3.3. In Vitro Electrochemical Tests Using the Open Circuit Potential Method
A summary of the experimentally obtained relationships E
OC = f(t) for the CoCrMo electrode in artificial saliva solution before and after modification and comparatively in physiological saline is presented in
Figure 3. From the course of the obtained E
OC = f(t) curves for the tested electrode in the corrosion environments used, it is possible to conclude about the ability of the CoCrMo alloy to self-passivation in the environment of body fluids and physiological saline and to initially predict the rate of corrosion changes occurring on the surface of the tested material.
After approximately 7200 seconds, the ion-electron equilibrium was established at the interface between the surface of the tested electrode and all the electrolytes used, resulting in a stabilized E
OC value. The most negative E
OC value of –317(63) mV was recorded for the CoCrMo alloy in artificial saliva solution with pH = 7.4 [
30], which indicates the lowest corrosion resistance of the tested alloy. In an artificial saliva solution with pH = 5.5, which simulates the inflammation of the body, the E
OC value increases more than threefold, and in a physiological saline solution with pH = 7.4, it increases more than one and a half times compared to an artificial saliva solution with physiological pH. The obtained E
OC = f(t) characteristics also indicate that modification of the artificial saliva solution with both pH = 7.4 and pH = 5.5 causes an increase in the E
OC value for the CoCrMo electrode. The tested electrode showed the highest open circuit potential value in artificial saliva solution with pH = 5.5 with the addition of 0.1 M NaF, E
OC = –53(10) mV.
After modification of artificial saliva solution with pH = 7.4 with Listerine® and Meridol® mouthwashes, the EOC value for the CoCrMo electrode increases to –0.205(41) mV and –0.143(28) mV, respectively. Further electrochemical measurements were carried out assuming that the obtained EOC values could be treated as approximate corrosion potential (Ecor).
3.4. In Vitro Electrochemical Study Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
To determine the mechanism and kinetics of electrochemical corrosion occurring on the surface of the CoCrMo electrode in the environment of artificial saliva before and after modification, and comparatively in a saline, a complementary method of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used.
Figure 4 shows the CPE1 model used, consisting of the electrolyte resistance (R
s) and a parallel system of a constant-phase element (CPE) combined with the charge transfer resistance (R
ct). The best fitting of the experimental EIS data with the software-generated model curve for the real and imaginary part of the circuit impedance was obtained depending on the frequency of changes in the measurement signal for all corrosive environments used (
Figure 5,
Figure 6 and
Figure 7). The CPE1 equivalent electrical circuit with a one-time constant is characteristic of an electrode material with an undifferentiated surface morphology, with shallow pits on the surface. For the purposes of CNLS fitting, CPE was used instead of a capacitor, which was treated in the considerations as a “leaky” capacitor with a non-zero real and imaginary components. The CPE impedance (
) is given by Equation (1) [
where T [F cm
2 s
φ1] is a capacitive parameter which is a function of the electrode potential, and the dimensionless parameter φ is the angle of rotation of the purely capacitive line on the Nyquist plot, α = 90°(1φ).
In the Nyquist spectral spectrum for the CoCrMo electrode in all tested corrosion environments, only one semicircle is observed in the entire range of tested frequencies, the radius of which depends on the type of corrosion environment (
Figure 5). As a result of adding modifiers in the form of NaF and mouthwashes to the artificial saliva environment, there is a tendency for the recorded semicircle in the spectrum to become increasingly blurred. This means that the electrochemical corrosion process occurs more easily in the environment of unmodified artificial saliva.
