2. Phenomenological Model for Creep Crack Growth
The model presented here evaluates the effects of variables that are expected to influence the CCG behavior. This model was first proposed by Wilkinson and Vitek [
3], developed further by Saxena and Bassani [
4], and is further refined in this paper. In the model, it is assumed that steady-state creep deformation conditions given in equation (1) prevail in the cracked body
A and
n are empirically determined constants obtained from creep deformation tests conducted on uniaxial samples. Under these conditions, the CCG behavior is represented by da/dt versus crack tip parameters C* or C
t [
8]. In this regime, C* and C
t are identical [
Figure 1a schematically shows the idealized development of creep damage ahead of the crack tip in the form of an array of creep cavities with radii of
that are spaced by a center-to-center distance of 2b. The cavities are assumed to nucleate on the grain boundary facets,
Figure 1b, that are aligned normal to the loading direction and have an initial diameter of
, which corresponds to the radius of the nucleating particle. These cavities grow at a rate that is constrained by power-law creep, equation (1), in the crack tip stress environment. When the cavity closest to the crack tip approaches a critical radius, it coalesces with the crack tip and the crack is believed to have advanced by a distance 2b. All successive cavities grow and move closer to the crack tip while the one nearest becomes part of the crack. A steady-state crack growth rate is established and described by equation (2) [
2b = inter-cavity spacing
m = number of cavities in the process zone ahead of the crack tip that grow due to creep deformation (approximately between 3 to 5)
radius of the cavity from the crack tip
= critical cavity radius
cavity radius at nucleation
d = grain diameter
= crack tip field quantity that depends on
n and evaluated at an angle of 90 degrees to the crack plane and has a value on the order of 1.
If it is assumed that for creep-ductile materials,
, and
. Equation (2) then reduces to:
The constant
, as seen above, also includes the angular terms in the crack tip stress fields and can be made part of a consolidated constant.
1.3 for
and the term
13.0 for
can also be merged into the same consolidated constant. If
represents the inter-cavity spacing at which the da/dt asymptotically approaches a lower bound value where
, implying a highly creep-ductile material, equation (3) can be written as:
Where, .
In equation (4), the term compensates the CCG rate behavior for temperature. For b less than b0, the CCG rates are expected to be higher. Thus, a microstructural length dimension is explicitly included in the CCG rate equation. This microstructural parameter could also evolve during service and account for changes in CCG properties due to exposure to high temperatures during service. For example, if during service, new grain boundary particles form due to exposure to service temperatures and reduce the value of b, the CCG rate is expected to increase, and the material is expected to embrittle during service.
A ductility exhaustion model has been proposed by Nikbin, Smith, and Webster (NSW) [
7] that relates creep ductility to the CCG behavior as shown in equation (5) below:
is the multi-axial creep ductility, and r
c is the process zone size of the material that depends on microstructural characteristics and the crack tip constraint. There are similarities among the two models as both equations can be reduced to the following form. The WVSB model explicitly contains microstructural terms while the NSB model is based on notional parameters, such as
The constant A is a strong function of temperature. However, when it is raised to a power of 1/(n+1), where n ranges between 5 and 13 for ferritic steels, the dependence of da/dt on A becomes weak, but still significant. Further, we can replace C
* with a more general parameter C
t in equation (6) [
8] that is also applicable to small-scale-creep conditions and becomes identical to C
* under steady-state creep conditions. This parameter also permits the inclusion of CFCG rates at various hold times on the same plot [
9]. We next define a reference temperature, T
ref, that is equal to say a commonly used temperature for the material and for which CCG data are available.
In equation (7), n/(n+1) is replaced by an empirically determined material constant, q. The value of n/(n+1) ranges from 0.75 to 0.9 for n values between 4 and 10 and compares well with the range of values of q found in the CCG data for a wide variety of steels.
Next, we divide equation (6) by equation (7) to get:
The parameter
, a function of temperature, is referred to as the temperature compensation parameter and is applied to CCG and CFCG data at a variety of temperatures, so the effects of temperature can be separated from the effects of other variables on CCG and CFCG rates. Thus, the CCG equation can be written as:
The values of c and q are empirically determined constants from CCG and CFGG data that correspond to the reference temperature. To determine c, CCG data from several temperatures can be expressed as da/dt* (by dividing da/dt with as in equation (9)) and Ct and pooled together for the purposes of the regression analysis leading to c and q values. Such analysis is shown for Grade 22 and Grade 91 steels in the subsequent section.