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19 September 2023
20 September 2023
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Inclusion criteria |
Original scientific articles |
Participants who practice gymnastics |
Published in English, Spanish or Portuguese |
Full text available |
Published since 1995 to date (June 2023) |
Use at least one method to quantify proprioception |
Use proprioception as a method of intervention |
Include, in summary, title or keywords the selected descriptors |
Exclusion criteria |
Animal studies that do not involve humans |
Manuscripts that cannot be referenced |
Meta-analysis studies, reviews, editorials, opinion, perspectives, clinical cases and others |
Documents not related to non-musculoskeletal diseases |
Manuscripts that use acupuncture as treatment |
# | Author | Year | Study aim | Participants characteristics / Interventions | Study Design | Propioception Assessment Method | Outcome Measures | Synthesis of Results | Research future direction |
1 | Niespodzi ´nski, et al. | 2022 | To evaluate the impact of long-term gymnastic training on joint position and force senses in boys and adults | n= 53♂ Groups: a.Gymnast (n= 15 adults + 13 boys) b.Control untrainned(n= 15 adults + 10 boys) Age: a.Boys Gymnast (11.07 ± 0.65) Control untrained (10.47 ± 0.73) B: Adults: Gymnast (20.20± 2.40) Control untrained (20.07 ± 0.80) |
Observational cross-sectional study | Bilateral and unilateral: Reproduction of joint position sense reproduction of force sense |
ºJoint Elbow flexion 20% and 50% of MVC during elbow extension and flexion |
↑ joint position sense in adults ↑ force sense in adults ↑ force sense in gymnast |
Different joints and kinesthetic modalities |
2 | (Dallas et al., 2014) | 2014 | Study the immediate impacts of three warm-up methods (static stretching, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, and stretching exercises on a vibration platform) on flexibility and jump performance in artistic gymnasts. | n= 18 ♂ ♀ gymnasts Age: 21.83±1.76 years |
Counterbalanced crossover Experimental groups: Static Stretching Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching + Vibration 3 set of 15s stretching to mild discomfort (knee flexors and extensors and plantar flexors) |
Sit and reach test Countermovement jump Squat jump |
cm | ↑cm (sit and reach) in proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation group compared to other experimental groups after 15min | Study how jump performance can be affected by different stretching durations and the acute effects resulting from varying the frequency, amplitude, and/or vibration. |
3 | (Busquets et al., 2018) | 2018 | Investigates sensory reweighting in standing posture adjustment among gymnasts and non gymnasts subjects | n= 81 ♂ Groups: a.Gymnast (n= 23 adults + 34 children) b.Non.gymnast(n= 13 adults + 12 children) Age: a.Children: Gymnast (9.3 ± 1.3) Non-gymnast (9.7 ± 1.1) B: Adults: Gymnast (16.3 ± 2.6 ) Non-gymnast (17.0 ± 0.3) |
Vibrations 3 x 45 seg with eyes open and with eyes closed | Vibration | COP on baseline, perturbation phase and re-integration phase | ↑ better control in trained children ↑ better values with eyes open than with eyes closed |
Continue assessing gymnastics as a potential strategy for improving balance |
4 | (Li & Kang, 2022) | 2022 | Investigates the funtional and structural aspects of foot while identifying the causes of foot joint injuries in gymnasts | n= 20 ♂ Groups: a. Experimental n= 10 b. Control n= 10 Age: 22.05±1.20 |
Multivariate analysis of variance and sample T test Experimental group received proprioception recovery training Control group received normal functional recovery training |
Ankle stability test Ankle propioception test |
Overall statistic parameters Front and rear axial static parameters Left and right axial static parameters |
Ankle recovery training improves stability for damage ankle joint Improved balance stability with proprioception training ↑ Experimental group had better results on the overall stability index and left and right stability index of dynamic balance ability when standing with eyes and feet open |
long term training and follow up |
5 | (Lamoth et al., 2009) | 2009 | Investigate whether stochastic dynamical analysis of body sway acceleration signals can differentiate postural sway patterns among three distinct populations varying in their athletic skill level | n= 34 Groups: Physical education n= 11 (♂= 8, ♀=4) Gymnastics n= 11 (♂= 4, ♀=18) |
Repeated measures ANOVAs | Stood in a two-legged tandem stance Experimental conditions: standing with eyes open Standing with eyes closed Standing on foam |
mediolateral (ML) and anterioposterior (AP) variability (RMS), mean power frequency (MPF), long-range correlations (a), regularity (SEn) and local stability (lmax) |
↑ more fluctuation on foam stance. ↑more automatic and efficient postural control in gymnastics |
Investigate the effectiveness of automated and simplified accelerometric systems |
6 | (Mendez-Rebolledo et al., 2021) | 2021 | comparative effectiveness of Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) and neuromuscular (NM) training versus conventional artistic gymnastics training (CONV) for enhancing balance control | n= 33 ♀ Age: 11–12 years n= 8 13-15 years n= 21 16-17 years n=4 Groups: Conventional artistic training 11–12 years n= 3 13-15 years n= 2 16-17 years n=3 Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) 11–12 years n= 2 13-15 years n= 8 16-17 years n=1 Neuromuscular training 11–12 years n= 3 13-15 years n= 7 16-17 years n=1 |
Repeated measures ANOVAs | Y-Balance Test | Dominant lower limb and non-dominant lower limb (anterior, posteromedial, posterolateral, total index) |
↑ significant improvement in balance control with neuromuscular training | Balance plataforms or test batteries that specificallt assess balance control. More investigation of various training methods and other factors that could impact balance control. |
7 | (Bressel et al., 2007) | 2007 | n= 34 ♀ Groups: Soccer n= 11 Basketball n= 11 Gymnastics n= 12 |
Repeated measures ANOVAs | Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) | Balance error scoring system static balance (error) Star Excursion Balance Test Dynamic balance (Σ% of leg length |
↑ static and dynamic balance in gymnasts than basketball players | Investigate impact of different sports in specific components of balance to discern which sensorimotor systems are more influenced. | |
8 | (Danion et al., 2000) | 2000 | Investigate the impact of vision removal on gymnasts during the execution of basic movements | n= 16 Groups: Gymnasts n= 8 (♂= 3, ♀=5) Age: 18-25 years Control n= 8 (♂= 4, ♀=4) Age: 19±24 years |
Two-way analyses of variance | 1.Walk a straight line with full vision, 2. blindfolded, 3. wheelchair in a straight line and 4. wheelchair pushed by another person. | Mean absolute veering | ↑ gymnast performed better during suppresion of vision Gymnasts demonstrated using proprioception, indicating ability to pick up crucial information this via |
Determine whether propioception is acquired through gymnastics training or is an inherent aptitude necessary for achieving highest proficiency in the sport. |
9 | (Rizzato et al., 2021) | 2021 | Investigate the effect of different gymnastic balls on center of pressure related parameters and the response of core stabilization muscles. | n= 11 ♂ Age: 22 ± 1.09 years |
Cross-sectional design Test three diferente types of gymnastic balls (diameter: 53 cm, 65 cm and 65 cm ovoid shape) Perform three tasks: bipedal seated, unipedal seated and dynamic exercise |
Postural balance control through a computerized platform | Area95 Unit path Core muscle activation (EMG) |
65 cm ovoid shape ball minimized multidirectional displacements during postural tasks COP related parameters are more sensitive in assessing destabilization. |
Investigate how shapes and sizes can produce different stimuli. |
10 | (Guillou et al., 2007) | 2007 | Examine if proprioceptive input for motor control of the left and right supporting leg (SL) can be improved through symmetrical or asymmetrical equilibrium training. | n= 36 ♂ Groups: Dancers: n= 7. Gymnasts n= 9 Soccer players n= 10 Untrained n= 10 Age: Dancers: 18 ± 0.8 years Gymnasts: 19.1 ± 3.6 years Soccer players: 17.1 ± 1.1 years Untrained: 21.4 ± 5 years |
Two factor ANOVA unrepeated between participants factor according to physical activity and a two factor ANOVA repeated within participants factor according to supporting leg | Unipedal experimental task on a moveable seesaw platform | Correlations with height Pivot displacement length Spectral analysis Low requency band analysis High frecuency band analysis |
↑ experts showed better stability performance compared with untrained participant Lateral body balance component is important to regulate dynamic conditions Height and weight were found to have no direct impact on balance |
Analyses of head-trunk and trunk-inferior limb coordination and sensori-motor interactions |
11 | (Asseman & Gahéry, 2005) | 2005 | Investigate how variations in head position and vision condition impact stability during handstand | n= 3 ♂, 2 ♀ gymnasts |
Upright posture Handstand posture on 4 different head positions: 55º dorsiflexion, 90º, 0º and ventroflexion 55º. Five different situations 3x with eyes closed and 3x eyes opened. |
Handstand balance | Head and foot marker variance Duration of handstand Center of pressure surface |
Vision significantly affected gymnasts' performance Handstand duration was shorter with eyes closed Vision alone was not enough to explain the differences in performance and postural stability according to head position. |
Not reported |
12 | (Lamb et al., 2014) | 2014 | Evaluate the effect of proprioceptive training on the postural balance of rhythmic gymnastics athletes | n= 7 ♀ artistic gymnasts Age: 14 ± 1,5 years |
Before and after intervention assessment of postural balance in 3 diferent conditions: bipedal with open eyes, unipedal right and unipedal left. | Postural balance with bipedal and unipedal support | Center of pressure (COP) displacement area and the average velocity of COP oscillation in both the anteroposterior (A/P) and medial-lateral (M/L) planes. | ↑ possible improvement in postural stability due to proprioception training | Develop intervention protocols for postural balance training tailored to specific sports modalities in athletes |
13 | (Dallas & Dallas, 2016) | 2016 | Investigate the impact of fatigue on postural control in female participants. | n= 7 ♀ Age: 21 ± 4.6 years |
Counter balanced across six different conditions: double-leg stance, foam surface, single-leg stance, tandem stance with both legs. Tested before and after fatigue exercises. |
Postural control using the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) | Error on 6x different conditions | Fatigue decreased postural stability | Not reported |
14 | (Aydin et al., 2002) | 2002 | Investigate the ankle joint position sense patterns in gymnasts and non-gymnasts | n= 40♀ 20 gymnasts Age: 14.3 ± 1.5 years 20 non-gymnasts Age: 13.6 ± 2.3 years |
Participants blindfolded performed both tests, beginning with the passive test. ON active test, the subjects wore a headset too. | Active angle-reproduction test and passive angle-reproduction test | Average errors score for both tests. Maximum plantar flexion Maximum inversion |
↑ gymnasts had better proprioceptive abilities Conditioning could develop enhanced neurosensory pathways that improve joint position |
Identifying and categorizing postural or movement impairments, particularly in relation to their underlying causes. |
15 | (Kochanowicz et al., 2018) | 2018 | Investigate the effects of gymnastic training on static and dynamic postural control in individuals aged 8-25 years | n= 105 ♂ Age: 8-10 years: Gymnasts n= 21 Non-gymnasts n= 21 12-14 years: Gymnasts n= 15 Non-gymnasts n= 20 18-25 years: Gymnasts n= 12 Non-gymnasts n= 16 |
ANOVA with repeated measurements (age and group), (eyes open – eyes closed) Body balance trials x3 times each with one minute interval |
Static postural control in upright standing position with eyes open and closed. Dynamic postural control with visual feedback |
Center of pressure (COP) | ↑significant differences in surface area between the non-training group and gymnasts, and also among different age groups ↓ lower surface area in eyes open condition Gymnast achieved better results than non-gymnasts in all age categories |
incorporating more complex and sport-specific postural tasks to investigate postural control |
16 | (Niespodziński et al., 2022b) | 2022 | Investigate differences in joint position sense and force sense, and evaluate the impact of gymnastic training in these senses | n= 53 ♂ Age: 9-11 years: Gymnasts n= 13 Non-gymnasts n= 10 18-25 years: Gymnasts n= 15 Non-gymnasts n= 15 |
Observational cross-sectional | Joint position sense test Force sense test |
Absolute error (AE) and constant error (CE), | ↑ gym nasts obtained better results propioception improves with age |
different joints and kinesthetic modalities to gain more insight into the development of proprioception |
17 | (Busquets et al., 2021) | 2021 | investigate the effects of sensory information alteration on postural movements performance and control during bipedal standing in different proprioceptive and visual conditions | n= 77 ♂♀ 7 - 14 years: Gymnasts n= 31 Non-gymnasts n= 11 +15 years: Gymnasts n= 22 Non-gymnasts n= 13 |
Stand barefoot and two visual conditions of three 45 s trials were performed during the session: eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC). |
Balance standing with stimulated with two vibrators | Principal postural movement components (PP-rSDT 1-4) 2. Principal velocities (PV-rSDT 1-4) 3. Principal accelerations (PA-rSDT a1-2) 4. Sensory information contribution variables (PV-rSDT 1-4) 5. Trunk rotation velocity 6. AP hip flexion/extension velocity 7. AP ankle strategy (PA-rSDT) | Age effect on postural control Gymnastic experience effect on postural control |
