1. Introduction
In the series of recent preprints, S. Lee and co-authors [
3] reported on the discovery of room-temperature superconductor LK-99 with the chemical formula Pb
6O (x = 0.9-1.0). The authors claimed that the superconducting properties of the material (
Tc = 400 K) are proved by the measurements of its resistivity, current, magnetic field, and the Meissner effect. Lee et al. point out that ‘the superconductivity of LK-99 originates from minute structural distortion by a slight volume shrinkage (0.48%) … caused by Cu
2+ substitution of Pb
2+(2) ions in the insulating network of Pb(2)-phosphate’ [
1]. The stress caused by the substitution ‘…transfers to Pb(1) of the cylindrical column resulting in distortion of the cylindrical column interface, which creates superconducting quantum wells (SQWs) in the interface’ [
1]. The claims by Lee et al. [
3] are currently under hot debates and detailed scrutiny by the international scientific community [
8]. The density functional theory (DFT) studies on LK-99 have been performed by a number of groups [
13], showing the interesting electronic features of LK-99, which itself raises important issues about its unique physical and structural properties. The structure models constructed for the DFT studies are based upon the available crystallographic data for Pb
6O reported by Krivovichev and Burns [
14] or the data on Pb
2 [
16]. Both sets of data correspond to the high-symmetry apatite structure type with the
m space group and the cell of
a ~ 9.85 and
c ~ 7.43 Å [
17]. The proper understanding of the crystal structure of the matrix material Pb
6O is of outmost importance for the elucidation of the mechanisms that generate superconductivity of LK-99.
The aim of the present paper is to re-consider the crystal structure of Pb10(PO4)6O in order to provide insight into its atomic nature and the character of structural distortions induced by its crystal-chemical modification. First, we provide some background information on Pb10(PO4)6O, including historical notes and personal experience. Second, we present a new structure model of Pb10(PO4)6O, based upon the experimental crystal-structure analysis. The crystal chemical analysis of the new model reveals its basic differences from the models assumed in the DFT modelling. Finally, we provide discussion of the possible mechanisms of the Pb-Cu substitution in LK-99 based upon the available crystal chemical information.
2. Background Information
‘Oxypyromorphite’ Pb
6O has been known at least for more than 70 years. Rooksby [
18] obtained it through crystallization of glass with respective chemical composition and provided the unit cell parameters
a = 9.75 and
c = 7.23 Å. The first detailed study of the synthesis and X-ray diffraction data of Pb
6O were due to Merker and Wondratschek [
19], who prepared the compound by crystallization from melt formed by mixing PbO and NH
4 as initial reagents. The melting temperature of Pb
6O was estimated as 967
oC (see Figure 3 in [
19]) and the compound was reported as being melting incongruently [
20]. Merker and Wondratschek [
19] reported for the ‘oxypyromorphite’ a hexagonal unit cell with
a = 9.84 and
c = 14.86 Å, i.e., the superstructure of apatite with the doubled
c parameter. They pointed out that the differences between these parameters and the parameters reported by Rooksby [
18] can be due to the possible mixed character of the sample studied by the latter (‘Da es sehr viele Bleiverbindungen mit Apatit-Struktur und ahnlichen Gitterkonstanten gibt, die zudem weitgehend Mischkristalle bilden können, halten wir es nicht fur ausgeschlossen, das irgendeine andere dieser Verbindungen vorlag’ [
19]). Merker and Wondratschek [
19] assigned the doubling of the
c parameter of their Pb
6O to the ordering of ‘additional’ (not bonded to P) O atoms in the structure channels. Ito [
21] suggested that the true formula of ‘oxypyromorphite’ can be written as Pb
2, in order to be in accord with the general formula of apatite-type compounds given as A
3X. However, this hypothesis was declined by Merker et al. [
20], who demonstrated the validity of the Pb
6O composition.
