In this section, we discuss the Hosking integral and why it is crucial to understanding nonhelical MHD turbulence with strong magnetic fields. Unlike the case of weak magnetic fields, when the dynamics is still controlled by the presence of hydrodynamic effects, we are dealing here with effects that are specific to the presence of magnetic fields, albeit with zero average. We focus on decaying turbulence.
2.1. Nonhelical inverse cascading and scaling relations
Already in 2001, it was noted that, even in the nonhelical case of a turbulently decaying magnetic field, there is a small amount of inverse cascading in the sense that for wavenumbers below the peak, the magnetic energy spectrum rises with time uniformly for all lower
k [
14]. The actual amount of this rise was small and one could have argued that it was just because of numerical inaccuracies. Subsequent simulations [
15] also found such inverse cascading and they discussed the potential interplay between the shallower kinetic energy spectrum proportional to
and the steeper magnetic energy spectrum proportional to
. The qualitative idea was that the shallower velocity spectrum pushes the magnetic spectrum upward, which then would drive more kinetic energy at small
The choice of the initial magnetic energy being proportional to
is important here. When such a spectrum was used in the first numerical simulations [
14], the authors made reference to the early work in Ref. [
16], where causality arguments were put forward. Nowadays, however Ref. [
17] has become the standard reference for the choice of an initial
spectrum. Later, it turned out that with a shallower initial
spectrum, no inverse cascading can be found [
19]. The reason for this particular aspect that will be discussed in more detail in this paper.
In 2014, the idea of an inverse cascade in the nonhelical case with a
spectrum became really very clear [
20]. This paper was on the arXiv since April 2014, but the paper was published only in February 2015. The results were reproduced in Ref. [
21] in the relativistic context. Their work was on the arXiv since July and makes reference to the 2015 paper. The significance of this finding is that it presents early support for the subsequent discovery of the Hosking integral as a new invariance in MHD turbulence at large magnetic Reynolds numbers.
When the Hosking integral was discovered in Ref. [
22], it was originally called the “Saffman helicity invariant”. As already pointed out in Ref. [
23], Keith Moffatt informed the community of the fact that this term may be misleading, because the term helicity invariant is reserved for integrals that are chiral in character. He also recalled that Saffman never considered helicity in his papers. The term “magnetic helicity density correlation integral” may be more appropriate, but it is rather clumsy. Following [
24], who called it the Hosking integral in his review, this term has been used ever since [
26]. It should also be noted that `integral’ instead of `invariant’ is appropriate since applications to turbulence apply always to finite Reynolds and Lundquist numbers. In this connection, it should be emphasized that the Hosking integral tends to decay with time in a power-law fashion and that the exponent decreases with increasing Lundquist number Lu approximately as Lu
The energy decay in turbulence is usually characterized by the energy spectrum
. In the following, we sometimes add the subscripts K and M for kinetic and magnetic energy spectra and other quantities. We focus here on magnetic energy spectra,
, which are defined such that
is the magnetic energy, and
is the vacuum permeability. The decay can then be parameterized by
and the magnetic integral scale, which is defined in terms of the magnetic energy spectrum as
One can always attempt to describe the relations for
through power laws. In addition, the spectrum can evolve underneath an envelope,
that is different from the initial subinertial range spectrum,
, where
is the subinertial range slope. The three relations for
, and
can then be constrained through dimensional arguments once we have a good idea about the relevant dimensional quantity that governs the decay.
The decay of a nonhelical turbulent magnetic field is found to be described by an exponent
that was determined to be between
27] and
19], but it was unclear why any of those two possibilities, or any other one, would have to be expected. This is what the Hosking integral now explains, namely that
Figure 1(a) shows magnetic energy spectra at four different times for a nonhelical magnetically dominated run corresponding to Run K60D1bc of Ref. [
23]. Here,
k is normalized by the initial peak wavenumber
. We clearly see that the spectrum exhibits inverse cascading in that the spectral magnetic energy
increases with time at small
k, as indicated by the upward arrow on the left. The overall energy does of course decay, as indicated by the decline of the spectral peak and the decrease of spectral energy at large
k, as indicated by the downward arrow on the right.
To quantify the temporal change of
, it is convenient to compute the instantaneous scaling exponents [
Figure 1(b). We see that with time (larger red symbols), the solution evolves toward the point
, as is also theoretically expected [
23]. Although we mainly focus on the case of nonhelical magnetic fields, we also compare in
Figure 1(b) with the solution for the fully helical case (orange), and include solutions for hydrodynamic turbulence that are governed either by the Loitsyansky or the Saffman integrals.
