4.2. Oxidative stress, lysosomal dysfunction, and vitamin A derivatives as contributors to the accumulation of RPE lipofuscin
Similarly to lipofuscin in other cell types, it has been demonstrated that oxidative stress induced by excessive iron or depletion of antioxidants and/or autophagy/lysosomal dysfunction can increase the accumulation of RPE lipofuscin (reviewed in [
88]). For example, a rapid lipofuscin accumulation in the RPE of rats and dogs can be induced by intravitreal injection of an inhibitor of lysosomal protease, leupeptin [
90], or by intravitreal injection of ferrous sulphate or ferric ammonium citrate [
In addition, the lysosomal degradation in the RPE can be hindered by oxidative damage to the phagocytosed material due to the photosensitizing properties of retinaldehydes. Following the photoexcitation of visual pigment, which is the first step leading to visual perception, the Schiff base linkage between the protein and the isomerized chromophore is hydrolyzed, resulting in a release of all-
trans-retinaldehyde from the protein, opsin [
98]. The lysosomal degradation of the visual pigments can lead to the release of their intact chromophore, 11-
cis-retinaldehyde. Overall, both retinaldehydes exhibit similar photosensitizing properties but the absorption spectrum of all-
trans-retinaldehyde extends more into the visible range than that of 11-
cis-retinaldehyde. Upon absorption of ultraviolet or blue light, retinaldehyde can form an excited triplet state. In the presence of oxygen, the photoexcited triplet state can interact with oxygen leading to the generation of reactive oxygen species, such as singlet oxygen and superoxide. The ability of superoxide to initiate lipid peroxidation in the lysosomal environment was discussed in
Section 1. Singlet oxygen is an electronically excited form of oxygen molecule O
2, which can oxidize biomolecules, including unsaturated fatty acids leading to the formation of lipid hydroperoxides. Interaction of the lipid hydroperoxide with iron ion leads to its decomposition and formation of lipid radicals, which can initiate a chain of lipid oxidation. POS contain high concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as DHA and arachidonic acid, with 6 and 4 unsaturated double bonds, respectively, and therefore are very susceptible to lipid peroxidation [
It has been also shown that photoexcited all-
trans-retinaldehyde can inactivate the ATP-binding cassette transporter rim protein (ABCR, also known as ABCA4), which is present in the rims of POS discs [
100]. This protein facilitates the enzymatic reduction of all-
trans-retinaldehyde by transporting it (usually as a Schiff base adduct with phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), N-retinylidene-phosphatidylethanolamine (NRPE)) from the intradiscal leaflet of the lipid bilayer to the cytoplasmic site, where it can serve as a substrate for retinol dehydrogenase 8 (RDH8) and other oxidoreductases [
101]. ABCA4 can also transport in the same direction the 11-
cis-retinaldehyde adduct with PE. In addition to its expression in photoreceptors, ABCA4 is also expressed in the RPE, where it co-localizes with endolysosomal proteins and is thought to aid in the recycling of retinaldehydes from phagocytosed tips of POS [
102]. Therefore, inactivation of ABCA4 may lead to a decreased clearance of both retinaldehydes.