Investigate the effects of sensory information alteration on postural movements performance and control in different populations |
18 | (Schmidt et al., 2017) | 2017 | Investigate the prevalence of generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) and its association with adverse health outcomes in elite adolescent athletes participating in ballet, teamgym gymnastics, and team handball. |
n= 132 36♂ 96♀ Ballet dancers n= 22 Gymnasts n=53 Handball players n=53 |
Cross-sectional Beighton score, self-reported injury questionnaire, and four static motor performance tests with eyes open and eyes closed. |
Static motor performance tests | General joint hypermobility Center of Pressure Path |
Generalized joint hypermobility (GJH) was higher in ballet dancers and gymnasts compared to team handball players. | Assess injury and including a more diverse sample of sports and age groups. |
19 | (Dalichau & Scheele, 2000) | 2000 | The study aimed to investigate whether the criteria of sport and back pain influence the expression of position sense as a component of proprioception. | n= 128 ♂ 28 hockey players 8 hockey players with lumbar pain 25 gymnasts 9 gymnasts with lumbar pain 41 tennis players 14 tennis players with lumbar pain 34 non-athletes 11 non-athletes with lumbar pain |
Cross-sectional study Reproduce the angle position with visual reference and with eyes closed |
Angle reproduction ability | Angle 10º, 15 º and 30 º |
↑ position sense was greater in two-legged stance Criteria of sports and lower back pain can influence the position sense as a component of proprioception |
Examining other sports with larger sample sizes to identify the loading profiles that can lead to the modification of proprioceptive abilities. |
20 | (Han et al., 2015) | 2015 | Investigate the relationship between proprioceptive ability, competition level achieved, and years of sport-specific training among elite athletes from five different sports | n=54♂ 46♀ Age: Gymnasts n= 20 Swimming n= 20 Sports dancing n= 20 Badminton n= 20 Football n= 20 Control group n= 20 |
Cross-sectional study | Proprioceptive acuity at the ankle, knee, spine, shoulder, and finger joints using an active movement extent discrimination test. | Proprioceptive acuity scores | ↑ level of competitive success achieved by elite athletes was significantly related to their proprioceptive acuity. ↓ | Investigate the mechanisms underlying the development of proprioceptive ability and the relationship between proprioception and other factors that contribute to athletic performance, such as strength, power, and endurance. |
21 | (Laßberg et al., 2020) | 2020 | Investigate the characteristics of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) in high-level gymnasts compared to non-athletes | n=37♂ Gymnasts n=17 Age: 10-16 years old Non-athlete n=19 Age: 11-16 years old Top level gymnasts n=9 Age: 17-25 years old |
Cross-sectional and longitudinal design that includes a group of high-level gymnasts (Gym) compared to an age-matched control group of non-athletes (NA) who were tested twice over a period of three years Comparison of the data from the cross-sectional and longitudinal design (Gym and NA) with data from top-level gymnasts (TopGym) to give further insight into tendencies of additional relationships between the group's level of performance and individual VOR characteristics. |
Multiaxial vestibular stimulation device | VOR mean values, standard deviation and coefficient of variance | ↓ VOR gain level is not affected by practicing gymnastics | Not reported |
22 | (Ye & Qian, 2016) | 2016 | Develop a practical method for the evaluation of lower-limb proprioception during target-reaching stand-to-squat movements for trampoline gymnasts. | n= 37 19 ♂ 18♀ Age: 17.9 ±37 years Exercise experience: 8.27 ± 2.63 years |
Two sessions, Day 1 and Day 2, to ensure the reliability and repeatability of the measurement. | Stand-to-squat movements | Matching rates, gender and rank, sports experience | Presented method demonstrated excellent reliability and was appropriate for use when evaluating lower-limb proprioception | Not reported |
23 | (Niespodziński et al., 2018) | 2018 | Compare the accuracy of joint position sense (JPS) and force sense (FS) in gymnasts and non-athletes | n= 41 participants Age: Gymnasts 20.54 ± 3.51 years Non-athletes 19.84 ± 0.93 |
Cross-sectional design JPS and FS evaluation at the elbow joint |
Joint position sense | Joint position sense (JPS) and force sense (FS) accuracy Muscle strength (MS) |
↑ gymnasts had greater accuracy in joint position sense (JPS) and force sense (FS) | Investigate the contribution of Golgi tendon organs to force sense accuracy. |