In their study of the crystal structures lead oxide phosphates, Krivovichev and Burns [
14] prepared and, for the first time, structurally characterized ‘oxypyromorphite’. The crystals of Pb
6O have been obtained by heating the mixture of 0.446 g PbO and 0.058 g NH4H2PO4 to 950
oC in platinum crucibles, followed by cooling to 50
oC over 150 hours. The majority of the resulting reaction products consisted of elongated transparent crystals of Pb
4) with a small quantity of isometric hexagonal crystals of Pb
6O. The single-crystal X-ray diffraction structure analysis [
14] demonstrated that the latter compound crystallizes in the
m space group with
a = 9.8650(3) and
c = 7.4306 Å. The structure model obtained is hereinafter denoted as Pb
6O-KB (after Krivovichev and Burns [
After publication of the paper [
14] in 2003, the author of this article had received an email message from Prof. Hans Wondratschek (1925-2014), who pointed out to the observation of Merker and Wondratschek [
19] of the doubling of the
c parameter of Pb
6O relative to the ‘standard’ apatite structure. Prof. Wondratschek also indicated the possibility that the phase studied by Krivovichev and Burns [
14] could be, in fact, Pb
3(OH), the conclusion that cannot be verified now due to the unavailability of the sample. After the suggestion of the re-study of the crystals of Pb
6O using modern X-ray diffraction equipment, Prof. Wondratschek mailed to us the crystals prepared in 1968 by Prof. Günther Engel (University of Aalen, Germany). In addition, in 2006, Prof. Engel sent us additional samples for the further studies, which appeared to be structurally identical to those sent by Prof. Wondratschek. In this paper, the crystal structure model for Pb
6O prepared by Wondratschek and Engel (hereinafter denoted as Pb
3. Materials and Methods
The crystals of Pb10(PO4)6O-WE used in this study have been obtained from Prof. Wondratschek and Prof. Engel as described above.
The single-crystal structure X-ray diffraction data have first been obtained by means of a STOE IPDS II X-ray diffractometer equipped with Image Plate area detector and operated at 50 kV and 40 mA. More than a hemisphere of three-dimensional data was collected using monochromatic Mo
Kα X-radiation, with frame widths of 2° in ω, and with a 5 min count for each frame. The analysis of the reciprocal space revealed the presence of the reflections that correspond to the doubling of the
c unit-cell parameter, well in agreement with the observations by Merker and Wondratschek [
19] (
Figure 1). The unit-cell parameters (
a = 9.832(1) and
c = 14.913(3) Å) were refined using least-squares techniques. The intensity data were integrated and corrected for Lorentz, polarization, and background effects using the STOE X-Red program. However, the attempts to solve and refine the crystal structure generally failed with the
R1 factor being always higher than 0.10.
In order to obtain better data, the crystal of Pb
6O-WE was transferred to the Bruker Smart Apex II diffractometer at the Department of Crystallography, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. More than a hemisphere of X-ray diffraction data with the frame widths of 0.5º in
ω, and with 60 s spent counting for each frame were collected at room temperature using MoKα radiation. The indexing of the obtained reflections indicated the doubling of the
c parameter, in agreement with the observations by Merker and Wondratschek [
19] and the Stoe IPDS II data. The data were integrated and corrected for absorption using the Bruker programs
APEX and
XPREP. The observed systematic absences were inconsistent with the presence of the 6
3 screw axis characteristic for the ‘standard’
m space group typical for many apatite-type compounds. The subsequent attempts were undertaken to solve the crystal structure in the subgroups of
m, from which the only
P model provide more or less reasonable structure model with
R1 > 0.12. The twinning model was introduced using the [100/010/00
matrix, which allowed the
R1 index to drop to ~0.05. The refinement resulted in the 0.503:0.497 ratio of the two twin components related to each other through the (001) mirror plane. The crystal structure was refined to
R1 = 0.0413 using 3456 unique observed reflections (
Table 1). The
SHELX program package was used for all structural calculations [
22]. The final model included all atomic positional parameters, refinable weighting scheme of the structure factors and anisotropic-displacement parameters (ADPs) for all atoms. Anisotropic refinement of few O atoms resulted in physically unrealistic displacement parameters. In order to obtain physically reasonable model, the ADPs of the O atoms that are equivalent relative to the
c/2 pseudo-translation were restrained to be equal. The final atomic coordinates, site occupation factors, bond-valence sums, and isotropic displacement parameters are given in
Table 2, selected interatomic distances are listed in
Table 3. The bond-valence sums for Pb and O atoms have been calculated using Pb-O bond-valence parameters from [
23] and [
24]; the P-O bond-valence parameters from [
24] have been used to calculate the P BVSs. The CIF file and the list of observed and calculated structure factors are given as a Supplementary Information to this paper.