PE is an abundant phospholipid in POS membranes, accounting for about 35% of all lipids [
99]. PE reacts with all-
trans-retinaldehyde forming NRPE with a greater rate than the rate of all-
trans-retinaldehyde hydrolysis from opsin, therefore it can reduce the risk of this reactive aldehyde reacting with proteins [
103]. NRPE can interact with another molecule of retinaldehyde forming a pyridinium bisretinoid, abbreviated as A2PE, as well as other bisretinoids [
106]. These bisretinoids are not degradable by the lysosomal enzymes except for the hydrolysis of the phosphate or fatty acid chains from PE. In the case of A2PE, this leads to the formation of A2E or lysoA2PE. The presence of bisretinoids makes RPE lipofuscin rather unique among lipofuscins from other cells. Several different bisretinoids have been detected in isolated lipofuscin and in the human retina [
Considering the release of photoreactive retinaldehydes upon exposure of the retina to light, it is not surprising to see an increased accumulation of RPE lipofuscin in response to rearing in light/dark cycle as opposed to rearing in dark or in response to short-term exposures to light causing damage to photoreceptors (reviewed in [
88]). For example, an 18-hour exposure to 3000-3200 lx cool-white fluorescent light can increase lipofuscin accumulation in the RPE of Japanese quail (Coturnix Japonica) [
113]. Consistently, a delayed clearance of all-
trans-retinaldehyde in POS and/or 11-
cis-retinaldehyde in phagolysosomes in the RPE results in an accelerated accumulation of RPE lipofuscin, which has been observed in the genetically-modified mice with deleted genes responsible for synthesis of enzymes involved in clearance of retinaldehydes, such as single gene knockouts:
abca4-/-, rdh8-/-, and
rdh12-/-; double knockouts:
abca4(-/-)rdh8(-/-), abca4(-/-)rdh12(-/-) and
rdh8(-/-) rdh12(-/-); and triple knockouts
abca4(-/-)rdh8(-/-)rdh12(-/-) [
The presence of vitamin A and its derivatives plays a critical role in the accumulation of lipofuscin in the RPE [
123]. Rats fed with a vitamin A-depleted diet accumulate considerably less RPE lipofuscin than rats with normal vitamin A intake [
126], even when they are subjected to increased oxidative stress by depletion of vitamin E, or injection of iron, or their lysosomal degradation is inhibited by leupeptin [
126]. It has been shown that deficiency in vitamin A leads not only to a decrease of lipofuscin-like fluorescence but also to a decrease in phagosomal volume in the RPE, which can be ascribed to fewer phagosomes as well as their smaller size [
127]. Even in the case of
abca4-/- knockout mice or
abca4(-/-)rdh12(-/-) double knockout mice, the systemic depletion of vitamin A or pharmacological inhibition of synthesis of 11-
cis-retinaldehyde results in a decreased accumulation of lipofuscin [
134], whereas supplementation with vitamin A increases it [
As discussed in
Section 1, oxidative stress and impaired lysosomal degradation can enhance each other’s effects and accelerate the formation of lipofuscin. In addition to the end-products of lipid oxidation, such as malondialdehyde (MDA) or4-hydroxy nonenal (4HNE), which can affect the susceptibility of POS to lysosomal degradation, RPE lipofuscin contains A2E, which can also inhibit lysosomal enzymes either directly or
via inhibition of lysosomal ATP-dependent proton pumps [
138]. Moreover, in case the RPE function is compromised, ameliorating the causes of RPE dysfunction can reduce lipofuscin accumulation. For example, the increased accumulation of lipofuscin in albino
abca4-/- knockout mice can be partly inhibited by overexpression of the complement regulatory protein, complement receptor 1-like protein y (CRRY) in the RPE [
102]. CRRY prevents the cleavage of complement components C3 and C5, thereby preventing the formation of the membrane attack complex (MAC) and its deleterious effects on RPE cell function and viability.
4.5. Effects of RPE lipofuscin on the function and viability of RPE cells and photoreceptors
As in other tissues, the presence of lipofuscin in the RPE raises the question whether lipofuscin can affect the function and viability of the RPE and neighbouring cells, which rely on the RPE for support. It has been demonstrated that there is a correlation between lipofuscin density in the RPE and loss of underlying photoreceptors in people of Caucasian origin but there is no such correlation for people of Black ethnic origin [
158]. It has been suggested that there may be a threshold density of lipofuscin, above which the deleterious effects of lipofuscin affect RPE cell function and subsequently, the function and viability of photoreceptors are compromised. Due to the slow accumulation of lipofuscin in Blacks, the threshold may not be achieved, and therefore there is no correlation between the lipofuscin concentration and photoreceptor loss in this population. To date, there are no subsequent studies confirming the findings from this report but there are studies contradicting these findings (reviewed by Curcio [
159]). The main argument of Curcio against RPE lipofuscin affecting the viability of photoreceptors is that the age-related loss of rods is not co-localized with the area where the accumulation of lipofuscin is the greatest. The most pronounced loss of rods occurs in a ring surrounding the fovea from 0.5 to 2 mm from its centre and is no longer detectable 8 mm from the fovea centre, whereas the greatest accumulation of lipofuscin, measured by its fluorescence, occurs 2-4 mm from the fovea centre.
