1. Introduction
An immune system against invading pathogenic microbes is essential for all living organisms. The adaptive immune system is believed to be a slow but specific system acquired in jawed vertebrates; in contrast, the innate immune system is a rapid and primary defensive system against a broad spectrum of pathogens, not only in vertebrates but also in invertebrates. The significant success of the adaptive immune system hypothesizes the reduction of the molecular variation of the innate immune system in vertebrates [
1]. On the other hand, some invertebrates have evolved a wide variety of recognition and effector molecules via genome-wide expansion or diversification of innate immune-related genes in a species-specific manner [
Ascidians are marine invertebrates belonging to the phylum Urochordata; these organisms represent the closest living relatives to vertebrates [
7]. Given its phylogenetically important position in the superphylum Chordata, the cosmopolitan species
Ciona intestinalis type A (synonymous with
Ciona robusta) has been studied as a model organism in various fields of evolution including genomics, developmental biology, endocrinology, and immunology [
16]. The availability of genomic information and a growing body of RNA-seq data has facilitated studies of the molecular basis of the immune response in
Ciona and the conservation of those in vertebrates [
The primary immune defense in ascidians is employed by the circulating hemocytes, the pharynx, and the alimentary canal [
15]. Several genes involved in diverse pathogen recognition including lectins, complements, and Toll-like receptors, have so far been demonstrated to be expressed in the
Ciona hemocytes and pharynx [
15]. In a previous study, thirty-four
Ciona hemocyte-specific genes were identified, of which three were immune-related homologs of vertebrates (e.g., complement 6-like) [
20]. However, twenty-three of the genes were either unknown or
Ciona-specific, twelve of which were polypeptides (shorter than 100 residues). Additionally, a genome-wide search for discovering antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) identified numerous functionally uncharacterized peptides, suggesting the presence of
Ciona-specific mechanisms of immune response [
21]. Nevertheless, large parts of these
Ciona-specific peptides and their signaling in immune response remain to be elucidated.
In vertebrates, some bioactive peptides are known to regulate immune cells, while others show antimicrobial activities [
23]. We have previously identified various neuropeptides in the
Ciona neural complex [
24] and demonstrated the reproductive function of several orthologous peptides to vertebrates [
29]. In addition, we recently identified a novel
Ciona-specific 51-amino acid peptide, PEP51, and verified its possible roles in the activation of caspase in the ovary [
30]. In
Ciona hemocytes, several AMPs, including CrMAM-A, CrPAP-A, and others have been reported [
32]. Furthermore, a 73-amino acid
Ciona chemo-attractive peptide (CrCP) derived from alternative transcript upregulated in hemocytes by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation [
34]. However, the endogenous roles of many other
Ciona-specific hemocyte peptides remain largely unknown.
In the present study, we identified a novel 14-amino acid peptide, CiEMa, from Ciona hemocytes and demonstrated that CiEMa was predominantly expressed in granular hemocytes (GHs) and unilocular refractile granulocytes (URGs). LPS challenge induced CiEMa secretion from the hemocytes, which then acted on the pharynx and thereby upregulated several gene expressions including Fgf3/7/10/22, CiVanabins, and transcription factors. These suggest that CiEMa plays key roles underlying the immune response in Ciona hemocytes, and provide evolutionary insights into immune-response signaling in chordates.
2. Results
We previously performed peptidomic analysis on
Ciona neural complexes and identified more than 30 neuropeptides [
24]. In the neuropeptide-enriched gel-filtration fraction, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) analysis identified several known neuropeptides (CiLF6, CiTKI, CiYFL1, and CiNTLP6) as well as an unknown major peak with an
m/z of 1628.877, suggesting the presence of novel neuropeptide (
Figure 1A). MS/MS analyses of this peak in the neural complex and ovary showed MS/MS patterns similar to those of the synthetic peptide of NERKGAEPQFPPEM-amide. The MS-tag analyses for the neural complex detected most of theoretical fragment peaks (
Figure 1B) and confirmed the amino acid sequence, that is encoded by the KY21.Chr12.349 gene (
Figure 2A).
No BLASTP hits against the non-redundant protein database indicated that this peptide is
Ciona-specific. Further
in silico analyses using SignalP and DeepLoc for KY21.Chr12.349 predicted that the N-terminal sequences would be a signal peptide and the processed peptide is secreted (
Figure 2B and C). The aforementioned sequence of mature peptide is likely to be produced via an unusual cleavage between Trp and Asn at the N-terminus and Gly and Asp at the C-terminus, followed by amidation of the C-terminal Gly (
Figure 2A). We designated this novel peptide CiEMa based on the C-terminal sequence.
We then investigated the localization of CiEMa in the ovary and neural complex. Interestingly,
in situ hybridization (ISH) of the ovary revealed that the
CiEma mRNA was expressed specifically in interfollicular hemocyte cells, but not in the ovarian follicle cells (
Figure 3A). Consistent with the ISH results, immunohistochemistry (IHC) demonstrated that the CiEMa peptide was expressed predominantly in hemocytes (
Figure 3A). These results confirmed the specificity of the ISH probes and anti-CiEMa antibodies. Similarly, in the neural complex, CiEMa was not expressed in the neural cells in the cerebral ganglion or neural gland, but rather in a few hemocytes around the neural gland or in the ciliated funnel (
Figure 3B). These results strongly suggested that specific CiEMa expression in circulating hemocytes and distinct biological roles from neuropeptides or ovarian peptide hormones.
