 (form I) and S7 (form III). Thus, simply considering the global inequalities in the volume and the entropy, it is found that in relation to the I-III equilibrium, form I is the low-temperature, high-pressure form and form III is the high-temperature, low-pressure form; in other words, any phase equilibrium between the two polymorphs has a positive slope with on the upper left-hand side form I and on the lower right-hand side form III.
Taking the I-II-III triple point (T = 154 K and P = -307 MPa) as a pivot for the I-III equilibrium and taking into consideration its positive slope, three topological scenarios exist: (1) I-III with a steeper slope than III-II and I-II, (2) I-III with a less steep slope than III-II, but a steeper slope than I-II and (3) I-III with a shallower slope than both other solid-solid equilibria. It should be kept in mind that form I is stable above the equilibrium and form III below. In the case of scenario (1), form I will be stable at high pressure and low temperature, form III will appear on crossing this equilibrium, which will then turn into form II on crossing from top left the III-II equilibrium; however, at that point form II is still metastable with respect to form I and that implies that form III is also still metastable with respect to form I, which creates an inconsistency in the phase behaviour. A similar inconsistency exists for scenario (2): form I, which is stable according to the phase diagram in
Figure 7, turns into form III, which must be metastable, because form II is the more stable form. This implies that form I must be metastable towards form II, but that only occurs once the blue I-II equilibrium is crossed. Thus, the only viable scenario is number (3) for which the slope of the III-I equilibrium is the smallest of the three solid-solid equilibria and the line is therefore found below the I-II phase equilibrium. This also implies that the I-III equilibrium is completely metastable, because neither form I nor form III are stable below the I-II equilibrium and it implies that
Figure 7 already covers the full stable phase diagram. The remaining unknown is the slope of the I-III equilibrium and where precisely it intersects the vapour phase pressure close to 0 MPa, which would represent the I-III transition under ordinary conditions (i.e., in the calorimeter).
There are several approaches to estimate the slope of the I-III equilibrium of which the following two are the most direct: (1) by calculating the slope using the Clapeyron equation, or (2) by calculating the I-III-v (v = vapour) triple point, the transition temperature at ordinary pressure (0 MPa) using an equation proposed by Yu.23 With option (1), the slope with the I-II-III triple point will define the position of the equilibrium expressed as a straight line and with option (2) a straight line drawn through the two triple points I-II-III and I-III-v will define the position of the equilibrium. Because both are abstract extrapolations, neither will necessarily represent the realistically precise position of the equilibrium, but topologically, it will provide the correct interpretation of the phase behaviour, which should be thermodynamically consistent.
Using option (1), the calculation of the slope, necessitates the Clapeyron equation:
in which dP/dT is the slope in the pressure-temperature phase diagram, ∆
S is the entropy difference and ∆
v is the volume difference between the two phases I and III. ∆
S follows from
Table 3 (or the
Tables S6 and S7 in the supplementary materials) and is ∆
I→IIIS = ∆
I→IIS - ∆
III→IIS = 0.011938 – 0.010225 = 0.001713 J g
-1 K
-1. For the difference in volume, in the ideal case the volume at the transition temperature under ordinary conditions should be taken, but this value is unknown and located at a higher temperature than where forms III and I can be obtained. Therefore, it is more convenient to choose a temperature at which both volumes are accurately defined, such as 225 K using the eqs. 3 and 5. This leads to
vI = 0.81221 cm
3 g
-1 and
vIII = 0.81613 cm
3 g
-1 and thus to a difference of ∆
I→IIIv =
vIII –
vI = 0.00392 cm
-1. Using the Clapeyron equation eq. 9, this leads to a slope of 0.4375 MPa K
-1 and using the triple point I-II-III (
Table 4) a tentative equation for the I-III equilibrium is obtained:
PI-III /MPa = -374 + 0.437
T /K. It can be seen that the slope is indeed much less than that of the III-II equilibrium (eq. 1) with 2.70 MPa K
-1 or the I-II equilibrium with 1.89 MPa K
-1 (eq. 6). Through this equation for the I-III equilibrium, the triple point temperature of I-III-
v is found to be 856 K.
Using option (2) requires an equation proposed by Yu to calculate the solid-solid transition temperature:
As most of the transition enthalpies and entropies are not known, because only the fusion of form II has been measured, eq. 10 has been rewritten to provide the transition temperature between forms I and III using form II instead of the liquid phase, which is thermodynamically completely equivalent to the proposed equation by Yu involving the liquid phase. This leads to a temperature for the I-III-v triple point of 639 K. As this is at “ordinary pressure”, the pressure value will be approximated with 0 MPa. Then, with the I-II-III triple point at 154 K and -307 MPa, the following equation for the I-III equilibrium can be obtained: PI-III /MPa = -404 + 0.633 T /K. Again, it can be seen that the slope is rather small and much less than the slopes of the I-II and II-III equilibria and the two scenarios can be considered to roughly represent the error margin of the I-III equilibrium, which will always be metastable and out of reach of measurement.
