1. Introduction
Asia is the highest producer (89%) and the second-largest exporter of rice (approximately 57%) worldwide, with Thailand at the third place in the rice export [
1]. The average amount of nitrogen, phosphorous (P
5), and potassium (K
2O) used in chemical fertilizers was 66.3, 16.6, and 25.6 kg ha
-1, respectively, for all crops [
1], and more than 200 million tons of nutrients were used (of which 56% was nitrogen) [
1]. This was reflected in an increase in fertilizer use and agricultural productivity. Increased crop production is critical to ensure food security, sustainable development, and environmental quality. In Thailand, rice farmers tend to use more fertilizer during weather shocks [
2]. This will lead to an increase in irrigated areas, a decrease in farmed land, and an increase in fertilizer use [
1]. Anoxic conditions increase the amount of soil organic carbon that accumulates in paddy soils [
3]; this soil sequestration of carbon is expected [
Owing to the long-term addition of a synthetic fertilizer, an increase in the soil pH was observed in Thailand’s paddy soil at the national scale. There were significant increases in soil organic carbon (SOC), total and accessible nitrogen, extractable phosphorus, and exchangeable K in the data analyzed from the 1960s to the 2010s [
5]. Meanwhile, others in Bangladesh and Indonesia investigated long-term changes in soil pH and found significant decreases in the pH [
7]. The changes in the fertility of Thai paddy soils could be attributed to the increase in chemical fertilization [
8]. In particular, nitrogenous fertilizers are most popular in Thailand, with rice being the most demanding agricultural industry [
Chemical fertilization alters the biochemical properties of the soil owing to a reduction in soil pH and respiration rates, leading to a loss in microbial diversity and changes in the soil organic carbon structure. The main cause of the increase in SOC is the chronic addition of N, which reduces the soil pH and soil respiration rates [
9]. Therefore, soil properties and SOC variations can be explained based on the input of chemical fertilizers: they impact C storage and the accessibility of plant nutrients. Loss of microbial diversity with N addition is linked to the availability of soil nitrogen and soil carbon [
10]. The features of SOC as a component of the soil structure are altered by the use of chemical fertilizers [
11]. Long-term applications of composted manure combined with chemical nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) fertilizers increased soil pH, whereas single applications of chemical NPK fertilizers decreased it. Combined applications of manure and chemical NPK fertilizers can increase SOC concentrations, improving the physical environment and yield of rice grain [
12]. However, chemical fertilization has had varying effects on soil fertility, and logical soil/fertilizer management plans should be developed for each nation and region [
5], and even for a specific site.
The organic material present in the aqueous phase is known as dissolved organic matter (DOM), which is a mobile pool of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) [
13]. When the proportion of SOC is low, DOM is a significant component of the soil organic matter [
14]. Organic matter is depolymerized and enzyme-catalyzed in the soil to produce DOM [
15]. This labile C fraction is easier to assimilate for the microbes as a source of energy, C, and nutrients, due to the presence of low-molecular-weight compounds [
16]. N enrichment increases the amount of soil C available for leaching; however, application of synthetic NPK fertilizer only marginally increases soil C availability for leaching. According to [
17], following the addition of synthetic N to forests, the soil oxidative enzyme activity decreases but DOC concentrations increase. Inorganic phosphorus application to soil encourages the degradation of humic material into lower molecular weight compounds [
18]. In addition, the enhanced desorption of DOC from the mineral phase of the soil, owing to phosphate exchange to DOC, demonstrated a higher capacity for sorption sites on mineral surfaces [
19]. Permanganate oxidizable carbon (POXC) (i.e., easily oxidized carbon (EOC)) is another labile carbon that regulates primary substrates and affects crop nutrient availability [
20], physicochemical properties, SOC decomposition, and carbon cycling [
21]. POXC is affected by the addition of synthetic fertilizer, especially phosphate fertilization [
The availability of P is affected by the solid phase and residence time of soil, which in turn determine the soil’s ability to adsorb substances [
22]. The inorganic P fractions of intensively acidic paddy soils increased as a result of long-term chemical NPK fertilizer treatments [
23]. NPK-coupled animal manure fertilization increased inorganic phosphorus fractions in acidic paddy soils over 35 years [
24]. Intermittent addition of labile carbon increases soil pH and the soluble Fe and P concentrations during Fe reduction [
25]. This phenomenon could be attributed to the increased labile P in paddy soils. This study focuses on the relationship between DOC and inorganic P fractions, as well as the impact of P availability in intensive paddy soils.
