Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

A Mechanically Tunable,Fatigue-Resistant, and Reusable Plasticizable Dual-Network Hydrogel

Version 1 : Received: 12 June 2023 / Approved: 12 June 2023 / Online: 12 June 2023 (15:45:45 CEST)

How to cite: Xin, Z.; Xu, W.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, Y.; Liu, D.; Duan, J.; He, W. A Mechanically Tunable,Fatigue-Resistant, and Reusable Plasticizable Dual-Network Hydrogel. Preprints 2023, 2023060853. Xin, Z.; Xu, W.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, Y.; Liu, D.; Duan, J.; He, W. A Mechanically Tunable,Fatigue-Resistant, and Reusable Plasticizable Dual-Network Hydrogel. Preprints 2023, 2023060853.


Natural cellulose hydrogels have been widely used to enhance mechanical properties. However, existing natural fiber composite hydrogels are not reusable, limiting their potential applications. To address this issue, we designed and prepared a polyvinyl alcohol/glycerol /bamboo microfibril double network tough hydrogel using a simple method. The bamboo microfibril and polyvinyl alcohol form a tight and rigid network through hydrogen bonding, improving mechanical properties. The prepared polyvinyl alcohol/glycerol/bamboo microfibril double network tough hydrogel has the advantages of reusability and fatigue resistance. Furthermore, both the elastic modulus and toughness of the hydrogel increase with increasing bamboo microfibril content. We also demonstrated that the hydrogel can be recast after cyclic compression, maintaining its recyclability, stability, and certain stiffness and toughness. Our study highlights the potential of hydrogels for controllable mechanical properties, fatigue resistance and shows that polyvinyl alcohol/glycerol/bamboo microfibril hydrogel has broad value for plasticity and reuse.


hydrogel; polyvinyl alcohol; hydrogen bonding; mechanics; stress; reusability; recycling


Chemistry and Materials Science, Polymers and Plastics

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