Like in other cell types, it can be expected that RPE lipofuscin can affect autophagy and contribute to the accumulation of damaged mitochondria. This effect can be exacerbated in the RPE because of the composition of RPE lipofuscin: it has been shown that a component of lipofuscin, A2E exhibits detergent-like properties and disrupts the structure of the lipid membrane causing its permeability [
161]. Moreover, while A2E does not directly affect the activity of lysosomal hydrolases, A2E can inhibit the vacuolar H+-ATPase (v-ATPase) [
162]. V-ATPase acts as a proton pump which provides low lysosomal pH needed for activation of lysosomal hydrolases. As a result of A2E effects, the lysosomal degradation of phagocytosed material can be compromised resulting in increased accumulation of phagolysosomes with non-digested contents and/or permeable membranes [
138]. It can be expected that this can affect the phagosomal and autophagy pathways, and there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that the impairment of autophagy and, resulting from that, accumulation of damaged mitochondria can contribute to the development of AMD [
Testing the potential deleterious effects of RPE lipofuscin on mitochondria, phagocytosis, autophagy, and other cellular processes is facilitated by cell culture models. Several reports demonstrated that lipofuscin accumulation can be induced in cultured RPE cells by supplementing cells with lipofuscin isolated from human RPE cells
post mortem or with POS isolated from retinas, usually bovine or rodent [
170]. Consistent with other studies on lipofuscin accumulation as a result of phagocytosis of oxidized organelles, feeding cultured RPE cells with POS oxidized by exposure to ultraviolet light leads to 50-fold faster lipofuscin accumulation than in cells fed non-oxidized POS [
166]. This effect is further enhanced by culturing cells in 40% oxygen in comparison to cells cultured under 8% oxygen whereas supplementation of RPE cells with antioxidants: α-tocopheol, lycopene, or lutein and zeaxanthin inhibits lipofuscin accumulation (reviewed in [
171]). Also, enrichment of POS with retinaldehyde, 4HNE, MDA or oxidizable phospholipids, such as PE with polyunsaturated fatty acyl chains or phosphatidylcholine (PC) with monounsaturated fatty acyl chains, leads to an increased accumulation of lipofuscin [
The cell culture model has also enabled numerous studies investigating the effects of various factors, such as lysosomal enzymes, on lipofuscin accumulation. For example, it has been shown that cathepsin D plays a particularly important role in lysosomal degradation, with its monomeric form being more effective in preventing the formation of lipofuscin than its multimeric form [
176]. The cell culture model of lipofuscin accumulation also allowed for testing various pharmacological approaches to inhibit it. For example, it has been shown that flunarizine and centrophenoxine can decrease lipofuscin formation in cells fed with bovine POS, presumably by decreasing Ca
2+ overload, which can occur under physiological conditions as a result of exposure to all-
trans-retinaldehyde [
178]. Upregulation of autophagy by rapamycin has been shown to prevent the accumulation of lipofuscin in cultured RPE cells fed with POS, whereas inhibitors of autophagy increase lipofuscin formation [
Importantly, the RPE cell culture model enables to study of the effects of exposure of lipofuscin-laden cells to light. It has been demonstrated in several studies that exposure to visible light of cultured RPE cells with phagocytosed RPE lipofuscin leads to various deleterious effects [
181]. For example, an exposure for 48 h of such cells in the photosensitizer-free medium to 2.8 mW/cm
2 blue light (400-500 nm) providing fluence of 484 J/cm
2 leads to about 50% loss of cell viability [
6]. Sublethal exposures of lipofuscin-laden cells to light lead to degradation of lipofuscin, exocytosis of lipofuscin, cytoskeletal changes, decreased phagocytosis of POS, inhibition of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase and catalase) and lysosomal enzymes (cathepsin D, N-acetyl-β-glucosamidase, acid phosphatase), loss of lysosomal integrity, DNA damage, and enhanced accumulation of lipid peroxidation-derived aldehydes, such as MDA and 4HNE, and damage to mitochondrial and nuclear DNA [
It has been shown that isolated lipofuscin is susceptible to light-induced autooxidation: the exposure of a suspension of lipofuscin granules to narrow-band light results in oxygen consumption, the rates of which, when normalized to equal fluxes of incidents photons, monotonically increase with decreasing wavelength within the range of 600 to 280 nm [
184]. Some of the consumed oxygen is reduced to superoxide radical, which then dismutates to hydrogen peroxide [
185]. It has been determined that hydrogen peroxide accounts for only about 1% of oxygen consumed during the exposure of lipofuscin to blue light, indicating that the majority of oxygen is used for the oxidation of intragranular components [
184]. As mentioned before, lipofuscin contains high concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and therefore they are likely to be the primary target of oxidation. Indeed, it has been shown that exposure of lipofuscin to light leads to the generation of lipid hydroperoxides and end-products of lipid peroxidation, such as MDA. It has been also shown that light exposure of lipofuscin in the presence of proteins or lipid vesicles with incorporated unsaturated fatty acids or cholesterol results in increased oxygen consumption, indicating that oxidation is not confined to the lipofuscin granule but reactive oxygen species can diffuse outside the granule and damage extra-granular molecules [
186]. In the case of cholesterol, different hydroperoxides are formed, including 5α-cholesterol hydroperoxide, which is a specific product of cholesterol interaction with singlet oxygen [
Chloroform-methanol extraction of lipofuscin allows for the separation of the chloroform-soluble lipophilic fraction and chloroform-insoluble material [
187]. Both fractions exhibit substantial photoreactivity.