4. Results
Since Pb
6O-WE is superstructure with regard to the ‘standard’
m apatite structure type, it is reasonable to describe the structure peculiarities through the comparison of Pb
6O-WE (
P, double
c parameter) with Pb
6O-KB (
m, single
c parameter). Both crystal structures are depicted in
Figure 2 in projections along the
c axes. In order to make the structure comparison easier, the atom sites in Pb
6O-WE have been numbered to be in maximal correspondence with the site numbering in Pb
The transition between the KB and WE structure types can be described as consisting of two steps. First, the
m space group changes to its maximal non-isomorphic space group
P with index 2. The transition is
translationengleiche, that is, does not change the unit cell dimensions and is denoted as ‘t2’ [
25]. In the second step, the
c parameter is doubled [(
c) → (
b, 2
c)] without space-group change, i.e., the transition is
klassengleiche and is denoted as ‘k2’ (the space group
P (
b, 2
c) is a subgroup of index 2 of the space group
P (
c)). Thus, the total transition from the KB and WE structure types can be described as a following sequence:
P63/m (a, b, c) → t2 → P (a, b, c) → k2 → P (a, b, 2c),
where the intermediate
P (
c) structure type is a hypothetical transitional structure. The relations between the Wyckoff sites occupied by Pb, P, and O atoms in the KB, transitional, and WE structure types are shown in
Figure 3. In order to distinguish between the O atoms of the PO
4 groups and the ‘additional’ O atoms not bonded to P, the latter are denoted as O’. Note that the occupancies of the O’ sites in the
m (
c) and
P (
c) structure types are equal to 0.25, whereas it is equal to 0.5 for the
P (
b, 2
c) structure type (
Table 2).
The diagram shown in
Figure 3 indicates that, as a result of the imaginary Pb
6O-KB → Pb
6O-WE transition, the Pb1 site (6
h) in the former is splitted into two 6
g sites, Pb1A and Pb1B, in the latter. In the same manner, the Pb2 site (4
f) is splitted into four 2
d sites, Pb2A, Pb2B, Pb2C, and Pb2D. The coordination environments of Pb atoms within the coordination sphere of 3.2 Å as well as coordination of the O’ atoms in the crystal structures of KB and WE are shown in
Figure 4. It can be seen that the coordination of the Pb2 sites in the two structures are topologically identical and correspond to tricapped trigonal prisms. In contrast, the coordination of the Pb1 sites changes drastically. In Pb
6O-KB, the Pb1 site centers the basis of the Pb1O
6 pentagonal pyramid complemented by two Pb-O’ bonds with the occupancy of the O’ sites of 0.25. In Pb
6O-WE, there are two Pb1 sites. The Pb1A site forms the Pb1AO
6 pentagonal pyramid with no additional Pb-O’ bonds and thus displays a typical coordination of Pb
2+ cations with stereochemically active 6
s2 lone electron pairs [
26]. The coordination of the Pb1B site is again the Pb1BO
6 pentagonal pyramid, but complemented by two Pb-O’ (Pb1B–O5A and Pb1B-O5B) bonds and one longer Pb1B-O3A bond of 3.175 Å. Taking into account that Pb1A and Pb1B sites are connected by the
c/2 pseudo-translation, the doubling of the
c parameter in Pb
6O-WE is obviously due the ordering of the O’ atoms in the structure channels centered by the [001] direction at (00
z), which is in agreement with the prediction by Merker and Wondratschek [
The coordination of the O’ sites in the two structures deserves special attention, especially in the light of the following discussion on the relations between the KB and WE phases (see section 4.2). In Pb10(PO4)6O-KB, the O4 sites are arranged on the 63 screw axis into columns with the O’-O’ separations of 1.721 and 1.944 Å. Each O4 site is coordinated by three Pb1 atoms with the O4-Pb1 distance of 2.582 Å and the Pb1-O4-Pb1 angles of ca. 109.5o. The O4 atom is at the top of a trigonal pyramid with its basis formed by three Pb1 atoms. The bond-valence sum for the O4 atoms is 0.85 v.u., which is much lower than the expected value of 2.0 v.u. However, it should be taken into account that this coordination is averaged, since the site-occupation factor (s.o.f.) for the O4 site is 0.25.
