Locust outbreaks are a significant recurrent problem in several parts of the world, and outbreaks of the main pest locust, S. gregaria, are associated with the shift from the solitarious to the gregarious phase. The shift between phases occurs in response to changes in the environment (living conditions), and locusts of both phases show adaptations in form of notorious differences in almost every aspect of their biology (see references in the introduction section). In the absence of a clear qualitative or quantitative single morphological or behavioural marker that indicates the phase of a locust, some of the differences between solitarious and gregarious locusts could be combined so that we can infer the phase of the locusts or, at least, compare between locust groups or between different time points of the same locust group. This was thus far achieved using logistic regressions that combine different traits. The problem is that each single published work that differentiated between locust samples based on such method used a different combination of traits and a different logistic regression formula. That does not only imply spending time for building a new model for each experiment, it also means that the results might not be transferable or comparable between the different experiments and laboratories. Providing a time-saving tool is a good thing for science and standardizing methods is a must. That is why we aimed at providing an agnostic tool for time-saving and for standardizing the way solitarious and gregarious S. gregaria samples are categorized.
We thus will not discuss every single result in this work as, having successfully replicated our previous results, such discussion can be found in our earlier extensive work [
25]. However, it is to highlight that here, as in [
25], preliminary analyses on the selected traits of adult and nymph, males and females, and solitarious and gregarious
S. gregaria showed expected size differences between males and females (with females generally larger) and between nymphs and adults (with adults generally larger). They also confirm that our solitarious and gregarious samples are indeed different (with both types of locust samples showing traits expected for their respective phase). They also reflect how no single morphological or behavioural trait is enough to distinguish between solitarious and gregarious
S. gregaria groups.
The models that we test here introduce two novelties: normalization of the movement-related variables by the size of the locust and, in one model, including morphometric traits together with behavioural traits in the formula. Contrary to the false insinuations in [
26], we do not suggest colorimetry for calculating Pgreg neither do we suggest our models for different species; we actually tested, proved and suggested the contrary. The models do not include colorimetry, and in [
25] we textually state that the models are for
S. gregaria, we test and prove that they are not applicable to another locust,
Locusta migratoria, and, on purpose, we include Sg in the models names, logically in reference to
S. gregaria not other species, and even the title of the work speaks about just one species “the main pest locust”.
Should we normalize by locust size?
This in principle should be as obvious as stating that dividing the distance travelled by the leg size of the traveller will allow more accurate comparison between the levels of activity of tall and short runners. Here, as in [
25], we consider the fact that some movement (see behavioural) variables are function of, and could be affected by, the animal’s size. Such effect could distort the differences between solitarious and gregarious individuals. Here we corroborate that by showing how the variable
distance (
Figure 2E,
Figure 3B), when not normalized by the animal’s size, shows a higher mean for solitarious locusts than for gregarious ones. Had we not normalized by femur length (a proxy of the animal’s size —as we explain in [
25]), we would have had as a result and interpretation that the solitarious individuals have been walking more distance in the observation arena, so they were more active, than the gregarious individuals (which is contrary to what is proven and known about the differences between solitarious and gregarious
S. gregaria). It is normalization that attenuates the effect of the larger body size on the distance travelled by the solitarious locusts. Movement-related variables are undoubtedly function of the leg size variable so, rather than introducing a leg size effect (often vaguely described as morphology in [
26]), the normalization that we applied (a division), actually mathematically takes off (or at least attenuates) the leg-size effect from the movement-related variables (often vaguely described as behaviour in [
26]) —introducing such effect would be mathematically true had we add or multiply by the leg size. Of course, we did not normalize any random behavioural variable (we normalized movement-related variables that we previously proved to be associated with
S. gregaria phase) and we did not normalize by any random morphological variable, we used the femur size after explaining why it is the most suitable and valid proxy for leg and body size. Moreover, the model’s regression coefficients are calculated based on movement-related variables that were already femur-normalized (not on the non-normalized ones) —so the weight of each normalized variable (regression coefficient) is mathematically adequate to the values that that variable shows and to the association of such values with the locusts’ states.
Can morphometry and behaviour be in the same model?
