1. Introduction
The challenges associated with rapid population growth and limited arable land pose considerable problems to global food security, and it is necessary to increase crops production. However, agricultural production requires significant resource inputs (fertilisers, pesticides, irrigation and agricultural machinery) to achieve the required yields and productivity levels [
2], and synthetic fertilisers, particularly nitrogen (N) fertilisers, are required [
4]. In this respect, farmers on the North China Plain (NCP) often over-input N fertilisers to improve wheat yields [
5], and farmers in North America typically overuse N fertilisers to avoid the risk of reduced production [
6]. However, excessive investments in N fertilisers and unreasonable agricultural management methods do not improve the grain yield or agronomic efficiency; instead, they cause environmental problems, such as increased greenhouse gas emissions, soil acidification, groundwater eutrophication and soil salinisation [
9]. According to reports, the average N application rate in China's agricultural ecosystem is 305 kg N ha
-1 yr
-1, which is much higher than the global average N application rate (74 kg N ha
-1 yr
-1). In addition, N utilisation efficiencies in China, in North America, and globally are 0.25, 0.65, and 0.42, respectively [
10]. Therefore, there is an urgent need to optimise crop nutrient management in China, improve fertiliser utilisation efficiency, reduce environmental risks, and address the dual challenges of crop productivity and ecosystem sustainability.
Crops production increases social stability and national economic development, but it has a high environmental impact, and sustainable agricultural development has, therefore, become an inevitable trend. It is likely that crops production will need to double by 2050 to meet the requirements of the growing global population [
11]. Research has shown that owing to a combination of specific location factors, 79% of rice, 56% of wheat, and 52% of maize produced in China has experienced yield stagnation, and some crops in certain countries or regions have even experienced yield reductions [
1]. It is, therefore, necessary to determine whether and to what extent environmental costs should be reduced while ensuring food security and improving sustainable land productivity.
Many studies have shown that grain yields can be increased and environmental impacts can be reduced by improving nutrient management and optimising agricultural practices [
13]. Compared with traditional agriculture, crops production can be maintained or increased using organic and protective agriculture practices, but the temporal stability of organic agriculture requires improvement [
14]. In addition, Feng et al. [
15] indicated that intelligent climate agricultural practices (such as intensive planting, deep tillage, manure improvement and N fertiliser optimisation) can be used to improve maize yields while reducing the carbon footprint.
In agricultural production, the extensive application of N fertiliser can cause the loss of reactive nitrogen (Nr) into the air, soil and water bodies, resulting in environmental pollution [
16]. Several studies have shown that there is an enormous potential to increase grain yield and the N utilisation efficiency (NUE) by reducing N loss, and thus, environmental impacts [
18]. Previous studies have also shown that in Europe [
19], the Mediterranean region [
20] and the North China Plain [
21], optimising the amount of N fertiliser used for maize and wheat production (improving agronomic efficiency) reduces environmental impacts and improves ecological efficiency. However, previous research has a limited scope, and researchers have often only focused on a single aspect of environmental risk, such as the global warming potential (GWP), eutrophication potential (EP), and acidification potential (AP). Therefore, measures for optimising resource investments and reducing the negative environmental impacts and emissions from crops production on subtropical plateau areas are currently unclear. The climate and soil conditions in the subtropical plateau region of China are excellent, and they are suitable for planting various food crops (like rice, wheat, and maize); as such, the region is an important grain-producing area in China. Yunnan is located in the low-latitude subtropical plateau region; its grain yield lags behind that of other regions and the fertilisation efficiency is imbalanced due to improper nutrient management.
With increased public awareness of environmental damage and the associated government attention, it is necessary to comprehensively consider various impact indicators relating to ecosystem quality when analysing environmental costs and to provide accurate estimations of grain yield levels and environmental costs at a regional scale to enable the sustainable development of the crops production system. Life cycle assessments (LCAs) are often used to quantify and evaluate the resource inputs and environmental impacts of crops production systems [
22]. Therefore, in this study, we conducted a LCA to analyse the environmental impacts from producing crops in Yunnan Province from 2002 to 2021. The aim of this study was as follows: to (1) quantify the yield, nutrient input, and N fertiliser utilisation of the major grain crops in Yunnan Province; (2) assess greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and AP and EP of crops production in the region; and (3) propose potential emission reduction strategies to reduce environmental costs in China's subtropical plateau areas.
