Transportation is very important to all human beings in different aspect. It allows people to conveniently go to different places they need to. It also enables trade, business, and even employment nowadays. But we all know that transport vehicle is one of the main contributor to pollution.
Based on an article in 2018 by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, it was explained that global warming is anticipated to reach above pre-industrial levels of about 1.5 degree Celsius and it will happen around 2030 to 2050. In Philippines, vehicle emission was the leading factor to air pollution [
1]. With these, there is a great call for sustainable mobility particularly from the transport sectors.
Sustainable mobility is described as the evolution of modern automotive engineering and involves skills different from the old automotive engineering [
2]. One of the evolution on automotive nowadays is the used of hybrid and electric vehicles. In fact, most countries are shifting to hybrid and electric vehicle production which is more environment friendly [
3]. And Philippines is now adopting to this emerging technology in mobility.
Former president of the Philippines, President Rodrigo Duterte signed an Act on April 15, 2022, the
Electric Vehicle Industry Development Act or also known as the
Republic Act No. 11697. It is an Act that expresses the policy on the country’s goal for the development of the electric vehicle (EV) industry. This applies to the manufacture, transport, production, maintenance, services, and research and development of EVs, parts and materials, and other related infrastructure. The compliance on this policy specific matters for all automotive industries, business owners and government agencies. This Act was said to take effect 15 days after its promulgation [
Hybrid System is a combination of two or more technology. A combination of the traditional or conventional combustion engine and the electric system is considered a hybrid – electric vehicle [
5]. Most automotive industry are embracing this technology because of its advantage and benefits from the traditional mobility designs. Despite of this, there is still a problem in the availability of information for the consumers of the impact of using this kind of technology. Lack of awareness whether in terms of social, environmental, and economic benefits are among the main issues of Philippines that greatly affect its fast acceptance [
The main goal of this research is to assess the consumer’s perception and purchase intention on the transition of hybrid - electric vehicles to sustainable mobility and transportation here in the Philippines. It aims to assess consumer awareness with hybrid - electric vehicles and its potential benefits to human beings. The study also wants to see the impact of this perception on consumer’s purchase intention on hybrid - electric vehicles.
Descriptive Statistics
Demographic Profile of the Respondents
The respondents in this study came from the different car consumers and possible future car consumers in the Philippines. The respondents were also grouped according to gender, age, educational attainment, current job, and monthly salary or income as presented in
Table 1.
Gender. Of the 100 respondents, 52 percent were male, 45 percent were female, and 3 percent answered not prefer to say.
Age. Of the 100 respondents, 72 percent were 26 to 50 years old, 21 percent were 25 years old and below, and 7 percent were 51 years old and above.
Educational Attainment. Of the 100 respondents, 66 percent were college graduates, 19 percent have post-graduate degrees, 8 percent answered others - which includes undergraduate or still studying, and 7 percent were diploma holders.
Current Job. Of the 100 respondents, 55 percent were employed in a private sector, 17 percent were employed in a public sector, 11 percent were unemployed, as well as 11 percent represents the self-employed individuals, and 6 percent answered others.
Monthly Salary or Income. Of the 100 respondents, 43 percent answered 25,000 and below of their monthly income, 38 percent answered 25,001 to 50,000 monthly income, 11 percent answered 75,001 and above, and 8 percent answered 50,001 to 75,000 of their monthly income.
Consumer Perception on the Transition to Hybrid - Electric Vehicles in the Philippines
Respondents were asked on their perception on the benefits of hybrid – electric vehicle in the Philippines in terms of social, environmental, and economic benefits. The rating scale used for this assessment were: 5 for “Strongly Agree”, 4 for “Somewhat Agree”, 3 for “Neither Agree nor Disagree”, 2 for “Somewhat Disagree”, and 1 for “Strongly Disagree”.
Social Benefits. Of the 100 respondents, the average results or response per respondents shows that 51 percent answered they “Somewhat Agree” that the use of hybrid – electric vehicles has social benefits in the Philippines, 40 percent answered “Strongly Agree”, 8 percent answered “Neither Agree nor Disagree”, 1 percent answered they “Somewhat Disagree”, and no one answered for “Strongly Disagree” as shown in
Table 2. This shows that majority of the respondents believes on the positive social impact of the use of hybrid – electric vehicles in the Philippines.
Environmental Benefits. Of the 100 respondents, the average results or response per respondents shows that 75 percent “Strongly Agree” that the use of hybrid – electric vehicles has environmental benefits in the Philippines, 21 percent answered “Somewhat Agree”, 3 percent answered “Neither Agree nor Disagree”, 1 percent answered “Strongly Disagree”, while no one answered for “Somewhat Disagree” as shown in
Table 3. This section of the survey shows that majority of the respondents see the great positive impact of the use of hybrid – electric vehicles has social benefits in the Philippines to the environment.
