Principal Coordinate Analyses showing the relative affinities among islands (LZ, Lanzarote; FU, Fuerteventura; GC, Gran Canaria; TF, Tenerife; LG, La Gomera; LP, La Palma y EH, El Hierro) and with the Continental African (NW, North West Africa; NA, Northern Africa) and European regions (IP, Iberian Peninsula; FR, France; IT, Italy) from where their putative ancestors most probably came from. A. Distances between continental regions based on their relative sharing of aboriginal haplotypes. B. Distances between continental regions based on their own haplotypical pools.
In principal coordinates’ analysis (Figure 3A), the genetic match distances between continental regions are based on their respective sharing of Canarian aboriginal haplotypes exclusively. The coordinate 1 axis clearly separates all samples the continental regions from those from the Canary Islands, meaning that they are mainly sharing the same ancestral haplotypes. Coordinate 2 axis, in turn, separated the western from the eastern Canary Islands, showing in each case that the least sampled eastern islands of Fuerteventura and Lanzarote and the westernmost island of El Hierro samples, having the greatest genetic drift effects
16, are clear outliers. On the other hand, we found that Gran Canaria is the island that shared the largest number of aboriginal lineages with its putative continental maternal sources. In
Figure 1B, the genetic distances between samples from the continental regions were based on their respective sharing of their own lineages
11. In this case, the closest affinities between samples from regions within continents were clearly reflected, anchoring Northern African regions far from European regions along the X coordinate axis. Again, the eastern and western islands were separated along the Y-axis although now Gran Canaria has the greatest genetic affinity with northern Africa while the western islands show a closer proximity to the European regions. A sign test based on the number of haplotypes shared between groups and those unique to each group showed that they are statistically different (
p=0.001). However, due to the high haplotype diversity of the total aboriginal sample, it cannot be guaranteed that the eastern and western islands samples originated from different populations. In the following analysis of the haplotype differences between the two groups of islands, the following assumption was made: consider of northern African provenance all the haplotypes with matches in North Africa although they were also present in other regions and having European provenance those haplotypes with matches only in Europe. Prominent or exclusive haplogroups in the eastern islands are: H1 (16239), H1ao (16278), H3r (16126), H4a1e (16362), T2c1d3, U5, U6a, U6c, M1, and L3b1a12 (
Table S1). It is interesting to mention that U6a, U6c and M1 have a pan-Mediterranean range and that U6a and M1 have had an implantation in Northwest Africa since the Pleistocene
34, which is also extensible to H1 (16239) and H3r (16126)
35. It deserves mentioning that a recent study has extended the geographic range of H4a1e to southern Egypt prior to the Roman and Greek influx in the area
36. In addition, some T sequences have localized specific matches: T1a (16126-16154-16163-16186-16189-16294) in Algeria
37, T2c1d3 (16092-16126-16292-16294) in Morocco
38 or T2c1d3 (126-292-294-362) in the Near East. On the contrary, the basal U5b1 haplotypes are present in an ample geographic range from the Western Sahara
39 and Mauritania
40 to Mediterranean Africa (
Table S1). On the opposite side were the haplotypes of haplogroup L3b1a12, whose place of origin in Africa is still unknown
6. In relation to haplotypes having probable European origin, H1e1a9 (13934) and HV (16316) stand out for their exclusive matches in Italy. Nevertheless it has to be mentioned that an ancestral type of H1e1a was detected in Chalcolithic–Middle Bronze Age samples from Portugal
41. In the western group, northern African heritage was represented by several haplotypes derived from the H1 haplogroup (
Table S1). A special mention deserves the H1cf type which, by sequences of the complete mtDNA, revealed its closest relative in Algeria
8. All the J haplotypes detected in the aboriginal population were from western islands, and the J2a2d1 branch seemed to have a northwest African origin. This type is present on all western islands except El Hierro (
Table S1). However, without a doubt, the haplotypes of haplogroup U6b1a showed the most notable northern African contribution to the western islands, with the highest incidence in La Gomera
9 and being again absent from El Hierro. Although not detected on the African continent, it had its closest phylogenetic sister clade (U6b1b) in Morocco
30. The traces left by these U6b1a haplotypes in Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula after the forced migration of Canarian aborigines following the conquest are also significant (
Table S1). Regarding the European contribution, once again, the high incidence of haplogroup H types stands out (
Table S1). For example, the H1 (16292) type was detected in all the western islands except La Gomera, with matches in the Iberian Peninsula and Italy. Attending to J haplotypes other than J2a2d1, the J1c3 and J1c2c2 types present in Tenerife had exact matches both in the Iberian Peninsula and in Italy and France, respectively (
Table S1). La Gomera presented an enigmatic N1b1a7 lineage that had an exact match in the Middle East alone
42. La Palma also harbored two haplotypes belonging to macrohaplogroup N. The W1e1 type had matches in the current populations of the Iberian Peninsula and Italy, being detected since the Neolithic in Catalonia
43, indicating its ancient presence in the Iberian Peninsula. The other is a specific derivative of X3a (16111-16189-16223-16278), which also had a unique match in that peninsula (
Table S1). Finally, El Hierro was peculiar by having a rare U5a1b4 haplotype only found in France and a rare U7 haplotype (16309-16318T) whose nearest matches were in the Iberian Peninsula and Italy but that was also spotted in Egypt