Figure 1.
Crop planting region and sub-regions in Yunnan, including Kunming, Qujing, Yuxi, Zhaotong, Chuxiong, Honghe, Wenshan, Pu'er, Xishuangbanna, Dali, Baoshan, Dehong, Lijiang, Nujiang, Lincang, and Diqing city. The green, yellow, and red bars represent the average production (104 Mg) of rice, wheat, and maize in Yunnan province from 2002 to 2021, respectively. Data for crops production were obtained from the NBS (2018) from 2002 to 2021.
Figure 1.
Crop planting region and sub-regions in Yunnan, including Kunming, Qujing, Yuxi, Zhaotong, Chuxiong, Honghe, Wenshan, Pu'er, Xishuangbanna, Dali, Baoshan, Dehong, Lijiang, Nujiang, Lincang, and Diqing city. The green, yellow, and red bars represent the average production (104 Mg) of rice, wheat, and maize in Yunnan province from 2002 to 2021, respectively. Data for crops production were obtained from the NBS (2018) from 2002 to 2021.
Figure 2.
Precipitation and mean temperature for each year 2002–2021. Changes in annual temperature (maximum temperature, minimum temperature and average temperature) and annual precipitation in Yunnan Province from 2002 to 2021. The blue bars represent total precipitation in each year during 2002–2021; the red, yellow and blue dots represent the maximum temperature, average temperature and minimum temperature, respectively, in each year during 2002–2021.
Figure 2.
Precipitation and mean temperature for each year 2002–2021. Changes in annual temperature (maximum temperature, minimum temperature and average temperature) and annual precipitation in Yunnan Province from 2002 to 2021. The blue bars represent total precipitation in each year during 2002–2021; the red, yellow and blue dots represent the maximum temperature, average temperature and minimum temperature, respectively, in each year during 2002–2021.
Figure 3.
Grain yield and partial productivity of nitrogen fertiliser (PFP–N) for rice, wheat, and maize production from 2002 to 2021 in Yunnan Province (20 samples). The (a) rice grain yield, (b) wheat grain yield, (c) maize grain yield, (d) PFP–N of rice, (e) PFP–N of wheat, and (f) PFP–N of maize were compared across five-year intervals. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among the year intervals (P < 0.05).
Figure 3.
Grain yield and partial productivity of nitrogen fertiliser (PFP–N) for rice, wheat, and maize production from 2002 to 2021 in Yunnan Province (20 samples). The (a) rice grain yield, (b) wheat grain yield, (c) maize grain yield, (d) PFP–N of rice, (e) PFP–N of wheat, and (f) PFP–N of maize were compared across five-year intervals. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among the year intervals (P < 0.05).
Figure 4.
Fertiliser input for crop (rice, wheat, and maize) production systems from 2002 to 2021 in Yunnan Province (20 samples). The (a) rice total fertiliser rate, (b) wheat total fertiliser rate, and (c) maize total fertiliser rates were compared across the five-year intervals. (d–l) Different nutrient inputs (d–f, nitrogen (N) fertiliser rate; (g–i) phosphorus (P2O5) fertiliser rate; (j–l) potassium (K2O) fertiliser rate) for crop (rice, wheat, and maize) production systems were compared across five-year intervals. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among the year intervals (P < 0.05).
Figure 4.
Fertiliser input for crop (rice, wheat, and maize) production systems from 2002 to 2021 in Yunnan Province (20 samples). The (a) rice total fertiliser rate, (b) wheat total fertiliser rate, and (c) maize total fertiliser rates were compared across the five-year intervals. (d–l) Different nutrient inputs (d–f, nitrogen (N) fertiliser rate; (g–i) phosphorus (P2O5) fertiliser rate; (j–l) potassium (K2O) fertiliser rate) for crop (rice, wheat, and maize) production systems were compared across five-year intervals. Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among the year intervals (P < 0.05).
Figure 5.
