3.1. Characterization of sericite before and after pretreatment
The wide-angle (
Figure 2a) and the small-angle (
Figure 2b) XRD spectra of original and modified sericite reveal the evolution of interlaminar structure during the intercalation and modification process of sericite. The diffraction peaks in
Figure 2a are consistent with muscovite (JCPDS 07-0032) and quartz (JCPDS 01-079-1910). After CTAB intercalation, the majority of peaks persist, indicating the absence of phase transformation and the preservation of the lamellar structure [
22]. However, the intensity of peak 𝑑
002 = 2.4 nm (2𝜃 = 8∘) is weaker than that of natural sericite, shifting to a lower diffraction angle than before CTAB intercalation. Concurrently, a new basal reflection corresponding to 𝑑
002 = 5.2 nm (2𝜃 = 2∘) was observed, indicating that CTAB molecules enter the interlayer spaces in a regular arrangement and the interlamellar spacing is partly expanded [
29]. After ultrasonication and PEI treatment, the intensity of 𝑑
002 = 2.4 nm (2𝜃 = 8∘) further decreases and the broad peak 𝑑
002 = 5.2 nm(2𝜃 = 2∘) are disappeared, suggesting further dissociation of the layered lattice along the vertical direction of (002) plane. The XRD results indicate the layered structure of sericite is separated after pretreatment and modification.
FT-IR was used to characterize the functional groups of SER, CTAB, CTAB-SER, PEI, PEI-SER. As depicted in
Figure 2c, the 3600 cm
-1 stretching band is attributed to the presence of –OH groups on the surface of sericite [
30]. After CTAB intercalation, the peak of CTAB-SER at 3600 cm
-1 is significantly diminished compared to SER. Besides, the spectrum of CTAB-SER displays two weak absorption bands at 2926 cm
-1 and 2852 cm
-1, which can be attributed to the asymmetric and symmetric stretching vibrations of methylene (−CH
2) [
31]. The Si–O stretching vibration band (at 1077 cm
−1) in CTAB-SER is broader than that of SER, which can be due to the appearance of the C–N and C–C bending vibration bands at 960 cm
-1 and 909 cm
-1, respectively [
25]. According to the above XRD and FT-IR results, it can be concluded that the intercalation was successful because CTA
+ entered the interlayer space of sericite. The characteristic peaks of PEI appear at ~3300 cm
-1 (-NH and -NH
2 stretching) and 1630 cm
-1 (-NH
2 scissoring vibration) [
32]. The typical peaks of CTAB-SER are still present in the PEI-SER spectrum, and two new peaks appear at 3355 cm
-1 and 1630 cm
-1. The FT-IR results confirm that the PEI is successfully attached onto the surface of the sericite nanosheets.
Figure 2d and e depict the zeta potential and size distribution of SER, CTAB-SER, and PEI-SER dispersed in deionized water. PEI-SER appears to be positively charged with a zeta potential of 45.3 mV, whereas SER and CTAB-SER exhibit negative zeta potentials of 23.6 mV and weak positive zeta potentials of 8.9 mV, respectively. As a result of their positive charge, the sericite nanosheets move toward the cathode during electrophoretic deposition in order to form a composite coating. Although the measured particle size is not the actual lamellar diameter but the equivalent particle size due to sericite's two-dimensional layered structure, it can still approximate the lamellae size. The measured particle size of raw SER ranges from approximately 2000~7000 nm, with an average size of 3585.9 nm. CTAB-SER and PEI-SER display a sharper Gaussian-like size distribution than raw SER, with an average size of 1990.2 nm and 1718.2 nm, respectively.
Figure 2f compares SER and PEI-SER at a concentration of 0.5% by weight dispersed in deionized water after one hour of standing. Due to the agglomeration of sericite, the natural sericite solution exhibited distinct stratification and precipitation after 1 h of standing, whereas the PEI-SER solution did not exhibit any discernible precipitation. The surface morphology of SER and PEI-SER are observed by SEM.
Figure 2g demonstrates that raw sericite possessed a typical compact and layered structure, whereas PEI-SER exhibited a structure with thinner layers. The PEI-SER lamellae were obtained by exfoliated and stripped from the multi-layered CTAB-SER by ultrasonic and stirring treatment. Consequently, based on the aforementioned results, it can be concluded that CTAB intercalation dissociated the multilayer structure of the original sericite, whereas PEI modification successfully modulated the surface charge properties of the sericite nanosheets.