Anaerobic microorganisms regulate the reductive breakdown of Fe oxide in the liquid phase, which promotes the release of C from sorbed soil organic matter (SOM) into the liquid phase. The cause of SOM mobilization under anaerobic conditions should be taken into consideration [
26] .Anaerobic mineralization of DOM and SOM increases by 74% and 32−41%, respectively, under anoxic conditions as a result of preferential reduction of de novo reactive
2+ phases under O
2 constraints [
27]. The ability of anaerobic microbial reactions to mobilize organic carbon (i.e. DOC) is controlled by decreased Fe [
28]. Anaerobic soil bacteria reduce DOC to various electron acceptors (such as Fe oxides) under anoxic conditions [
30]. The explanation of C dynamics in paddy soil should include these responses.
The dynamics of the labile carbon fraction as DOC is related to changes in the inorganic P fractions and soil pH; this could be used to explain C cycling in paddy soils.
This study proposes that long-term chemical fertilization of paddy soils increases the amount of labile carbon, such as DOC and POXC, and alters soil properties. Differences in responses, explanations, and effects of labile C fraction dynamics result from differences in the soil depth. This study aimed to gain a better understanding of the relationships between C fractions, particularly DOC, and changes in inorganic P fractions under long-term chemical fertilizer use in paddy soil.
2. Materials and Methods
Site study: The research area is located in Bann Donjiang, Sob-Poeng Subdistrict, Maetang, Chiang Mai Province, Northern Thailand. Traditional rice plantations are found here. The study areas are located at 19°05ʹ47″N 98°50ʹ54″E/19°09ʹ64″N 98°84ʹ83″E (
Figure 1). The soil was classified as fine, mixed, semiactive, isohyperthermic typic endoaqalfs. The parent material was alluvial, and the topography was almost level. The climate was tropical savannah. The soil sampling site, which was 360–400 m above the mean sea level, contained 11 farmer plots with the same topography. The standard soil management data for the paddy soils are presented in
Table 1. The types and amounts of synthetic fertilizer used, how thoroughly the paddy soil was plowed, and how the crop leftovers were handled are all discussed.
Interview: Questionnaires on land use and management under chemical and organic agricultural management methods served as the study tools. Data on the following five aspects were collected throughout the interview: information on the interviewee followed by descriptions of land usage and plantation management, water management in farmland areas, fertilizer use, and soil management. To obtain the necessary information, in-depth interviews were conducted with sample farmers in all target areas (
Table 1). In order to determine the intensity of fertilization, information from interviews and observations linked to soil management in the cropping system for each crop was taken into account. Following the application of chemical fertilizer at a N:P
2O ratio of 4:1:1 (i.e., 190–380 N, 47–94 P
5, and 47–94 K
2O kg ha
-1 y
-1), cow manure at a rate of 600–3,000 kg ha
-1 y
-1 was used (
Table 1). This chemical fertilizer regimen in the rice plantations in northern Thailand was demonstrated by [
14] .
Observation by participants: We established connections with farmers who constituted the target population. This comprised members of the community where informal discussions and inquiries on a variety of subjects were conducted in accordance with the research aims. Observations were saved as photographs and other data to enhance the veracity of the information gleaned from the survey. To gather information by interviewing villagers and identifying farmers who practiced conventional practices, we surveyed the study site and conducted a community meeting with farmers. This aided in understanding that rice farming utilized a variety of soil management techniques (
Table 1).
Soil sampling: A survey of the farming sites was conducted between November 2013 and May 2014, to identify 11 traditional farmers working in conventional paddy soil. Composite soil samples were collected from these farmer plots. Three pseudo-replicate samples from individual farmer plots were randomly combined into a composite sample. The samples were collected at soil depths of 0–5, 5–10, 15–30, and 20–30 cm. A total of 132 composite soil samples were obtained.
Analysis of physiochemical characteristics and carbon fractions (water-soluble carbon): Individual soil samples were mixed with deionized water by shaking for 30 min; the soil suspension was filtered through a membrane filter and placed in an Erlenmeyer flask for carbon analysis through Cr
7 oxidation. Deionized water was added to the tube containing soil samples from the WSC studies for determining the hot WSC (HWSC). The tube was incubated in a hot water bath at 80°C for 16 h. The soil suspension was filtered through a filter membrane (0.45 m), and the tube was centrifuged for at 5,000 rpm (1,677 ×
g) 20 min [
31]. The DOC is = WSC + HWSC.
