
Framework for Simulation Study Involving Volatility Estimation: The GAS Approach









25 June 2023


26 June 2023

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In econometrics and finance, volatility modelling has long been a specialised field for addressing a variety of issues pertaining to the risk and uncertainties of an asset. This study presents a robust framework, through a step-by-step design, that is relevant for effective Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) with empirical verifications to estimate volatility using the Generalized Autoregressive Score (GAS) model. The framework describes an organised approach to the MCS experiment that includes "background (optional), defining the aim, research questions, method of implementation, and summarised conclusion". The method of implementation is a workflow that consists of writing the code, setting the seed, setting the true parameter a priori, data generation process, and performance assessment through meta-statistics. Among the findings, it is experimentally demonstrated in the study that the GAS model with a lower unconditional shape parameter value can generate a dataset that adequately reflects the behaviour of financial time series data, relevant for volatility estimation. This dynamic framework is intended to help interested users on MCS experiments utilising the GAS model for reliable volatility calculations in finance and other areas.
Subject: Computer Science and Mathematics  -   Probability and Statistics

1. Introduction

In finance and econometrics, modelling of volatility has long been used to address a variety of issues concerning the risk and uncertainties of an asset [1,2]. This study is an extension of an earlier study on volatility estimation through the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model created by Bollerslev [3] (see Samuel et al. [4]). That is, the GARCH model was used in our earlier study to begin a "simulation framework for volatility estimation" work that was introduced in Samuel et al. [4] with the Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) design and guidelines. The Generalized Autoregressive Score (GAS) model is used in this instance to extend the robust design process. As a result, this study identifies a vital framework that is pertinent to the simulation of financial time series data for volatility estimation using the GAS model. The framework can be applied for volatility estimation in financial and non-financial areas.
The GAS is a dynamic model used for time-varying parameter modelling, much like the GARCH model (see [5]). Hence, this study’s main contribution is to show how the GAS model using the GAS package can be effectively applied to enhance time varying scale parameter (volatility) estimation through MC simulation, with empirical verification. Moreover, simulation through any model largely revolves around generating an appropriate dataset that can produce a reasonable output approximation. Thus, one further contribution of this study is to investigate how to use the GAS model to generate (simulate) a dataset that can adequately reflect the behaviour of financial time series data that is relevant for volatility estimation.
MCS studies are computer-based experiments that involve the use of known probability distributions for creating data by pseudo-random sampling. The data may be simulated through parametric models or repeated resampling [6]. MCS is used for approximating real-life scenarios, where it uses random quantities (or a probabilistic approach) to provide deterministic outcomes [7]. Since its introduction by three scientists in the field of physics [8], MCS has become an increasingly applied technique in a wide range of fields including finance, supply chain, engineering, science [9], and in all portfolio and investment types [10]. One of the reasons for its wide applications is because it is based on the concept of the central limit theorem where the distribution of its estimates follows (or converges to) the Normal distribution [11].
The raw data used for this study are the daily closing Standard & Poor South African sovereign bond index, abbreviated S&P SA bond index. They are the bond market’s data in US Dollars from Datastream [12] for the period 4th January 2000 to 11th June 2021 with 5598 observations. The period under study includes the covid-19 pandemic crisis period that began in 2020. The rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 reviews the theories underlying the GAS model, the true parameter recovery (TPR) measure, and the description of the simulation design. Section 3 shows how the simulation framework is illustrated using financial bond return data, with empirical verifications. Section 4 discusses the main findings and Section 5 presents concluding remarks on the novelty of the study.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. The GAS Model

Volatility can be effectively estimated through a Score Driven (SD) model known as the GAS introduced by Harvey [13] and Creal et al. [14] (see [5,15,16]). The GAS model is also called the Dynamic Conditional Score (DCS) model, and its applications are used in many financial econometrics analytics (see [17]). It provides a connection between the stochastic volatility (SV) models [18] and GARCH models (see [19]).
The GAS model uses the score of the conditional density function to determine the time-variation in the parameters, i.e., the use of the score function is applied as the driver of the parameters’ time variation. Also, the score functions are robust to outliers because they discount extreme values by reducing the number of extreme observations, which takes place because the GAS model is conditional on time t [13]. For instance, if errors are modelled using fat-tailed innovations under a GAS model, a big absolute return swing will not lead to a large increase in volatility [14]. Hence, the GAS model is indeed robust and quite suitable for modelling skewed and/or fat-tailed time series data like financial returns [13,20]. Moreover, like the other observation-driven models, likelihood estimation using the GAS model is simple and direct [5]. Observation-driven modelling exist in the presence of time-varying parameters, where parameters are functions of lagged dependent variables, concurrent variables and lagged exogenous variables (see [14,21] for details).
Let a random vector of M-dimension at time t with a conditional distribution be represented by r t M such that:
r t | r 1 : t 1 f ( r t ; ϑ t ) ,
where r 1 : t 1 ( r 1 , . . . , r t 1 ) are the past time-values of r t up till t 1 , that indicate the set of information available prior to time t [22], and ϑ t Θ I is a time-varying parameters’ vector with complete characterization of f ( · ) depending only on r 1 : t 1 and a group of additional time-invariant parameters ζ , such that ϑ t ϑ ( r 1 : t 1 , ζ ) t . The key attribute of GAS models is that the score of the conditional distribution (i.e., the conditional probability density function of r t , as stated in Equation 1) drives the evolution in the time-varying parameter vector ϑ t , in relation to an autoregressive element:
ϑ t + 1 κ + A c t + B ϑ t ,
where c t is the innovation term denoting a possibly scaled score of f ( r t ; ϑ t ) with respect to ϑ t , estimated in r t (see [14,15,23]). The intercept κ , vectors A and B are proper dimensional matrices of coefficients that control for the time-varying parameters’ ( ϑ t ) evolution [5,15]. These are functions of the static parameters vector ζ , that is ζ = ( κ , A , B ) [14,17,23]. Various classes of observation-driven models can be obtained with different choices of the scaled score c t , hence these types of models are referred to as score-driven models [22]. The autoregressive Equation (2) that acts as a mechanism for updating ϑ t can be generally stated (see [14]) as:
ϑ t + 1 = κ + i = 1 p A i c t i + 1 + j = 1 q B j ϑ t j + 1 .
The c t is a vector relative to the score of Equation (1):
c t C t ( ϑ t ) t ( r t , ϑ t ) .
For any realized observation r t , the time-varying ϑ t is updated to the next period t + 1 using Equation (3) with c t as defined in Equations (4) and (5) [14]. The matrix C t denotes an I × I (valued) positive definite scaling matrix identified at time t, and:
t ( r t , ϑ t ) l o g f ( r t ; ϑ t ) ϑ t
represents the score of Equation (1) estimated at ϑ t . The variance of t can be accounted for by setting the C t (scaling matrix) to a power ω > 0 of the inverse of the Information Matrix, J t , of the time-varying parameters ϑ t [5,14], i.e.,
C t ( ϑ t ) J t ( ϑ t ) ω , f o r : J t ( ϑ t ) E t 1 t ( r t , ϑ t ) t ( r t , ϑ t ) ,
with the expectation taken on r t | r 1 : t 1 . For ω , values can be taken in the set { 0 , 1 2 , 1 } . If ω = 1 2 or ω = 1 is fixed by a user, the inverse of the square root of the conditional score t ( r t , ϑ t ) pre-multiplies the conditional score’s covariance matrix J t ( ϑ t ) . However, when ω = 0, there will be no scaling since C t = I (identity matrix). It should be noted that for any choice of ω , c t follows a Martingale Difference with respect to the distribution of r t | r 1 : t 1 since the score’s expectation is zero, that is, E t 1 [ c t ] = 0 ∀t. More so, we can easily derive the additional moment condition t 1 [ c t ] = I when ω = 1 2 [5]. Because c t is a Martingale Difference, the time-varying parameters’ process can revert to the mean near its long-term value of mean ( I B ) 1 κ once the spectral radius of B < 1 . This means that the I-valued vector κ controls for the level, while the I × I matrix B controls for the persistence of the process [5,22]. In Equation (2), the extra I × I matrix of A ’s coefficients of the scaled score c t controls the effect of c t on ϑ t + 1 , where c t indicates the direction for updating the parameters vector from ϑ t to ϑ t + 1 [5,14].