3.2. Surface morphology and cross-section of coatings
Figure 3 depicts the surface morphology and cross-sections of coating surfaces prepared with emulsions containing varying amounts of PEI-SER. As the sericite concentration in the electrolyte increases, so does the number of nanosheets observed on the coating surface. The sericite nanosheets are nearly uniformly dispersed in the coatings and closely combined with the epoxy resin, demonstrating excellent interfacial compatibility. SEM images and Si element distribution on the surface of different samples reveal that the addition of PEI-modified SER to the electrophoretic emulsion increased the number of sericite nanosheets and the Si element content on the coating surface. The average thickness of the pure epoxy coating is approximately 26 μm, whereas the average thickness of four coatings with sericite is approximately 30 μm, indicating that the addition of PEI-SER increases the electrophoretic deposition rate of epoxy coating. This can be attributed to the molecular brush effect of positively charged sericite, which facilitates the movement of the emulsion towards the cathode during electrophoresis, resulting in denser and thicker coatings [
16]. The majority of sericite nanosheets are aligned parallel to the sample surface in the PEI-SER coating. Throughout electrophoretic deposition, a perpendicular DC electric field is applied to the metal surface. Therefore, the positively charged PEI-SER nanosheets are propelled towards the cathode by the electric field. Due to the uniformly applied electric field force and electrostatic repulsion force between nanosheets, the nanosheets tend to align themselves parallel to the surface of the sample during movement. As shown in Figure 3j,n,s, sericite nanosheets are uniform dispersed in parallel in the E-S1, E-S2 and E-S4 coatings. In addition, the sericite nanosheets are compatible with the epoxy matrix at the interface. The parallel arrangement of sericite nanosheets in epoxy coatings becomes more pronounced and denser as sericite content is continuously added. The parallel distribution and high density of sericite nanosheets are advantageous for enhancing the coating's physical barrier effect and resistance to corrosion. However, when the concentration of PEI-SER nanosheets reaches a certain threshold, disordered arrangement and agglomeration begin to emerge. As seen in Figure 3x, the sericite nanosheets in the E-S6 coating have become disordered and agglomerated, which may lead to the formation of micropores and defects that diminish the impermeability of composite coatings.
Figure 2.
SEM images showing surface morphology and cross-sections of different samples. From the first row to the fifth row are related to samples of E, E-S1, E-S2, E-S4, E-S6, respectively. The first column of images (a, f, k, p, u) depicts surface morphology of different samples with insets showing magnified selected area. The second column images show the Si elemental EDS maps and the third column shows EDS spectra of the related area in the first row: E (b, c), E-S1 (g, h), E-S2 (l, m), E-S4 (q, r), and E-S6 (v, w). The fourth column of images depicts the cross-sections of different samples and the fifth row shows the Si elemental of the related cross-sectional area: E (d, e), E-S1 (i, j), E-S2 (n, o), E-S4 (s, t), and E-S6 (x, y).
Figure 2.
SEM images showing surface morphology and cross-sections of different samples. From the first row to the fifth row are related to samples of E, E-S1, E-S2, E-S4, E-S6, respectively. The first column of images (a, f, k, p, u) depicts surface morphology of different samples with insets showing magnified selected area. The second column images show the Si elemental EDS maps and the third column shows EDS spectra of the related area in the first row: E (b, c), E-S1 (g, h), E-S2 (l, m), E-S4 (q, r), and E-S6 (v, w). The fourth column of images depicts the cross-sections of different samples and the fifth row shows the Si elemental of the related cross-sectional area: E (d, e), E-S1 (i, j), E-S2 (n, o), E-S4 (s, t), and E-S6 (x, y).
3.3. Electrochemical corrosion tests
Figure 4a depicts the potentiodynamic polarization (POL) curves of different samples after immersion in 3.5 wt.% NaCl for 1h. The corrosion potentials (E
corr) and corrosion current densities (i
corr) otained directly from the Tafel region in the cathodic polarization curves by Tafel extrapolation are listed in
Table 1 and shown in
Figure 4b, respectively. As the concentration of sericite increased, the polarization curve gradually shifted to the left and upward in the order of E1, E2, and E4, with E-S4 occupying the most extreme left and highest position on the POL curves plot. Among all samples, E-S4 shows the smallest i
corr of 2.412×10
−11 A∗cm
−2, which is approximately 2 orders of magnitude lower than that of E and 6 orders of magnitude lower than the AZ31B Mg substrate. Moreover, E-S4 has the highest E
corr of -1.214 V. More positive Ecorr and lower icorr are generally indicative of greater corrosion resistance [
13]. Consequently, the anti-corrosion performance of epoxy samples is significantly enhanced by the addition of sericite. This can be attributed to the self-aligned parallel arrangement of sericite nanosheets, which can significantly affect the barrier performance of epoxy coating and enhance its corrosion resistance. In comparison to E-S4, E-S6 demonstrates a lower E
corr and a higher i
corr, indicating that the disordered arrangement and aggregation of sericite nanosheets negatively impacted the coating's corrosion resistance performance. Nevertheless, due to its relatively high sericite concentration, its performance is still superior to all other samples except E-S4.
