1. Introduction
In 1903 H. Minkowski published in [
16] his two famous integral formulas for compact surfaces in three dimensional Euclidean space. After that, many authors obtained integral formulas that generalized the two Minkowski formulas to hypersurfaces in Euclidean space and then in a general Riemannian manifold that admits a Killing or conformal vector field. For instance, in [
11] and [
12], C. C. Hsiung obtained generalized integral formulas of Minkowsi type for embedded hypersurfaces in Riemannian manifolds (see also [
13]). In [
14] and [
15], Y. Katsurada generalized the work of Hsiung and derived some integral formulas of Minkowski type that are valid for Einstein manifolds and used them to prove that given a hypersurface
with constant mean curvature in an Einstein Riemannian manifold
, and given a homothetic vector field
such that the inner product of
and the normal to
M does not change sign and does not vanish on
M, then
M is necessarily umbilical. In [
19], K. Yano obtained three integral formulas of Minkowski type for hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature in a Riemannian manifold admitting a homothetic vector field. Then, over time, several integral formulas of Minkowski type appeared in literature that were used to obtain rigidity results for isometrically immersed hypersurfaces in pseudo-Riemannian manifolds admitting a conformal vector filed. In [
6] and [
7] (resp. [
8]), L. J. Alias, A. Romero, and M. Sanchez obtained the first and second integral formulas of Minkowski type for compact spacelike hypersurfaces in a generalized Robertson–Walker spacetime (resp. conformally stationary spacetime), and applied them to the study of compact spacelike hypersurfaces with constant mean curvature. Two years later, in [
17], S. Montiel provided another proof of the first and second Minkowski formulas in the case where the ambient spacetime is equipped with a conformal timelike vector field. In 2003, L. J. Alias, A. Brasil JR, and A. G. Colares generalized in [
2] the integral formulas obtained in [
8] for spacelike hypersurfaces in conformally stationary spacetimes. See also [
3] and [
The assumption that the ambient space admits a conformal vector field is inspired by the fact that the position vector field in Euclidean space is a closed conformal vector field (which in some references is called a concircular vector field). The importance of conforml vector fields comes from the use of conformal mappings as a mathematical tool in general relativity. In fact, although a conformal vector field does not leave the Einstein tensor invariant, its existence in a pseudo-Riemannian manifold is a symmetry assumption for g that can be used (for example) to obtain exact solutions of Einstein’s equation.
Consider now an
-dimensional either Riemannian or Lorentzian manifold
admitting a conformal vector field
that we assume to be timelike in the case where
is Lorentzian. Let
be a connected
-dimensional Riemannian manifold that is isometrically immersed as a hypersurface into
, and let
denote the restriction of
Consider the function
, where
is an arbitrary vector field and
N is a globally defined unit vector field normal to
In the case where is Riemannian, L. J. Alias, M. Dajczer, and J. Ripoll gave in [
5] an expression for the Laplacian
in terms of the Ricci curvature of
and the norm of the shape operator of
. One year later, in 2008, A. Barros, A. Brasil, and A. Caminha obtained in [
9] the analogous expression when
is Lorentzian.
In 2010, A. L. Albujer, J. A. Aledo, and L. J. Alias gave in [
1] an expression for
in a slightly different way as given in [
5] and [
9]. Then, they used this expression to obtain a Minkowski-type integral formula for compact Riemannian and spacelike hypersurfaces, and applied this to deduce some interesting results concerning the characterization of compact Riemannian and spacelike hypersurfaces under certain hypotheses like the constancy of the mean curvature of the assumption that the ambient space is Einstein or a product space.
In this paper, we mainly wish to generalize previous results concerning Minkowski-type integral formulas for Riemannian (resp. spacelike) hypersurfaces in Riemannian (resp. Lorentzian) manifolds admitting an arbitrary vector field that we assume to be timelike in the case where is Lorentzian, and apply these integral forms to compact Riemannian and spacelike hypersurfaces in order to obtain interesting results concerning the characterization of such hypersurfaces in some particular cases, such as the ambient space is Einstein admitting an arbitrary (and in particular, a conformal Killing) vector field, or the hypersurface is minimal (resp. maximal) or has constant mean curvature.