2.1.1. Reparameterisation of the Time-Varying Parameter

The parameter vector ϑ t in Equation (2) is unbounded because it has a linear specification, and its parameter space is regularly restricted (i.e., Θ I ) in practice. Therefore, the GAS structure uses a nonlinear link function Λ ( · ) , as an alternative to the positivity imposing constraints, to map the reparametrised parameters vector ϑ t ˘ I into ϑ t such that ϑ t ˘ I also provides a linear effective specification experienced in Equation (2). Based on this, the ϑ t updating equation now takes the GAS recursion of the form:
ϑ t Λ ( ϑ t ˘ )
ϑ t ˘ κ + A c ˘ t 1 + B ϑ ˘ t 1 ,
where κ ( κ μ , κ σ , κ ν ) represents the vkappa vector, A diag ( a μ , a σ , a ν ) , B diag ( b μ , b σ , b ν ) and Λ ( · ) is a mapping function [5,16]. The estimated coefficients { κ μ , κ σ , κ ν } , { a μ , a σ , a ν } and { b μ , b σ , b ν } are the elements of vectors κ , A and B respectively, where μ , σ , and ν are the location, scale and shape parameters in that order. The initialisation of the process is at ϑ 1 = ( I B ) 1 κ , and c ˘ t C ˘ t ( ϑ ˘ t ) ˘ t ( r t , ϑ ˘ t ) , where ˘ t ( r t , ϑ ˘ t ) is the score of Equation (1) with respect to ϑ ˘ t (further details on this can be found in [5,16]).
Based on the dependence of the driving mechanism in Equation (3) on the scaled score vector in Equation (4), Equations (1) to (5) describe the GAS model of p and q as GAS( p , q ), and the candidate model GAS ( 1 , 1 ) is used for the time-varying scale parameter, or volatility, estimation in this study. This is because the time varying parameter ϑ t evolves in the form of an autoregressive (AR) process of order 1 [23], and the model typically features as GAS ( 1 , 1 ) [24]. Hence, GAS ( 1 , 1 ) model is used as the data generating process (DGP) for the simulation modelling, and it also serves as the only candidate model for the empirical data modelling. The volatility persistence of the GAS ( 1 , 1 ) model is defined as B 1 (see [5,14]). Volatility persistence is a measure of how fast the existing shock to volatility will fade away [25] and revert to the mean (normal) state.
The maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of ϑ ^ can be implemented through the prediction error decomposition, given the static parameter vector ζ and the past information r 1 : t 1 . That is, for a sample of N realisations of r t , gathered in r 1 : N , the MLE of the vector of parameters ζ is a solution of:
ζ ^ arg max ζ L ( ζ ; r 1 : N ) , where L ( ζ ; r 1 : N ) log f ( r 1 ; ϑ 1 ) + t = 2 N log f ( r t ; ϑ t )
with ϑ 1 ( I B ) 1 κ , and the time-varying parameters’ vector ϑ t ϑ ( r 1 : t 1 , ζ ) for t > 1 , such that ϑ t depends on r 1 : t 1 and ζ .

2.2. The True Parameter Recovery Measure

The true parameter recovery (TPR) measure in Equation (10) was developed by Samuel et al. [4] as a means of measuring the performance of the MCS estimator in recovering the true parameter. It is used as a proxy for the coverage of the MCS experiment to determine how much of the true parameter is recovered by the MC simulation estimator.
TPR = K ( ϑ ϑ ^ ) ϑ × K % ,
where ϑ is the true data-generating parameter, K = 0, 1, 2, , 100 is the nominal recovery level, and ϑ ^ is the estimator from the simulated data. For instance, a TPR estimated value of 95% or 100% indicates that the MCS estimator recovers 95% or 100% of the true parameter. A full recovery of the true parameter ϑ can be achieved by the MCS estimator ϑ ^ when ϑ ^ = ϑ , where ϑ > 0 , such that the TPR output equals the given nominal recovery level K (i.e., TPR = K%).

2.3. Simulation Design

The design of the simulation framework involves "background (optional), defining the aim, research questions, method of implementation, and summarised conclusion". The method of implementation is a workflow that consists of writing the code, setting the seed, setting the true parameter a priori, data generation process, and performance evaluation through meta-statistics (see [4]). These steps, as summarized by the flowchart in Figure 1, are relevant for successful simulations through the GAS model. The details on each design step are as follows:

2.3.1. Aim of the Simulation Study

After optionally stating the background of the study, the next step is to define the aim of the study and it must be concisely, clearly and unambiguously stated for reader’s understanding. The focus of MCS studies generally dwells on estimators’ capabilities in recovering the true parameters ϑ , such that E ( ϑ ^ ) = ϑ for unbiasedness, ϑ ^ ϑ as the sample size N for consistency, and root mean square error (RMSE) or standard error (SE) tends to zero as N for good efficiency or precision of the true parameter’s estimator. Hence, the aim of the study may revolve around those properties, like the bias or unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency or precision of the estimator. The aim can also evolve from comparisons of multiple entities, like comparing the efficiency of various error distributions, or comparing the performance of multiple models or modification of an existing method.

2.3.2. State the Research Questions

After defining the study aim, relevant questions with regards to the purpose of the simulation should be outlined. These will be pointers to the objectives of the study. The intricacies of some statistical research questions make them better resolved via simulation approaches. Simulation provides a robust procedure for responding to a wide range of theoretical and methodological questions and can offer a flexible structure for answering specific questions pertinent to researchers’ quest [26].