The lipophilic extract of lipofuscin exhibits a broad absorption spectrum monotonically increasing with decreasing wavelength from 640 to 280 nm [
188]. This mixture of numerous components includes potent photosensitizer(s), which, upon photoexcitation, form an excited triplet state with the ability to efficiently transfer the excitation energy to oxygen leading to the formation of singlet oxygen [
190]. The quantum yields of singlet oxygen generation by photoexcited lipophilic extract of lipofuscin depend on the excitation wavelength: excitation with ultraviolet light of 355 nm wavelength or blue light from the range of 420 to 440 nm results in about 8 and 5% of absorbed photons utilized for singlet oxygen production, respectively. Superoxide is a minor product generated by the photoexcited lipophilic extract of lipofuscin. The quantum yield of blue light-induced generation of superoxide is only ~0.1%, which is about 50 times smaller than that of singlet oxygen [
One of the lipophilic components of lipofuscin is A2E [
192]. Based on the quantification of A2E in lipofuscin granules and the absorption spectra of A2E and lipophilic extract of lipofuscin, it has been estimated that A2E provides only 0.8% contribution to the absorption of visible light by the lipophilic fraction of lipofuscin [
107]. Considering A2E contribution to the absorption spectrum of lipofuscin extract and its very weak photosensitizing properties, it has been evaluated that i) A2E contributes at most one singlet oxygen molecule per 300 singlet oxygen molecules generated by lipofuscin; and ii) A2E contributes at most one superoxide molecule per 384 superoxide molecules generated by lipofuscin [
A2E has attracted a great deal of attention due to the simple way it can be synthesized so its effects on RPE cells can be studied
in vitro [
192]. Most of the studies on cultured cells used A2E solubilized in dimethylsulphoxide, and added to the culture medium, so A2E was free to diffuse to various organelles (reviewed in [
193]). Under physiological conditions, A2E is present in the lipofuscin granule, and it appears to be strongly anchored within that granule, so even treatment with SDS, which leads to the removal of most identifiable proteins from the granule, does not affect the concentration of A2E remaining in the granule [
6]. Therefore, it is questionable whether some of the deleterious effects of A2E on mitochondria, DNA, or transport proteins, observed when A2E is delivered in solution, are relevant to the situation
in vivo where A2E is encapsulated within the lipofuscin granule.
