1. Introduction
Humans produce sweat during exercise which, if properly evaporated, limits the increase in body core temperature [
1]. Hence, the consumption of fluid during exercise is important to maintain body water levels within an acceptable spectrum. Indeed, improper consumption of fluid during exercise may lead to excessive dehydration, which may increase plasma osmolality, glycogen usage and perceived exertion and thirst and reduce mood, plasma volume, thermoregulatory ability, cardiovascular efficiency and endurance performance [
Before exercising, athletes must determine whether fluid replacement is required. If the answer is positive, then decide on how fluid should be replaced during that exercise. There are two main hydration strategies that athletes may privilege during exercise: 1) drink in a planned manner or 2) drink in an
ad libitum manner [
5]. The decision to choose one strategy over the other should be based on exercise circumstances, fluid availability, gastrointestinal tolerance, fluid carrying capacity and personal preferences [
6]. Independent of the chosen option, and despite that
ad libitum drinking is usually associated with a lesser volume of fluid consumed during exercise compared with planned drinking, it is expected that both hydration strategies will have a similar effect on endurance performance during 1-2 h running and cycling exercises [
When relying on planned drinking, athletes must decide beforehand on an ideal rate of fluid replacement for the upcoming exercise. According to the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) [
5] and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) [
8], the amount of fluid replacement should be sufficient to limit the loss of body mass through sweat, urine and breathing to 2%, otherwise endurance performance should be impacted neagatively [
2]. Under this circumstance, the estimated amount of fluid to be consumed for a particular exercise session should be scenario-specific and established
a priori through a sweat rate test [
9]. Therefore, for exercise sessions performed under similar scenarios of exercise intensity, exercise duration, ambient temperature, absolute humidity, baseline state of hydration, ingested fluid temperature and an athlete state of heat acclimatization, the extent of fluid replacement during exercise, and consequently fluid balance during and following exercise, should be similar between exercise sessions and, hence, also the resulting hydration-driven perturbations in physiological responses to exercise. Understanding or predicting how hydration impacts the physiological responses to exercise may be important for athletes and coaches. Indeed, it may help them 1) improve the planning of training sessions, 2) increase the understanding of the level of stress induced by the training sessions, 3) enhance the management of the recovery periods following exercise and 4) better predict the adaptations to different training stimuli applied over time.
Athletes relying on an
ad libitum drinking strategy to replace fluid during exercise may start an exercise with no pre-established drinking plan, having little idea of their sweat rates and associated fluid requirements, and should consume fluids during exercise whenever they want, and in whatever volume they want [
11]. Therefore, as fluid replacement with this drinking strategy is not systematically controlled, it could potentially be more difficult for athletes and coaches to understand and predict what the physiological responses to exercise-induced hydration perturbations might be from one training session to the other performed under similar scenarios. And ultimately, this may increase the difficulty in predicting and understanding the responses to, and plan optimal recovery strategies from, training.
Despite that the term
ad libitum drinking theoretically refers to a non-structured behavior, Claveau et al. [
10] demonstrated that requiring athletes to drink either
ad libitum or based on their thirst perception leads to identical volumes of fluid consumed during prolonged cycling exercise. Therefore,
ad libitum-driven fluid intake during exercise appears to be dependent, at least in part, upon the perception of thirst. To this effect, Maresh et al. [
12] have shown that hypohydration preceding exercise in the heat modulates thirst-driven fluid intake during exercise and results in similar fluid regulatory hormonal responses and alterations in plasma volume, compared with euhydration. Moreover, studies in rodents have demonstrated that increases in body core temperature induce significant fluid intake prior to any alterations in extracellular fluid osmolality or volume occur [
13]. Hence, hyperthermia can initiate fluid ingestion in anticipation of the sweat losses that would take place in the future to mitigate the increase in body core temperature. Altogether, the above observations suggest that
ad libitum-driven fluid intake may be involuntarily regulated by athletes and, hence, could potentially result in predictable fluid intakes during exercise conducted under similar scenarios.