The Bode diagrams presented in
Figure 6 and
Figure 7 confirm a very good fit of the experimental data to the software-generated model curve. The value of the phase angle shift provides important information about the mechanism and kinetics of the ongoing corrosion processes. Obtaining the shape of Bode diagrams in the form Φ = f(logf) visible in
Figure 6 is characteristic of pitting corrosion occurring on the passivated material [
30]. The increase in the value of the phase angle shift is proportional to the increase in the corrosion resistance of the material. Moreover, in
Figure 6 there is only one time constant for the samples tested in all environments, which means that the electrochemical corrosion process took place in one stage. The Φ = f (logf) graphs are characterized by a wide plateau range visible for the middle frequencies and one maximum, which proves the high corrosion resistance of the passivated material. The tested alloy owes such high resistance to the elements Cr and Mo, which are characterized by excellent resistance in extremely aggressive corrosive environments. The widest plateau ranges are observed for the CoCrMo electrode in an artificial saliva environment with the addition of Meridol
® and Listerine
® mouthwashes. The narrowest plateau range is characterized by the tested electrode in a solution of artificial saliva with pH = 7.4. The remaining environments have very similar plateau ranges.
The Bode plot in the form log|Z|=f(log f) provides information about the corrosion resistance of the tested material in a given environment (
Figure 7). The highest corrosion resistance is demonstrated by the sample in the environment of artificial saliva at neutral pH with the addition of NaF, the value of the logarithm of the impedance modulus at the lowest tested frequency f = 1 mHz is 6.06 Ω cm
2. A slight decrease in the value of log |Z|
f = 1 mHz = 6.03 Ω cm
2 was observed in the case of the sample tested in the saline environment. For an artificial saliva with pH = 7.4 with the addition of Meridol
® mouthwash (log |Z|
f=1 mHz = 5.9 Ω cm
2) and Listerine
® (log |Z|
f=1 mHz = 5.94 Ω cm
2) we observe a slight difference in the impedance modulus, which is caused by the different chemical composition of the added fluids. One of the basic factors influencing the corrosion resistance of a material is the chemical composition of the corrosive environment. In an acidic artificial saliva solution after modifying the environment with NaF, the value of log |Z|
f=1 mHz is 5.32 Ω cm
2 and in a neutral environment with the addition of NaF, log |Z|
f=1 mHz is 6.06 Ω cm
2. In the environment of neutral artificial saliva, the value of log |Z|
f=1 mHz is 4.62 Ω cm
2 and this is the lowest value obtained in impedance tests, which is associated with the lowest corrosion resistance of the sample in this environment.
Figure 7 clearly shows that the corrosion resistance of the CoCrMo electrode is in the range between good and basic protection against electrochemical corrosion. Depending on the modifiers added to the tested environment, we can increase the corrosion resistance of the tested material.
In the case of a NaF-modified artificial saliva solution, fluoride ions act to improve the corrosion resistance of the CoCrMo electrode. The drop in pH (acidification) accelerates corrosion due to the increased intensity of hydrogen depolarization. The corrosion rate increases significantly in the presence of aggressive chloride ions (Cl
). Additionally, chloride ions inhibit the formation of passive layers and can also penetrate the oxide layer through pores or lattice defects and destroy it, which then leads to corrosion of deeper parts of the metal. In order to explain the impedance behavior of the CoCrMo electrode in the tested corrosion environments, the model of the electrical equivalent circuit CPE1, presented in
Figure 4, was used. The detailed error in determining the parameters was below 28% (
Table 3). The φ values ranged from 0.720 to 0.881.
The R
ct parameter is characterized by the highest value of 1.59(16) × 10
6 Ω cm
2 for the electrode in the environment of artificial saliva with the addition of Listerine
® mouthwash, which has the strongest protective properties (
Table 3). The corrosion resistance decreases successively, but it is of the same order of 10
6 in saline, and saliva with pH = 7.4 with the addition of Meridol
® mouthwash. The electrode in artificial saliva solution with pH = 7.4 + 0.1 M NaF decreases by an order of magnitude. Saliva with pH = 5.5 before (R
ct = 6.6(11) × 10
4 Ω cm
2 ) and after addition of NaF (R
ct = 2.71(16) × 10
4 Ω cm
2), and in saliva with pH = 7.4 (R
ct = 3.71(21) × 10
4 Ω cm
2) are characterized by the lowest R
ct values. The smaller the R
2, the faster kinetics of the pitting corrosion of the CoCrMo electrode.