2.3.3. Method of Implementation

The simulation and empirical modelling of this study are implemented in R Statistical Software, version 4.0.3, with RStudio version 2023.03.1+446, using the GAS [5,16], SimDesign [27], tidyverse [28], patchwork [29], aTSA [30], rugarch [31,32], and forecast [33] packages. Computation is executed on Intel(R) Core(TM)i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz 1.80 GHz. The method of implementing the simulation is as follows:
  • Write the code: Carrying out a proper simulation experiment that mirrors real-life situation can be very demanding and computationally intensive, hence readable computer code with the right syntax must be ensued. MCS code must be well organised to avoid difficulties during debugging. It is always safer to start with small coding practices, get familiar with them and ensure they run properly with necessary debugging of errors before embarking on more intensive and complex ones. Code must be efficiently and flexibly written and well arranged for easy readability.
  • Set the seed: Simulation code will generate different sequence of random numbers each time it is run unless a seed is set [34]. A set seed initialises the random number generator [32] and ensures reproducibility, where the same result is obtained for different runs of the simulation process [35]. The seed needs to be set only once, for each simulation, at the start of the simulation session [6,32], and it is better to use the same seed values throughout the process [6]. The seed is essentially used for reproducibility. Samuel et al. [4] used the GARCH model to show that as the sample size N increases, the arrangement (or pattern) of the seed values generally does not influence the efficiency and consistency of an estimator. This however may depend on the quality of the model used.
  • After setting the seed, the true parameter value/s of the true sampling distribution (or true model) are then set a priori [22,36].
  • Next, simulated observations are generated using the true sampling distribution or the true model given some sets of (or different sets of) fixed parameters. Generation of simulated datasets through the GAS model is carried out using the R package "GAS". Random data generation involving this package can be implemented using either of two approaches [5,16]. The first approach is to carry out the data generating simulation directly on a fitted object "fit" (or uGASFit) using the UniGASSim (univariate GAS simulation) function for the simulated random data. The second approach uses the function UniGASSim with "fit = null". This latter approach involves full specification of a GAS model that includes selection of the conditional error distribution of the time series process, and specifying the static parameter ζ = ( κ , A , B ) that controls the time variation in ϑ t , as described in Section 2.1.
    The simulation or data generating process can be run once or replicated multiple times. However, data generation through the GAS process is generally designed to run only once. In their study through autoregressive process, Samuel et al. [4] showed that the outcomes of MCS experiments using the GARCH model are the same for datasets simulated with the same seed value, regardless of whether the simulation or data generating process is run once or replicated multiple times. Hence, the outcome of a single run is the same as the average of multiple runs or replicates. Their findings further revealed that in any multiple generated (simulated) datasets in the family GARCH model, each simulated series is distinct in randomness and shape, and it is different from every other series in the datasets.
  • The generated (simulated) data are analysed and the estimates from them are assessed using classic methods through meta-statistics to derive relevant information about the estimators. Meta-statistics (see [27]) are performance measures or metrics for evaluating the modelling outcomes by judging the closeness between an estimate and the true parameter. A few of the frequently used meta-statistical summaries, as described below, include the bias, root mean square error (RMSE), standard error (SE) and relative efficiency (RE). For more meta-statistics, see [6,27,37].
The bias, on average, measures the tendency of the simulated estimators ϑ ^ to be smaller or larger than their true parameter value ϑ . It is defined as the average difference between the true (population) parameter and its estimate [38]. The optimal value of bias is 0 [37,39]. An unbiased estimator, on average, yields the correct value of the true parameter. Bias with a positive (negative) value indicates that the true parameter value is over-estimated (under-estimated). However, in absolute values, the closer the estimator is to 0, the better it is. Bias is stated mathematically as E ( ϑ ˜ ϑ ) , but can be presented in Monte Carlo simulations (see [40]) as bias = 1 L i = 1 L ( ϑ i ^ ϑ ) . The two formulae are connected as:
E ( ϑ ˜ ϑ ) = E ( ϑ ˜ ) ϑ = 1 L i = 1 L ϑ ^ i ϑ = 1 L i = 1 L ( ϑ ^ i ϑ ) ,
where ϑ ˜ = ϑ ^ i ( i = 1 , . . . , L ) is a finite i t h number of the sample estimate ϑ ^ for the datasets, L is the number of replications, and ϑ is the true parameter.
Standard Error
Sampling variability in the estimation can be evaluated via the standard error (SE) as stated (see [40,41]) in Equation (12). Also called Monte Carlo standard deviation, it is a measure of the efficiency or precision of the true parameter’s estimator, where it is used to estimate the long-run standard deviation of ϑ ^ i for finite repetitions. It does not require knowing the true parameter ϑ but depends on its estimator ϑ ^ i only. The smaller the sampling variability, the more the efficiency or precision of the ϑ ’s estimator (see [6]). Sampling variability decreases with increased sample size [37].
SE = 1 L i = 1 L ( ϑ ^ i ϑ ¯ ) 2 , where ϑ ¯ = i = 1 L ϑ ^ / L .
The root mean square error (RMSE) is an accuracy measure for evaluating the difference between a model’s true value and its prediction. RMSE measure indicates the sampling error of an estimator when compared to the true parameter value [37] and it is stated as:
RMSE = 1 L i = 1 L ϑ ^ i ϑ 2 .
Its computation involves the true parameter ϑ . An estimator with smaller RMSE is more efficient in recovering the true parameter value [37,41], and minimum RMSE produces maximum precision [42]. Consistency of the estimator occurs when RMSE decreases such that ϑ ^ ϑ as the sample size N [6,31]. RMSE is related to bias and sampling variability as:
RMSE = bias 2 + SE 2 .
That is, the RMSE is an inclusive measure that combines bias and SE, such that low SE can be penalised for bias. The mean squared error (MSE) is obtained by squaring the RMSE. MCS is highly dependent on the law of large numbers, and it is expected that the distribution of a suitably large sample should converge to that of the underlying population as the sample size increases [43]. It is also expected that increasing the sample size should relatively decrease the sampling error, but this is not always the case. That is, the number of sample size cannot always be sufficiently increased to limit the sampling error to a bearable level [43]. Using sample sizes between 100 and 7000 inclusive, Kwiatkowski [11] graphically shows the effect of varying sample sizes on simulation outcomes. The author reveals that as the sample size increases, the spread of an estimated value decreases proportionately. However, at some point, additional sample increase does not further reduce the spread [11].
Relative Efficiency
Sampling efficiency between one estimator and the other can be compared using the relative efficiency (RE) statistic by creating ratios between the estimators’ RMSE values as shown in Equation (15). In the formula, the first RMSE or RMSE 1 is taken as the reference estimator, such that other RMSEs are assessed in relation to it. This performance measure can be used when the estimators of interest are unbiased. The RE ≡ 1 when i = 1, and values above (less than) 1 indicate less (greater) efficiency. Less efficiency means more variability than the statistic that is referenced, while greater efficiency indicates less variability and higher precision for recovering the true parameter ϑ [37,40]. For instance, R E < 1 suggests that estimator i is the preferred one, i.e., if i = 2 for instance, estimator 1 is less efficient in relation to estimator i = 2 [44].
RE = RMSE i RMSE 1 2 .

