Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Overview of the Biotransformation of Limonene and α-Pinene from Wood and Citrus Residues by Microorganisms

Version 1 : Received: 21 August 2023 / Approved: 22 August 2023 / Online: 23 August 2023 (02:49:42 CEST)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Ndao, A.; Adjallé, K. Overview of the Biotransformation of Limonene and α-Pinene from Wood and Citrus Residues by Microorganisms. Waste 2023, 1, 841-859. Ndao, A.; Adjallé, K. Overview of the Biotransformation of Limonene and α-Pinene from Wood and Citrus Residues by Microorganisms. Waste 2023, 1, 841-859.


This review provides an overview of the biotransformation of limonene and α-pinene, which are commonly found in wood residues and citrus fruit by-products, to produce high-value-added products. Essential oils derived from various plant parts contain monoterpene hydrocarbons, such as limonene and pinenes which are often considered waste due to their low sensory activity, poor water solubility, and tendency to autoxidize and polymerise. However, these terpene hydrocarbons serve as ideal starting materials for microbial transformations. Moreover, agro-industrial byproducts can be employed as nutrient and substrate sources, reducing fermentation costs, and enhancing industrial viability. Terpenes, being secondary metabolites of plants, are abundant in byproducts generated during fruit and plant processing. Microbial cells offer advantages over enzymes due to their higher stability, rapid growth rates, and genetic engineering potential. Fermentation parameters can be easily manipulated to enhance strain performance in large-scale processes. The economic advantages of biotransformation are highlighted by comparing the prices of substrates and products. For instance, R-limonene, priced at US$34/L, can be transformed into carveol, valued at around US$530/L. This review emphasises the potential of biotransformation to produce high-value products from limonene and α-pinene molecules, particularly present in wood residues and citrus fruit by-products. The utilisation of microbial transformations, along with agro-industrial byproducts, presents a promising approach to extract value from waste materials and enhance the sustainability of the antimicrobial, the fragrance and flavour industry.


limonene; alpha-pinene; biotransformation; terpene; flavouring agent; solid-state fermentation


Environmental and Earth Sciences, Waste Management and Disposal

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