A2E is susceptible to oxidation and, as a result, it forms various oxidation products, which include epoxides, furanoid oxides, cyclic peroxides, and carbonyls [
201]. Several of these products have been identified in the RPE from human cadavers. Studies on cultured RPE cells, where solubilized oxidation products of A2E were delivered to cells in solution, or where A2E-laden RPE cells were exposed to light to cause its oxidation
in situ, have demonstrated several detrimental effects of A2E oxidation products including DNA damage, induction of pro-angiogenic factors, activation of the complement cascade and other pro-inflammatory pathways (reviewed in [
203]). It remains to be shown whether these A2E oxidation products can stimulate these deleterious effects
in vivo or whether they are safely trapped in the lipofuscin granule. It has been reported that oxidized A2E can react with other oxidized A2E molecules or A2E itself forming high-molecular weight products, which are more hydrophobic than A2E, and therefore more likely to remain in the granule [
Interestingly, oxidation products of DHA, an abundant component of POS membranes and lipofuscin, exhibit potent photosensitizing properties upon exposure to ultraviolet or blue light [
188]. The absorption spectrum of a mixture of products of DHA oxidation exhibits an increasing absorption with decreasing wavelength in a range of 280-600 nm. Photoexcitation of oxidized DHA with 355 nm or blue light leads to the formation of a triplet state similar to the triplet state of lipophilic extract of lipofuscin. The triplet state is quenched by oxygen, which leads to the photosensitized generation of singlet oxygen. Exposure of oxidized DHA to visible light leads to the photosensitized generation of superoxide. The quantum yields of generation of singlet oxygen and superoxide are 2.4- and 3.6-fold greater, respectively than those of the lipophilic extract of lipofuscin. This is consistent with lipofuscin containing a mixture of chromophores contributing to the absorption of light, some of which, such as A2E, have very weak photosensitizing properties, whereas others, such as oxidized DHA are very potent photosensitizers.
Chloroform-insoluble components of lipofuscin also exhibit the ability to photosensitize the generation of singlet oxygen, superoxide, and oxidation of exogenous lipids and proteins [
187]. Interestingly, when studied at the same concentration of dry mass, both soluble and insoluble fractions of lipofuscin demonstrate no age-related changes in photoreactivity, even though lipofuscin granules become more photoreactive with age. What changes with age is the ratio of insoluble to soluble components per lipofuscin granule, which increases with age. Therefore, the age-related increase in the photoreactivity of lipofuscin granules can be attributed to the increase in the insoluble part. However, to date, no successful attempts have been reported to identify the visible light-absorbing chromophores of the insoluble part, which could be responsible for the observed photoreactivity.
As discussed above, numerous studies
in vitro point to the potential phototoxic effects of lipofuscin in the RPE
in vivo, which is exposed daily to light in the presence of high oxygen tensions of about 70 mm Hg [
206], thus providing ideal conditions for the photoexcitation of photosensitizers of lipofuscin, and subsequent formation of reactive oxygen species, which can cause oxidation of the lipofuscin components and damage cellular proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. While it is clear that lipofuscin exhibits photosensitizing properties and can affect cell function and viability
in vitro upon exposure to light, the evidence for the contribution of lipofuscin to light-induced retinal injury
in vivo is rather limited. The retina is protected from exposure to excessive fluxes of light by various mechanisms (reviewed in [
88]). They include limiting fluxes of light reaching the retina by the eyelid and eyebrows, and the action of the iris regulating the pupil size. Moreover, the high concentrations of enzymatic and low-molecular-weight antioxidants, detoxification enzymes, and efflux transporters can prevent oxidative damage to biomolecules and/or remove damaged products. Thus, it may be argued that the retina is equipped well to defend itself from the noxious species generated by lipofuscin, and the deleterious effects occur only when the capacity of these cellular defences is exceeded.
One of the circumstantial pieces of evidence pointing to lipofuscin contribution in light-induced injury is the age-related increase in susceptibility to retinal photodamage in rats reared under dim cyclic-light as opposed to rats reared in dark [
207]. It can be suggested that rats reared under dim cyclic light may have an increased lipofuscin content in the RPE but this was not evaluated in the study.
It has been shown in numerous studies that mice with abnormal trafficking of retinaldehydes and accelerated lipofuscin accumulation, such as
Abca4(-/-)Rdh8(-/-) double knockout, are very susceptible to light-induced retinal injury [
227]. In most of these studies, 30-60 minute exposure of
Abca4(-/-)Rdh8(-/-) double knockout mice with dilated pupils to light from a desk lamp equipped in a fluorescent bulb led to a substantial photoreceptors loss [
226]. This loss of photoreceptors was effectively prevented by inhibitors of the synthesis of 11-
cis-retinaldehyde and/or scavenging of retinaldehydes by amine compounds such as retinylamine. Therefore, these studies provided solid evidence for retinaldehydes being responsible for light-induced retinal injury but have not provided evidence for the lipofuscin contribution to that injury.
