Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Digital Phenotyping - A Game Changer for the Broiler Industry

Version 1 : Received: 4 July 2023 / Approved: 4 July 2023 / Online: 5 July 2023 (12:39:13 CEST)

How to cite: Neethirajan, S. Digital Phenotyping - A Game Changer for the Broiler Industry. Preprints 2023, 2023070332. Neethirajan, S. Digital Phenotyping - A Game Changer for the Broiler Industry. Preprints 2023, 2023070332.


In response to escalating global demand for poultry, the industry grapples with an array of intricate challenges, from enhancing productivity to improving animal welfare and attenuating environmental impacts. This comprehensive review explores the transformative potential of digital phenotyping, an emergent technological innovation at the cusp of dramatically reshaping broiler production. The central aim of this study is to critically examine digital phenotyping as a pivotal solution to these multidimensional industry conundrums. Our investigation spotlights the profound implications of 'digital twins' in the burgeoning field of broiler genomics, where the production of exact digital counterparts of physical entities accelerates genomics research and its practical applications. Further, this review probes into the ongoing advancements in the research and development of a context-sensitive, multimodal digital phenotyping platform, custom-built to monitor broiler health. I critically evaluate this platform's potential in revolutionizing health monitoring, fortifying the resilience of broiler production, and fostering a harmonious balance between productivity and sustainability. Subsequently, the paper provides a rigorous assessment of the unique challenges that may surface during the integration of digital phenotyping within the industry. These span from technical and economic impediments to ethical deliberations, thus offering a comprehensive perspective. The paper concludes by highlighting the game-changing potential of digital phenotyping in the broiler industry and identifying potential future directions for the field, underlining the significance of continued research and development in unlocking digital phenotyping's full potential. In doing so, it charts a course towards a more robust, sustainable, and productive broiler industry. The insights garnered from this study hold substantial value for a broad spectrum of stakeholders in the broiler industry, setting the stage for an imminent technological evolution in poultry production.


Digital Phenotyping; Broiler Industry; Poultry Production; Digital Twins; Broiler Genomics; Multi-modal Digital Phenotyping Platform; Animal Health Monitoring; Production Resilience


Biology and Life Sciences, Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Zoology

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