Preprint Article Version 1 Preserved in Portico This version is not peer-reviewed

Analysis of Test Separators and Dynamical Fluid Metering

Version 1 : Received: 15 December 2023 / Approved: 18 December 2023 / Online: 18 December 2023 (10:44:16 CET)

How to cite: IBEAWUCHI,, O. J. Analysis of Test Separators and Dynamical Fluid Metering. Preprints 2023, 2023121252. IBEAWUCHI,, O. J. Analysis of Test Separators and Dynamical Fluid Metering. Preprints 2023, 2023121252.


Oil and Gas companies, both national and international, along with government regulators, share a common goal of efficiently managing their valuable assets. These assets refer to the Reserves of oil and Gas located underground. Typically, production and Reserves Engineers play a crucial role in managing these reserves through the implementation of well testing techniques. Thus far, the gold standard in this field has been to ensure the optimal management and utilization of these resources. In the context of well testing, the separator has traditionally been considered the gold standard. However, despite regulatory mandates for frequency of well testing (Such as the general requirements of every 30days in the Nigeria south East zone sector), There is a lack of specific regulations regarding the expected flow measurement uncertainties. This gap in the regulations leaves room for improvement in establishing guidelines for accurate flow measurements. This paper aim to Review the various test separator employed, examine the implications of the 30days testing interval under real - world conditions, and critically assess the achievable measurements uncertainties in the field. Additionally, it will provide a candid analysis that sheds light on the expected uncertainties associated with flow measurements. The introduction of the multiphase meters in the past two decades hold the potential for significant advancements in Reservoirs management performance. However, the authors suspect that this potential has not been universally realized. This paper aim to address this issue by examining the extent to which the benefits of multiphase meters have been effectively utilized in reservoir management. By doing so, it seeks to shed light on any existing gaps and propose recommendation for maximizing the impact of multiphase metres in the field. In addition to the aforementioned objectives, this paper will also address and explore the following key aspects:Identification and review of both the strength and weaknesses associated with test separators. By thoroughly examining these attributes, we can gain valuable insight into their effectiveness and potential areas for improvement. Exploration of alternative application of test separator and their impact on well testing efficiency. Real -World comparison will be provided to highlight the advantages and challenges associated with these alternative uses, offering a comprehensive understanding of their implications. Evaluation of the contribution that multiphase flows meters (MPFMs) can bring to the testing scenario and overall performance. By assessing the capabilities and potential benefits of MPFMs, we aim to provide a comprehensive picture of their role in enhancing testing procedures. Examination of the flow measurement uncertainties that can be expected from a test separator and their potential impact on reservoirs management performance. By understanding and quantifying these uncertainties, we can gain insight into how they may affect decision -making and optimization strategies in managing our materials assets effectively. Delving into the question of reconciling multiphase flow meter (MPFMs) with test separators. This analysis aims to inject a sense of realism into the world of managing our major material assets by explaining the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating and aligning these two measurement technologies. By addressing these crucial aspects, this paper strives to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complexities involved in managing our material assets, ultimately driving towards more informed decision-making and improved performance.


oil; gas; separator; fluid; metering; multiphase flow; meters


Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

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