In particular, we wish to work to generalize the results in [
19] and [
1] for any arbitrary Riemannian or spacelike hypersurface in any arbitrary ambient space admitting an arbitrary vector field. More precisely, given an
-dimensional either Riemannian or Lorentzian manifold
admitting an arbitrary vector field
that we assume to be timelike in the case where
is Lorentzian, and given a connected
-dimensional Riemannian manifold
that is isometrically immersed as a hypersurface into
. Let
denote the restriction of
M, and let
N be a globally defined unit vector field normal to
Of course,
N is supposed to be timelike in the case where
is Lorentzian. Our first main goal in this paper is to give a useful expression for the Laplacian
of the function
in terms of the Ricci and scalar curvatures of the ambient space, the mean curvature of the hypersurface, and the tangent part of the restriction of the vector field
M. In the particular case where
is a conformal (resp. Killing) vector field, our expression reduces to that obtained in [
1] (resp. [
19]). We will deduce from the generalized expression for
different generalized Minkowski-type integral formulas valid for any Riemannian or spacelike hypersurface in any arbitrary Riemannian or Lorentzian manifold admitting an arbitrary vector field. We will, in particular, generalize an integral formula obtained in [
1] in the case when
is conformal to the case of an arbitrary vector field. We will also apply the obtained generalized Minkowski-type formulas to deduce interesting results concerning the characterization of Riemannian and spacelike hypersurfaces in some particular cases, such as the ambient space is Einstein admitting an arbitrary (and in particular, a conformal Killing) vector field, or the hypersurface has constant mean curvature.
2. Preliminaries
and let
be a connected
-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian manifold. In this paper, we adopt the opposite convention of that in [
18] to define the Riemannian tensor. That is, the Riemannian tensor is defined here to be the
tensor field given by
for all
For every
and every orthonormal basis
, the Ricci curvature tensor
and the scalar curvature
are, respectively, defined to be
for all
Throughout this paper, we will assume that is Riemannian (i.e. the metric g has index 0) which is isometrically immersed as a hypersurface into an -dimensional pseudo-Riemannian manifold that we assume to be Riemannian or Lorentzian (i.e. the metric has index 0 or 1). Let ∇ and denote the Levi-Civita connections on M and , respectively. Let and denote, respectively, the sets of all tangent vector fields on M and and let denote the set of all vector fields on We will use the two notations or to denote the value of a vector field X on a function f.
that we will assume to be timelike in the case where
is Lorentzian, and let
denote its dual one form, that is, the one form given by
, for every
be the
-tensor (viewed as an endomorphism) defined by
Write as usual
for all
L is the Lie derivative of the metric
with respect to
B and
be the symmetric and skew-symmetric parts of
In other words, we have
Now, in the case where
is Riemannian, we will assume that there exists a globally defined unit vector field
N normal to
In this case,
M is said to be a two-sided hypersurface. In the case where
is Lorentzian, since
M is a spacelike hypersurface in
is assumed to be timelike, then we can choose a (globally defined) timelike unit vector field
N normal to
M and in the same time-orientation of
, that is we have
In both cases, if
is the restriction of
M, then we will denote by
the smooth function on
M, called the support function that is defined by
. It is clear that in the case where
is Lorentzian we have
. If
T is the tangential component of
then we have
according to whether
is Riemannian or Lorentzian, respectively. Since
, then the operator
given by
is well-defined (see for instance [
18], pp. 97-99). Then, we have
is the tangential component of
M and
is a one form on
be the vector field associated to
Therefore, for all
we have
is skew-symmetric, we have
, that is
. Therefore, (
5) implies that
On the other hand, the Gauss and Weingarten formulae for
M as a hypersurface of
are given by
for all
A is the shape operator of
M with respect to
Therefore, for all
, we have
From (
4) and (
7) we deduce that
For that we need to recall some definitions. In general, recall that for a
S, the covariant derivative
S is defined as follows
The divergence of a vector field
is defined as the function
is a local orthonormal frame of vector fields in
The divergence of a
S on
M is defined as the vector field
where, as above,
is a local orthonormal frame of vector fields in
We observe that, without loss of generality, we may assume
to be parallel. In this case, we see that
We also recall that the curvature tensor
R of
M is given in terms of the curvature tensor
and the shape operator by the so-called Gauss equation
for all
Recalling that the mean curvature of
M is defined to be
it follows from (
11) that the Ricci curvatures
M and
are related as follows
for all
Also, by tracing (
13), we see that the scalar curvatures
M and
are related as follows
3. Some useful tensor formulas
With the notations above, let be an -dimensional either Riemannian or Lorentzian manifold, and let be an arbitrary vector field that we assume to be timelike in the case where is Lorentzian. Let be a connected -dimensional Riemannian manifold that is isometrically immersed as a hypersurface into , and let denote the restriction of to
Our main goal in this section is to give a useful expression for the Laplacian
of the function
, where
is an arbitrary vector field and
N is a globally defined unit vector field normal to
In the case where
is Riemannian and
is a Killing (resp. conformal) vector field an expression for
has been given in [
10] (resp. [
5]) in terms of the Ricci curvature of
and the norm of the shape operator. An analogous formula has been obtained in [
9] in the case where
is Lorentzian and
is a timelike conformal vector field. As we have mentioned in the introduction, in [
1], a formula for
was obtained in a slightly different way as given in [
5] and [
Let us denote by
the restriction of
B to
and let
. It is clear that
f is a smooth function on
In fact, from (
1), we see that
To calculate we will use (). So, we start by computing the divergences of T and
Proposition 1.