POXC preparation: 3 g of air-dried soil was passed through a sieve (0.5 mm) and mixed with 20 ml of 0.02 M KMnO
4 (Weil, 2003). The total organic content of the soil was analyzed using K
7 combined with heat [
32]. P was assessed using the method of Bray II [
33]. The cation exchange capacity (CEC) was evaluated using 1 N NH
4AOC [
34], and then was determined using the Micro-Kjeldahl method. The soil particles analyzed, measuring 2 mm in size and suspended in the Calgon solution, were assessed using a Bouyoucos hydrometer [
35]. Soil pH was determined by measuring the suspension of soil and water in a 1:1 ratio using a digital pH meter.
Soil P-fractions were determined sequentially. First, the reductant soluble-P (Re.So.P) was determined. The soil sample was weighted into a 50 ml centrifuge tube and mixed with 1 M NH
4Cl, with shaking for 30 min. The sample was centrifuged, and the P-solutions fraction was obtained. The Al-P fraction was extracted using 0.5 M NH
4F (pH 8.2); the samples were mixed with shaking for 1 h, centrifuged, and washed with saturated NaCl. Fe-P was extracted using 0.1 M NaOH, with shaking for 17 h, centrifugation, and wash. The Re.So.P was extracted using 0.30 M Na
7 combined with 1 M NaHCO
3, 1.0 g Na2S2O4, heat, stir, heat, centrifuge and wash, and the last step was extracting Ca-P using 0.25 M H
4, with shaking for 1 h, centrifugation, and wash, upon complete extraction. The pH of all supernatants were adjusted using 2 M HCl (or 2 M NaOH), until the color changed from yellow to colorless [
36]. In the final step, the P content was analyzed using the molybdenum blue method; ascorbic acid was used as a reducing agent [
33]. All solutions were analyzed using a spectrophotometer.
Data analysis: One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test and comparison of the mean with the least significant difference (LSD) (P 0.05) were used to analyze soil data, to ascertain the impact of soil depth on different soil attributes. The relationship between soil characteristics and SOC concentration was determined using SPSS version 28.24 and Pearson correlations. Principle component analysis (PCA) with R program version 4.2.1 (HTTP://
www.R-project.org) was used to evaluate the relationship between physiological soil properties, inorganic phosphorus fractions, labile carbon fractions, and soil carbon content. The components were explained and compared by the percentage of variability between the soil depths.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization, S.A., C.C.; methodology, S.A.; software, C.C.; validation, S.A., C.C.,P.P.,K.K.; formal analysis, C.C.; investigation, S.A.; resources, S.A. and C.C.; data curation, P.P. and K.K.; writing—original draft preparation, S.A. and C.C.; writing—review and editing, S.A. and C.C.; visualization, C.C.; supervision, S.A.; project administration, S.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Figure 1.
Conventional rice plantations used in this study.
Figure 1.
Conventional rice plantations used in this study.
Figure 2.
The WSC, HWSC, and DOC (a), POXC (b), and SOC (c) at different soil depths. Note: Differences in soil depth across the latter means are significant (P<0.05). The lines above the bars represent the standard error.SOC = soil organic carbon, POXC = permanganate oxidizable carbon, HWSC = hot water-soluble carbon, DOC = dissolved organic carbon.
Figure 2.
The WSC, HWSC, and DOC (a), POXC (b), and SOC (c) at different soil depths. Note: Differences in soil depth across the latter means are significant (P<0.05). The lines above the bars represent the standard error.SOC = soil organic carbon, POXC = permanganate oxidizable carbon, HWSC = hot water-soluble carbon, DOC = dissolved organic carbon.
Figure 3.
The fractionation of inorganic phosphorus in conventional paddy soil at specific soil depths between 0−5 and 10−15 cm. Note: There were substantial differences between the selected soil depths (0−5 and 10−15 cm) between the small case and bar (P<0.05). The lines above the bars represent the standard error. P-solution was extracted using 0.1 M NH4Cl, Al-P was extracted using 0.5 M NH4F, and Fe-P was extracted using 0.1 M NaOH. Red-So-P = Reductant soluble P was extracted using a mixture of Na3C3H6O7, NaHCO3, and Na2S2O4. and Ca-P was extracted using 0.25 M H2SO4.