It has been recognized very early in the studies on light-induced injury to the retina that RPE is the primary target for the threshold injury induced by light of 441 nm and longer wavelengths applied to the macaque retina [
228]. More recent studies on macaques demonstrated that exposure of the retina to 460, 488, 544, 568, and 594 nm laser light can lead to bleaching of RPE fluorescence and, at higher retinal radiant exposures, varying from about 30 to 300 J/cm
2 for the shortest and longest wavelengths, respectively, to the disruption of the RPE mosaic, suggesting that photoreactivity of lipofuscin could contribute to the RPE injury [
232]. Interestingly, these studies showed that light-induced retinal injury occurs at much lower radiant exposure thresholds for the cyan, green, yellow, and orange lasers than expected based on previous reports by Ham and colleagues [
233]. A possible explanation for the discrepancy in the observed radiant exposure thresholds for injury could be the different concentrations of RPE lipofuscin, making macaques with more lipofuscin more susceptible to light injury; however, lipofuscin was not quantified in any of these studies.
To date, two reports suggest that RPE cells can be the primary target of light-induced injury in
abca4-/- knockout mice with an increased accumulation of lipofuscin [
227]. One of them demonstrated that a 15-minute exposure to blue light (430 nm wavelength, 50 mW/cm
2 irradiance) of pigmented wild-type and
abca4-/- knockout mice results in a loss of some photoreceptors and no significant loss of RPE cells in the wild-type mice, whereas the knockout mice exhibit a massive loss of RPE cells in the central retina with the loss of photoreceptors not greater than that in the wild-type mice [
225]. It was interpreted that the damage to the RPE in the knockout mice was caused by lipofuscin. While this can be true, it cannot be excluded that the abnormal trafficking of all-
trans-retinaldehyde due to the absence of ABCR protein in the POS and RPE, affects RPE cells more than photoreceptors. Such a possibility is supported by experiments of Wu
et al. on susceptibility to light damage of albino wild-type and
abca4-/- knockout mice of different ages [
234]. They have shown that 8-month-old
abca4+/+ mice have similar concentrations of A2E isomers as 2-month-old
abca4-/- mice but are much less susceptible to RPE cell loss induced by exposure of the retina to 430 nm light than the young knockout mice.
A follow-up study by Fang
et al. provided another circumstantial piece of evidence by demonstrating that upon pharmacological removal of RPE lipofuscin from 12-month-old
abca4-/- mice, the exposure to blue light is less damaging [
227]. The mice were pre-treated with soraprazan, a drug developed to treat gastroesophageal reflux, which, due to its ability to decrease the lipofuscin content, was renamed Remofuscin. Remofuscin was injected intravitreally and, after 28 days, led to decreased levels of LF and melanosomes in the RPE when quantified by fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy. Exposure to blue light was also performed 28 days after Remofuscin injection. Mice pre-treated with Remofuscin retained about twice more RPE and photoreceptor nuclei than those treated with DMSO used as a vehicle or without pre-treatment. Still, some doubts remain regarding the role of lipofuscin in mediating light-induced injury because Remofuscin has been shown to generate reactive oxygen species, such as superoxide, upon exposure to blue light. Therefore, it can be suggested that mice pre-treated with Remofuscin may have upregulated antioxidant and detoxification defences, making them more resistant to light-induced injury than mice pre-treated with the vehicle.
et al. have demonstrated in a small clinical study on five Stargardt’s disease patients with identified disease-related mutations in
ABCA4 gene that protecting one eye from light by wearing for at least 11 months a black contact lens during waking hours results in a smaller percentage of hypofluorescent pixels in the fundus fluorescence image, corresponding to focal losses of the RPE, in comparison with the unprotected fellow eye [
235]. Like in studies on rodents described above, it is not clear whether the protective effect was due to preventing the deleterious effects of retinaldehydes and/or lipofuscin.