S. gregaria’s phase change involves either morphological and behavioural or only behavioural changes and is a dynamic phenomenon, so that: (i) locusts can either remain at the same phase for a long time (see generations); they would have inherited that phase’s morphology and behaviour from previous generation(s), or they might have changed phase within their lifetime (so, contrary to their behaviour, their morphometry would not have changed). Worth mentioning here that the shift from solitarious to gregarious is more rapid than the shift from gregarious to solitarious. Furthermore, (ii) while adults change behaviour but maintain morphometry when they change phase within their adult lifetime (i.e., if they don’t inherit the phase from previous generation), nymphs change their morphology too if they molt after they change phase within their nymphal lifetime. There are therefore instances when the solitarious and gregarious S. gregaria locusts differ both in morphology and behaviour (i.e., long-term solitarious and gregarious locusts that inherited the phase or nymphs that molted after the phase change), and there are instances where the solitarious and gregarious locusts differ only in behaviour (i.e., the same locusts when they change phase within their lifetime and do not molt). In addition, (iii) there are morphology differences between developmental stages of the same sex and phase, (iv) there are morphology (including size) differences between males and females of the same phase and developmental stage, (v) there are size differences between individuals of the same sex, developmental stage and phase, and (vi) different locust samples normally have different sex proportions and (vii) are composed of individuals of different sizes, even when they are of the same developmental stage and phase. To all this one has to add the potential differences between populations and genetick backgrounds—we do not use the term strain as it is still for defining in locusts. Considering all these facts, different S. gregaria samples will therefore have morphological differences even when they are of the same phase, developmental stage and sex.
At the same time, if one is to use variables in order to differentiate between two states, then one has to select the variables that significantly differentiate those two states and use as many variables as possible in order to be as accurate as possible. Hence, it is expected that the most variables that are associated with the phase change one considers, the closer one is to reality and to correctly inferring the phase of a locust sample. Using morphological and behavioural variables for distinguishing locust samples that differ in morphology and behaviour should therefore be a plus.
As objection to introducing morphology, much was made of the potential situation of a locust that would be stimulated/induced into the gregarious phase and tested straightaway (non-long term gregarious); it was claimed that because such locust won’t change morphology, then using morphological variables in the model will be wrong. [
26]. First, let us not forget that the models work at the group not individual level (since, when observed, some individuals may behave different to the expected given their phase). Now, such locusts do not change morphology and thus one should use the
Sg_non-morphology model that we recommend for
S. gregaria samples that do not change morphology. That the model’s regression coefficients are calculated based on movement-related variables that were already femur-normalized is not a problem since the weight of each normalized variable (regression coefficient) is mathematically adequate to the values that that variable shows and to the association of such values with the locusts’ states. Furthermore, and unless the animals remain unchanged —which would result in the model giving similar or same values for the before stimulation and after stimulation testings— locusts that were gregarized should change behaviour even when their morphology does not change. Thus, their movement-related variables will change. At the same time dividing the movement-related behavioural variables by the unchanged femur length of the same locusts (
i.e., dividing by a constant) does not prevent detecting differences between states (movement-related behaviours) of the same locusts if they change behaviour (see phase); especially since the coefficients of the logistic regression are calculated on such normalized values. All that mathematically means that the model’s outcome will change for the same locusts after gregarizing or solitarizing them; and thus the model would detect that those locusts’ state has changed —it is expected that this detected difference will be less than the difference that we would detect if we apply a model that includes morphometrical variables to samples that changed morphometry too. The magnitudes of the differences detected will depend on the magnitude of the change of the variables of the model and, thus, on the magnitude of the change that the locusts would have experienced after being induced into a different phase.
Do the models do what we want them to do?
If they prove capable of categorising locust samples and detecting differences in their phase status, the models that we suggested in [
25] should then allow standardizing tools for an essential aspect of many functional and comparative studies on
S. gregaria locusts,
i.e., to categorize solitarious and gregarious
S. gregaria groups of adults and nymphs. Research on locust phase change is quite important and deserves standardized tools for one of its essential tasks. The tools that we suggested are just for classifying
S. gregaria samples; they are not for inferring on the locust phase change phenomenon itself. However, the message in [
26] is that standardization of such tools is not possible at all —which we think is just a subjectively arguable opinion that is based on unproven interpretations; such as the still to be defined locust strain concept and whether there are differences in the phase change phenomenon between such strains. Moreover, the same author, again based on theoretical evaluations (simulations) and personal views and interpretations on proven and unproven concepts, considered our models as flawed and not recommended and predicted that they won’t work in future samples as well as they did in the 2017 samples. The prediction literally was that the models “
will not predict future observations as well as it appeared to predict on the present sample.” [
26]. The models were criticised in a theoretical text that did not experimentally apply the models to real locusts to see whether they do what we say they do [
26]. We thus think that rather than interpretatively arguing it is better to empirically test in a direct and objective way, and the new locusts that we have after renewing our locust colony (that was affected by the COVID-19 restrictions) provides a good material for that.