Figure 3.
The fractionation of inorganic phosphorus in conventional paddy soil at specific soil depths between 0−5 and 10−15 cm. Note: There were substantial differences between the selected soil depths (0−5 and 10−15 cm) between the small case and bar (P<0.05). The lines above the bars represent the standard error. P-solution was extracted using 0.1 M NH4Cl, Al-P was extracted using 0.5 M NH4F, and Fe-P was extracted using 0.1 M NaOH. Red-So-P = Reductant soluble P was extracted using a mixture of Na3C3H6O7, NaHCO3, and Na2S2O4. and Ca-P was extracted using 0.25 M H2SO4.
Figure 4.
Physiochemical properties of paddy soil at various soil depths; CEC and Avai. P (a), Soil pH (b), Clay and silt (c), and DOC/Avai. P ratio. Note: There were substantial differences between the selected soil depths (0–5 and 10–15 cm), as shown by the differences in the latter (P<0.05). The lines above the bars represent the standard error. CEC = cation exchange capacity (1 N NH4OAC pH =7), where P is available phosphorus assessed using the Bray II method, pH = soil pH (1:1 H2O), clay and silt are percentages of clay and silt content, and DOC/P is the ratio of DOC to P.
Figure 4.
Physiochemical properties of paddy soil at various soil depths; CEC and Avai. P (a), Soil pH (b), Clay and silt (c), and DOC/Avai. P ratio. Note: There were substantial differences between the selected soil depths (0–5 and 10–15 cm), as shown by the differences in the latter (P<0.05). The lines above the bars represent the standard error. CEC = cation exchange capacity (1 N NH4OAC pH =7), where P is available phosphorus assessed using the Bray II method, pH = soil pH (1:1 H2O), clay and silt are percentages of clay and silt content, and DOC/P is the ratio of DOC to P.
Figure 5.
The relationship between the physiological soil properties and inorganic phosphorus fractions, and the labile carbon fractions and soil carbon content determined using principal component analysis. Note: * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, and *** P < 0.001. Solution-P was extracted using 0.1 M NH4Cl, Al-P was extracted using 0.5 M NH4F, and Fe-P was extracted using 0.1 M NaOH. Re.So.P = Reductant soluble P was extracted using a mixture of Na3C3H6O7, NaHCO3, and Na2S2O4, and Ca-P was extracted using 0.25 M H2SO4. SOC, soil organic carbon; WSC, water soluble carbon; HWSC, hot water-soluble carbon; DOC, dissolved organic carbon; POXC, permanganate oxidizable carbon; Avai. P, available phosphorus; pH, soil pH; CEC, cation exchange capacity; clay and silt, percentages of clay and silt.
Figure 5.
The relationship between the physiological soil properties and inorganic phosphorus fractions, and the labile carbon fractions and soil carbon content determined using principal component analysis. Note: * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, and *** P < 0.001. Solution-P was extracted using 0.1 M NH4Cl, Al-P was extracted using 0.5 M NH4F, and Fe-P was extracted using 0.1 M NaOH. Re.So.P = Reductant soluble P was extracted using a mixture of Na3C3H6O7, NaHCO3, and Na2S2O4, and Ca-P was extracted using 0.25 M H2SO4. SOC, soil organic carbon; WSC, water soluble carbon; HWSC, hot water-soluble carbon; DOC, dissolved organic carbon; POXC, permanganate oxidizable carbon; Avai. P, available phosphorus; pH, soil pH; CEC, cation exchange capacity; clay and silt, percentages of clay and silt.
Table 1.
Soil management in conventional rice farming of paddy soil.
Table 1.
Soil management in conventional rice farming of paddy soil.
Soil management |
Conventional paddy soil |
Synthetic fertilization |
190–380 N, 47–94 P2O5, and 47–94 K2O kg ha-1 y-1 are applied and then fallowed by cattle manure at 600–3,000 kg ha-1 y-1. Chemical fertilizers such as urea (46-0-0) and 15-15-15 |
Crop residue management and the fallow period |
Farmers burned stubble more frequently and intensively after rice harvesting, leaving crop remnants in the fields until they were plowed before the start of the new crop season. |
Tillage intensity |
Before planting, tillage was regularly and frequently performed using small machinery around twice. |
The age of land use |
Started in 1974, making it 40 years old (at sampling date). |