Determining by extrapolation a straight line with a slope equal to –1 in the Bode system log |Z| = f(logf) allows you to determine the parameter determining the capacity of the electrical double layer (C
dl) (
Table 3). The high C
dl value indicates a greater exposure of the CoCrMo electrode surface to pitting corrosion due to the faster kinetics of the electrochemical process. Based on the discussion of the results obtained using the EIS method, it can be concluded that the corrosion resistance of the CoCrMo dental alloy has improved, caused by the presence of Meridol
® and Listerine
® mouthwashes in a neutral environment. Both the acidic reaction of the environment and the presence of Cl
ions reduced the corrosion resistance of the tested electrode in the environment of body fluids. Chloride anions initiate the growth and expansion of pits on the self-passive oxide layer on the electrode surface and were the main cause of the deterioration of parameters such as R
ct, which is confirmed by the values of the corrosion current density determined in direct current electrochemical tests. The C
dl values for the CoCrMo electrode in a physiological saline are relatively high, which proves the material’s high ability to corrode in an environment containing Cl
The addition of NaF to the artificial saliva environment reduced the Cdl value in both acidic and neutral environments. The increase in Rct value is caused by modifiers of the corrosive environment in the form of mouthwashes. A change in the pH of the electrolyte may destabilize the passive layer due to local anodic reactions. The drop in pH means that there is an increased concentration of H+ ions due to the hydrolysis of cations, which makes it harder for the passive film to form and for corrosion reactions to occur more easily. The additives used, although in small amounts, have a significant impact on individual corrosion resistance parameters. The use of EIS allowed for the determination of parameters defining the mechanism of the corrosion processes occurring. It was found that this is an activation mechanism, which involves transferring charged particles to the outside, resulting from the dissolution of the material, through the corrosive environment, where they combine with ions coming from the corrosive environment. The result of such a connection is the formation of a passive layer - a protective layer of the material.
3.5. In Vitro Electrochemical Tests Using the Potentiodynamic Method
The next stage of electrochemical research was the use of the potentiodynamic method to determine the susceptibility of the CoCrMo electrode to pitting corrosion in the tested environments. The obtained anodic polarization curves, showing the relationship log||j = f(E) for the tested material in body fluid solutions, are presented in
Figure 8. These tests were carried out at a polarization rate v = 1 mV s
1. The current density values were logarithmized in order to determine the parameters characterizing the corrosion resistance of the tested electrode in particular environments. The CoCrMo electrode showed passive behavior in each tested environment, thanks to its optimal chemical composition, where the Cr and Mo content was within the limits ensuring the highest corrosion resistance [
The values of the corrosion potential determined for the tested material in individual environments vary depending on the pH of the solutions used and the presence of additives in the form of mouthwashes and NaF introduced into the solutions as modifiers. The corrosion potential of the tested electrode varies depending on the environment used. The most negative (cathodic) value was shown by the CoCrMo in artificial saliva solution with pH = 7.4 (E
cor = 365 mV) [
30]. A strongly cathodic value of the corrosion potential was also observed in a saline (E
cor = 237 mV). The CoCrMo alloy tested in the environment of artificial saliva with the addition of Listerine
® and Meridol
® mouthwasesh has similar values of corrosion potential, E
cor = 295 and 203 mV, respectively. In the artificial saliva solution with pH = 7.4 and pH = 5.5 enriched with NaF, we observe the most positive value of the corrosion potential, E
cor = 174 and 128 mV, respectively. This is related to the presence of fluoride anions in the solution, which facilitate the formation of a chromium(III) oxide layer on the electrode surface, in accordance with Okamoto’s theory [
32]. Corrosion damage in is caused by the adsorption of aggressive chloride ions on the metal surface, which penetrate through the passive layer. Chloride anions hinder the incorporation of metal ions into the metal layer and facilitate their penetration into the solution.
