3.1. Variables used for clustering
The variables used for the clustering were selected by applying PCA. Variance, cumulative variance and Eigen values generated from the PCA are shown in
Figure 3. The result reveals that the two components with an Eigen value greater than one explain more than 77% of the variance. Of this, 52.3% of the variance was explained by the first component and the remaining 25.2% of the variance was explained by the second component. The Eigen values after the second dimension are less than one indicating that these PCs explain less than the original variables (
Figure 3). Accordingly, only the first and second principal components were retained and selected for further analysis.
The quality of variable representation was analyzed and demonstrated on a Cos2 factor map (
Figure 4). The results are presented in the Cos2 factor map, on which the variables that are better represented by the two PCs appear close to the circumference of the correlation circle. The variables are well represented by the principal components, with the exception of rainfall cessation date which has a lower representation. This latter variable was kept in the analysis, due to its importance for agriculture.
The result shown that elevation, length of growing season, rainfall onset date, maximum and minimum temperatures, soil moisture and potential evapotranspiration contribute the most to the dimension one, while precipitation concentration index, PET and precipitation contribute to the dimension two.
3.4. Climate variation between clusters
Table 2 presents the areal mean annual value of the climate variables for the 12 climate clusters of the Abbay River basin. The climate variables that were used for the study are important determinant factors of spatiotemporal variability and availability of green water for the rain-fed agriculture.
The results demonstrate that four of the climate clusters (2, 3, 9 and 12) experience a bimodal (Belg and Kiremt) rainfall pattern, and are located in the eastern part of the basin (Figure 7). The remaining eight clusters experience monomodal rainfall pattern, or the Kiremt season only. The mean length of growing period (LGP) for the Kiremt season varies between 2.5 months in climate region 12 and 5.6 months in climate region 5. The climate regions located in the western part of the basin have relatively long growing periods (4.5–5.6 months). In contrast, the LGP was relatively short (3.3–3.9 months) for those climate regions located in the central and eastern parts of the basin, except for region three, where the LGP is 5.1 months. The relatively longer LGP for region three which is located in the eastern part of the basin is attributable to the early onset of rainfall. Rainfall in this region exceeds half of the PET in early March, while this occurs in early May in the other regions of the eastern and central parts of the basin.
The rainfall onset and cessation dates were earliest for region 3; in this region rainfall exceeds half of the PET in early April and drops to half of PET in early September. Region 12 has a similar rainfall cessation date (early September). The rainfall onset time in five regions (4, 5, 7, 8 and 10) is in the first two weeks of May. The rainfall onset for the other six regions is between early May (regions 6 and 11) and third week of May (Regions 2, 9 and 12). The rainfall cessation date for four climate regions (1, 2, 6, and 9) is in the last week of September, while it is in early October in five regions (4, 7, 8, 10 and 11). The fall of rainfall amount to less than half of the PET can be caused by the decrease in rainfall amount or increase in the PET amount as the temperature starts to rise with the decreasing cloud cover over the region. The rainfall cessation time for region 5 is in October.
In general, the mean annual rainfall decreases from southwestern towards northern and northeastern parts of the basin. The mean annual rainfall is relatively small (less than 1200 mm) for climate regions 2, 3, 9 and 12, which are all located in the eastern and central parts of the basin. The mean annual rainfall is relatively high (1514.2–1769.5 mm) in four climate regions (4, 5, 6, and 8) which are located in the southwestern part of the basin. The mean annual rainfall in regions 7, 10 and 11, which are located in the northwestern part of the basin, is 1423.5 mm, 1198.9 mm and 1427.5 mm, respectively. Furthermore, mean annual rainfall for region 1 is 1386.4 mm
The intensity of rainfall as represented by PCI is lowest (14.6 mm) in region 8 and highest (21.1 mm) in region 12. The PCI is relatively low (14.6 – 16.6) for regions 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8, and all of these regions are located in the southwestern part of the basin. These climate clusters are also known for their extended rainfall season. The PCI is high (19.9 – 21.1) in regions 3, 9, and 12; all of these regions are located in the extreme eastern part of the basin. The mean annual PET amount is lowest (1261.2 mm) in region 2 and highest (1846.8 mm) in region 10. In general, the mean annual PET is high in climate regions 7 (1655.8 mm) and 10 (1846.8 mm); both of these regions are located in the western lowland part of the basin. It is relatively low (1261.2 mm – 1301.3 mm) in regions 2, 3, 6, 8, and 12. The mean annual PET in the five regions (1, 4, 5, 9 and 11) varies between 1409.8 mm and 1467.0 mm. The spatial variation of annual PET is due to the variation of temperature between the climate clusters. The mean annual minimum and maximum temperatures vary between 8.9 0C and 19.1 0C, and 22.0 0C and 34.8 0C, respectively. The mean minimum and maximum temperatures are high in the two climate regions (7 and 10) that are located in the western part of the basin. The mean minimum and maximum temperatures are 16.4 0C and 31.2 0C in region 7 and 19.1 0C and 34.8 0C in region 10, respectively. Low mean minimum (8.9 – 9.2 0C) and maximum (22.0 - 23.1 0C) temperatures characterize the three climate regions which are located in the eastern part of the basin.
Soil moisture content also reveals significant variation between the climate clusters. The lowest (10.6 mm) mean annual soil moisture content is found for climate region 9 and the highest (79.9 mm) mean annual soil moisture content is found for climate region 8. In general, mean annual soil moisture content is relatively high (60.1 – 79.9 mm) in four climate regions (4, 5, 7, and 8). In contrast, four climate regions that include regions 2, 3, 9 and 12 have relatively low (10.6 – 13.8 mm) mean soil moisture content; all of these regions are located in the eastern part of the Abbay basin. The mean annual soil moisture content for the other climate regions varies between 24.7 mm in region 1 and 58.3 mm in region 11.
The mean altitude of climate regions varied between 698 m asl for climate region 10 and 2620.3 m asl for climate regions 3 (
Table 2). As shown in
Table 2, the mean altitude for climate regions 7 and 10 are relatively low, 974.8 m asl and 698 m asl, respectively. Both of these climate regions are located in the northwestern part of the basin. In contrast, climate regions 2, 3, 6 and 12 which are located in the eastern part of the basin have relatively high that ranges from 2267.2 m asl and 2620.3 m asl. The results further showed the absence of systematic relationship between rainfall variables and altitude in the Abbay basin. In contrast the distribution of PET, temperature and soil moisture displayed systematic relationship with altitude. In this regard, temperature and PET are relatively higher in lowland climate regions (7 and 10) and low in highland climate regions (e.g., 2, 3, 9 and 12). On the other hand, the mean annual soil moisture amount is relatively high in the lowland climate regions (7 and 10) and relatively low in highland climate regions (e.g., 2, 3, 9 and 12).
In general, regions 2, 3, 9 and 12 have 2 rain cycles, – what distinguishes the clusters is PCI and onset date [the other variables have relatively similar values]. Of the others, climate region 5 is distinct as it has relatively longer LGP, which is attributed to the late cessation date. On the other hand, climate region 10 followed by climate region 7 has high PET. Furthermore, climate region 1 and 6 are very similar in all climate characteristics, except climate region 6 is slightly wetter.