In Pb
6O-WE, there are two O’ sites, O5A and O5B, with s.o.f.s equal to 0.55 and 0.45, respectively. The O5A site forms three O5A-Pb1B bonds of 2.324 Å with the Pb1B-O5A-Pb1B angles of 111.8
o. The O5B site is coordinated by three Pb1B atoms as well with the O5B-Pb1B bond lengths of 2.240 Å and the Pb1B-O5B-Pb1B angles of 118.4
o, which means that the O5B(Pb1B)
3 configuration is very close to a planar triangle centered by the O5B site. Thus, the O’ sites in Pb
6O-WE are bonded much more tightly than those in Pb
6O-KB. The bond-valence sums for the O5A and O5B sites are 1.55 and 1.87 v.u., respectively. The O’-Pb bond lengths in Pb
6O-WE are in the ranges typical for the Pb oxysalt compounds with ‘additional’ O atoms [
Figure 1.
Reconstructed sections of reciprocal diffraction space for Pb10(PO4)6O-WE obtained using STOE IPDS II X-ray diffractometer: (a) section perpendicular to [; (b) section perpendicular to [100]; (c) the (hk3) section. The reflections doubling the c parameter with respect to the ‘standard’ apatite structure are indicated by red arrows and red indices.
Figure 1.
Reconstructed sections of reciprocal diffraction space for Pb10(PO4)6O-WE obtained using STOE IPDS II X-ray diffractometer: (a) section perpendicular to [; (b) section perpendicular to [100]; (c) the (hk3) section. The reflections doubling the c parameter with respect to the ‘standard’ apatite structure are indicated by red arrows and red indices.
Figure 2.
The crystal structures of Pb10(PO4)6O-KB (a) and Pb10(PO4)6O-WE (b) in projections along the c axes. The Pb-O bonds shorter and longer than 2.5 Å are shown as solid and dashed lines, respectively.
Figure 2.
The crystal structures of Pb10(PO4)6O-KB (a) and Pb10(PO4)6O-WE (b) in projections along the c axes. The Pb-O bonds shorter and longer than 2.5 Å are shown as solid and dashed lines, respectively.
Figure 3.
Relations between the Wyckoff sites in the P63/m (a, b, c) (Pb10(PO4)6O-KB, P (a, b, c) (hypothetical structure type) and P (a, b, 2c) Pb10(PO4)6O-WE. The complexity parameters for the three structure types are given on the right side of the Figure.
Figure 3.
Relations between the Wyckoff sites in the P63/m (a, b, c) (Pb10(PO4)6O-KB, P (a, b, c) (hypothetical structure type) and P (a, b, 2c) Pb10(PO4)6O-WE. The complexity parameters for the three structure types are given on the right side of the Figure.
Figure 4.
Coordination polyhedra of Pb and O’ sites in the crystal structures of Pb10(PO4)6O-KB (a) and Pb10(PO4)6O-WE (b). The Pb-O bonds shorter and longer than 2.5 Å are shown as solid and dashed lines, respectively.
Figure 4.
Coordination polyhedra of Pb and O’ sites in the crystal structures of Pb10(PO4)6O-KB (a) and Pb10(PO4)6O-WE (b). The Pb-O bonds shorter and longer than 2.5 Å are shown as solid and dashed lines, respectively.
Figure 5.
The chain of the Pb1On coordination polyhedra in Pb10(PO4)6O-KB (a) and Pb10(PO4)6O-WE (b). The Pb-O bonds shorter and longer than 2.5 Å are shown as solid and dashed lines, respectively.
Figure 5.
The chain of the Pb1On coordination polyhedra in Pb10(PO4)6O-KB (a) and Pb10(PO4)6O-WE (b). The Pb-O bonds shorter and longer than 2.5 Å are shown as solid and dashed lines, respectively.
Figure 6.