Environment impacts (global warming potential; acidification potential; eutrophication potential) of crop production from 2002 to 2021 across five-year intervals in Yunnan Province (20 samples). (a) Rice GHG emissions, (b) wheat GHG emissions, (c) maize GHG emissions, (d) AP of rice, (e) AP of wheat, (f) AP of maize, (g) EP of rice, (h) EP of wheat, (i) EP of maize were compared across five-year intervals. MS-Fertiliser, production and transportation of fertiliser at agricultural materials stage (MS); FS-Fertiliser, application of fertiliser at arable farming stage (FS). Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among year intervals (P < 0.05); means followed by the same small letter represent no significant difference between five-year intervals among different years at P < 0.05 according to LSD. Vertical bars represent ± S.E. of the mean.
Figure 5.
Environment impacts (global warming potential; acidification potential; eutrophication potential) of crop production from 2002 to 2021 across five-year intervals in Yunnan Province (20 samples). (a) Rice GHG emissions, (b) wheat GHG emissions, (c) maize GHG emissions, (d) AP of rice, (e) AP of wheat, (f) AP of maize, (g) EP of rice, (h) EP of wheat, (i) EP of maize were compared across five-year intervals. MS-Fertiliser, production and transportation of fertiliser at agricultural materials stage (MS); FS-Fertiliser, application of fertiliser at arable farming stage (FS). Different lowercase letters represent significant differences among year intervals (P < 0.05); means followed by the same small letter represent no significant difference between five-year intervals among different years at P < 0.05 according to LSD. Vertical bars represent ± S.E. of the mean.
Figure 6.
Correlations between N surplus and (a, b, c) GHG emissions, (d, e, f) the acidification potential, and (g, h, i) the eutrophication potential. The black solid line represents the linear correlation; green, yellow and orange dots represent mean GHG emissions, AP, and EP for rice, wheat, and maize production during 2002–2021 in Yunnan Province, respectively. P<0.01 indicates the significance of the regression.
Figure 6.
Correlations between N surplus and (a, b, c) GHG emissions, (d, e, f) the acidification potential, and (g, h, i) the eutrophication potential. The black solid line represents the linear correlation; green, yellow and orange dots represent mean GHG emissions, AP, and EP for rice, wheat, and maize production during 2002–2021 in Yunnan Province, respectively. P<0.01 indicates the significance of the regression.
Figure 7.
Correlations between environmental impacts of rice and annual temperature. The black solid line represents the linear correlation; green dots represent the average annual GHG emissions, AP, and EP of rice in Yunnan Province from 2002 to 2021. P<0.05 indicates the significance of the regression.
Figure 7.
Correlations between environmental impacts of rice and annual temperature. The black solid line represents the linear correlation; green dots represent the average annual GHG emissions, AP, and EP of rice in Yunnan Province from 2002 to 2021. P<0.05 indicates the significance of the regression.
Figure 8.
Projected greenhouse gas emissions, acidification, and eutrophication mitigation potential of rice, wheat, and maize production for 2041 in Yunnan, China. Red dots represent greenhouse gas emissions, acidification, and eutrophication from 2002 to 2021. Red dashed line (S1): projected greenhouse gas emissions, acidification, and eutrophication mitigation potential for 2041 following the trend observed from 2002 to 2021; orange dashed line (S2): increased yields of rice, wheat, and maize to 6.99 Mg ha-1, 2.42 Mg ha-1, and 5.09 Mg ha-1, respectively, with the regional recommended fertiliser rate; blue dashed line (S3), replacing N fertiliser with controlled-release urea representing a yield increase of 5.3%, N input saving by 24.1% and decreases in reactive N losses after field application compared with S2 scenario; green dashed line (S4), grain yield reaches 75% of the global yield potential (8.10 Mg ha-1, 6.70 Mg ha-1, and 11.20 Mg ha-1, respectively) with the same N fertiliser rate and resource as in scenario S3.
Figure 8.