Economic Benefits. Of the 100 respondents, the average results or response per respondents shows that 52 percent “Strongly Agree” ” that the use of hybrid – electric vehicles has benefits to the Philippines economically, while 42 percent answered “Somewhat Disagree”, 5 percent answered “Neither Agree nor Disagree”, 1 percent answered “Strongly Disagree”, and no one answered for “Somewhat Disagree” as shown in
Table 4. Surprisingly, the results showed that majority of the respondents believes on the high positive effects of the use of hybrid – electric vehicles in the Philippines’ economy.
Consumer’s Purchase Intention on Hybrid - Electric Vehicles in the Philippines
The last part of the survey aimed to assess the consumer’s intention to purchase a hybrid – electric vehicle. Also, the rating scale used for this assessment were: 5 for “Strongly Agree”, 4 for “Somewhat Agree”, 3 for “Neither Agree nor Disagree”, 2 for “Somewhat Disagree”, and 1 for “Strongly Disagree”.
Overwhelmingly, out of the 100 respondents, 53 percent answered they “Somewhat Agree” on purchasing a hybrid – electric vehicle, 36 percent “Strongly Agree”, 10 percent “Neither Agree nor Disagree”, 1 percent “Somewhat Disagree”, and no one answered for “Strongly Disagree” as shown in
Table 5. The results showed that majority of the respondents whether they currently owned a vehicle or not were planning to purchase a hybrid – electric vehicle in the near future, probably because of what they see as the overall positive benefits of the use of hybrid – electric vehicle in the Philippines.
Correlation Analysis
For other results of this study, a Correlation Analysis was used to determine if consumer’s perception in terms of social, environmental, and economic benefits of hybrid – electric vehicles in the Philippines has a significant relationship on consumer’s purchase intention.
Social Benefits and Purchase Intention
Ho: Social benefits has no significant impact to consumer’s purchase intention on hybrid – electric vehicle.
Ha: Social benefits has significant impact to consumer’s purchase intention on hybrid – electric vehicle.
Figure 2 shows the results between social benefits and purchase intention using the correlation analysis. This showed a correlation (r) value of 0.686 which is an indication of a “moderate positive correlation” of the two variables and a p-value of 0.000 which discards the null hypothesis for having a level of significance lower than 0.05 [
10]. This mean that social benefits of hybrid – electric vehicle has a significant relationship on consumer’s purchase intention. This implies that consumer’s believed on efficiency, comfort, experience, durability, and overall enhance performance of the hybrid - electric vehicles more than the conventional one. Previous studies also states that social concerns is one factor that affects consumer behaviour and demands [
Environmental Benefits and Purchase Intention
Ho: Environmental benefits has no significant impact to consumer’s purchase intention on hybrid – electric vehicle.
Ha: Environmental benefits has significant impact to consumer’s purchase intention on hybrid – electric vehicle.
Figure 3 shows the analysis results for the environmental benefits and purchase intention. The outcome presented a correlation (r) value of 0.542 which is an indication of a “moderate positive correlation” between the two variables and a p-value of 0.000 which discards the null hypotheses for having a level of significance lower than 0.05. This mean that environmental benefits of hybrid – electric vehicle has a significant relationship also on consumer’s purchase intention. This proved that consumer’s sees the hybrid - electric vehicle’s direct effect on the environment in reducing pollutions and improving air quality as it is known that air pollution is one of the major problem of different developing countries [
12]. This will lead to a cleaner environment which contributes to a better health and well-being of different individuals.
Economic Benefits and Purchase Intention
Ho: Economic benefits has no significant impact to consumer’s purchase intention on hybrid – electric vehicle.
Ha: Economic benefits has significant impact to consumer’s purchase intention on hybrid – electric vehicle.
Figure 4 shows the analysis results between the variables economic benefits and purchase intention. This showed a correlation (r) value of 0.670 which is an indication of a “moderate positive correlation” of the two variables and a p-value of 0.000 which discards the null hypothesis for having a level of significance lower than 0.05. This mean that economic benefits of hybrid – electric vehicle has a significant relationship on consumer’s purchase intention. This shows that consumer’s sees the hybrid - electric vehicle’s potential economic benefits like lower cost due to lower fuel consumption, job opportunities for vehicle production and infrastructure, creates potential businesses relative to this vehicle, and country’s higher savings particularly when it comes to oil and fuel [
13]. A related study in China also discussed the electric vehicle as a solution to energy conservation and economic development [
The correlation analysis of the three variables: social, environmental, and economic benefits all shows a significant relationship on consumer’s intention to purchase a hybrid – electric vehicle. This implies that their positive perception on the vehicle’s benefits give them a higher expectation and interest to purchase or switch into a hybrid – electric vehicle.