The open-plan offices are ideal spaces that allow for increased communication in their users, as intelligibility offers acoustic conditions to improve clarity and quality in the rooms. However, the sounds produced in open-plan offices by the space, office de-vices and multi-speakers make up the background sounds, which trigger perceptions of annoyance, stress, and unproductivity in open-plan office users. The sounds produced in rooms are related to the architectural design elements, as both building mate-rials and furnishings influence sound waves as they propagate through the space. Each material can cause sound wave reflection or absorption effects, because in rooms there are different areas with varied materials that influence space reverberation [
3]. For acoustic design in open-plan offices, the background sound produced by speech triggers a distracting effect that affects cognitive performance and users’ perception of well-being. The shift of attentions is generated by speech when is intelligible, which depends on the room reverberation, since Reverberation Time (RT) influences the transmission of spoken messages. The Intelligibility is a psychoacoustic parameter that influences the comfort of workplace and the perception of worker´s well-being, since it evaluates speech clarity that could be perceived in the room. However, intelligibility in open-plan offices causes a discomfort effect on users, and from when background speech is clearly understood this generates distraction in users and they relate it to un-productivity and intrusion into privacy [
6]. The room intelligibility is influenced by type of sound and the position of sound sources, so these factors are influenced by office design. In this regard, Haapakangas et al. propose that physical-environmental factors generated in design as Activity Based Work (ABW) are associated with self-rated unproductivity and well-being of the workers [
7]. Regarding the type of sound, Acun and Yilmazer suggested that unexpected sound in open-plan office soundscape interferes with task concentration and is annoying to workers. In addition, Yadav et al. indicated that the soundscape made up of active or multi-talkers is distracting, because the voice is an unexpected sound, especially when it come from multi-takers, so cognitive performance is degraded in the worker´s task [
9]. Background noise generated by multi-talkers had been related to effects on performance of open-plan office users, one of the effects found is the impact on accuracy and task recall; on the other hand, other effects found are the perception of annoying, which affects the task of collaboration and concentration; also, effects on cognitive functions related to distraction, difficulty, and attention to tasks [
14]. Intelligibility, being a psychoacoustic parameter, is composed of physical and semantic factors. The physical factor uses objective methods to measure the propagation of emitted sound waves, reverberation and thus represent how speech is transmitted. The semantic factor is based on how people assess the clarity of speech through modified rhythm tests, diagnostic rhythm tests and phonetically balanced lists for the detection of heard words, which should be performed for the language of each country [
17]. Both factors have been standardized, the objective methods are standardized in ISO 3382-3: 2012 Acoustics - "Measurement of acoustic parameters of rooms" Part 3: Open-plan offices, some of the measurements of this standard are parameters based on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and parameters for the relationship between the reverberation field with intelligibility [
3]. On the other hand, for subjective methods they apply standardized values with subjective assessments of a categorized scale of perceived intelligibility quality in each studied area [
19]. The objective method for assessing intelligibility uses the Speech Transmission Index (STI), which is based on SNR to measure irrelevant noise. STI has been studied in relation to cognitive performance, the findings have been diverse, firstly no significant effects were found between irrelevant noise measured by STI with some characteristics of task performance, such as collaboration and accuracy, however, when measured areas have intelligible STI levels (STI>0.45), which favors clear listening to background conversations and produces distraction in open-plan office workers [
23]. Continuing with the objective method, another parameter used is the Reverberation Time (RT), which quantifies the duration of time in which a sound emitted by a sound source decays 60 dB, which varies for each frequency. The RT is a parameter used in the configuration of the acoustic design of the areas associated with speech and music. Braat-Eggen [
24] indicated the importance of considering the psychoacoustic approach for multi-speaker environments to improve the writing performance of open-plan office users. While for the subjective method a parameter used is the Percentage Articulation Loss of Consonants (%ALCons) that predicts intelligibility in relation to the loss of information by not recognizing unidentified logatomes (words formed by consonant-vowel-consonant, without any meaning) when heard [
17]. The soundscape that is perceived in open-plan offices had been analyzed to evaluate the effects on cognitive performance, however in Mexico there is no regulation on the acoustics of an open-plan office; practically the regulation in Mexico is only on noise control to avoid damage to health [