Another study on the potentially deleterious effects of lipofuscin accumulation has been done on
Abca4(-/-)Rdh8(-/-) double knockout mice reared in the dark [
17]. Rearing in the dark slows down the light-induced retinal degeneration in these double knockout mice while still enabling the massive accumulation of lipofuscin in the RPE and preventing its photodegradation, as opposed to rearing under low-intensity cyclic light (below 10 lx), which can cause a total loss of photoreceptors and RPE degeneration by the age of 6 months as shown by Maeda
et al. [
118]. Interestingly,
Abca4(-/-)Rdh8(-/-) double knockout mice used by Pan
et al. have demonstrated similar loss of photoreceptors and RPE nuclei at 12 months of age independently whether the mice were housed in dark or in cyclic light of about 10 lx illuminance [
17]. At the old age of 26 months, the thickness of the layer with photoreceptor nuclei in these double knockout mice decreases by about 40% in comparison with the wild-type mice, whereas the number of RPE nuclei decreases by about 30%. The remaining RPE cells in the 24-month-old
Abca4(-/-)Rdh8(-/-) mice are significantly larger and with more nuclei per cell than in wild-type mice and, unlike healthy-looking wild-type RPE cells, exhibit stress fibres.
The fluorescence of lipofuscin in 3 months old
Abca4(-/-)Rdh8(-/-) mice is significantly greater than in 33-month-old wild-type mice [
17]. At 12 months, the double-knockout mice reared in the dark have about 5-fold greater fluorescence than their counterparts raised in cyclic light. At 20 months, the dark-reared double knockout mice exhibit massive accumulation of RPE lipofuscin, and, in some RPE cells, anti-galectin-3 positive staining, which, in some small areas, colocalizes with staining for lysosomal marker Lamp1, suggesting loss of lysosomal membrane integrity [
Interestingly, the flat-mounts of the
Abca4(-/-)Rdh8(-/-) eyecups with removed neural retinas exhibit anti–phospho-Ser358 MLKL staining in RPE already at 2 months, and that staining density strongly increases with age, whereas, in the wild type RPE, it is virtually undetectable even at 27 months [
17]. MLKL stands for mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein, which is a protein essential for triggering necroptosis and is also involved in facilitating endosomal trafficking and generation of extracellular vesicles [
237]. In 12- and 26-month-old
Abca4(-/-)Rdh8(-/-) mice, the anti–phospho-Ser358 MLKL staining is present not only in the cytoplasmic areas but also in the plasma membrane [
17]. Retinal cross-sections from 20-month-old double knockouts exhibit the anti–phospho-Ser358 MLKL staining not only in the RPE layer but also in retinal layers occupied by photoreceptors: the outer and inner segment layers and outer nuclear layer, where the staining appears punctate. Interestingly, the anti–phospho-Ser358 MLKL staining in 26-month-old RPE can be completely prevented by a single intravitreal injection of necroptosis inhibitor, necrostatin 7 (Nec7) a week prior to the dissection. However, injecting another necroptosis inhibitor, namely necrostatin-1 (Nec1; an inhibitor of receptor-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 (RIPK1)), or a vehicle has no effect. Nec7 is not an inhibitor of RIPK1 and its mechanism of action as a necroptosis inhibitor is unclear. Nevertheless, it also protects from RPE cell loss in these double knockout mice when injected once a month for 6 months starting from the age of 7 months.
The double knockout
Abca4(-/-)Rdh8(-/-) neural retinas include large clusters of lipofuscin and melanosomes enclosed in structures of about 5-10 µm in diameter [
17]. The photoreceptor layer in proximity to such structures appears more disorganized with fewer nuclei than elsewhere, and the remaining nuclei stain positive for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL), suggesting that these photoreceptors are undergoing an apoptotic type of cell death. Lipofuscin-containing debris outside RPE detected in these double knockout mice vary in diameter from about 1-20 µm to much larger structures forming sub-retinal deposits which usually are surrounded by anti–phospho-Ser358 MLKL staining, suggesting that phosphorylated MLKL may promote shedding parts of photoreceptors and RPE as a way to minimize necroptotic cell death [
The anti–phospho-Ser358 MLKL staining has been also detected in the human retinas from 74-, 80- and 86-year-old donors affected by dry AMD, but not in the normal retina from a 42-year-old donor [
17]. The staining in AMD retinas spread from the RPE to the outer nuclear layer and appears either punctate or covers larger areas, some of which co-stain for Iba1, a marker of microglia. It is stated by the authors that there is a correlation between the accumulated lipofuscin and staining of anti–phospho-Ser358 MLKL and Iba1 but no data supporting that statement are provided. The authors suggest that lipofuscin induces the permeability of the lysosomal membrane and subsequent leakage of lysosomal enzymes, which triggers the formation of atypical necrosome, not dependent on RIPK1 nor RIPK3, which can phosphorylate MLKL. Phosphorylation of MLKL enables its oligomerization and insertion into the lysosomal or plasma membranes forming pores, which lead to membrane permeability, with subsequent shedding of cell fragments or cell death by atypical necroptosis.