2.4. Discussion and Summary

After the method of implementation, the last stage in the framework steps is the conclusion, which should reflect a summary discussion of all logical findings from the experiments, with answers to the research questions. The conclusion brings out the novelty of the research and may also include the limitations experienced and opportunities for future work. In addition, relevant information on simulation results can be conveyed through graphics, tabular presentation, or both.

3. Results: Simulation and Empirical

3.1. Practical Illustrations of the Simulation Design: Application to Bond Return Series

By way of illustration, this section practically describes how the stated steps can be applied through Monte Carlo simulations with real data empirical verification. The steps are illustrated using bond returns as follows:

3.2. The Background

As a preamble, simulation involving the GAS model can be conducted through the UniGASSim function with uGASFit (or simply "fit") object and UniGASSim function with "fit = null" (see Page 52 of Catania et al. [16] for the usage of UniGASSim function). The latter approach using "fit = null" involves full specification of the GAS model, where the coefficients of the matrices κ , A and B in Equation (2) have to be defined. Both of these approaches can be done with shape parameter (or degree of freedom) that is time-varying ( ν t ) or constant ( ν ). This illustrative study focuses on ν t . In the simulation structure, A and B matrices are constrained to exist as diagonals, e.g., for a GAS model with Student’s t error distribution, A diag ( a μ , a σ , a ν ) and B diag ( b μ , b σ , b ν ) , where μ , σ and ν are location, scale and shape parameters, respectively. In the outputs of the estimation, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2 and b3 are estimates of a μ , a σ , a ν , b μ , b σ and b ν , respectively (see Appendix A for clues). Also κ ( I B ) Λ 1 ( ϑ * ) , where I is an identity matrix of a suitable size, ϑ * is the ThetaStar object, and Λ 1 is a mapping function that is represented by the UniUnmapParameters() function1. The ThetaStar ϑ * is a vector of the unconditional time varying parameters, i.e., ϑ * = ( U μ , U σ , U ν ) , where U μ , U σ , and U ν are the unconditional location, scale and shape parameters, respectively. The coefficients kappa1, kappa2 and kappa3 in the estimation’s outputs are vector κ ’s elements, where κ ( κ μ , κ σ , κ ν ) (see Appendix A for clues, and [5] for more details).
It is believed that an observation-driven model can suitably estimate volatility when the underlying error distribution is appropriately assumed [45]. In other words, to minimize risk and adequately maximise asset returns, volatility needs to be estimated with an appropriate error assumption when the true error distribution is unknown. As described in Section 2.1, GAS(1,1) model is used as the true data generating process (DGP) for the MC simulation modelling. Hence, this illustrative study demonstrates the dynamics of the observation-driven model GAS, where the outcomes of the model fitted with each of seven assumed error distributions of the Gaussian, skew-Gaussian, Student’s t, skew-Student’s t, asymmetric Student’s t with one tail decay parameter (AST1), asymmetric Student’s t with two tail decay parameters (AST), and asymmetric Laplace distribution (ALD) are compared to obtain the most suitable for volatility estimation. Details on the error distributions can be seen in [5,14,46] or through the function DistInfo() in R package "GAS".
For further background layout, it is known that financial data are fat-tailed [47], i.e., non-Normal. Hence, to obtain a set of simulated observations that can closely reflect this fat-tailed behaviour of financial time series data under the GAS modelling, the unconditional shape parameter or degree of freedom ( U ν ) needs to be modified. Modification of U ν can only take place within numerical bounds or range 4 to 50.01. That is, the parameter space can take values from 4.01 to 50. Values outside of this range are unacceptable by the UniUnmapParameters() function. This study investigated this with various datasets by using values outside the range and discovered that the outputs only returned "Not a Number (NaN)" for the unconditional location, scale and shape parameters. Readers can check Table 2 on page 14 of Ardia et al. [5] for all the imposed numerical bounds.
Next, this study carries out an experiment with U ν = {10.3, 8.2, 4.1} to determine which will be appropriate to generate simulated observations that properly reflects the fat-tailed behaviour of financial data. This is executed by fitting GAS(1,1)-Student’s t model with time-varying location, scale and shape parameters to the SA bond return data. All the obtained estimates from the fit are then used directly unaltered (except for U ^ ν that is altered or modified) to generate three sets of 30000 simulated datasets. That is, the first dataset is obtained with U ν = 10.3, the second and third with U ν = 8.2 and U ν = 4.1, respectively. For each simulated dataset, a quantile-quantile (QQ) plot is produced as displayed in Figure 2. It can be seen from the figure that the plot in Panel C for GAS(1,1)-Student’s t with U ν = 4.1 displays fatter tails than the other two panels with U ν = 8.2 and U ν = 10.3. The tails of Panel C’s plot is about twice and more than twice as fat as those of Panels B and A, respectively. Hence, the DGP GAS(1,1) model, as stated in Equation (16), fitted to a Student’s t distributed error with U ν of 4.1 is the most suitable among the three to generate the required simulated financial return data.
ϑ t + 1 = κ + A 1 c t + B 1 ϑ t .
It is observed in this background study that modification of the U ν using the fit object approach is not directly feasible. Hence, this study applies the fit = null approach, where all the estimates (except the U ^ ν that is modified) from the fit object are used. That is, all the estimates obtained from the fit of the true model to the real bond return data are directly used unaltered, except the modified U ^ ν , in the specification of the GAS simulation process.
The Student’s t is used as the true error distribution for this illustration because it is assumed that financial data appear to have a distribution much like it, and it is also believed that it can suitably deal with fat tailed or leptokurtic features [48,49] experienced in financial data [50]. However, to buttress the illustration, we further used the AST1 as another true error distribution in addition to the Student’s t, and compare their outcomes. Besides these two true sampling errors, users may choose to use any relevant non-Gaussian distributions, as stated in the DistInfo() function, for their data generations based on individual user’s research needs. For any chosen true error distribution, the DistInfo() function reveals the parameter/s that must be specified as time-varying.

3.3. Aim of the Simulation Study

This study aims at obtaining the most appropriate assumed error distribution to use for conditional volatility estimation when the underlying (true) error distribution is unknown.

3.4. Research Questions

This simulation study should result in responses to the following questions:
Which among the assumed error distributions is the most suitable from the GAS simulation process to estimate volatility?
What type (i.e., strong, weak or inconsistence) of N consistency, in terms of RMSE and SE, does the volatility persistence estimator B ^ of the GAS process exhibit?
How does the estimator B ^ of the most suitable assumed error distribution compare to the estimator B ^ of contending assumed error distributions with regards to bias, and efficiency (or precision) in terms of RMSE, SE and RE?
How is the performance of the MCS estimator B ^ in recovering the true parameter B?