Projected greenhouse gas emissions, acidification, and eutrophication mitigation potential of rice, wheat, and maize production for 2041 in Yunnan, China. Red dots represent greenhouse gas emissions, acidification, and eutrophication from 2002 to 2021. Red dashed line (S1): projected greenhouse gas emissions, acidification, and eutrophication mitigation potential for 2041 following the trend observed from 2002 to 2021; orange dashed line (S2): increased yields of rice, wheat, and maize to 6.99 Mg ha-1, 2.42 Mg ha-1, and 5.09 Mg ha-1, respectively, with the regional recommended fertiliser rate; blue dashed line (S3), replacing N fertiliser with controlled-release urea representing a yield increase of 5.3%, N input saving by 24.1% and decreases in reactive N losses after field application compared with S2 scenario; green dashed line (S4), grain yield reaches 75% of the global yield potential (8.10 Mg ha-1, 6.70 Mg ha-1, and 11.20 Mg ha-1, respectively) with the same N fertiliser rate and resource as in scenario S3.

Table 1.
The climatic characteristics of in Yunnan in recent 20 years, and their major soil characteristics. Data for annual precipitation, annual temperature and annual illumination hours were collected from the China Meteorological Data Service Center (CMDC). The major soil textures and soil pH were according to FAO and World Reference Base for Soil Resources (2018).
Table 1.
The climatic characteristics of in Yunnan in recent 20 years, and their major soil characteristics. Data for annual precipitation, annual temperature and annual illumination hours were collected from the China Meteorological Data Service Center (CMDC). The major soil textures and soil pH were according to FAO and World Reference Base for Soil Resources (2018).
Annual precipitation(mm) |
Annual air temperature(°C) |
Annual illumination hours (h) |
Major soil textures |
Soil pH |
Kunming |
917±131 |
16.7±1.6 |
2181±212 |
Loam to clay loam |
5.8–6.7 |
Qujing |
1012±147 |
15.6±1.9 |
1908±107 |
Loam to clay loam |
5.7–7.0 |
Yuxi |
893±131 |
20.5±0.8 |
2159±177 |
Loam to clay loam |
5.6–6.6 |
Zhaotong |
885±128 |
14.6±2.0 |
1456±96 |
Loam to clay loam |
5.5–6.5 |
Chuxiong |
949±123 |
18.9±1.2 |
2343±153 |
Loam to clay loam |
5.5–7.5 |
Honghe |
1106±122 |
19.9±0.1 |
1997±129 |
Sandy loam to clay loam |
5.5–6.8 |
Wenshan |
1082±158 |
18.8±1.2 |
1733±131 |
Loam to clay loam |
5.3–6.3 |
Pu'er |
1351±154 |
20.3±0.8 |
2197±144 |
Sandy loam to sandy clay |
5.3–6.4 |
Xishuangbanna |
1492±208 |
22.1±0.5 |
2175±153 |
Loam to clay loam |
4.9–6.2 |
Dali |
983±126 |
16.8±1.6 |
2248±134 |
Loam to clay loam |
5.4–7.4 |
Baoshan |
1123±157 |
17.5±1.4 |
2325±134 |
Loam to clay loam |
5.3–6.5 |
Dehong |
1247±171 |
18.7±1.2 |
2317±135 |
Loam to clay loam |
5.0–6.4 |
Lijiang |
916±98 |
15.0±2.0 |
2400±121 |
Sandy loam to sandy clay |
5.5–6.8 |
Nujiang |
1097±170 |
13.6±2.3 |
1817±134 |
Sandy loam to clay loam |
5.4–6.9 |
Lincang |
1157±163 |
19.3±1.0 |
2316±149 |
Sandy loam to clay loam |
5.3–6.3 |
Diqing |
820±123 |
10.7±2.9 |
1990±143 |
Loam to sandy loam |
5.5–6.9 |
Table 2.
Comparison of the Scope of environmental impacts between Yunnan Province and other regions.
Table 2.
Comparison of the Scope of environmental impacts between Yunnan Province and other regions.
Unit |
Rice |
Wheat |
Maize |
Yunnan Province |
Northeast China |
Yunnan Province |
Europe |
Yunnan Province |
America |
Greenhouse gas emissions |
kg CO2-eq Mg-1
471–596 |
987–1486 |
702–951 |
610–650 |
700–962 |
254–824 |
Acidification potential |
kg SO2-eq Mg -1
8.2–11.8 |
– |
15.3–22.4 |
4.9–6.5 |
15.0–22.4 |
2.7–7.8 |
Eutrophication potential |
kg PO4-eq Mg -1
1.4–2.1 |
– |
2.6–3.9 |
5.0–7.6 |
2.6–3.9 |
0.7–2.3 |