V4 are the rapidly inactivating (A-type) K
V potassium channels that generate currents at subthreshold membrane potentials. They are characterized by fast activation, fast inactivation, and fast recovery from inactivation. The inactivation of K
V4 channels is classified into two types: open-state inactivation and closed-state inactivation. Closed-state inactivation is the main type, indicating that K
V4 channels can be inactivated directly from the closed state [
53]. Binding of KChIPs to the N-terminus of K
V4 modulates the gating properties of K
V4 channels. Specifically, KChIP1-3 augment K
V4 currents through the following electrophysiological effects: shifting the activation midpoint of voltage activation to more negative potentials, slower inactivation, and acceleration of recovery from inactivation [
9]. When co-expressed with KChIPs, the activation time of K
V4 was slightly prolonged compared to K
V4 alone. While the midpoint for K
V4 of voltage activation significantly shifted to more hyperpolarized potentials [
9]. In contrast, the modulation of K
V4 gating by KChIPs is mainly manifested in the inactivation kinetics. Heterologous co-expression of K
V4 and KChIPs significantly prolongs the inactivation time of K
V4 channels. To be specific, KChIPs eliminate open-state inactivation and accelerate closed-state inactivation of K
V4 channels [
54]. However, it is still unclear about the molecular mechanism by which KChIPs control K
V4 inactivation. The EF-hands were reportedly involved in the regulation of K
V4.3 inactivation by sensing intracellular Ca
2+ levels [
55]. Recently, breakthroughs have been made in the structural basis of KChIPs that regulate the inactivation kinetics of K
V4 channels. Kise et al. reported that KChIP1 is able to capture and sequester both the N-terminal hydrophobic segment and the C-terminus of K
V4.2 channels. KChIP1, on one hand, binds the C-terminal intracellular S6 helix to stabilize the S6 conformation. It also binds the N-terminal hydrophobic segment and two T1 domains from the neighboring subunit of K
V4.2. Together, these KChIP1-mediated structural features prevent open-state inactivation and accelerate closed-state inactivation of K
V4.2 [
47]. By truncating the N-terminal or C-terminal helix of K
V4.2, respectively, Ye et al. demonstrated that the interactions of KChIP2 with the K
V4.2 N-terminal helix play a more prominent role in modulating channel inactivation [
56]. Moreover, KChIPs accelerate the rate of recovery of K
V4 channels from inactivation in a Ca
2+-independent manner [
It's interesting to note that a specific KChIP isoform KChIP4a has been reported to delay K
V4.3 channel activation, abolish rapid inactivation and impedes channel closure after opening. Therefore, co-expression of KChIP4a with K
V4 α-subunits converts the A-type K
V4 current to a slowly inactivating delayed rectifier-type potassium current [
23]. The similar suppressive effect on K
V4 currents was also found for KChIP3x (KChIP3b) in subsequent research [