3.5. Method of Implementation

Since we intend to use the Student’s t and AST1 as the true error distributions to generate the simulated observations, the method of implementation is described via two Monte Carlo experiments. The implementation method is illustrated using the UniGASSim function with "fit = null" as discussed in the background. This approach involves full specification of the GAS model in the coefficients of matrices A , B and κ . For the two true error distributions, the scale parameters’ descriptions of the conditional volatility are set within 0.975 < b σ = B < 1 and 0 < a σ < 0.15 . The B = b σ is the GAS volatility persistence parameter in the diagonal of matrix B (see [14,51]). Moreover, the a σ and B = b σ parameters of the GAS model actually correspond to the α and α + β parameters, respectively, of the GARCH model [51].
Next, the two MCS experiments to illustrate the method of implementation are carried out using each of the two true error distributions one after another.

3.5.1. Method of Implementation with the Student’s t Error

With Student’s t as the true innovation distribution, the written code is first used to fit the true model GAS(1,1)-Student’s t with time-varying (denoted by "TRUE" in the UniGASSpec function) location, scale and shape parameters to the SA bond return data through the UniGASFit function. The time variation in the location, scale and shape parameters of the fit are graphically described as displayed in Figure 3, with the location in the top panel, followed by the scale and then the shape parameter graphics.
Next, through the UniGASSim function, using seed 12345 in the code, the value of the scale parameter b2 = b σ = B = 0.9831 (i.e., 9.830649e 01 ) from the fit is set a priori as the true parameter for the MCS process, as shown in Panel A of Table 1. This value and all the other estimates (with the U ^ ν that is modified to 4.1) from the fit object are used in the code to generate (simulate) three sets of N = 30000 observations. That is, all the estimates from the fit of the true model to the real return data are directly used unaltered, except the modified U ^ ν by using 4.1 (in the ThetaStar object of the code) in place of the fit object’s estimate of U ^ ν = 8.17843724.
Next, due to initial values effect in the data generating process which may lead to size distortion [52], the first N = {13000, 12000, 11000} sets of observations are each discarded at each stage of the generated 30000 observations to circumvent such distortion. That is, only the last N = {17000, 18000, 19000} simulated return observations are used under each of the seven assumed error distributions, as shown in Table 1. This trimming steps are carried out following the simulation structure of Feng and Shi [38]. An observation-driven process can be size distorted with regards to its kurtosis, where strong size distortion may be a result of high kurtosis [53]. After generating the simulated return datasets, GAS(1,1) process is fitted to them under each of the seven distributed error assumptions. The full analytic code that shows the lines of commands for each stage of the method of implementation is available from the authors on request.
Next, comparisons through the four meta-statistical summaries comprising the bias, RMSE, SE and RE are carried out for the volatility persistence estimator B ^ . The most suitable assumed error distribution for volatility estimation will be obtained from the estimator B ^ with the best precision and efficiency (for recovering the true parameter) in the meta-statistical comparisons done under the seven error assumptions.
Now, comparing RMSE for B ^ in Panel A of Table 1, the AST1 assumed error distribution outperforms the other six assumed errors, including the true error Student’s t, in efficiency with the least value as N tends to the peak. For bias comparison, the AST1 also outperforms the rest of the error assumptions with the lowest absolute value of bias as N tends to the peak. Comparing SE, the Student’s t, skew-Student’s t, and AST1 are equal in performance for efficiency and precision in terms of SE, and they outperform the rest. The AST assumed error follows them in performance. Lastly, for RE comparison, we used each preceding RMSE as the reference estimator, i.e., RMSE 1 as the reference estimator for RMSE 2 , and RMSE 2 for RMSE 3 under each error assumption. The outcomes show that the AST1 displays the highest precision for recovering the true parameter than the rest, with the smallest RE value as N tends to the peak. The RMSE and SE performance measures also showcase adequate N consistency in recovering the true parameter under the seven assumed distributed errors. To summarise, when the true error distribution is Student’s t, the AST1 assumed error distribution relatively outperforms the other six distributed error assumptions in efficiency and precision, and in the overall performance.
Panel A of Table 1 further reveals that the MCS estimator B ^ considerably recovers the true parameter B at the 95% (i.e., 0.95) nominal recovery level. The recovery outcomes for each of the seven error distribution assumptions are visually displayed in Figure 4, where it is revealed that the MCS estimates perform considerably well in recovering the true parameter as shown by the closeness of the TPR outcomes to the 95% nominal recovery level. This indicates a good performance of the MCS experiments with considerably valid outcomes. However, the non-Gaussian error assumptions perform better in the recovery than the Gaussian and skew-Gaussian assumed errors, as revealed in the plot. It can also be observed from the results in Panel A of the table that the MCS estimate B ^ is directly proportional to the TPR outcome. Hence, the smaller (larger) the MCS estimate, the smaller (larger) the TPR outcome.

3.5.2. Method of Implementation with AST1

The second illustration of the method of implementation is carried out with the AST1 as the true error distribution. The written lines of code is first used to fit the true model GAS(1,1)-AST1 with time varying location, scale, skewness and shape parameters to the SA bond return data through the UniGASFit function. The time variation in these parameters are graphically displayed in Figure 5, with the location in the top panel, followed by the scale, skewness and then the shape parameter graphics downwards in subsequent panels.
Next, through the UniGASSim function, using seed 12345 in the code, the value of the scale parameter b2 = b σ = B = 0.9788 (i.e., 9.788202e 01 ) from the fit is used (or set) a priori as the true parameter for the MCS process, as shown in Panel B of Table 1. This value and all the other estimates (with the U ^ ν that is modified to 4.1) from the fit object are used to generate three sets of N = 30000 return observations. In other words, the outputs from the fit are used as arguments for the objects A , B and ThetaStar (with a modified U ^ ν = 4.1) to generate the simulated observations. That is, all the estimates from the fit of the true model to the real return data are directly used unaltered, except the unconditional shape parameter or degree of freedom value U ^ ν = 7.7453810 that is modified to U ^ ν = 4.1. Next, following the previous trimming pattern, N = {17000, 18000, 19000} datasets are used under each of the seven assumed error distributions, as shown in Table 1. The full code is available from the authors on request.
Now, comparing RMSE and SE for B ^ in Panel B of Table 1, the AST1 error assumption outperforms the other six assumed errors in efficiency and precision with the least values as N tends to the peak. For bias comparison, the AST1 also outperforms the rest, with the lowest absolute values of biases as N tends to the peak. The relative efficiency (RE) comparison is not done here due to the weak N consistency of the RMSE under the AST and ALD assumed errors. In this study, consistency is termed "strong" ("weak") when the estimator’s RMSE/SE value decreases as the sample size N increases without (with) distortion. To summarise, when the true error distribution is AST1, the AST1 assumed error distribution outperforms the other six error distribution assumptions in efficiency and precision, and in the overall performance. It is also observed from the outcomes of the RMSE and SE for both true models in Panels A and B that the GAS model with the Gaussian error distribution is considerably consistent but not efficient when the true error distribution is not Gaussian.
Furthermore, as revealed in Panel B of Table 1 and as visualised in Figure 6, the MCS estimator B ^ considerably recovers the true parameter B at the 95% nominal recovery level, for each of the seven assumed errors. This indicates a good performance of the MCS experiments with considerably valid results. However, as also observed under the true model GAS(1,1)-Student’s t, the non-Gaussian error assumptions perform better in the recovery than the Gaussian and skew-Gaussian assumed errors, as revealed in the plot. Panel B of Table 1 also shows that the closer the MCS estimate is to zero, the smaller the TPR outcome. It can be seen from Figure 4 and Figure 6, and in Table 1 that the MCS estimator performs slightly better at recovering the true parameter under the Gaussian and skew-Gaussian assumed errors for the true model GAS(1,1)-Student’s t than it is for true model GAS(1,1)-AST1. Moreover, the true model GAS(1,1)-Student’s t displays better N consistency for the RMSE and SE metrics than the GAS(1,1)-AST1 as revealed in Table 1. Hence, these show the preference of the Student’s t error for the data generation process than the AST1 error.