The chains of the Pb3O9 tricapped trigonal prisms in Pb10(PO4)6O-KB (a) and Pb10(PO4)6O-WE (b). The Pb-O bonds shorter and longer than 2.5 Å are shown as solid and dashed lines, respectively.
Figure 6.
The chains of the Pb3O9 tricapped trigonal prisms in Pb10(PO4)6O-KB (a) and Pb10(PO4)6O-WE (b). The Pb-O bonds shorter and longer than 2.5 Å are shown as solid and dashed lines, respectively.
Table 1.
Crystal data and structure refinement parameters for the Pb10(PO4)6O-WE.
Table 1.
Crystal data and structure refinement parameters for the Pb10(PO4)6O-WE.
Temperature/K |
293(2) |
Crystal system |
trigonal |
Space group |
a/Å |
9.8109(6) |
c/Å |
14.8403(12) |
Volume/Å3 |
1237.06(15) |
Z |
2 |
Dcalc, g/cm3 |
7.135 |
μ/mm-1 |
68.270 |
F(000) |
2220 |
Crystal size/mm3 |
0.06 × 0.05 × 0.01 |
Radiation |
MoKα (λ = 0.71073) |
2Θ range for data collection/° |
5.50 to 69.06 |
Index ranges |
-6 ≤ h ≤ 15, -15 ≤ k ≤ 11, -23 ≤ l ≤ 22 |
Reflections collected |
11777 |
Independent reflections |
3456 [Rint = 0.0885, Rsigma = 0.0955] |
Data/restraints/parameters |
3456/0/105 |
Goodness-of-fit on F2 |
0.866 |
Final R indices [I ≥ 2σ(I)] |
R1 = 0.0413, wR2 = 0.0749 |
Final R indices [all data] |
R1 = 0.0544, wR2 = 0.0771 |
Largest diff. peak/hole / e Å-3 |
4.010/-4.537 |
Table 2.
Atomic coordinates, bond-valence sums (BVS, v.u. = valence units) and isotropic displacement parameters (10-4 Å2) for Pb10(PO4)6O-WE.
Table 2.
Atomic coordinates, bond-valence sums (BVS, v.u. = valence units) and isotropic displacement parameters (10-4 Å2) for Pb10(PO4)6O-WE.
Site |
BVS* |
BVS** |
Pb1A |
1.90 |
1.98 |
0.25369(5) |
-0.00015(5) |
-0.12920(4) |
0.01239(10) |
Pb1B |
1.93 |
1.97 |
-0.00445(6) |
0.22423(5) |
0.37576(6) |
0.02123(12) |
Pb2A |
2.05 |
2.06 |
1/3 |
2/3 |
0.00402(8) |
0.0123(3) |
Pb2B |
2.07 |
2.07 |
1/3 |
2/3 |
0.25395(7) |
0.0132(3) |
Pb2C |
2.04 |
2.06 |
1/3 |
2/3 |
0.49982(8) |
0.0187(3) |
Pb2D |
2.05 |
2.07 |
1/3 |
2/3 |
-0.25587(7) |
0.0125(3) |
P1A |
4.94 |
4.94 |
0.3740(3) |
0.4021(3) |
0.3698(3) |
0.0078(5) |
P1B |
4.90 |
4.90 |
0.0230(3) |
-0.3765(3) |
-0.1215(3) |
0.0084(5) |
O1A |
1.99 |
2.00 |
-0.1578(9) |
-0.4786(9) |
-0.1223(9) |
0.0131(11) |
O1B |
2.00 |
2.02 |
0.4953(10) |
0.3468(9) |
0.3692(9) |
0.0131(11) |
O2A |
1.90 |
1.90 |
0.0807(14) |
-0.2676(14) |
-0.2034(6) |
0.0121(19) |
O2B |
1.99 |
1.99 |
0.2777(14) |
0.3560(13) |
0.2826(6) |
0.0121(19) |
O3A |
1.94 |
1.93 |
0.2533(14) |
0.3211(14) |
0.4471(6) |
0.021(2) |
O3B |
1.85 |
1.85 |
0.0869(16) |
-0.2716(17) |
-0.0366(6) |
0.021(2) |
O4A |
2.11 |
2.15 |
0.0949(9) |
-0.4866(10) |
-0.1233(9) |
0.0166(12) |
O4B |
2.06 |
2.07 |
0.4563(10) |
0.5820(10) |
0.3809(9) |
0.0166(12) |
O5A*** |
1.43 |
1.55 |
0 |
0 |
0.330(3) |
0.031(7) |
O5B**** |
1.70 |
1.87 |
0 |
0 |
0.395(3) |
0.031(7) |
Table 3.