Figure 5a-c depict the Nyquist, Bode-impedance and Bode-Phase plots of samples after immersion for 1h. For Nyquist curves, a larger diameter of capacitive loops indicates a coating with superior anticorrosion properties [
13]. Notably, as shown by
Figure 5a, the capacitive loops enlarge after electrophoretic deposition, indicating improved corrosion resistance compared to the substrate. In the case of Bode impedance plots, the impedance modulus at the lower frequency (|Z|
0.1Hz) is frequently utilized as a crucial indicator for evaluating the anticorrosion performance of coatings. Usually, the higher |Z|
0.1Hz represents better corrosion protection [
34]. The bode impedance plot in
Figure 5b demonstrates that the E-S4 has the highest |Z|
0.1Hz value, suggesting better corrosion protection performance than other samples.
According to the characteristics of Bode and Nyquist plots, equivalent circuits (
Figure 5d) are used to fit the EIS data of different samples. In this work, constant phase element (CPE) is used to represent the non-ideal capacitors, which is expressed by:
which Y
0 and n are the admittance constant and empirical exponent, respectively [
36]. Based on the characteristics of EIS data and previous literatures [
37], R
f (R
diff))))) is proposed to fit the EIS data of E-S1, E-S2, and E-S6. The EIS data curves of AZ31B show obvious inductive characteristics in the low frequency impedance region, which can be attributable to pit formation during corrosion [
38]. Consequently, R
s (((CPE
L)))) is proposed to fit the EIS data of AZ31B. Since the EIS data curves of E-S4 does not exhibit the full low frequency diffusion impedance region, R
f (R
pore (CPE
dl R
ct ))) is proposed to fit E-S4. In these three circuits, R
s refers to the solution resistance. CPE
f represents the capacitance of the coating and R
pore stands for the total resistance of pore and defects in the coating. CPE
dl represent the capacitance of the electric double layer at the low-frequency area and and R
ct refers to the charge transfer resistance in the Faradic process. CPE
diff represents the capacitance pertaining to the diffusion process and R
diff denotes the relevant resistance. L refers to the inductance associate with the relaxation process of adsorbed species and R
L is the relevant inductance resistance. The fitted data are shown in
Table 2. Generally, the capacitive curves at the high frequency region stands for the surface film and charge transfer, while the lower frequency behavior is associated with mass transfer [
40]. For these epoxy-coated samples, the R
pore can be used to evaluate the barrier effect of coating and the R
ct can be used to evaluate the ability of coating to maintain the coating/metal interface corrosion [
41]. Both of these two parameters indicate a general trend of reducing corrosion resistance: E-S4 > E-S6 > E-S2 > E-S1 > E.
In order to evaluate the long-term corrosion behavior and mechanism, EIS is utilized after exposing samples to 3.5 wt. % NaCl for varying time periods. The EIS data are represented in
Figure 6d-u as Nyquist, Bode-impedance, and Bode-Phase plots. The appearance of an inductive loop can be used to determine the onset of localized corrosion.
Figure 7 depicts the variation between the coating impedance (Rpore) and the impedance modulus at low frequencies (|Z|
0.1Hz). The R
pore and |Z|
0.1 Hz of the samples decreased as immersion time increased, indicating that the barrier capability of coatings and overall corrosion resistance of the samples would gradually decrease during immersion. The addition of sericite effectively slowed the deterioration of the coating's corrosion resistance, and the E-S4 sample demonstrates the best long-term corrosion resistance.