3.6. Empirical Study

Next, the results of the MCS experiments are now empirically verified using real return data from the SA bond index. Among the seven assumed error distributions, the most appropriate for the GAS process to estimate the volatility of the bond market’s returns is investigated. For the market index, the price data are transformed to the log-daily returns by taking the difference of logarithms of the price, presented in percentage as:
r t = ln P t P t 1 × 100 .
The P t and P t 1 are the closing bond price index at time t and the previous day’s closing price at time t 1 , respectively; r t denotes the current return and ln is the natural logarithm.

3.6.1. Exploratory Data Analysis

To begin with, the price and return series are first examined through exploratory data analysis (EDA) as shown in Figure 7 to Figure 9. The EDA visually inspects the content of the dataset to reveal vital information and possible outliers. The histogram plot in panel A of Figure 7 shows a skewed non-symmetric distribution that suggests non-stationarity in the price index, while panel B reveals approximately symmetric or stationary distribution in the return series. Panel A of Figure 8 also reveals the non-stationarity in the price index as observed in the price series plot, while panel B shows stationarity in the returns through the return series plot. Figure 8 further reveals four obvious extreme spikes in the distributions of price and returns during the period under study. These spikes are a result of severe global events and economic downturns that led to extreme market volatilities, notably the 2002/2003 SARS epidemic outbreak [54], the 2008 global financial crisis caused by the bubble [55], (another possible cause of the 2008 turmoil was the U.S. loans crisis, i.e., the defaults on consolidated mortgage-backed securities [56]), the 2016 Brexit issues, and the 2020 covid-19 pandemic outbreak. Figure 9 shows the price and return densities in Panels A and B respectively, while Panels C and D display the movements of the price and return distributions with their densities.

3.6.2. Tests for Autocorrelation and Heteroscedasticity

Next, autocorrelation (or serial correlation) is checked by fitting an autoregressive moving average (ARMA(p,q)) model (see [31]), with a non-skew (Normal) innovation distribution and a skew distribution (Student’s t innovation distribution), to the stationary return series. The p and q are the orders of the AR and MA processes, respectively. Student’s t innovation distribution is used because it adequately reflects the distribution of financial data [57]. Among the candidate ARMA(p,q) models examined, both ARMA(1,1) and ARMA(2,2) models as stated in Equations 18 and 19 are found adequate to remove possible serial correlation in the residual returns. The autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial ACF (PACF) plots of the fit of the ARMA(2,2) model is displayed in Figure 102. Table 2 presents the results of the Weighted Ljung-Box (WLB) tests (see [58] for details) on the "standardized" and "standardized squared" residuals for fitting the two models. The p-values of the tests at lag order 9 for ARMA(1,1) and lag order 19 for ARMA(2,2) are all greater than 0.05, under each error distribution. Based on this, we fail to reject the null hypothesis of "no serial correlation" in the SA bond market’s returns.
r t = ϕ 0 + ϕ 1 r t 1 + φ 1 ε t 1 + ε t
r t = ϕ 0 + ϕ 1 r t 1 + ϕ 2 r t 2 + φ 2 ε t 2 + φ 1 ε t 1 + ε t
Through the outcomes from the autocorrelation test, Engle’s ARCH test (see [59]) is carried out using the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) and Portmanteau-Q (PQ) tests to check for the presence of heteroscedasticity in the residuals. These tests are implemented based on the null hypothesis of homoscedasticity in the residuals of an Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. The tests are executed using the arima() function, in R package aTSA, for ARMA(1,1) and ARMA(2,2) models. The outcomes of both tests reveal highly significant p-values of 0 from lag order 4 to 24 as shown in Panels A and B of Table 3. Thus, the null hypothesis of "no heteroscedastic" in the residuals is rejected, which denotes the existence of volatility clustering. Volatility clustering infers that big changes in returns tend to be followed by big changes, of either sign, and small changes tend to be followed by small changes [60]. Based on the outcomes, an autoregressive model can be fitted to filter out the heteroscedasticity in the return series. This is done by fitting the GAS(1,1) model, as shown in Equation (16), with each of the seven error distributions, to the SA bond returns.

3.6.3. Selection of the Most Appropriate Error Assumption

Next, selection of the most appropriate assumed error distribution to describe the market’s returns, when fitted with the GAS model for volatility estimation, is obtained from Table 4. The results of the GAS(1,1) model fitted with each of the seven assumed innovation distributions to a real return data from the SA bond market index is compared with the outcomes of the MCS studies. The empirical outputs through the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) (see [31] for details) are presented in Table 4. The error distribution with the least values of the information criteria is selected as the most suitable to describe the market for volatility estimation. It is observed from the table that the GAS parameter estimate ( B ^ ) is statistically significant at 1% level under the seven assumed innovation distributions.
The empirical findings are conducted in two ways. The first outcome is in Panel A of Table 4, where the seven assumed errors are compared when the scale parameter alone is time-varying. It is observed here that the values of the AIC and BIC are smallest under the AST1 error distribution. The second outcome is in Panel B where the seven innovation distributions are compared when the location, scale, and shape parameters are time-varying. The results also show that the two information criteria are smallest under the AST1. Hence, the AST1 innovation assumption outperforms the other six assumed innovation distributions. These outcomes are consistent with the results of the MCS studies. The code for the empirical modelling is available from the authors on request.
The empirical outputs of the GAS(1,1)-AST1 model, with time-varying location, scale, skewness and shape parameters, fitted to the SA bond return dataset are given in Appendix A. Hence, using the outputs, the equations of the GAS model for time-varying scale (or volatility), location, skewness and shape parameters can be stated as:
ϑ t + 1 = κ + A 1 c t + B 1 ϑ t L o c a t i o n : ϑ t + 1 = 1.853386 e 02 + 1.007662 e 06 c t + 8.802454 e 01 ϑ t S c a l e : ϑ t + 1 = 2.055416 e 02 + 4.204045 e 02 c t + 9.788202 e 01 ϑ t S k e w n e s s : ϑ t + 1 = 1.343679 e 01 + 1.185833 e 01 c t + 2.053495 e 05 ϑ t S h a p e : ϑ t + 1 = 7.220809 e 02 + 1.400373 e 04 c t + 9.702012 e 01 ϑ t

