2. Materials and Methods
In this section, I give a definition of the 3D topological charge (Hopf index) of a magnetization texture and present explicit equations describing magnetization of the toroidal magnetic hopfion. Then, I analyze the energy and stability of the magnetic hopfion in magnetic cylindrical nanodots and nanowires, using the methods of the theory of micromagnetism and determine the main magnetic and geometrical parameters of existence of the stable hopfion configurations in the restricted cylindrical geometry.
The Hopf index of a 3D magnetization texture is calculated as an integral over the system volume from the dot product of the emergent magnetic field vector potential and the emergent magnetic field
[15, 25]. A general expression of the Hopf invariant for the mapping of the 3D space (
r) to the unit sphere
of the magnetization field is
We use the general definition of the emergent electromagnetic field tensor (in the units of ) resulting from an inhomogeneous spin texture in the form , where is the unit magnetization vector, is the saturation magnetization, denote spatial derivatives and the indices corresponds to the components of 3D radius-vector r in an orthogonal coordinate system. The field tensor is related to the emergent field vector potential as . The emergent magnetic field can be defined as in the standard electrodynamics [26, 27].
The emergent magnetic field
is unambiguously defined for any given magnetization texture
. However, to calculate the Hopf index we need to find the emergent field vector potential
in a proper gauge as shown recently in Ref. [27]. Alternative approach to find the Hopf index is using of the Hopf mapping. The definition of the Hopf mapping of the 3D coordinate space
(represented by the unit radius hypersphere
in the 4D space) to the unit sphere 𝑆
2(𝒎) is [28]
[28], where
are the Pauli matrices and
is a spinor composed from the hypersphere coordinates
i = 1, 2, 3, 4 satisfying the condition
. The spinor components are
, and their normalization is
. The Hopf index (3D topological charge) can be then represented as triple dot product
in the form similar to the skyrmion number (2D topological charge).
The radius vector
can be described in the different orthogonal coordinate systems. However, the hopfion magnetization
is the simplest in the toroidal coordinates
[12, 13]. There is the connection between the cylindrical
(or Cartesian (
x, y, z)) and toroidal
coordinates [29]
, where the toroidal parameter
varies from 0 to
, the poloidal angle
varies from
, the azimuthal angle
varies from 0 to
, and
a is a scale parameter having sense of the hopfion radius. The
z-component of the hopfion magnetization [27] is
is the hopfion polarity,
Other magnetization components in the toroidal coordinates can be found from the expression
For the particular case and , the function is reduced to the well-known simple form . The Hopf index of the toroidal magnetic hopfion is integer for an infinite sample. The Hopf index (3D topological charge) is proportional to the product of the poloidal m and azimuthal n vorticities and does not depend on the details of the hopfion magnetization profile . Below we consider the simplest hopfion with , and =1, which is assumed to be the lowest energy toroidal hopfion.
The physical system under consideration is a thick cylindrical ferromagnetic dot or cylindrical nanowire of radius
R and thickness (length)
L. The limit of an infinite cylinder
is assumed because the hopfion magnetization given by Equations (3), (3´) is derived for infinite space. The toroidal hopfion magnetization field (3), (3´) has the simplest representation in the toroidal coordinates. However, to consider a cylindrical ferromagnetic sample we need to change the toroidal coordinates to the cylindrical ones. The energy functional consists of the contributions of the exchange, DMI, uniaxial anisotropy and magnetostatic energies
A is the exchange stiffness constant,
D is the DMI parameter and the magnetostatic field
is calculated with the magnetostatic Green function formalism [30],
The idea is to calculate the magnetic energy functional as a function of the hopfion radius substituting to the toroidal hopfion magnetization given by Equations (3), (3´). To calculate the different contributions to the magnetic energy (4) we use the angular parameterization for the magnetization components via spherical angles : , , and the cylindrical coordinates for the radius-vector r. The magnetization spherical angles are functions of the radius-vector, , . Following the theory of 2D magnetic solitons (vortices and skyrmions) [31], it is naturally to choose the hopfion magnetization spherical angles in axially symmetric form, , . The angle is the variable hopfion helicity. The in-plane hopfion magnetization components are and . The explicit form of the functions and in the cylindrical coordinates is given by the expressions , . These expressions allow to rewrite the hopfion magnetization (3) for p = +1 in the cylindrical coordinates as . The toroidal hopfions can be approximately interpreted as twisted skyrmion strings with their centers located in the xOy plane (z=0) and described by the equation . The poloidal angle describes the twist angle around the ring . However, there is important difference between the twisted skyrmion string and hopfion magnetization configuration. The string magnetization in its center is directed along direction (, whereas for the toroidal hopfion the magnetization at the ring is directed along z-axis oppositely to the magnetization in the hopfion center, .
