Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude of Reproductive Age Women towards Cervical Cancer Prevention in Selected Tertiary Institutions in Osun State, Nigeria

Version 1 : Received: 9 October 2023 / Approved: 10 October 2023 / Online: 11 October 2023 (07:36:11 CEST)
Version 2 : Received: 16 October 2023 / Approved: 17 October 2023 / Online: 17 October 2023 (11:47:57 CEST)

How to cite: Erinsakin, O. B.; Omoge, A. O.; Opeyemi, O.; Olumakinde, I. A.; Folashayo, B. E.; Philip, M. N. Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude of Reproductive Age Women towards Cervical Cancer Prevention in Selected Tertiary Institutions in Osun State, Nigeria. Preprints 2023, 2023100658. Erinsakin, O. B.; Omoge, A. O.; Opeyemi, O.; Olumakinde, I. A.; Folashayo, B. E.; Philip, M. N. Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude of Reproductive Age Women towards Cervical Cancer Prevention in Selected Tertiary Institutions in Osun State, Nigeria. Preprints 2023, 2023100658.


BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer is the second most frequent cancer among women worldwide between 14 and 49 years of age including Nigeria. Figures have greatly reduced in developed countries after the introduction and implementation of effective screening and vaccination programs which is greatly undeveloped and inefficient in Nigeria and other developing countries at large. OBJECTIVES: The study assessed the knowledge and attitude of reproductive age women towards cervical cancer prevention in selected tertiary institutions in Osun State. METHODOLOGY: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out among reproductive age women in selected tertiary institutions in Osun State, Nigeria. A probability based multistage sampling technique was adopted as the sampling technique for the study. Data was collected using a semi-structured, self-administered and interviewer guided questionnaire. RESULTS: Age of respondents was 25.305±8.195. 313(79.0%) of the total respondents were Christians, and 83(21.0%) of the respondents were Muslims. For the overall knowledge score, only 52.0% of the respondents had good knowledge while 48.0% of the respondents had poor knowledge. 52.0% exhibited negative attitude towards cervical cancer prevention while 48% exhibited positive attitude towards cervical cancer prevention. Only 23% of the respondents had taken part in screening and vaccination towards cervical cancer prevention while 77% of the respondents had not. CONCLUSION: The knowledge of reproductive age women towards cervical cancer prevention was above average while their attitude towards cervical cancer prevention was low. This issue could be addressed by increasing the awareness of the effects of cervical cancer among reproductive age women in the country.


Knowledge; Attitude; Women of Reproductive Age; Cervical Cancer Prevention


Public Health and Healthcare, Public Health and Health Services

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