Before we continue, it is useful to clarify the concept of what we often refer to as a “governing quantity”. Take, for example, standard hydrodynamic Kolmogorov turbulence. Here, the rate of energy transfer per unit mass (which is the rate of energy input and also the rate of energy dissipation) is such a quantity and the relevant physical scaling laws can be expressed in terms of powers of and other relevant variables such as the wavenumber k itself. This then yields for the energy spectrum per unit mass the expression , where is a dimensionless coefficient of order unity (typically ). Other such governing quantities include the mean magnetic helicity density and some other quantities that are crucial to the physics. They are usually constant or well conserved.
2.2. The Loitsyansky and Saffman Integrals in Hydrodynamics
In the hydrodynamic case, the decay of turbulence can follow different behaviors depending on the relevant conservation law.
1 One such conserved quantity is the Loitsyansky integral [
which is believed to play an important role. This integral reflects the local conservation of angular momentum and has dimensions
. If this quantity governs the decay of turbulence, the time dependence of the growth of the integral scale can be motivated by dimensional arguments as
, where the exponents
a and
b must be, on dimensional grounds,
. The kinetic energy then obeys
, i.e.,
. The envelope under which the peak of the spectrum evolves obeys
Another conserved quantity is the Saffman integral,
which has dimensions
. Similarly, if this quantity governs the decay of turbulence, the time dependence of
must be
, where
on dimensional grounds. The kinetic energy then obeys
, i.e.,
. The envelope under which the peak of the spectrum evolves obeys in this case
determine the decay depends on the existence of long-range correlations, as can be seen from the Taylor expansion of the kinetic energy spectrum as [
where an initially non-vanishing Saffman integral automatically implies a
scaling in the subinertial range. Thus, the decay does depend on the infrared part of the initial kinetic energy spectrum. In that case, the slope is the same as that required for the initial spectrum so that the Saffman integral is indeed nonvanishing. Furthermore, as pointed out in Ref. [
22], owing to the invariance of
, both an initial
and a
spectrum will remain unchanged. This implies that there can be no inverse cascading in hydrodynamics.
2.3. The Magnetic Saffman Integral: Comparison with the Hosking Integral
As already pointed out in Ref. [
22], the formulation of Sect.
Section 2.2 can also be applied to the magnetic field, except that there is no reason for the magnetic version of the Loitsyansky integral to be conserved. The magnetic Saffman integral (hereafter
), on the other hand, might indeed be conserved. Physically, it would reflect the local conservation of magnetic flux. Again, when
is non-vanishing initially, we expect a quadratic magnetic energy spectrum, which would also persist at later times. For a steeper
subinertial range magnetic energy spectrum, however, the magnetic Saffman integral must vanish and the Hosking integral is then expected to play a dominant role. It is defined as
is the magnetic helicity density with dimensions
. In ordinary MHD, we can express the magnetic field as an Alfvén velocity, i.e., we write the magnetic field in Alfvén units, so
. Therefore,
, and thus
. If
plays a governing role in the decay, we expect therefore
, and
The Hosking integral is in general expected to be different from zero [
22]. This automatically implies a quadratic scaling of the helicity variance spectrum,
. Here,
denotes the shell-integrated spectrum, a tilde is a quantity in Fourier space and
is the solid angle in Fourier space, so that
. The quadratic scaling for a finite Hosking integral follows from the expansion
A quadratic spectrum corresponds to white noise. We also know that the spectrum of a quadratic quantity cannot be more blue than that of white noise [
30], so it seems impossible to have a helicity variance spectrum whose subinertial range is steeper than
Figure 2, we show magnetic energy and magnetic helicity variance spectra for initial spectra of the form
. As expected, we see inverse cascading only for
, but not for
. Nevertheless, we see that
retains a
spectrum at low wavenumbers in both cases. This suggests that the Hosking integral is indeed always conserved; see
Figure 2(b) and (d).
To determine the relevant integrals,
, it is convenient to plot compensated spectra. Specifically, to determine
, we scale both
. The result is shown in
Figure 3. Thus, in summary, we have
If the initial spectrum is not
, but
, we have
It is remarkable that the prefactors for the Saffman and Hosking scalings are very close to each other; see
Table 1 for a summary of the nondimensional prefactors in the relations
i stands for `SM’ or `H’ for magnetic Saffman and Hosking scalings, respectively, and
is the exponent with which length enters in
for magnetic Saffman scaling (
) and
for Hosking scaling (
). The value of
only makes sense when
, while that of
only makes sense when
. For the other cases, the subinertial range spectrum is not parallel to
, so
are said to be incompatible with each other and the given values of
only yield crossings in the middle of the subinertial range.
We see from
Figure 3(a) that for
, the compensated value
. For
, on the other hand, we only see a flat envelope, i.e.,
, i.e.,
. From
Figure 3(c) and (d), we see that
in both cases, i.e., for
, respectively.
Given that we now know the values of
, we can compensate the time evolutions of
, and those of
. The results for the corresponding coefficients in Eq. (
12) are summarized in
Table 1.