To draw the topological phase diagram, the latter expression will be chosen (there is no scientific ground to choose one expression over the other):
Once the position of the I-III equilibrium has been defined, it also defines the position of the melting equilibrium of form III, because the I-III equilibrium will intersect the I-
l equilibrium leading to the triple point I-III-
l. Thus, with eqs. 8 and 11, the following coordinates are found: 326 K and -198 MPa. Another triple point of the III-
l equilibrium is III-II-
l, which can be calculated with the equations obtained by measurement eqs. 1 and 7. The triple point coordinates are 429 K and 435 MPa. The III-
l equilibrium passing through these two points, possesses therefore the following equation:
Using this equation, the melting point of form III can be determined as this will occur at 0 MPa (ordinary pressure), leading to 358.3 K. This value, obtained by extrapolation of the topological phase diagram can be compared with the melting point that would be obtained by the equation proposed by Yu, but then modified to obtain a melting transition:
Using the values from
Table 3, this leads to the melting point of form III of 358.5 K, so the differences in this case are negligible. It can also be concluded that form III is the lowest melting form, followed by form I, while form II is the highest melting form (
Table 4). Another observation that can be made is that the slope of the II-
l equilibrium, 6.5 MPa K
-1, is the steepest slope, while III-
l has a slightly shallower slope of 6.15 MPa K
-1 and form I has the gentlest slope with 5.9 MPa K
-1. This sequence in slopes leads to a stable melting equilibrium for form I at high pressure, whereas the melting equilibrium of form III is placed in such a way that it never becomes stable reflecting the metastability of form III.
4.2.3. The pressure-temperature phase diagram
In a pressure-temperature phase diagram with three solid phases, the liquid, and the vapour phase, ten triple points must be present, that represent the ten possible intersections between the six two-phase equilibria.
24 All triple points have been listed in
Table 4, based on the measured phase equilibrium data with the high-pressure differential thermal analysis. Only, when necessary, as in the case of the slope of the I-III equilibrium enthalpy and entropy values obtained by adiabatic calorimetry have been used. Therefore, there are small differences between the transition temperatures obtained by HP-DTA and DSC or adiabatic calorimetry, which can be considered the uncertainty over the measurements. Moreover, it is possible to calculate the vapour pressure of the condensed phases using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and the boiling temperature and enthalpy of vaporization obtained through ACD-Labs,
25 as it has previously been carried out for the equilibria involving the vapour phase and forms II and III.
1 This approach is explained in detail in the supplementary materials. The calculated vapour pressures of the respective triple points have been compiled in
Table 4 (see also
Tables S8 and S9 in the supplementary materials).
The resulting topological phase diagram is presented in
Figure 8. For the sake of clarity, the melting equilibria (triple points 1, 2, and 3) have been separated in an exaggerated way. The stable vapour phase equilibria defining the lower limit of the stable condensed phases are given by the sequence f-7-1-a. The stability domain of form II is defined by the black triangle 1-4-7 and above this triangle f-7-4-c defines the stability domain of form I. Form III becomes more stable than form I below the equilibrium line indicated by ‘j’, but its position is such that the vapour phase has the lowest Gibbs free energy and is thus the more stable phase.
Although the phase diagram involving three phases seems rather complicated, it should be realised that it consists of a sum of three dimorphism phase diagrams. The first being the previously published III-II phase diagram, where both form III and form II have a stable temperature domain at ordinary pressure (enantiotropy), whereas the system becomes monotropic at higher pressures (see blue lines and point 5 in
Figure 8) with form III the single more stable form. This phase behaviour is similar to that of sulphur.
2 The second phase diagram is that of forms I and II, which presents a very similar behaviour as forms II and III, except that now form I is the high pressure form (see black lines in
Figure 8). As both form I and form III compete for the high-pressure, low-temperature domain, the third phase diagram, that of forms I and III, demonstrates that form III is less stable than form I. In fact, when form III finally has a lower Gibbs energy than form I, it is always the vapour that possesses an even lower Gibbs energy. The I-III equilibrium is indicated by the line j-j, which is mostly green (hypermetastable). Due to the overall monotropy between forms I and III, form III does not possess any stable pressure-temperature domain.
Pressure-temperature phase diagrams related to dimorphism are relatively easy to understand, because they only contain four triple points and therefore only four possible cases exists, which have been described by Bakhuis Roozeboom.2 These four cases are overall monotropy (benzocaine I-III), overall enantiotropy, as in the case of gestodene,26 enantiotropy turning monotropic on increasing pressure (benzocaine II-III and I-II) and the inverse case, monotropy turning enantiotropic on increasing pressure of which ritonavir is an example.19 The four resulting pressure-temperature phase diagrams can be found in a recently published paper.27
Figure 8, becomes rapidly more complicated to describe than dimorphism and in the literature only four other papers report on topological phase diagrams involving trimorphism
28-31 and one other concerning tetramorphism.
10 In the case of the trimorphism of ferrocene,
28 one of the phases is also overall metastable, but whereas for benzocaine, the system is enantiotropic at low pressure and becomes monotropic at higher pressure, like sulphur,
2 for ferrocene the two other phases are overall enantiotropic exhibiting stable domains irrespective of the pressure. For piracetam, all three forms have their stable domain, but only one remains stable under higher pressure, i.e., the system becomes fully monotropic.
29 In the case of 2-methyl-2-chloropropane, two solid phases are overall enantiotropic, whereas the third one becomes monotropic at high pressure.
31 In the case of l-tyrosine ethyl ester, again a sulphur type phase behaviour between two phases is encountered, whereas the third phase appears to exhibit a stable domain at extremely low temperature, so all three phases are stable in their respective temperature domain at low pressure.
30 A similar line-up of stability domains as a function of temperature is observed for tetramorphic pyrazinamide, while under higher pressure, only two polymorphs remain.
10 Thus, even within this small collection of samples, many different combinations of phase behaviour are encountered.