Let the notation and assumptions be as above. Then, we have
Proof. Let
be a local orthonormal frame of vector fields in
N are extended arbitrarily to vector fields on
, then according to (
10) and making use of (
3) we have
Using the same formula (
10) and making use of (
8) and of the fact that if
S is self-adjoint operator then
is so, we obtain
where we have also used here (at the last step) the fact that since
A is self-adjoint and
is skew-symmetric, then
for all
i. □
In the following proposition, we give an explicit useful formula for
in terms of the Ricci curvature (compare to formula (14) in [
Proposition 2.
Let the notation and assumptions be as above. Then, we have
Proof. Let
be a local orthonormal frame of vector fields in
that we assume to be parallel. As we have noticed above, when
N are extended arbitrarily to vector fields on
then, using symmetric properties of the curvature tensor
, we have
Now, from this last expression and (17) we obtain (
18). We now give an expression for
For this purpose, we note that
from which we have
it follows that
Proposition 3.
Let the notation and assumptions be as above. Then, we have
Proof. Let
be a parallel local orthonormal frame of vector fields in
. Then, by using (
19), we deduce that
On the other hand, by extending
so that
for all
we have
By using (
24), we see that (
23) becomes
where we have used here the fact that
_ □
Remark 4.
Note that, since
then we can express (22) as follows
We are now ready to give the desired expression for
Theorem 5.
Let be a connected -dimensional Riemannian manifold that is isometrically immersed as a hypersurface into an -dimensional either Riemannian or Lorentzian manifold Let be an arbitrary vector field that we assume to be timelike in the case where is Lorentzian. and let ξ denote the restriction of to Let N be a globally defined unit vector field normal to and let the notation used here be as above. Then, the Laplacian of the function is given by the following expression
By using (
18) and (
23), it follows that
as desired. □
As a straightforward consequence of Theorem 4, we obtain the interesting expression for
in the particular case where
is a conformal Killing vector field on
, that is a vector field satisfying
for some
smooth function on
called the conformal factor (or potential function) of
Corollary 6.
Let the notation and assumptions be as in Theorem 4, and assume in addition that the vector field is conformal. Then, we have
Proof. From (
1) and (
28), we deduce that
I is the identity. It follows that
. Consequently, by using (
15), we get
where we have identified here the function
with its restriction to
We also have
from which we deduce that
Now, by substituting these into (
26), we obtain (
29). □
It would be of some use to express
in terms of the scalar curvatures of
M and
. This can be done by combining the two formulas (
14) and (
26), so that we get formula (
31) in the following theorem.
Theorem 7.
Let the notation and assumptions be as in Theorem 4. Then, we have
It should be noticed that formula (
31) is nothing but a generalization to the case of an arbitrary vector field on
of formula (9) in [
1] which was given in the case where
is a conformal Killing vector field.
Theorem 8 ([
Let the notation and assumptions be as in Theorem 4, and assume in addition that the vector field is conformal. Then, we have
On the other hand, we give an expression for
Proposition 9.
Let the notation and assumptions be as above. Then, we have
Proof. Let
be a parallel local orthonormal frame of vector fields in
. Note first that
We also note that since
then we have
With these in hand, we can calculate
as desired. □
Remark 10.
By combining the two formulas (22) and (33), we deduce that
We would like to note here that formula (40) for a hypersurface M and which is valid for any arbitrary vector field looks like a formula that we can easily prove its validity for projective vector fields and which says that if ξ is a projective on a pseudo-Riemannian manifod, then
To obtain (40), it suffices to take in (41) and remember that and
4. Integral formulas for compact Riemannian hypersurfaces in pseudo-Riemannian manifolds
In this section, we assume that
is an
n-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold that is isometrically immersed as a hypersurface in an
-dimensional either Riemannian or Lorentzian manifold
with all the assumptions stated at the beginning of the above section. The first integral formula that we can display here results directly from the integration of the simple formula (
Proposition 11.
Let be as above. Then, we have
In particular, if is a conformal Killing vector field with conformal factor ψ, then
By using formula (
42) of the previous proposition, the following results can be easily deduced.
Proposition 12. In a Lorentzian manifold admitting an arbitrary (resp. conformal with potential function ψ) timelike vector field, there is no compact spacelike hypersurface whose mean curvature function H satisfies (resp. ).
