The mean-variance optimization framework, pioneered by Harry Markowitz in 1952, has long been a cornerstone in modern portfolio theory. This approach, while theoretically appealing, faces challenges in practical applications due to the sensitivity of the model to input parameters, primarily the expected return vector (
) and the variance-covariance matrix of asset returns (
). This sensitivity poses significant issues for real-world asset allocation decisions. Markowitz’s mean-variance optimization offers several advantages and features, as highlighted by [
8]. It provides a structured framework for considering essential portfolio constraints, leverages diversification based on correlation structures, optimally uses available information, and allows for quick calculation of asset allocations, facilitating adaptability to changing market conditions. However, the classical mean-variance model assumes knowledge of true input parameters, which is practically unattainable. This limitation, coupled with the model’s sensitivity to parameter estimates, has led to its lack of acceptance among investment professionals. The out-of-sample performance of the mean-variance model has been notably poor, prompting extensive research into understanding the reasons behind its underperformance and proposing improvements. [
7] coined the term "estimation-error maximizer" to describe mean-variance portfolios’ sensitivity to parameter uncertainty. [
9] suggest that this could explain why the model is not widely applied in practice. Parameter uncertainty arises from the reliance on estimates for (
) and (
), and researchers have explored the impact of such uncertainty on portfolio composition and financial outcomes. Researchers like [
10] focused on the sensitivity of mean-variance portfolios to changes in the expected return vector. They found that for unconstrained portfolios, even small changes in expected returns could lead to significant shifts in portfolio weights, reducing the benefits of diversification. This sensitivity becomes more pronounced as the number of assets increases, indicating potential instability in solutions. [
11] highlighted issues with high values in the variance-covariance matrix components, leading to instability in the inverse matrix (
). A high condition number of (
) indicates instability, particularly problematic when historical data is limited. Researchers have proposed shrinkage estimators to mitigate this instability and provide more robust variance-covariance matrix estimates. A Monte Carlo simulation illustrates the impact of parameter uncertainty on optimal asset allocation. This simulation reveals that estimated portfolio characteristics tend to overstate expected returns and understate risk, leading investors to believe in more optimal decisions than they actually are. The discrepancy between estimated and true parameters emphasizes the importance of addressing parameter uncertainty in portfolio optimization. Research has also shown that mean-variance portfolios can underperform simpler strategies, such as equally weighted portfolios, in out-of-sample scenarios. [
13] found that estimation errors erode the advantages of diversification, and the out-of-sample Sharpe ratio of simpler strategies can surpass that of mean-variance portfolios. [
15] investigated the utility loss caused by suboptimal portfolios resulting from parameter estimation errors. They observed larger losses concerning expected return estimates compared to variances or covariances. [
15] provided mathematical proof for utility loss, with the impact being more significant for expected return estimates. Furthermore, concerns about the assumptions underlying the mean-variance model, such as normal distribution of returns and a negative exponential utility function, contribute to its low acceptance. Traditional portfolio managers may resist adopting a quantitative investment process, contributing to the model’s limited adoption in practice. In conclusion, the mean-variance optimization model, while theoretically elegant, faces challenges in real-world applications due to its sensitivity to parameter estimates and assumptions. Researchers continue to explore ways to enhance its robustness, acknowledging the importance of addressing parameter uncertainty and considering alternative portfolio strategies that may perform better in practical scenarios.