We select
, by the fractional Leibniz rule (
30) and Sobolev embedding , we obtain
where the last inequality is provided by Theorem 1.3. For all
, we pick a smooth
such that
. Let us set
, with
being a bounded sequence in
. Furthermore one has that
is bounded also in
because the continuous embedding
which is a consequence Theorem 1.3. In fact, if
as in (
15), one can see that
while the case (
44), with
is straightforward. This bears to the fact that
converges weakly to some
w in
with support still in
. Notice that we have also that
. By application of the Plancharel’s identity we achieve
for any
. Then
which means that the quantity
is uniformly small if
is sufficiently large. In addition, if one observes that
by the definition of Fourier transform and of the weak convergence in
, we have
tends to
almost everywhere as
. By (
52), (
53) and Hölder’s inequality we have
for a suitable
. Additionally, by an application of Young-Hausdorff inequality (
32) and again Hölder’s inequality, we see that
The bounds (
54) (
55) allow us to acquire the uniform estimate
By an use of Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem we have that
converges to
u in the
and thus almost everywhere, once
This shows that
is compactly embedded in
. To deal with the general case we shall use a continuity argument in conjunction with a perturbation argument. Namely, if
enjoying (
15), we note that the constraint (
42) is fulfilled with the strict inequality. We pick a
, with
, that gives rise to a new set of parameters
. We have that
By (
43), one can readily see that
approaches to
since is a decreasing function of
. Moreover, by (
41), we earn
and that
. In conclusion, we can choose
suitably small that still ensures
and that one can proceed as for (
40) and deduce by Hölder inequality the following
. Selecting again
, we can see that if
is small enough so that
, so the inequality
is still valid. We get then, similarly for (
where in the second inequality we used that
, with
as in (
58) and
. In the case (
instead we recall that we have, by (
and, by (
37), one can write the similar inequality
. The previous (
57), (
58), (
60), and (
61) give that
. The proof of the theorem follows by interpolation with the case
and by the above embedding
. □