We found less than a handful of relevant studies [
17] that examined whether
ad libitum fluid intake may result in reproducible fluid intake volumes under identical exercise scenarios. It must be noted that this literature is not readily identifiable, as the characterization of
ad libitum fluid consumption during exercise as the main study’s goal is not explicitly appreciable from the available titles. Altogether, results of these studies are mixed and produce more questions than answers. Wilk et al. [
16] had 10 to 12-yr old boys perform 6 exercise sessions over a 2-week period. Sports drink (grape-flavored, 6% carbohydrate) was consumed
ad libitum during exercise. Fluid intake was reproducible from one session to the other, but it remains unknown whether results translate to men. Another study [
14] examined the
ad libitum fluid intake of women during three distinct phases of the menstrual cycle. Women performed three intermittent exercise sessions (30 min exercise/30 min rest) in the heat over a period of several weeks.
Ad libitum fluid intake (flavor-preferred, non-caloric sport drink (Gatorade Zero
TM)) was only permitted during the breaks. Again, fluid intake was repeatable, but it is unclear what results would have been observed had participants been permitted to drink only during exercise, not only during the breaks. Greenleaf et al. [
17] asked men to complete 2 h of exercise (23.8°C, 50% relative humidity) per day for 8 consecutive days while consuming tap water (16°C) in an
ad libitum manner. Fluid intake did not vary significantly between exercise bouts. It is unclear if those results would apply to warm/hot conditions where sweat production is greater and thirst more challenged than in a thermoneutral climate. Finally, Sekiguchi et al. [
15] showed that
ad libitum fluid intake (water) did not result in similar fluid intake volumes in participants performing five consecutive days of heat acclimation training. Whether these results would hold during non-heat acclimation training remains to be determined.
There is a need to further our knowledge and observe and characterize the repeatability of ad libitum fluid intakes of healthy adults over several exercise sessions performed under identical exercise scenarios. Therefore, the first objective of this study was to determine whether the ad libitum-associated variations in the amount of fluid consumed, percentage of sweat loss replaced, and dehydration level differ significantly between identical 1 h exercise sessions repeated on multiple occasions across time. The second objective of the study was to determine whether parameters that can be impacted by fluid intake during exercise such as heart rate, rectal temperature and perceived thirst, heat stress and exertion differed across exercise sessions. We hypothesized that the volumes of fluid consumed through ad libitum drinking would not differ significantly from one exercise session to the other and, therefore, that the evaluated physiological functions and perceptual sensations would also not be significantly altered.
4. Discussion
A In this study, we characterized the repeatability of
ad libitum fluid intake of healthy adults over 4 identical, 1 h exercise sessions interspersed by 7 days, and determined how this drinking strategy would impact fluid balance, heart rate, rectal temperature, perceived exertion, perceived thirst and perceived heat stress over the 4 exercise sessions. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first study to shed a direct spotlight on the drinking behavior of adults required to consume fluid in an
ad libitum manner over multiple exercise sessions completed under uniform exercise conditions (40°C, 20-30% relative humidity, walking/jogging at 55%
2max). This study was part of a larger research project in which participants were required to perform two additional weekly exercise sessions under hot conditions where they replaced fluid losses with equal amounts of water. Yet, no signs of heat acclimation were observed in our participants over the four exercise sessions, as suggested by the lack of significant difference in mean heart rate, rectal temperature and sweat rate between the first and last exercise session [
30]. Therefore, within the context of the current study where participants were unacclimated to the heat, our findings show that consuming water
ad libitum results, from a statistical or practical standpoint, in similar fluid intake volume, heart rate, rectal temperature and perceptual sensations from one exercise session to the other realized under identical circumstances. In our opinion, results of this study are relevant and important. Indeed, they could help athletes and coaches understand how an
ad libitum drinking strategy influences the volume of fluid consumed under similar exercise conditions and, as a result, improve the 1) anticipation of the possible dehydration-driven physiological and perceptual responses to training; 2) planning of exercise sessions and; 3) management of the recovery periods.
