2.1. System description and problem statement
Consider an object’s system dynamics formulated as
are two time-invariant matrixes,
represents the system states,
denotes the control input of the system, and
denotes the initial state of the system.
To minimize the following cost function while accounting for dynamics (
1), the classic optimal control problem is required to design the optimal control input
, and generate a sequence of optimal states
. (superscript ∗ stands for the optimal condition).
has the following form:
represent the cost weight vectors,
is referred to as the general union feature vector with respect to
x and
indicates the feature vector that is only relevant to the control input
represents the feature’s number which is different from the dimension of system states. For simplicity, we assume that
R is an unknown matrix with
. Additionally, it is assumed that (
) is controllable,
B is a full column rank matrix, and
A and
B are bounded such that
2.2. Maximum principle in forward optimal control
To minimize the cost function as is the case in (
2) with
defined in (
3), there exists a costate variable vector
that satisfies Pontryagin’s maximum principle as follows:
denote the costate variables (Lagrange multiplier). The initial value of
can be represented as
The optimal control input
of the system expressed by (
1) is given as
is unknown. Thus, using this optimal control input, we have
H denotes the matrix
. Notably, given that
B is a full column rank matrix, it is clear that
H is invertible. In addition, since
B is a bounded constant matrix, there exists a positive scalar
such that
H satisfies
Additionally, the time derivatives of the system dynamics can be formulated as follows:
2.3. Analysis of the IOC problem
We assume that the system states
and the control input
, which represent the time series of the system states and control inputs from time point
t to
, provide the solution to the optimal minimization of the cost function (
2). In addition, we assume that the optimal system states and control input satisfy the boundary conditions
The objective of the IOC problem is to recover the unknown cost weight’s vector . Furthermore, IOC, for example, may be employed to analyze different behaviors such as the effect of different occasions on the relative importance of certain human motion feature functions. A rigorous analysis of the derived cost weights that can recreate the original data is required for the aforementioned applications. To begin, we consider two problems :
In previous studies, it was assumed that the cost weight vector
q is either a constant value ([
14]) or a step function with multiple phases ([
19]). These assumptions have been effective in recovering the cost weights used in the analysis of optimal control methods for a robot’s motion control, such as analyzing the motion of a robot controlled by a LQR approach. However, occasionally, it may be inappropriate to assume that the cost weights are constants or step functions when analyzing the complex behaviors of natural objects, such as human motion. In particular, deciding which feature function to adopt when evaluating the motion of natural objects could pose a challenge.
Proposition 1. Depending on the different selections of feature functions for the IOC, the original constant cost weight q may become a time-varying continuous function.
Proof. From (
7), for the objects’ original feature function, we have
denotes the original time-invariant cost weight vector, and
denotes the partial derivative with respect to
x of the original feature function. When we choose a different feature function
, the above equation becomes
denotes the partial derivative with respect to
x of the new selected feature function and
is the corresponding cost weights on
. Thus, we have
From this equation, it follows that
may be a time-varying function when
are not equivalent, and as
are continuous functions, we can reasonably conclude that
is also a continuous function.
Based on this proposition, it is crucial to expand the definition of cost weights to include time-varying values, as this will facilitate a more accurate analysis of the motion of increasingly complex natural objects. Despite the need for time-varying cost weight recovery in many applications, it has received minimal research attention thus far.
Whether or not the given set in the IOC problem has a unique solution .
The uniqueness of the solution to the IOC problem when cost weights are constant has been discussed in many studies. In this work, we determine if there is still a unique solution to the IOC problem when q is a time-varying function.
From (9), we can find different continuous functions such that the equation is satisfied for different values of R (different values of H). This implies that if q is considered as a time-varying function, the set will not have a unique solution.
Therefore, when we consider the unique solution of the IOC problem with the time-varying function , it is necessary to introduce additional conditions to ensure that the IOC problem has a unique solution and that the resulting unique solution is meaningful.
In this study, for simplicity, we assume that
21]), where
I is the identity matrix. In actual optimal control cost functions, when we focus on reducing one of the control inputs
, the convergence of the i-th system state
related to
will also be affected. Consequently, the final control result shows that the change in each state of the system is not solely influenced by the chosen cost weights
, but also by
. In the IOC problem, setting
allows the effect of different weights on different control inputs in the original system to be reflected in the current estimate of
. This enables us to view the estimated weights on the system states as representing the relative importance of each state in the system’s dynamic evolution, without considering the impact of the control input on these weights.
Based on our conclusion that q may be time-varying when different feature functions are chosen and on the corresponding conditions under which a unique solution exists, we can define the IOC problem to be solved in this study as follows: