3b. Arrangement of GaN NWs on ZrN/Si substrates
Figure 2(a) shows the SEM image of a typical GaN NW ensemble obtained on polycrystalline ZrN buffer. The NWs have an average diameter of 70 nm and average length of around 1 μm. The NW density determined from plane view SEM images is ~1×10
11 cm
-2, which is a typical value for self-assembled GaN NWs on nitridated Si substrates [
11] or Al
y [
31] buffers
. The NWs are mostly aligned along the substrate normal. This is a surprising finding, because the initial orientation of the NWs should be directly determined by the formation of epitaxial link between the NWs and the randomly oriented substrate grains. Additionally, small GaN crystallites marked by arrows in
Figure 2(b) are clearly seen on the substrate surface between the NWs.
Quite different growth behavior was observed when the NWs were formed under the same growth conditions but without substrate rotation.
Figure 3 shows the SEM image of GaN NW ensemble formed in that way. The surface density of these NWs is similar to that obtained with substrate rotation. However, instead of adopting vertical orientation, most NWs grew inclined in a specific direction. The sample was cleaved in the plane defined by the substrate normal and the line-of-sight of the Ga source. During the SEM measurements, the sample position was carefully adjusted to keep the sample cross-section parallel to the imaging plane. Therefore, we can conclude from
Figure 3 that inclined NWs point in the Ga beam direction, which makes an angle of 40
o to the substrate normal in our MBE system. Such behavior is similar to that reported by Foxon et al. [
32], and indicates a dominant impact of the MBE chamber geometry on the NW orientation.
In additional experiment, we grew GaN NWs on ZrN/Si substrate mounted in the holder that induced a temperature gradient, and thus a substantial NW surface density gradient, across the substrate. According to
Figure 4, the NW orientation strongly depends on their density. For the sparse ensemble (
Figure 4 (a)), the NW orientation appears random, following the epitaxial link to the randomly oriented ZrN grains. The previously observed small crystallites between the NWs are absent. SEM images in Figures 4 (b – d) show that the NW tilt dispersion significantly decreases for higher NW density. To quantify these observations, the XRD technique was used to measure the tilt angle of GaN NWs on ZrN buffer layer with respect to the substrate normal. In our XRD experiments, the X-ray spot size in the substrate plane was reduced to < 2 mm. This enables local measurements of the FWHM of X-ray ω scan for NW ensembles with different surface densities.
Figure 4 (e) shows the FWHM of XRD ω scans from different parts of the sample. The plot clearly indicates that the FWHM value strongly decreases with the NW density, meaning that the dispersion of the NW orientations is reduced in denser NW ensembles. In the part with sparse NWs (
Figure 4(a)), the NW tilt spread equals ±30º. This indicates nearly random orientation of the NWs as determined by the random orientation of ZrN grains in the polycrystalline buffer layer. Conversely, in the part with dense NWs (
Figure 4(d)), the tilt dispersion decreases to ±18º. This value is still much larger than for self-assembled GaN NWs on nitridated Si substrates [
33] or on amorphous Al
y buffers [
31]. It should be noted, however, that small crystallites that are present between dense GaN NWs (see
Figure 2b) are randomly oriented and contribute to the broadening of the X-ray diffraction curve. This leads to overestimation of the FWHM value and therefore the NW tilt dispersion. Therefore, in agreement with the results of SEM studies (
Figure 4(d)), the real tilt dispersion in the upper sections of the densely packed NW ensembles is significantly lower than the value of ±18º found from the XRD measurements. Such well-oriented NW ensembles are well suitable for fabrication of devices such as LEDs or detectors, where uniform alignment of the NWs is essential.
Experimental results presented above indicate that a specific mechanism must exist which determines a percentage of vertically aligned NWs in the ensemble depending on the MBE chamber geometry and the NW surface density. The MBE growth scenario includes a competition between the epitaxial constraints for NWs nucleating with random orientations on the metallic grains, different growth rates of NWs having different tilt angles and influenced by substrate rotation, and the shadowing effect which suppresses the MBE growth of shorter NWs. In the following section, we present a general model that predicts the NW axial growth rate as a function of the NW tilt angle, group III (Ga) beam angle, and includes the substrate rotation in the directional MBE technique.
3c. Modelling MBE growth rates of inclined NWs
Modeling of the axial growth rate of inclined catalyst-free GaN NWs in the directional MBE technique with substrate rotation is based on the following assumptions. First, we consider Ga-limited growth under N-rich conditions, which is typical for PAMBE of III-nitride NWs [
40] and definitely holds in our experiments. Second, we consider the contributions originating from Ga flux impinging onto the top facet of cylindrical (or hexahedral) NW of radius
and the upper part of its sidewalls of length
, which equals the diffusion length of Ga adatoms on the NW sidewalls [
39]. The contribution from Ga adatoms diffusing from a substrate surface, which is usually included in the growth modeling of GaAs and other III-V NWs [
42] is neglected due to a short diffusion length of Ga adatoms at high temperatures employed for GaN NW growth. The estimates of Refs. [
39] yield
nm in a temperature range from 760 to 800
oC. Therefore, diffusion from a substrate surface becomes ineffective for GaN NWs longer than ~100 nm. Third, for a rotating substrate we use the growth rate averaged over one substrate rotation, as in Ref. [
42] for inclined Au-catalyzed GaAs NWs grown by MBE. Fourth, we consider MBE growth of individual NWs without the shadowing effect which will be introduced later.