We express the spatial coordinates
in the units of the hopfion radius
, which has sense of the scale parameter. Then, substituting the hopfion magnetization
components (3) to the energy (4) and accounting for the expression
for the even on
z part of the DMI energy one can find explicitly the local exchange and DMI energies for an infinite sample in the form:
is some integral which was evaluated numerically to be
for the hopfion angles
The uniaxial magnetic anisotropy contribution and the magnetostatic contribution diverge increasing the sample radius R as approximately (R is the upper limit of the integration over the polar radius vector ρ). Although the toroidal hopfion is a localized soliton and the far-field magnetization is asymptotically trivial, (unform magnetization background) at , the degree of the soliton localization in the radial ρ-direction is not sufficient to get finite anisotropy and magnetostatic energies at .
Therefore, we use a finite in-plane sample size R calculating the energy contributions defined by Equation (4) by using the toroidal hopfion magnetization given by Equations (3), (3´). Although these equations describe the hopfion in an infinite sample, we use them below as trial functions to find the hopfion magnetic energy in a finite cylindrical sample of radius R assuming that R is large enough. The cylinder thickness (wire length) L can be finite or infinite.
The magnetic anisotropy term can be written as
To calculate the components of the Green´s function tensor we use the Coulomb kernel
decomposition via the Bessel functions of the first kind
The hopfion magnetization
components in the cylindrical coordinates do not depend on the azimuthal angle
. Therefore, we can average the dipolar field
. This leads to the axially symmetric field in the form
The magnetostatic field is related to the magnetization components via the averaged Green´s functions
. The components
are equal to zero if at least one of the indices
is equal to
. Only the components
are not equal to zero. The contribution of the components
to the magnetostatic energy disappears due to the system cylindrical symmetry and the hopfion axial symmetry. Therefore, the non-local magnetostatic energy can be written as
The hopfion magnetostatic energy is sum of two contributions,
, which depend on the hopfion magnetization components
, respectively. The first contribution can be expressed as
where the integral
is defined as
is the Bessel function of the first kind. The upper and lower limits in the integral over the thickness coordinates
for magnetic wires. However, the limits are finite and equal
for the magnetic dots or finite length wires with the aspect ratio
The integral in Equation (8) cannot be calculated analytically/numerically and is too complicated to operate with. We note that the function in the definition of has a sharp maximum at , therefore, we can substitute to under the integral sign. Then, the integral is essentially simplified to be , It can be shown that within the limit (cylindrical wire) the integral is reduced to the simple expression, . It has the form of an effective hard axis magnetic anisotropy in -direction, normal to the cylinder side surface. This anisotropy is analogous to the shape anisotropy of uniformly magnetized wire along its length.
The second,
contribution to the magnetostatic energy can be presented in the form similar to Equation (8)
where in the local approximation the integral
Using the energy contributions described by Equations (5), (6) and (7) we can write the total dimensionless magnetic energy
of the toroidal hopfion in the cylindrical dot/wire in the units of
is the material exchange length,
is reduced DMI parameter, and the hopfion radius
a is presented in the units of
Although the exchange and DMI energies in Eq. (10) have finite limit at
, we need to rewrite them for finite values of the ratio
, similar to the magnetic anisotropy and magnetostatic energies. We use the expressions
, and
. The limiting values are
in agreement with Equation (5).
Generalizing Equation (10) for a finite value of the cylindrical dot/wire radius
R and arbitrary value
L of the dot thickness (wire length), the total normalized magnetic energy of the toroidal hopfion is
We note that the hopfion energy (12) is essentially more complicated than the simple scaling polynomial equations in Ref. 17 due to presence of the magnetostatic interaction and finite system size R. The magnetic anisotropy and magnetostatic terms should be taken at finite value of R due to their divergence at . The hopfion energy depends not only on the scale parameter (hopfion radius) a, but also on the sample radius R and the aspect ratio .
3. Results and discussion
The hopfion magnetic energy
(12) vs. the hopfion radius
a is plotted in
Figure 1 and
Figure 2. To plot
Figures 1, 2 we used the set of the magnetic material parameters
11 pJ/m,
Ms = 837 kA/m,
K=0, which are typical for the soft magnetic material such as Ni
20 alloy (permalloy). However, we used finite values of the magnetic anisotropy constant
K to plot
Figure 3. There is a pronounced minimum of the magnetic energy at finite values of the hopfion radius
a, which corresponds to the hopfion stable state.
The magnetostatic terms in Equation (12) are mainly responsible for the appearance of the minimum of the hopfion energy at in soft magnetic materials (). The reduced equilibrium hopfion radius is approximately equal to 0.9 and weekly depends on the sample magnetic and geometrical parameters. The magnetostatic energy contributions given by Equations (8), (9) are functions only on and . Therefore, the reduced equilibrium value of depends only on if only the magnetostatic energy is accounted. The weak dependence on other sample parameters reflects small contributions of the exchange and DMI energies to the total magnetic energy of the toroidal hopfion. However, the equilibrium skyrmion radius depends on the magnetic anisotropy constant, especially at high values of the cylinder aspect ratio .
