Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus that belongs to the genus
Potexvirus (family
Alphaflexiviridae). It was first identified in Peru in 1974 [
1] in pepino (
Solanum muricatum) crops, and then described in 1999 affecting tomato (
Solanum lycopersicum) in The Netherlands [
2]; since then, it has become pandemic, causing economic losses in tomato crops worldwide [
5]. The PepMV genome is approximately 6.4 kb in length and contains five open reading frames (ORFs), flanked by two untranslated regions, a methylguanosine cap at the 5’ end and a polyadenylated tail at the 3’ end [
6]. ORF1 encodes the putative viral polymerase (RdRp), while ORFs 2, 3 and 4 encode the triple gene block (TGB) proteins TGB1, TGB2 and TGB3, which are involved in virus movement [
8]. TGB1 can suppress RNA silencing [
9] while TGB2 and TGB3 likely coordinate with TGB1 to form the viral replication complexes, as described for potato virus X [
10]. ORF5 encodes the capsid protein (CP), which together with the genomic RNA, form the PepMV virion. The determination of the cryoEM structure of the PepMV CP in virions has allowed the identification of three major regions in this protein: a flexible N-terminal arm responsible for the side-by-side CP-CP contact within the viral particle, a core region rich in alpha-helixes that contains the RNA-binding pocket domain, and a C-terminal extension that protrudes from the core region and is involved in the longitudinal CP-CP contact, forming the inner channel of the virion [
11]. The PepMV CP, in addition to its structural role, is required for the cell-to-cell and long distance movements of the virus [
11], and it is also an RNA silencing suppressor [
9]. Potexviral CPs are involved in interactions with host factors [
15] and have been associated with symptom induction [
17]. In the case of PepMV, several host factors have been identified to interact with CP [
19]. Furthermore, specific point mutations within the PepMV genome have been found to be associated with the loss of recognition by the potato
Rx gene [
21], or to have an impact on the symptomatology induced by this virus [
23], with some of these mutations located within the CP coding gene [
Five PepMV strains have been described thus far, the European (EU), Chilean (CH2), North American (US1/CH1), original Peruvian (LP), and new Peruvian (PES) strains [
26]. The symptoms caused by PepMV in tomato plants are highly variable and can affect both leaves and fruits, resulting in irregular pigmentation and discoloration of fruits, leaf bubbling, leaf chlorosis and yellowing, and less often, leaf necrosis [
27]. Symptom severity is influenced by factors such as the virus genotype, tomato cultivar, and environmental conditions, including the temperature during host growth [
28]. The identification of the genetic determinants of symptom induction is not straightforward, as symptom development can be influenced by numerous factors [
28]. Nonetheless, certain point nucleotide substitutions in the PepMV genome have been identified as determinants of yellow mosaics or necrosis [
28]. Indeed, two point mutations in the PepMV CP gene have been reported to be associated with the occurrence of interveinal leaf yellowing symptoms; substitutions E155K and D166G, identified in the PepMV CP of different PepMV-CH2 yellowing-inducing isolates, when introduced independently into a mild PepMV-EU or PepMV-CH2 background, reproduced the interveinal leaf yellowing induced by the original isolates [
29]. In this study, we have focused on the description and analysis of PepMV-H30 and PepMV-KLP2, two aggressive isolates collected from commercial tomato fields in South-Eastern Spain, which cause bright yellow mosaics. Full-length infectious cDNA clones were prepared for both. Their phylogenetic relationships were studied, through the inclusion of another 35 full-length genomic sequences from PepMV isolates belonging to the five strains described worldwide. Further molecular analyses led to the identification and
in silico characterization of the point substitutions responsible for the induction of bright yellow mosaics.