3.4. Immersion tests
The immersion test was carried out for 14 days in 3.5 wt.% NaCl to investigate the corrosion process. The digital pictures of immersed specimens were shown in
Figure 8. After 1 day of immersion, the AZ31B substrate began to show signs of discoloration, filiform corrosion, and cracking. The corrosion gradually intensified and spread across the entire surface as immersion time was increased. For the sample with an epoxy coating, corrosion was inhibited significantly. However, due to flaws and pinholes in the coating, corrosive media can easily penetrate the pure epoxy coating. After 1 day of immersion, some tiny blisters and pores began to appear on the surface of the E sample. With prolonged immersion, surface blistering and localized corrosion in edge regions continued to increase. The corrosion damage of samples with sericite is less severe than that of sample E. Preliminary coating damage starts on the 3rd day of E-S1 and E-S6, and the 5th day of E-S2. In contrast, the corroded areas of these samples are significantly smaller than those of sample E. Notably, after 14 days, only a few bubbles and edge corrosion areas appeared on the surface of E-S4, indicating that the coating still retains good corrosion resistance. CLSM and 3D topography images are used to observe the microscopic corrosion of samples after immersion for 14 days. As shown in
Figure 9, the AZ31B substrate and E exhibit a surface that is heavily corroded and covered with corrosion products. Comparatively, the surfaces of samples containing sericite are considerably more intact and refined, indicating a milder corrosion behavior. Nevertheless, after 14 days of immersion, these samples still display shallow pits and corrosion products. Among them, the E-S4 sample has the lowest R
a, indicating that the E-S4 coating has the most effective corrosion barrier effect.
3.5. Corrosion products analysis
The GIXRD patterns of all samples in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solutions after immersing 14 days are shown in
Figure 10. In the sericite/epoxy composite coatings, the broad peak between 2θ of 10°~30° indicates epoxy, while the diffraction peaks at 17.5°, 26.6°, and 27.8° provide evidence of sericite (JSPDS NO. 47-1144). Corrosion products such as Mg(OH)
2 (Brucite, JCPDS NO. 82-2455) and MgO (JCPDS NO. 89-7746), MgAl-LDH (Hydrotalcite, JCPDS NO. 89-0460) and MgCl
2 (JCPDS NO. 80-1752) can also be observed as diffraction peaks on the surface of the sample. Furthermore, E sample has the highest relative intensity of the Mg (JCPDS NO. 89-7195) peak at 34.4° compared to the epoxy peak, indicating that the E sample has the lowest coating integrity and the largest area of substrate exposure.
SEM and EDS were used to determine the corrosion morphology and elemental composition of samples following an immersion test.
Figure 11 shows typical regions of samples after immersion in 3.5 wt.% NaCl for 14 days. As shown in
Figure 11a,b, the surface of AZ31B is fully covered by cotton-like corrosion products. The elemental composition of the corroded area indicates that the corrosion products consist primarily of MgO and Mg(OH)
2, with a small amount of MgAl-LDH and chlorides [
42]. On the surface of the E sample, many cracks are distributed and the coating is partially peeled off. On the exposed substrate, corrosion products can be observed in continuous quantities. This is due to the fact that when the corrosive medium penetrates into the coating, the substrate will be severely corroded to produce hydrogen gas and corrosion products, resulting in local cracks and defects in the coating [
44]. Sericite nanosheets can be observed from the surfaces of sericite-containing samples, with Si element also detected from related area. Instead of cracks and massive corrosion products, these sericite-containing samples typically exhibit corrosion pits and sheet-like corrosion products. The surface corrosion products consist primarily of sheet-like Mg(OH)
2 and Mg-Al LDH, which are formed by continuous exudation of Mg and Al ions from the AZ31 substrate[
To analyze the internal condition of coatings after 14 days of immersion in 3.5% NaCl, cross-sectional SEM images and EDS maps are acquired. As shown in
Figure 12a, the distribution of C and O elements reveals that after immersion, the epoxy coating on E has been replaced by a thick layer of corrosion products. The coatings of E-S1 and E-S2 are also severely corroded, as evidenced by the presence of deep cracks within and beneath the epoxy coating. The distribution of Mg in
Figure 12b,c also indicate the formation of corrosion products on and in these coatings. In contrast,
Figure 12d demonstrates that E-coating S4's is relatively intact after 14 days of immersion. It is almost difficult to observe the aggregation of Mg elements on its surface, indicating that less corrosion products are generated. However, the SEM image and EDS maps in
Figure 12e indicate that the agglomeration of sericite in the E-S6 coating may cause localized defects in the surrounding area and ultimately lead to corrosion failure.