In fact, interpretation and indirect evaluations-based predictions themselves need testing. Direct testing of the models by applying them to real locust samples is quick (matter of hours), easy and feasible (in [
25] we provide all the methods, formulae and even a script to facilitate that task). If the interpretations and consequent predictions in [
26] were right, then directly testing the models by applying them to new well known
S. gregaria samples should not allow correct categorization of those samples and, if the models correctly categorize the locusts samples, then we can safely state that, after being tested in [
25] and replicated in [
26], they are validated in the present work. In experimental sciences, experiments are more trustable than interpretations of concepts, these latter are what have to adapt to the empirical results not the other way around.
It is to highlight that the models were already successfully tested by us when we suggested them in [
25]. It is also worth highlighting that the first data-based re-test of the models by others, although re-using our data, gave the same results as the ones that we had, and that the models were considered as “appeared” to work “well” in the 2017 samples [
Here we re-evaluate the models as if we were a different laboratory (what our criticiser should have done in the first place). So not only we use even more and different sets of real locusts —that are different from the ones that we used for building and the ones we used for testing the models in [
25] — we also incorporate different researchers between whom communication of the results was reduced to the necessary minimum —in order to reduce or eliminate any potential subjective biasing of the results. Thus, here the models are tested in additional independent samples and the researchers who carried out the observations and data collection were different from the ones in [
25]; while the researchers that applied the models were blind to the phase state of the analysed locusts.
In our original work [
25] we wrote that “
We suggest using the ‘Sg_extended_corrected’ model (that includes morphometric variables) for comparing different S. gregaria nymph samples. For testing adults or the same nymphs at different time points (if they do not molt), we suggest using the ‘Sg_non-morphometric’ model (that does not include morphometric variables).”. This was successfully replicated in the present work as: (i) the
Sg_extended_corrected model only predicts phase for nymphs, and (ii) The
Sg_non-morphometric model predicts the phase of both adults and nymphs.
Even the fact that we found in [
25] that “
The models that we provide here are useful for comparing different populations” because “
the results are only applicable at the population (sample) level.” was replicated in the current work.
Furthermore, in [
25] we wrote that “
distinguishing between samples of intermediate densities falls beyond the models’ sensitivity”. Here we show that while both models show transient nymphs with intermediate Pgreg, transient adults appear more as gregarious and the statistical comparisons do not allow a clear interpretation of the change that these locusts experienced.
We therefore re-tested and corroborated again that the models built and initially tested in [
25] can distinguish between solitarious and gregarious
S. gregaria nymphs and adults. Although the models are useful for testing groups but not single individuals, we re-highlight —as we did in [
25]— that experiments are done using samples (populations/groups) and not single individual locusts, and that individual locusts might behave in a way that is not the expected for their phase, due to uncontrolled or even stochastic reasons. Thus, we confirm that the models we suggest in [
25] can be used for inferring the phase or for comparing samples/groups/populations of
S. gregaria locusts (both different samples or the same sample between experimental times;
e.g., when testing the effects of experimental manipulations such as the effect of drugs, gene silencing, etc. on the phase of
S. gregaria). We thus reiterate that “
The use of these models by multiple laboratories would standardize and homogenize methodologies to the benefit of reliable results and interpretations.”
Testing, replication and reproduction of the results are key to science, and science, is based on hypotheses-driven results that are prone to testing and rejection and that should stand valid as long as they are reproduced. The models we suggest for inferring the phase of
S. gregaria —for the sake of standardizing methods between experiments and laboratories— were tested in two works, by different researchers and using a total of 447 locusts pertaining to 25 different sets of
S. gregaria locusts of different origin, densities, developmental stages and sexes. The models consistently differentiated between solitarious and gregarious
S. gregaria sets (see groups or populations) and they, thus, should do so whenever they are used —a fact that allows us to confidently re-suggest their use for the benefit of standardizing methodologies and saving time. We also highlight, as we did in [
25], the better outcome of the
Sg_non_morphometric model as compared to that of the
Sg_extended_corrected model. All what we can add here is that both models work better in larger samples sizes (as shown by the results when we pool all the samples of the same phase together) and that, had we to chose, we would recommend the
Sg_non_morphometric model more than the second.
That being said, the models, correct and capable of correctly categorizing solitarious and gregarious S. gregaria samples as thus far they proved to be, are not equally valid, they are not optimal, and are no doubt improvable. We would certainly applaud anyone who can rebuild and improve them using larger sample sizes. Being these models species-specific, we encourage colleagues working on other species to build and standardize tools for their work material.