The uniaxial magnetic anisotropy energy in Equation (12) influences strongly the hopfion stability and the value of the equilibrium hopfion radius. It re-normalizes in some sense the magnetostatic contribution, which can be approximately treated as an effective hard axis magnetic anisotropy in the in-plane
-direction. The magnetic anisotropy destabilizes the hopfion state at
(¨easy axis¨ anisotropy), or stabilize it for
(¨easy plane¨ anisotropy), see
Figure 3. The positive magnetic anisotropy energy at
increases influence of the positive magnetostatic energy contribution. The energy minimum becomes shadow and disappears at large values of
K. The negative ¨easy plane¨ anisotropy energy (
) competes with the magnetostatic energy. This leads to the negative magnetic hopfion energy and more deep energy minimum at moderate values of
, see
Figure 3. The ¨easy axis¨ (¨easy plane¨) magnetic anisotropy leads to a decrease (increase) of the equilibrium skyrmion radius
It is reasonable to use in the calculations of the hopfion energy the cylinder aspect ratio
due to strong localization of the hopfion in the
z-direction. The DMI term at typical value of
1 (
1 mJ/m
2) is essentially smaller than the magnetostatic term and results in a small modification of the hopfion magnetic energy.
I.e., to stabilize the toroidal hopfion in a cylindrical dot/wire we can ignore DMI and consider the hopfion stabilization in strong ferromagnets. The hopfion energy value at the minimum
in soft magnetic materials (
K = 0) and magnetic materials with an ¨easy axis¨ (
) magnetic anisotropy is typically higher than the energy
of the out-of-plane single domain (SD) state, especially at large values of
. Therefore, the toroidal hopfion is not ground state of the cylindrical dot or wire with zero or positive uniaxial magnetic anisotropy constant. The ground state is longitudinally magnetized dot/wire with almost uniform magnetization configuration (
), for which in good approximation the magnetic energy is
, where
is the cylinder deaminization factor along axial
z-direction [32], and
. The SD state energy can be obtained from the hopfion energy given by Equation (12) within the limit
. The situation is drastically changed for the ¨easy plane¨ anisotropy
Figure 3). The hopfion energy
can be negative at the moderate values of
(the value
= 0.22 MJ/m
3 was used to plot
Figure 3), and, therefore,
. However, there is no guaranty that the toroidal hopfion is the ground state of the cylindrical dot/wire with the ¨easy plane¨ anisotropy
because other inhomogeneous magnetic configurations may have lower energy than the hopfion energy
We note that there is an essential energy barrier between the hopfion magnetization state and single-domain state , . The hopfion energy given by Equation (12) goes asymptotically to the value of at the hopfion radius increasing . Apparently, this limit also describes the cylindrical dot/wire single domain state with the magnetization along the cylindrical dot/wire axis. The SD magnetization configuration limits and correspond to the hopfion collapse or infinite extension in the radial direction, correspondingly. The energy minimum at a finite value of is separated from the longitudinal SD state by a huge energy barrier. The energy barriers for the transitions from the finite radius hopfion configuration to the SD state () are much bigger than the thermal energy at room temperature (assuming that T is much lower than the Curie temperature , where and the barriers disappear). Therefore, the energy barriers out of interest for the hopfion thermostability on the long-time scale. The hopfion energy minimum is very deep and the hopfion magnetization configuration is thermostable.
We note that for the finite cylindrical samples other hopfion ansatz was suggested [19] and used in Ref. [21]. This ansatz is a good approximation to minimize the hopfion energy if the magnetostatic energy contribution is ignored and a strong surface out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy is introduced by enforcing the boundary conditions
at the dot top/bottom faces
. The magnetostatic interaction is accounted numerically in Refs. [33, 34]. However, the authors of these papers believe that the strong out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy (
K = 0.8 MJ/m
3 in the surface layers [33] or the surface anisotropy
Ks = 0.5 mJ/m
2 [34]) along with DMI are necessary for the hopfion stabilization in the cylindrical dots or infinite films. Calculation of the surface magnetic anisotropy contribution to the hopfion energy showed that it is negligible small for the surface anisotropy values
Ks order of 1 mJ/m
2. We demonstrated in
Figure 1,
Figure 2 and
Figure 3 that the main contribution to the hopfion energy comes from the magnetostatic interaction, which is unavoidable present for all inhomogeneous magnetization textures in the restricted geometry (the cylindrical thick magnetic dots and wires). Although DMI and uniaxial out-of-plane surface magnetic anisotropy may be accounted in the energy functional, they are of the second importance for the toroidal hopfion stabilization.
The toroidal hopfion metastable magnetization configuration may be reached in the process of the sample re-magnetizing by applying the magnetic field along the cylindrical axis Oz as an intermediate metastable state in the low-field part of the hysteresis loop . Using the hopfion magnetization (3) we can find the volume averaged reduced magnetization at zero magnetic field , which has sense of the hopfion remanent magnetization. The equilibrium remanent magnetization is increasing function of the cylinder aspect ratio saturating at , . We note that at the fixed value of the cylinder aspect ratio , the remanent magnetization in soft magnetic materials has a minimum at the hopfion radius approximately equal to the hopfion equilibrium radius , , for any value of .