4. Discussion and Summarised Conclusion

In conclusion, it is observed in the MCS studies that using the UniGASSim function with "fit = null" (i.e., full specification of the GAS model) approach, the AST1 consistently emerges as the most suitable assumed error distribution to use with the GAS model for volatility estimation and description of the SA bond returns when the underlying error distribution is unknown. The result was verified empirically. The persistence of volatility ( B ^ ) under this most suitable error distribution as revealed in Table 4 is, on the average, 0.98. Precisely, the outcomes are 0.9790 and 0.9818 in Panels A and B of the table, respectively. Hence, this shows that the SA bond market’s returns volatility is quite persistent.
The conclusion proceeds with answers provided to the research questions. For answer to the first question, the AST1 distribution is the most appropriate among the seven assumed error distributions from the GAS process simulation for volatility estimation. Second, the volatility persistence estimator B ^ displays considerably strong N consistency. To break this down, there is strong N consistency for the estimator B ^ under all the seven assumed error distributions in the Student’s t true error distribution (or true model GAS(1,1)-Student’s t) for both RMSE and SE in Panel A of Table 1. The AST1 true error distribution, or true model GAS(1,1)-AST1, in Panel B also shows considerably strong N consistency under the error assumptions, with the exception of the weak consistency in the AST and ALD assumed errors for RMSE metric, and under the Gaussian assumed error for SE metric. Third, when compared to contending assumed error distributions, the estimator B ^ of AST1 is the overall best in efficiency and precision in terms of RMSE, SE and RE, and in absolute values of biases under the two true error distributions, as revealed in Table 1.
Fourth, as a proxy for the coverage of the MCS experiments, the MCS estimator B ^ performed well in recovering the true parameter B through the TPR measure for the 95% nominal recovery level as revealed in Table 1. The results show that the TPR results are suitably close to the 95% nominal recovery level under the seven assumed error distributions for the two true error distributions (or true models). This indicates a good performance of the MCS experiments with considerably valid results. However, the non-Gaussian error assumptions performed better in the recovery than the Gaussian and skew-Gaussian assumed errors, for the two true error distributions. The study also observed from the outcomes of the TPR measure and the consistency of the RMSE and SE, that the Student’s t is a preferred error distribution for data generation than the AST1.
This illustrative study through the GAS simulation modelling focused on time-varying shape parameter or degree of freedom ν t , where the "shape = TRUE". Interested users and readers can try the other approach with "shape = FALSE" (i.e., constant shape parameter or degree of freedom ν ). Any argument specified as "FALSE" in the UniGASSpec function for the GAS specification is constrained to 0 (see [5] or use help(UniGASSpec) in R GAS package for details).

5. Concluding Remarks

This novel study presents a robust step-by-step simulation framework for volatility estimation through the observation-driven GAS model using the GAS package, with relevant findings. The framework discloses an organised approach to Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) experiment that involves "background (optional), defining the aim, research questions, method of implementation and summarised conclusion". The method of implementation is a workflow that consists of writing the code, setting the seed, setting the true parameter a priori, data generation process, and performance assessment through meta-statistics. This handy framework is exemplified using financial return data, which makes it easily applicable to users for effective MCS studies.
One of the novel contributions from this study is that it has experimentally demonstrated that the GAS model with a lower unconditional shape parameter or degree of freedom value ( U ν = 4.1) can generate a dataset that adequately reflects the behaviour of financial time series data, relevant for volatility estimation. This dynamic approach, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, has not been used in prior works, and the finding is a significant contribution to the existing literature, which could be a relevant guide to users on how to obtain an appropriate simulated financial time series data through the GAS model. It is also observed that to determine the sample size that is adequate for a particular simulation, focus should be put on the level of accuracy or precision (in this case, on efficiency and/or consistency) of the target statistic of interest. If a set of sample sizes yields the same efficiency outcomes, the outcome with the best consistency among the set can be used for a final decision on sample size determination.
Furthermore, in line with the findings of Gilli et al. [43], the outcomes from this study also show that increasing the samples or sample size does not always reduce the sampling error (RMSE). The RMSE results may be strongly/weakly N consistent. Moreover, it is observed that the volatility persistence estimator of the GAS model displays appreciable N consistency. In addition, consistent with the outcomes of other autoregressive models like the GARCH model (see [4,38]), this study also revealed that the GAS model with the Gaussian error distribution is consistent but not efficient when the true error distribution is not Gaussian. Also, the outcome of the illustrative study shows that the AST1 error assumption is the most suitable among the seven assumed errors to describe the financial returns for volatility estimation. The application of this (AST1) error distribution with the GAS model for variability estimation reveals that volatility is quite persistent in the SA bond returns. In a broader context, the outcome of this robust estimation approach using the AST1 fitted with the GAS specification could be useful to investors and financial practitioners in enhancing the accuracy of their risk measurement for investment decisions and portfolio management. Lastly, the true parameter recovery (TPR) measure was used as a proxy for the coverage of the MCS experiments. This measure is a robust but flexible presentation of the concept of the estimator’s coverage, and it is easy to use for measuring the level of recovery of the true parameter value by the MCS estimates. Its outcomes show considerably good performance of the MCS estimator at recovering the true parameter.
It is expected that this robust framework will adequately guide interested researchers on MCS experiments using the GAS model and package for a robust volatility estimation in finance and other areas involved with estimating volatility.

5.1. Limitations in the Study

The following limitations or issues are noticed in this study. First, MCS is somewhat complex and time-demanding, hence it needs adequate planning, with critical and analytical reasoning, to be properly executed. Second, the quality of the simulation modelling may depend on the quality of the model used. Third, implementing the experiments may involve large runtime. This study shows that a considerably large sample size may sometimes be required to obtain a reasonable output approximation, which in turn may require a large computational time (or runtime). It is also noticed that the GAS package does not have a provision to test for serial correlation in the returns, hence this study used the Weighted Ljung-Box (WLB) statistic through the R rugarch package and the auto.arima() function in R forecast package to carry out the test. Lastly, since the package also does not make provision for estimating the coverage of the MCS experiments, this study used the TPR measure as a proxy for the coverage, and it is observed that the MCS estimates considerably recover the true parameters.