Ad libitum drinking resulted in reproducible fluid intake volumes over the four exercise sessions. The greatest difference in mean fluid intake volume observed among any of the exercise sessions was 165 mL, which occurred between the first and fourth exercise session. Put into perspective, this amount is relatively trivial, corresponding to less than 1/4 to 1/3 of a regular 600-750 mL cycling water bottle, or, at most, to about 3 sips of fluid for healthy young adults, at least during cycling exercise [
10]. This finding agrees with that found in the study of Wilk et al. [
16] who wanted to determine whether the
ad libitum consumption of sports drink over 6 identical cycling sessions of 70 min performed in the heat could systematically protect young boys from dehydration. Indeed, they observed a non-significant maximal variation in fluid intake volume of 137 mL among the exercise sessions. Our finding is also in line with that of Freemas et al. [
14] who wished to determine the role played by the different menstrual cycle phases (follicular, late follicular and mid-luteal phases) on
ad libitum fluid intake volume over three identical intermittent exercise sessions conducted in the heat. They reported a non-significant maximal variation in fluid intake of 304 mL among the exercise sessions. Greenleaf et al. [
17] also arrived at similar results. They required 5 men to complete 2 h of exercise per day in a thermoneutral climate for 8 consecutive days while consuming tap water
ad libitum. Fluid intake did not vary by more than 103 mL among exercise sessions. Sekiguchi et al. [
15] examined the
ad libitum fluid intake volume of endurance athletes undergoing five consecutive days of heat acclimation training. Contrary to our results and those of Wilk et al. [
16], Freemas et al. [
14] and Greenleaf et al. [
17], they observed a significant difference among the exercise sessions with a maximal variation in fluid intake of 540 mL observed between training sessions 1 and 5. It is unclear how the results of these studies can be compared to ours, as the first provided sports drink and was not performed in adults but rather in young boys, the second had participants perform their exercise sessions at several weeks of interval and allowed them to consume fluids only during the resting periods, the third was completed in a thermoneutral climate and, for the fourth, the exercise intensity was not fixed and the exercise sessions occurred during a heat acclimation process. But a tentative synthesis of the available literature could be that for young to middle-aged male and female,
ad libitum fluid consumption under identical exercise conditions completed in thermoneutral and hot conditions, could lead to reproducible fluid intake volumes, unless consecutive exercise sessions occur in the heat in non-heat acclimatized individuals. This topic needs to be researched further before more solid conclusions can be drawn.
Whether it is being examined in terms of absolute change or corrected for body mass or FFM, our findings demonstrate that there was substantial variation in
ad libitum fluid intake volume among participants. Indeed, the CV for absolute fluid intake volume among participants was of the order of 80% for the first exercise session, but this figure reduced drastically to ~ 40% for the remaining 3 exercise sessions. We interpret this finding to suggest that participants likely learned from the experience gained during the first exercise session and adjusted their fluid intake volume towards a more physiologically common and narrower spectrum of fluid intake over the remaining exercise sessions which, according to
Figure 1 A, was between 500 and 1500 mL. The within participants’ CVs for fluid intake volume between exercise sessions 1-2, 2-3 and 3-4 support the previous assertion and add the notion that participants continued to adjust their
ad libitum fluid intake volume from exercise sessions 2 to 4 at a relatively constant rate of ~ ± 200-400 mL. This point is reinforced by the fact that we observed a significant relationship between absolute fluid intake volumes measured during exercise session 1, 2 and 3 and the percentage changes in absolute fluid intake volume between exercise sessions 1 and 2, 2 and 3 and 3 and 4, respectively. Hence, individual fluid intake volumes from exercise sessions 1, 2 and 3 seem to have influenced the changes in fluid intake volume during each of the following exercise session. Altogether, athletes and coaches should expect that variations in
ad libitum fluid intake volume of less than 500 mL should occur from one exercise sessions to the other conducted under similar conditions.
It is unclear what drove the inter- and intra-individual differences in fluid intake. A difference in sweat rate among participants, impacting the rate of water loss and change in plasma osmolality, both modulator of thirst [
31], could be a possible answer, but we observed no relationship between sweat rates and fluid intake volumes or perceived thirst and there was no divergence in sweat rates between exercise sessions. Additionally, we observed no association between the ratings of perceived thirst and fluid intake volumes within exercise sessions nor between the changes in the ratings of perceived thirst and fluid intake volumes between exercise sessions. For each of the exercise sessions the ratings of perceived thirst were kept low and varied trivially over time. Therefore, it is not impossible that participants consumed fluid ahead of the development of their thirst or that our timing of perceived thirst assessment during the exercise sessions with respect to that of participants was not optimal, both of which would have led to an impossibility to detect a relationship between thirst and fluid intake volume or sweat rate.
