1. Introduction
In this paper each ring is a unital and associative ring and following [
1] we assume that the identity element of a ring is different from the zero element. A ring R is called invo-regular if for each
there exists
such that
3]. Here
is the set of all involutions. One may note that an element
is called an involution [
3] and the notion of invo-regular rings is a generalization of the well known notion of unit regular rings [
6]. Further a ring
is called Boolean if for each
, we have the identity
7]. A ring
is called tripotent if for each
, we have the identity
and a ring
is called weakly tripotent if for each
, we have the identity
8]. A ring
is called strongly invo-regular ring if
for each
and some
10]. Similarly as per [
2] a ring
is said to be a quasi invo-regular ring if for for each
there exists
such that
, where
In this paper we take an opportunity to exhibit that strongly invo-regular rings, invo-regular rings and quasi invo-regular rings all coincide with the well known and well characterized tripotent rings all these are nothing but unit regular rings. We also give relation between weakly tripotent rings and these rings. In addition we provide counterexample for the following results appeared in [
1] and we provide corrected version of these results.
It should be emphasized that as per the existing literature ([
1] Proposition 2.5) a ring
is invo-regular iff
, here
is an invo-regular ring of characteristic two and
is an invo-regular ring of characteristic three.
However we prove that if
is an invo-regular ring and
, then the characteristic of
need not be two. In addition we exhibit that if
is an invo-regular ring and
, then
need not be a non-zero Boolean ring. However it was asserted in ([
1] Proof of Theorem 2.6) that if
is an invo-regular ring then
is a ring of characteristic two which must be a Boolean ring.
We now provide our observations and results in the next section.
2. Some Important Observations and Results
Proposition 2.1.
If is an invo-regular ring and , then the characteristic of need not be two.
Proof. Let .
Clearly is a commutative ring of characteristic three under addition and multiplication of matrices modulo three. We have . It is easy to check that is an invo-regular unital ring. Now we have the following cases.
Case I: . One may note that is not a ring of characteristic two.
Case II: . It is clear that is not a ring of characteristic two.
Case III: . Here. We note that the characteristic of is not two.
Further we emphasize that if the characteristic of is two, then the order of must be even. But the order of is nine. Thus we see that in the above example the characteristic of can never be two even though is an invo-regular ring.
Proposition 2.2.
If is an invo-regular ring such that , then need not be a non-zero Boolean ring.
Proof. Let is an invo-regular ring and . Clearly the characteristic of need not be two (we refer Proposition1). But it is well known that a non-zero Boolean ring must have characteristic two, hence need not be a non-zero Boolean ring.
Proposition 2.3. A weakly tripotent ring is a strongly invo-regular ring iff it is a tripotent ring.
Proof. Let
is a weakly tripotent and strongly invo-regular ring. Then
is a subdirect product of copies of the field of order two and the field of order three [
10]. Hence by [
is tripotent. Conversely let
is tripotent. Then clearly it is weakly tripotent and by [
9] it is a subdirect product of copies of the field of order two and the field of order three. Therefore by [
10] it is a strongly invo-regular ring.
Corollary 2.4. Every strongly invo-regular ring is a tripotent ring. The converse is also true.
Corollary 2.5. There does not exist a noncommutative strongly invo-regular ring.
Proof. Every tripotent ring is commutative [
7]. Therefore it follows from Corollary 2.4 that every strongly invo-regular ring is commutative. Hence there does not exist a noncommutative strongly invo-regular ring.
Proposition 2.6. Strongly invo-regular rings, invo-regular rings and quasi-invo regular rings all coincide with tripotent rings.
Proof. Let
is a tripotent ring. Then
is a subdirect product of copies of the field of order two and the field of order three. The converse is also valid (we refer [
9]). Now if
is strongly invo-regular ring then
is a subdirect product of copies of the field of order two and the field of order three (we refer [
10]). Hence
is a tripotent ring. Similarly if
is a quasi invo-regular ring then it is a invo-regular ring (we refer [
2]) and if
is a quasi invo-regular, then
is a subdirect product of copies of the field of order two and the field of order three (we refer [
2]). Hence strongly invo-regular rings, invo-regular rings and quasi invo-regular rings coincide with the well known notion of tripotent rings.
Corollary 2.7. Strongly invo-regular rings, invo-regular rings, quasi-invo regular rings and tripotent rings all coincide with unit regular rings.
Proof. It is clear from the definition of invo-regular rings that invo-regular rings are unit regular rings. Further by Proposition 2.6, strongly invo-regular rings, invo-regular rings and quasi-invo regular rings all coincide with tripotent rings. Hence Strongly invo-regular rings, invo-regular rings, quasi-invo regular rings and tripotent rings all coincide with unit regular rings.
Corollary 2.8. The converse of Proposition 2.7 is not valid.
Note. 2.9.
By Proposition 2.6, strongly invo-regular rings, invo-regular rings and quasi-invo regular rings all coincide with tripotent rings. Therefore it is a fact that all these rings are the same. One may find it interesting to note that if we consider a ring which is not a quasi-invo-regular (and hence none of these rings), then a quasi-invo-regular element of need not be an invo-regular element or a tripotent element. For example, is not a quasi invo regular ring and hence not an invo-regular ring or a tripotent ring. But is a quasi invo-regular element which is neither invo-regular nor tripotent.
Now we shall provide the corrected version of Proposition 2.5 [
Proposition 2.10.
A ring is invo-regular iff , here or is an invo-regular ring of characteristic two and or is an invo-regular ring of characteristic three.
Proof. Let is an invo-regular ring. Let is an involution. Then we have . Without the loss of generality we take in . This gives . Using The Chinese Remainder Theorem decomposes as the direct product of two invo-regular rings: , where and . Clearly in and in . But in implies that in . Hence we have in and in . It follows that if , then and if , then .
Conversely let , where or is an invo-regular ring of characteristic two and or is an invo-regular ring of characteristic three. We discuss the following cases.
Case I: If and both are zero, then is clearly invo-regular.
Case II: If and is an invo-regular ring of characteristic three, then is clearly invo-regular.
Case III: If is an invo-regular ring of characteristic two and , then is clearly invo-regular.
Case IV: Let is an invo-regular ring of characteristic two and is an invo-regular ring of characteristic three. Let . Then we have. Here and , for some with and with . Hence is an invo-regular ring.
Note 2.11. The homomorphic images of an invo-regular ring is invo-regular [1]. One may also note that the homomorphic images of a tripotent ring is tripotent and hence the homomorphic images of an invo-regular ring is invo-regular.
Corollary 2.12.
If is an invo-regular ring such that , then is a Boolean ring (of characteristic one or two).