5.2. Future Research Interest

In this ongoing research on simulation framework, the authors intend extending the ideas to modelling of multivariate processes, and for volatility forecasting and portfolio management.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, R.S., C.C and C.S.; methodology, R.S., C.C and C.S.; software, R.S., C.C and C.S.; validation, R.S., C.C and C.S.; formal analysis, R.S.; investigation, R.S.; resources, R.S., C.C and C.S.; data curation, R.S.; writing—original draft preparation, R.S.; writing—review and editing, R.S., C.C and C.S.; visualization, R.S., C.C and C.S.; supervision, C.C and C.S.; project administration, C.C, C.S., R.S.; funding acquisition, R.S., C.C and C.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Restrictions apply to the availability of these data. Data was obtained from Thomson Reuters Datastream and are available from the authors with the permission of Thomson Reuters Datastream.


The authors are grateful to Thomson Reuters Datastream for providing the data, and to the University of the Witwaterstrand and the University of Venda for their resources.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
MCS Monte Carlo simulation
GAS Generalized Autoregressive Score
UniGASSim Univariate GAS simulation
UniGASSpec Univariate GAS specification
SD Score Driven
DCS Dynamic Conditional Score
SV Stochastic volatility
GARCH Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity
AST1 Asymmetric Student’s t with one tail decay parameter
AST Asymmetric Student’s t with two tail decay parameters
ALD Asymmetric Laplace distribution
TPR True Parameter Recovery
S&P Standard & Poor
ARMA Autoregressive Moving Average
ARIMA Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average
MLE Maximum likelihood estimation
DGP Data generation process
RMSE Root mean square error
MSE Mean square error
RE Relative efficiency
SE Standard error
U ν Unconditional shape parameter or degree of freedom
NaN Not a Number
EDA Exploratory Data Analysis
QQ Quantile-Quantile
LM Lagrange Multiplier
PQ Portmanteau-Q
AIC Akaike information criterion
BIC Bayesian information criterion
p-value Probability value
SA South Africa
ACF Autocorrelation function
PACF Partial autocorrelation function
WLB Weighted Ljung-Box

Appendix A. The Empirical Outputs of GAS(1,1)-AST1 Model

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That is, the inverse of the mapping function Λ 1 in κ is represented by the UniUnmapParameters() function in the GAS simulation code (see [5])
The ACF and PACF diagrams were plotted using the auto.arima() function in R forecast package developed by Hyndman and Khandakar [33].


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Figure 1. Flowchart on simulation design for volatility estimation.
Figure 1. Flowchart on simulation design for volatility estimation.
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Figure 2. QQ plots of U ν = {10.3, 8.2, 4.1}.
Figure 2. QQ plots of U ν = {10.3, 8.2, 4.1}.
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Figure 3. Time-varying location (top panel), scale (middle panel) and shape (bottom panel) parameters.
Figure 3. Time-varying location (top panel), scale (middle panel) and shape (bottom panel) parameters.
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Figure 4. The true parameter recovery (TPR) outlook. The dotted line is the 95% (i.e., 0.95) nominal recovery level.
Figure 4. The true parameter recovery (TPR) outlook. The dotted line is the 95% (i.e., 0.95) nominal recovery level.
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Figure 5. AST1: Time-varying location (top panel), scale (upper-middle panel), skewness (lower-middle panel) and shape (bottom panel) parameters.
Figure 5. AST1: Time-varying location (top panel), scale (upper-middle panel), skewness (lower-middle panel) and shape (bottom panel) parameters.
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Figure 6. The true parameter recovery (TPR) outlook. The dotted line is the 95% (i.e., 0.95) nominal recovery level.
Figure 6. The true parameter recovery (TPR) outlook. The dotted line is the 95% (i.e., 0.95) nominal recovery level.
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Figure 7. Histograms of price (in Panel A) and returns (Panel B). The two colours merely demarcate the distribution where the price < 200 (with blue colour) and above 200 (with an indianred colour). This is also used where the returns < 0.
Figure 7. Histograms of price (in Panel A) and returns (Panel B). The two colours merely demarcate the distribution where the price < 200 (with blue colour) and above 200 (with an indianred colour). This is also used where the returns < 0.
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Figure 8. Distributions of price (in Panel A) and returns (Panel B).
Figure 8. Distributions of price (in Panel A) and returns (Panel B).
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Figure 9. Price and return densities in Panels A and B respectively, while Panels C and D display the price and return distributions with their densities.
Figure 9. Price and return densities in Panels A and B respectively, while Panels C and D display the price and return distributions with their densities.
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Figure 10. Outcomes of serial correlation test.
Figure 10. Outcomes of serial correlation test.
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Table 1. Simulation outcomes.
Table 1. Simulation outcomes.
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Table 2. ARMA(1,1) and ARMA(2,2) models’ outcomes on Bond returns.
Table 2. ARMA(1,1) and ARMA(2,2) models’ outcomes on Bond returns.
Panel A Panel B
ARMA(1,1) ARMA(2,2)
Normal Student’s t Normal Student’s t
Test on standardized WLB(9) 2.2258 3.2100 WLB(19) 6.2949 10.3830
residuals p-value(9) (0.9728) (0.8563) p-value(19) (0.9573) (0.4060)
Test on standardized WLB(9) 6.5740 7.4880 WLB(19) 6.4740 7.5450
squared residuals p-value(9) (0.2376) (0.1617) p-value(19) (0.2473) (0.1577)
Note: WLB denotes the Weighted Ljung-Box test, where "(9)" and "(19)" are lags 9 and 19, respectively.
Table 3. Engle’s ARCH test results.
Table 3. Engle’s ARCH test results.
Panel A Panel B
ARMA(1,1) model ARMA(2,2) model
PQ test LM test PQ test LM test
Lag order PQ P-value LM P-value PQ P-value LM P-value
4 904 0 4729 0 888 0 4658 0
8 1127 0 2196 0 1104 0 2184 0
12 1400 0 1361 0 1377 0 1354 0
16 1517 0 1015 0 1497 0 1010 0
20 1575 0 807 0 1556 0 803 0
24 1624 0 666 0 1602 0 663 0
Note: PQ is the Portmanteau-Q statistic, and LM is the Lagrange-Multiplier statistic.
Table 4. Empirical outcomes of GAS modelling on SA Bond return data.
Table 4. Empirical outcomes of GAS modelling on SA Bond return data.
Panel A Normal skew-Normal Student t skew-Student t AST AST1 ALD
B ^ 0.9804* 0.9819* 0.9790* 0.9804* 0.9788* 0.9790* 0.9784*
AIC 17936.36 17900.84 17682.49 17672.13 17668.28 17666.39 17910.63
BIC 17962.88 17933.99 17715.64 17711.91 17714.69 17706.17 17943.78
Panel B Normal skew-Normal Student t skew-Student t AST AST1 ALD
B ^ 0.9805* 0.9819* 0.9831* 0.9818* 0.9807* 0.9818* 0.9784*
AIC 17915.19 17904.84 17666.31 17672.84 17664.18 17650.89 17914.63
BIC 17954.97 17951.25 17725.98 17739.14 17737.11 17717.19 17961.04
Note: The "*" indicates 1% level of significance. Panel A shows the outcomes of the GAS fit for time-varying scale parameter, while Panel B gives the outcomes for time-varying location, scale, and shape parameters.
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