Proof. It is clear that if
, then either
. It follows that either
M is compact, then formula (
42) implies in both cases that
, which is absurd. □
Proposition 13. With all the notations and assumptions stated at the beginning of the above section, assume further that is either a compact Riemannian manifold that is either minimal or maximal according to whether is Riemannian or Lorentzian, respectively. Then, there exists a point such that that is or equivalently In particular, if ξ is affine, then If ξ is conformal with conformal factor then
As an immediate consequence of Proposition 10, we have the following
Corollary 14. With all the notations and assumptions stated at the beginning of the above section, assume that is a homothetic vector field. Then, when it is Riemannian (resp. Lorentzian), contains no compact minimal (resp. maximal) Riemannian hypersurface.
A more general result than Proposition 10 is the following
Proposition 15. With all the notations and assumptions stated at the beginning of the above section, assume that is an arbitrary vector field. Assume further that M is compact with constant mean curvature, and assume (in the case where is Riemannian) that the function θ is not constant and does not change sign.
- (a)
If then there exists a point such that
- (b)
If then there exists a point such that
- (c)
If then there exists a point such that
Remark 16. On the other hand, we easily deduce from (43) that if is a Killing vector field (i.e. ) and M has constant mean curvature, then either θ vanishes somewhere or (i.e. M is minimal in the case when is Riemannian and maximal in the case when is Lorentzian). Conversely, if is a homothetic vector field (i.e. ψ is constant) and , then is necessarily a Killing vector field. We also deduce from (43) that if is a homothetic vector field and , then is necessarily a Killing vector field. This is exactly what states Theorem 5.3 in [19].
Our second integral formula is the following
Theorem 17.
Let be an n-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold that is isometrically immersed as a hypersurface in an -dimensional either Riemannian or Lorentzian manifold . Then, with the assumptions stated in Theorem 4, we have
In particular, when is a conformal Killing vector field with conformal factor ψ, then
Using (
18) and recalling that
we obtain
Now, by integrating both sides of the above equation, we to obtain formula (
44). In the case when
is a conformal Killing vector field with conformal factor
we have
Substituting this into (
44), we obtain (
45). □
Our third integral formula is the following
Theorem 18.
Let be an n-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold that is isometrically immersed as a hypersurface in an -dimensional either Riemannian or Lorentzian manifold with the assumptions stated in Theorem 4. Then, we have
In particular, when is a conformal Killing vector field with conformal factor ψ, we meet formula (18) in[1], that is
Proof. By using (
16), we have
and by substituting this into (
31), we obtain (
46). To obtain (
47), it suffices to substitute the values
into (
46). □
Remark 19. We notice that, in the above result, formula (47) is nothing but formula (18) in [1], so that (46) can be considered as a generalization of that formula to the case of a general vector field .
5. Integral formulas for CMC compact Riemannian hypersurfaces in pseudo-Riemannian manifolds
In this section, we will focus on the case when M has constant mean curvature The first result gives an integral formula for a hypersurface with constant mean curvature without any assumption on the ambient space or on the vector field
Theorem 20.
Under the notations and assumptions stated in Theorem 5, let be an -dimensional either Riemannian or Lorentzian manifold, and an n-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold that is isometrically immersed as a hypersurface with constant mean curvature H in Then, we have
In particular, when is a conformal Killing vector field with conformal factor ψ, we have
and when is homothetic, we have
Proof. First, since we know that
then (
46) yields
or equivalently
H is constant, (
42) yields
Now, if we substitute (
54) into (
53), we obtain (
48). Formulas (
49) and (
50) follow easily from (
48) using the facts that
is a conformal Killing vector field with conformal factor
, and the fact that
is constant when
is homothetic, respectively. □
50) can be used to deduce the following result which generalizes Theorem 5.1 in [
19] to the case of a spacelike hypersurface.
Corollary 21. Let be an -dimensional either Riemannian or Lorentzian manifold which admits a homothetic vector field , and let be an n-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold that is isometrically immersed in as a hypersurface with constant mean curvature. Let N and ξ denote, respectively, the normal to M and the restriction of to Assume that on M and assume (in the case where is Riemannian) that the function does not change sign and is not identically zero. Then, is totally umbilical and on
The second result is a direct consequence of the Theorem 17 under the assumptions that
is Einstein and
M has constant mean curvature
H. This has been proved in [
15] in the case when
is Riemannian.
Theorem 22. Let be an -dimensional either Riemannian or Lorentzian Einstein manifold with a conformal Killing vector field , and let be an n-dimensional compact Riemannian manifold that is isometrically immersed as a hypersurface in with constant mean curvature With all the notations and assumptions stated at the beginning of the above section, assume in addition (in the case where is Riemannian) that the function θ does not change sign and is not identically zero. Then, is necessarily totally umbilical.
Proof. Under the assumptions of the proposition, formula (
45) becomes
Since does not change sign and is not identically zero, and since we should get from the integral above that We deduce that , that is is totally umbilical. □