According to the ACSM [
8], the goal of drinking during exercise is to prevent a body mass loss > 2%. Results from
Figure 2E show that the participants’ rate of sweat loss replacement through fluid intake was sufficient to maintain the change in body mass below this threshold at the end of each exercise sessions. Hence, under the current exercise scenario, it seems that
ad libitum drinking offered an acceptable protection against deleterious decreases in body mass during exercise. However, one must recognize that under this particular exercise scenario, only few individuals were susceptible to lose more than 2% body mass, even if fluid consumption had been withheld. More specifically, based on total sweat loss and initial body mass, only 4 different individuals over the 4 exercise sessions could have lost a body mass > 2% with fluid deprivation.
On the other hand,
ad libitum drinking did not protect some of the participants from overdrinking during exercise. In fact, inspection of findings from
Table 3 as well as from
Figure 2E,F indicates that during each of the exercise sessions, 2 to 3 participants consumed more fluid than they lost through sweat. Moreover, 3 individuals completed the 4 exercise sessions with a positive fluid balance, i.e., they had consumed more fluid over the 4 exercise sessions than they had lost through sweat. Individuals are advised not to gain body mass during exercise, as it represents a risk factor for the development of hyponatremia [
32]. A series of field studies [
37] observing the
ad libitum fluid intake of a total of 136 soldiers undergoing 15 to 40 km long route-marches has been published. Of that number of soldiers, only three gained body mass during exercise, suggesting that gains in body mass may be a rare occurrence during walking/jogging exercises. However, relative to these studies, the incidence of cases in the current study is substantially more important. In the above studies, the walks were performed outdoors, in groups, and individuals carried loads ranging from 17 to 55 kg. We speculate that the greater distractions generated by the surrounding environments, possibility for discussions between individuals or difficulty of the task may have diverted participants’ attention further away from a more systematic planning of fluid intake than in the current study. Moreover, the longer duration of the 15-40 km marches (compared to this study) may have allowed more time for the adjustment of fluid intake and, hence, correction of overhydration.
Heart rate, rectal temperature and perceived exertion and heat stress were either not statistically different, or from a practical standpoint impacted distinctly, among exercise sessions. This observation fits with the fact that
ad libitum fluid intake volume, the percentage of sweat loss replaced by fluid intake and dehydration level were not significantly different among exercise sessions. Wilk et al. [
16] also demonstrated that
ad libitum drinking led to non-significant changes in heart rate and rectal temperature among six cycling sessions in young boys. Unfortunately, they did not assess perceived exertion nor perceived heat stress. Our observations coupled with those of Wilk et al. [
16] are important. In fact, they indicate to athletes and coaches that the dehydration-driven perturbations in heart rate, body core temperature and perceived exertion [
38], all of which may be important modulator of exercise performance [
4], are likely to be similar among relatively uniform exercise sessions when fluid is being consumed
ad libitum. And this may have important implications in the planning of training, as alluded to in the introductory paragraph of this section.
Findings of the current study must be interpreted with the following limitations in mind. Results only apply to low intensity walking/jogging exercises of 1 h. Higher intensity exercises of longer duration, or sports requiring the driving of a machine at high speed, i.e., cycling, could reduce the athletes’ focus and attention for bodily cues driving fluid requirements. In turn, this could result in less reproducible fluid intake volumes among similar exercise sessions. Athletes were not made aware that their fluid consumption was being monitored during exercise nor were they able to visualize the amount consumed at each gulp. However, participants had access to the elapsed time and, as such, it cannot be ruled out that they may have timed each intake of fluid according to a consciously- or subconsciously-determined schedule. Unfortunately, we did not monitor the elapsed time between each intake of fluid. Therefore, the reproducibility of fluid consumption among exercise sessions may have been, at least in part, confounded by this factor. Aside from the 1 h exercise sessions, participants were required to perform two other weekly exercise sessions during which they were asked to fully replace their sweat losses through fluid intake. It cannot be discounted that this drinking pattern may have influenced the drinking behavior of some participants during the 1 h exercise sessions. As shown in
Table 2, urine specific gravity was significantly different among exercise sessions at arrival at the laboratory. Moreover, it amounted to 1.021 g · mL
-1 prior to the fourth exercise session. Based on this observation, some may argue that individuals did not start each exercise session similarly or adequately hydrated. However, in healthy adults, dehydration or hypohydration is characterized by a urine specific gravity that exceeds 1.03 g · mL
-1 [
39]; participants were below this threshold prior to each exercise session. Moreover, thirst was low prior to each exercise session, and body mass fluctuations among exercise sessions were < 1%. These latter two indices are suggestive of adequate hydration [