24 | (Han et al., 2014) | 2014 | Investigate the relationship between ankle proprioception and sport attainment, as well as to determine the predictors of sport attainment | n= 120 Athletes; n=100 ♂♀ Age: 20.5 ± 1.0 Non-athletes: n=20 ♂♀ Age: 20.6 ± 0.6 |
Correlational observational study | Judgement of ankle inversion movements | Ankle movement discrimination scores | Ankle proprioceptive ability is significantly correlated with competition level, but there is no significant relationship between ankle proprioception and years of sport-specific training for the five sports tested Athletes had significantly better ankle movement discrimination scores than healthy controls |
Investigate the role of sport-specific training in maintaining a high level of ankle proprioceptive ability |
25 | (Vuillerme et al., 2001) | 2001 | Investigate whether the process of reweighting sensory information could be modified with expertise in sports requiring fine postural control | n= 14 ♂ Gymnasts: n= 7 Age: 21.1 ± 1.3 Non-gymnasts: n= 7 Age: 22.6 ± 2.1 |
Repeated-measures design, where each participant was tested under four different experimental conditions: Vision and no vision with normal proprioception condition, vision and no vision with perturbed proprioception |
Postural behavior | Center of pressure (COP) | Process of reweighting sensory information can be significantly improved through specific training such as gymnastics | Not reported |
26 | (Janin & Dupui, 2009) | 2009 | Examine the effects of medial arch support on center of pressure (CoP) and pressure distribution in bilateral standing | n= 13 ♀ Age: 8 years ± 9 months |
Each participant was tested under three different experimental conditions: control condition (no stimulation), stimulation with the arch support of the left foot, and stimulation with the arch support of the right foot. | Postural behavior | Center of pressure (COP) | Unilateral placement of an arch support produced a mechanical increase of pressure underneath the supported foot, as well as an ipsilateral shift in the center of pressure (CoP) | Potential applications of medial arch stimulation for facilitating increased weight bearing in one of the lower extremities |
27 | (Lephart et al., 1996) | 1996 | Evaluate knee kinesthetic ability in gymnasts and non-gymnasts | n= 45 ♀ Gymnasts: n= 15 Non-gymnasts: n= 30 Mean age: 19.3 years |
Cross-sectional study | Knee kinesthetic ability which was evaluated using a Passive Torsional Device (PTD) | Knee kinesthesia | Extensive training has a positive influence on knee kinesthesia | implications of training in increased kinesthesia, its effect on improved performanceand its reflex protective mechanism |
28 | (Kochanowicz et al., 2018) | 2018 | Analyze the peak torque and muscle activity of agonists/antagonists of the arms in non-trained individuals and gymnasts | n=67 ♂ Gymnasts: n= 32 Non-gymnasts: n=35 Age categories: 8-9 years n=40 18 – 25 years n=27 |
Cross-sectional study | Peak torque | Peak torque and muscle activity of agonists/antagonists | ↑ gymnasts had higher peak torque values than non-trained individuals in both age categories | Not reported |
29 | (Kochanowicz et al., 2019) | 2019 | Examine neuromuscular and torque kinetic changes after 10 months of explosive strength training (EST) on isometric explosive force (EF) and explosive endurance (EE) | n=30 ♂ Gymnasts: n=15 Age: 9.02 ± 0.41 Non-gymnasts: n=15 Age: 8.76 ± 0.51 |
Pre-post intervention design with a comparison group | Maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) for explosive force and explosive endurance | Neuromuscular and torque kinetic changes | After 10 months of explosive strength training (EST), prepubertal gymnasts showed significant improvements in neuromuscular and torque kinetic changes in isometric explosive force (EF) and explosive endurance (EE) compared to their untrained counterparts | Effects of specific strength training, such as high-intensity resistance training, on explosive muscle strength in prepubertal children |
30 | (Tikiz & Altun, 2022) | 2022 | Investigate the development of target joint position sense (JPS) and force sense (FS) in young gymnasts at different age groups and compare the effect of external load on position sense | n=17 ♂ 21 ♀ Age 12-14=6♂ 7 ♀ Age 15-17 =7 ♂ 5 ♀ Age 18 and over=8 ♂ 5 ♀ |
Cross-sectional study | Joint position sense (JPS) and force sense (FS) | Error scores | Older gymnasts demonstrated greater accuracy in JPS and FS in comparison to younger gymnasts | Investigate the effect of different types of external loads on joint position sense and force sense in gymnasts. |
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