Based on the obtained electrochemical results, a three-layer model of the formation of a passive layer on the CoCrMo alloy in the tested corrosion environments can be proposed. It describes the process and chemical description of the reaction of creating a passive layer on the tested material. When the CoCrMo alloy (electrode) is immersed in the corrosive medium used and external voltage is applied to the system, the solution | electrode, chromium dissolution is initiated according to the Pourbaix diagram [
33]. The ongoing process of active chromium dissolution is described by the reaction:
Chromium cations enter the solution to reach a lower energy level. On the surface of the material, they combine with oxygen ions to form the nuclei of a passive layer. The continuous increase in potential causes the growth of chromium oxide on the surface of the material and a passive layer is eventually formed according to the formula:
The reaction in a medium with the addition of Cl ions proceeds as follows:
After dissolution of the “protective” layer, the active state returns, which is associated with another intense impact of the environment on the material, and there is effective evolution of oxygen on the surface of the layer and from the dissolved passive layer itself (which has been observed experimentally) according to the formula:
and the beginning of the processes of pitting on the surface of the material. The thickness of the entire protective layer ranges from several to several nanometers.
The metallic cobalt dissolution reaction, in accordance with the thermodynamic data for the Co-H
2O system, presented in the form of a Pourbaix diagram [
32], proceeds as follows:
Chromium dissolution reaction []:
The molybdenum dissolution reaction occurs according to the reaction:
3.6. Scanning Kelvin Probe Study of the CoCrMo Alloy Surface
Using the SKP method, the surfaces of CoCrMo electrode subjected to the corrosion process in various solutions were analyzed. The SKP technique allowed for the determination of the contact potential difference (CPD) distribution on the sample surface (
Figure 9).
Based on the registered 3D maps, parameters characterizing the surface state, such as the arithmetic average of CPD heights (CPD
av), the root mean square deviation of CPD heights (CPD
rms), the skewness (CPD
sk), and the kurtosis (CPD
ku), were determined and are shown in
Table 4. It was found that the highest average value of contact potential difference is obtained for sample tested in saliva pH = 5.5. Samples after corrosion tests in saliva pH = 5.5 + 0.1 M NaF and saliva pH = 7.4 + 0.1 M NaF exhibited approximately 50% lower values of CPD
av compared to sample after test in saliva pH = 5.5. In turn, the CPD
av determined for sample after test in saliva pH = 7.4 + 15 mL Meridol
® was lower by around 80%. For samples tested in saline pH = 7.4, saliva pH = 7.4 + 15 mL Listerine
®, and saliva pH = 7.4, the averages of measured CPD heights were 2.1, 2.7, and 3.1 times lower, respectively, compared to sample after test in saliva pH = 5.5. The CPD
av parameter suggests that sample tested in saliva pH = 5.5 exhibits the lowest electrochemical activity among all the tested samples. In contrast sample after corrosion tests in saliva pH = 7.4, has the most electrochemically active surface. Keeping in mind that the material from which the samples were made was the same and that the samples underwent similar potential-current treatments, it can be concluded that measured values of CPD
av depend on the composition of the solution. Thus, sample tested in saliva pH = 5.5 is most likely subjected to the least aggressive environment, whereas sample studied in saliva pH = 7.4 was soaked in the most aggressive one.
rms values determined for samples in all corrosion solutions vary from 17 mV to 21 mV. This indicates that the deviation of CPD heights from the the average value is comparable for all the investigated samples. Skewness and kurtosis quantitatively describe the shape of the CPD distribution. As shown in
Table 4, both parameters vary from about −0.1 to about 0.2, indicating that the CPD distribution is of a Gaussian type. Moreover, CPD
sk and CPD
ku close to zero indicate that the contact potential difference heights are symmetrically distributed around the average and that no areas with relatively large/small CPD values are observed on the examined surfaces.