Another study on a
bca4(-/-)rdh8(-/-) double knockout mice, which provides another piece of evidence of the deleterious effect of lipofuscin, used supplementation with a form of vitamin A, where a hydrogen atom at carbon 20 is substituted by deuterium to prevent the formation of bisretinoids [
238]. This strategy leads to a substantial decrease in lipofuscin fluorescence, which in 3- month-old mice is about 75% less intense than in the retinas of mice fed with normal vitamin A. The effect is similar for A2E, isoA2E, and their oxidation products, which accumulation was quantified between 1 and 18 months and has been shown to be decreased by about 75% in comparison with mice fed normal vitamin A. Interestingly, in both treatment groups, the bisretinoids increased up to the age of 8 months and then reached a plateau. There were no differences at the ages of 7 and 18 months between the normal and deuterated vitamin A-supplemented mice in electroretinogram amplitudes of a- and b-waves, which reflect functions of photoreceptors and bipolar cells, respectively. The age-related decrease in a- and b-waves was similar in both groups. Supplementation with deuterated vitamin A was associated with improved dark-adaptation in 12-month-old mice in comparison with mice supplemented with normal vitamin A, where 30 minutes after photobleaching mice recovered 71% and 53% of the fully dark-adapted b-wave amplitude for deuterated and normal vitamin A, respectively. It has been stated by the authors that the deuterated vitamin A partly prevented age-related loss of retinal thickness measured at 12 and 18 months when compared with retinal thickness at 3 months. The retinal thickness in mice supplemented with deuterated vitamin A decreased only by 5% and 3% at 12 and 18 months, respectively. The retinal thickness in mice on normal vitamin A decreased by 17% and 15% at 12 and 18 months, respectively. The thickness was measured 1 mm from the optic disc, but it is not specified whether and how the eyes were oriented before enucleation, so it is not clear whether these measurements were taken from the same location in each retina. It is important because there is a different susceptibility to photoreceptor loss in the superior and inferior retina of rodents. Interestingly, there were no statistically significant differences in the thickness of the outer nuclear layer between the treatment groups. The outer nuclear layer is made of cell bodies of photoreceptors and its thickness can reflect their density. Importantly, deuterated vitamin A completely prevented focal degenerative changes starting to appear at 12 months in mice supplemented with normal vitamin A, where RPE cell loss or hypertrophy, the appearance of pigmented cells in the photoreceptor layers was detectable in every eye examined from twelve 18-month-old mice, suggesting that lipofuscin bisretinoids can lead to deleterious effects in the retina
in vivo.
The beneficial effects of deuterated vitamin A were also shown in experiments on a
bca4(-/-) single knockout mice [
239]. In comparison with 9-month-old animals supplemented with normal vitamin A, age-matched animals supplemented with deuterated vitamin A had about 50% decreased cytoplasmic volumes occupied by lipofuscin granules in the RPE and intensities of fundus fluorescence excited by 488 nm laser, as well as a 5-fold decreased levels of A2E. The eyecups from knockout mice supplemented with normal vitamin A had 2.2-fold increased mRNA levels of complement component C3 and 2.0- and 2.3-fold decreased mRNA levels of complement factor B and complement factor properdin in comparison with wild-type mice on the same supplement. Importantly, supplementation of
abca4-/- with deuterated vitamin A resulted in the same levels of mRNA for all three complement factors as those in the eyecups from wild-type supplemented with normal vitamin A. These findings are significant considering the associations of complement proteins with AMD [
Altogether, while there is a large body of evidence on the deleterious effects of RPE lipofuscin in cultured cells exposed to light levels exceeding typical light levels reaching the retina in vivo, the evidence suggesting that lipofuscin can exert deleterious effects in the retina in vivo is still rather limited and requires further exploration.