Selected interatomic distances (Å) for the crystal structure of Pb10(PO4)6O-WE.
Table 3.
Selected interatomic distances (Å) for the crystal structure of Pb10(PO4)6O-WE.
Pb1A-O4A |
2.234(8) |
Pb2A-O1A |
2.505(11) 3x |
Pb1A-O2B |
2.451(10) |
Pb2A-O4A |
2.791(11) 3x |
Pb1A-O2A |
2.554(12) |
Pb2A-O3B |
2.835(13) 3x |
Pb1A-O3B |
2.638(10) |
<Pb2A-O> |
2.710 |
Pb1A-O3B |
2.703(13) |
Pb1A-O1A |
2.801(8) |
Pb2B-O4B |
2.588(11) 3x |
<Pb1A-O> |
2.564 |
Pb2B-O1A |
2.647(11) 3x |
Pb2B-O2B |
2.847(11) 3x |
Pb1B-O5B |
2.240(6) |
<Pb2B-O> |
2.694 |
Pb1B-O5A |
2.325(14) |
Pb1B-O3A |
2.453(12) |
Pb2C-O4B |
2.503(11) 3x |
Pb1B-O4B |
2.731(8) |
Pb2C-O1B |
2.616(11) 3x |
Pb1B-O3A |
2.749(10) |
Pb2C-O3A |
3.172(12) 3x |
Pb1B-O2A |
2.757(10) |
<Pb2C-O> |
2.764 |
Pb1B-O2B |
2.769(12) |
Pb1B-O1B |
3.057(8) |
Pb2D-O1B |
2.428(11) 3x |
Pb1B-O3A |
3.175(12) |
Pb2D-O4A |
2.843(11) 3x |
<Pb1B-O> |
2.695 |
Pb2D-O2A |
2.961(11) 3x |
<Pb2D-O> |
2.744 |
P1A-O2B |
1.532(11) |
P1B-O2A |
1.527(11) |
P1A-O1B |
1.536(9) |
P1B-O1A |
1.541(8) |
P1A-O4B |
1.539(9) |
P1B-O3B |
1.548(12) |
P1A-O3A |
1.552(12) |
P1B-O4A |
1.558(9) |
<P1A-O> |
1.540 |
<P1B-O> |
1.544 |
Table 4.
Unit-cell parameters and coordination of O’ atoms in Pb10(PO4)6O, Pb10(PO4)6(OH)2, and their Cu-substituted varieties.
Table 4.
Unit-cell parameters and coordination of O’ atoms in Pb10(PO4)6O, Pb10(PO4)6(OH)2, and their Cu-substituted varieties.
Phase |
a, Å |
c, Å |
V/Z, Å3
O’ coordination |
O’-Pb, Å |
Ref. |
Pb10(PO4)6O-WE |
9.84 |
14.86 |
623.0 |
- |
- |
19 |
Pb10(PO4)6O-WE |
9.811 |
14.840 |
618.5 |
trigonal |
2.240/2.325 3x |
this work |
Pb10(PO4)6O-KB |
9.865 |
7.431 |
626.3 |
trigonal |
2.582 3x |
14 |
9.866 |
7.426 |
626.0 |
trigonal |
2.896 3x |
15 |
9.883 |
7.441 |
629.4 |
trigonal |
2.588 3x |
16 |
9.774 |
7.291 |
603.2 |
octahedral |
2.926 6x |
27 |
9.871 |
7.427 |
626.7 |
- |
- |
28 |
LK-99 |
9.843 |
7.428 |
623.2 |
- |
- |
3 |
9.870 |
7.398 |
624.1 |
- |
- |
28 |
9.868 |
7.392 |
623.4 |
- |
- |
28 |
9.866 |
7.383 |
622.3 |
- |
- |
28 |