Figure 5 (a) shows the geometry of a catalyst-free GaN NW with flat top, inclined by the angle
to the substrate normal and subjected to Ga beam inclined by the angle
to the substrate normal, with
as the third angle related to substrate rotation (
). From geometrical considerations, the angle
between the Ga beam and the NW growth axis is given by
. When
, no Ga flux impinges onto the top NW facet. For the axial NW growth rate averaged over one substrate rotation, we use
as the 2D equivalent deposition rate of Ga atoms. The values of
are averaged over
These expressions take into account that some Ga flux may impinge onto the NW sidewalls even at
. Evaluation of the integral given by Equation (2) for
shows that
is a reasonable approximation in the entire range of angles from 0 (corresponding to vertical NW) to 90o (corresponding to in-plane NW).
Figures 5 (b) and (c) show the contour plots of the normalized collection areas
for the top facet and
for the NW sidewalls depending on the NW tilt angle
and the substrate rotation angle
at a fixed Ga beam angle
o, as in our MBE system. Without averaging over
, the collection areas correspond to MBE growth with no substrate rotation. These plots were obtained from Equations (3) and (4) containing no free parameters. Quite naturally, no Ga atoms are received by the NW top facet at
o for large enough
, while the maximum collection on the top facet corresponds to
around zero. The maximum collection on the NW sidewalls corresponds to in-plane NWs with
close to
Figure 5 (d) shows the normalized contributions into the total axial growth rate originating from the top and side NW facets, averaged over the substrate rotation angle
, versus the NW tilt angle α at a fixed φ of 40
o. As expected, the top collection decreases and the sidewall collection increases with increasing the NW tilt angle.
Figures 6 show the contributions into the NW axial growth rate originating from the direct impingement onto the top facet and surface diffusion of Ga adatoms from the NW sidewalls at a fixed
40 nm and three different different NW radii
20 nm, 35 nm (corresponing to the average radius of GaN NWs in
Figure 2), and 50 nm. The diffusion-induced axial growth rate increases and the direct impingement term decreases with the NW tilt angle, as in
Figure 5 (d). The diffusion-indiced contribution becomes greater for smaller NW radii. This leads to a steeper decrease of the total NW growth rate for larger NW radii. In all cases, the total axial growht rate decreases with the NW titl angle, which is why more inclined NWs grow slower than less inclined NWs. At
35 nm, the axial growth rate of in-plane NWs decreases by approximately 30% with respect to the maximum growth rate of vertical NWs. The effective height of inclined NWs having the tilt angle
above the substrate surface,
is given by
Figure 7 (a)). Therefore, the longest vertically aligned NWs with
will shadow the shorter inclined NWs in ther course of MBE growth, leading to the geometrical selection of vertical NWs after a certain time. The shadowing effect should be enhanced in dense ensembles of NWs.
Figure 6.
Total axial NW growth rates in the units of , deconvoluted into the contributions of the top and sidewall (SW) facets versus the NW tilt angle. The curves are obtained from Eq. (1) at a fixed Ga diffusion length =40 nm and φ=40o for different NW radii: (a) 50 nm, (b) 35 nm, and (c) 20 nm. In all cases, the total axial growth rate decreases with . The decrease is steeper for larger NW radii.
Figure 6.
Total axial NW growth rates in the units of , deconvoluted into the contributions of the top and sidewall (SW) facets versus the NW tilt angle. The curves are obtained from Eq. (1) at a fixed Ga diffusion length =40 nm and φ=40o for different NW radii: (a) 50 nm, (b) 35 nm, and (c) 20 nm. In all cases, the total axial growth rate decreases with . The decrease is steeper for larger NW radii.
To describe the effect of geometrical selection of vertically aligned NWs in MBE growth with substrate rotation, we consider the geometrical shadowing of a given NW by the neighboring NWs [
44]. A NW with the tilt angle
gets fully shadowed by the longest vertical NWs when Ga atoms can no longer impinge onto its top surface and side facets. According to
Figure 7 (a), this occurs when
is the average distance between the NWs,
is their surface density and
is a shape constant in the order of unity. Both
are proportional to the actual NW growth time
. Here,
is the
dependent geometrical function shown in
Figure 6 for
35 nm, which describes the axial growth suppression with increasing the tilt angle
. Using these expressions, the critical NW growth time correspoding to the full shadowing of NWs with the tilt angle
, is obtained in the form
This simple expression shows that the critical time for the full shadowing of NWs (i) decreases with the Ga beam angle , (ii) decreases for higher NW density , and (iii) decreases for larger NW tilt angles . The latter property is due to (i) corresponing to a slower axial growth rate of inclined NWs, and (ii) the presence of in the denominator of Equation (7) describing the reduced height of inclined NWs above the substrate surface which decreases for more inclined NW and equals zero for planar NWs with 90o.
Figure 7 (b) shows the effective deposition thickness of GaN
as a function of the NW tilt angle
, obtained from Equation (7) at three different NW surface densities
of 10
9 cm
-2, 10
10 cm
-2 and 10
11 cm
-2 (corresponing to the highest NW density in
Figure 2 and
Figure 4 (d)). It is seen that
gradually decreses with
. A larger suppression of more inclined GaN NWs at higher NW surface densities is confirmed by our experimental data shown in Figures 4. A more qualitative analysis of the effect of geometrical selection of vertically aligned GaN NWs in MBE growth as a function of the NW growth time and other technologically controlled parameters requires more studies and will be presented elswhere.