Preprint Review Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

The Influence of Magnetic Fields including the Geomagnetic Field of Earth on Complex Life Forms: A Silent “Partner” in Human Health and Disease?

Version 1 : Received: 10 October 2023 / Approved: 11 October 2023 / Online: 11 October 2023 (12:19:27 CEST)

How to cite: Hart, D. A. The Influence of Magnetic Fields including the Geomagnetic Field of Earth on Complex Life Forms: A Silent “Partner” in Human Health and Disease?. Preprints 2023, 2023100723. Hart, D. A. The Influence of Magnetic Fields including the Geomagnetic Field of Earth on Complex Life Forms: A Silent “Partner” in Human Health and Disease?. Preprints 2023, 2023100723.


Life on Earth evolved to accommodate the biochemical and biophysical boundary conditions of the planet millions of years ago. The former includes nutrients, water, and ability to synthesize other needed chemicals. The latter include the 1 g gravity of the planet, radiation, and the geomagnetic field (GMF)of the planet. How complex life forms have accommodated the GMF is not known in detail considering that Homo sapiens evolved a neuro system and a cardiovascular system that develops electromagnetic fields as part of their functioning. In addition, many proteins and physiologic processes utilize Fe ions, an ion that exhibits magnetic properties. Thus, complex organisms such as current humans generate magnetic fields, contain significant quantities of the Fe ion, and also respond to exogenous-supplied static and electromagnetic fields. Whether humans can store information in self-generated magnetic fields remains to be determined. Given the current body of literature, it remains somewhat unclear how Homo sapiens use exogenous magnetic fields to regulate function, and what can happen if the boundary condition of the GMF of Earth is no longer exerting an effect. Proposed deep space flights to destinations such as Mars will provide some insights as space flight could not have been anticipated by evolution. The results of such space flight “experiments” will provide new insights in the role of magnetic fields on human functioning. The outcomes may also have implications for those on Earth as magnetic field influences may play a role in developmental conditions such as autism and senescence-associated conditions such as dementia when integration of the biological and biophysical aspects of humans of humans are required for effective functioning. This review will discuss the involvement of magnetic fields on various normal and disturbed processes in humans while on Earth and then further discuss potential outcomes when the GMF is no longer available to impact host systems. Thus, the GMF of the Earth has been present throughout evolution but details of its role in human functions still remain to be elucidated.


Geomagnetic field, Local magnetic fields, Iron ions, Exogenous magnetic fields, Human evolution, Magnetic fields and cognition, Human health, Human disease, Risks of space flight


Biology and Life Sciences, Anatomy and Physiology

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