Subsequently, we isolated
Ciona hemocytes from the heart and investigated CiEMa expression. Seven to eight types of morphologically distinct
Ciona hemocytes have been reported and classified into two groups: agranular and granular hemocytes [
13]. Immunocytochemistry (ICC) demonstrated that no signals were detected in four types of agranular hemocytes (lymphocyte-like cells (LLCs), signet ring cells (SRCs), hyaline amoebocytes (HAs), or compartment cells (CCs)). On the other hand, in granular cells, weak and strong signals were observed in GHs and URGs, respectively, but not in morula cells (MCs) (
Figure 4). These results are not inconsistent with the hemocyte expression in the ovary and neural complex (
Figure 1 and
Figure 3).
Ciona hemocytes are known to be important for the primary immune defense, and GHs and URGs have been shown to express several immune-related genes [
15], suggesting that CiEMa plays a role in the immune system by circulating throughout the body.
Thus, we referred to the
CiEma expression during early embryo development and found that
CiEma was first expressed at around the juvenile stage [
35]. We then examined expression in two-week-old juveniles by whole-mount ISH (WISH). As in
Figure 3A, specific signals were observed using antisense probes (
Figure 5A-D), and not with the control (sense) probes (
Figure 5E-H). In accordance with
Figure 3 and
Figure 4, the
CiEma mRNA expression in juveniles was observed predominantly in the hemocytes distributed to the neural complex (
Figure 5B and F), pharynx (
Figure 5C and G), and stomach (
Figure 5D and H). Moreover, distinct broad signals were also observed in the stomach (
Figure 5D and H).
We previously obtained transcriptomic data from 11 samples of 9 adult tissues (
Figure 6A) [
10], leading to the detection of high
CiEma expression in the pharynx and stomach but low in the neural complex and ovary (
Figure 6B). The tissue distribution and statistically significant expression in the pharynx were confirmed by qRT-PCR (
Figure 6B). Furthermore, IHC confirmed the specific expression of CiEMa in the hemocytes of the pharynx and stomach (
Figure 7). Of note, some parts of the body fluid (hemolymph) showed strong signals (
Figure 7A, arrowheads), indicating the secretion of CiEMa by hemocytes. The epithelial cells of the inner fold also showed strong signals that were not observed in the outer fold of the stomach. Furthermore, both the apical and basolateral sides of the epicardium were strongly stained (
Figure 7B), suggesting multiple roles of CiEMa in the
Ciona stomach. Combined with the fact that the
Ciona pharynx and stomach are most exposed to the microbiome in the marine environment and are the major organs of immunity [
13], these results suggested that CiEMa plays a role in the immune response to microbes.
Subsequently, we investigated the effects of a bacterial LPS as a non-self antigen on CiEMa expression. We treated isolated hemocytes with LPS and examined the mRNA expression and secretion of CiEMa. Although some AMP genes have been reported to be upregulated in 1 hour after LPS challenge [
21], no significant change was observed in
CiEma mRNA levels following LPS stimulation (
Figure 8A). Next, CiEMa secretion was examined by dot blot analyses using supernatants of hemocytes that had been incubated in the absence or presence of LPS. In contrast to the case with mRNA, stronger signals were observed at every time point following LPS stimulation (1, 2, and 4 hours) (
Figure 8B left). Quantification using Fiji software demonstrated that those signals were increased significantly 2.7-, 1.9-, and 2.4-fold at 1, 2, and 4 hours, respectively (
Figure 8B right). The original images and quantification file are provided as
Figure S1 and
Table S1. These results indicated that secretion of CiEMa by hemocytes increases in response to stimulation with LPS, a non-self antigen.
Given the strong signals in the hemolymph (
Figure 7A), the pharynx is presumed to be the primary target of CiEMa. Therefore, we isolated the pharynx, stimulated it with 1 μM CiEMa for 0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 hours, and subjected them to RNA-seq. The resulting reads, mapping rates, and NCBI SRA accessions are summarized in
Table 1. The expression level (TPM, transcripts per million) of each gene was calculated and provided in
Table S2. The expression patterns following CiEMa stimulation were confirmed by qRT-PCR (
Figure 9). Unexpectedly, none of the known
Ciona AMP genes including
CrMam-a, KY21.Chr7.694 (KH.C7.94), and KY21.Chr2.890 (KH.S908.1) exhibited significant changes in response to CiEMa (
Figure 9). The time-dependent change of the immune-related genes in the
Ciona pharynx during LPS challenge has been reported [
13]. Among the genes,
Tgfbtun3 was significantly downregulated, while
Mmp2/9/13 was upregulated 8 hours after CiEMa stimulation. The cytokine expressions (
Tnfa and
Il17-2) showed no significant change during CiEMa stimulation. Of particular interest is that a few signaling genes including
Ghsr-like and the growth factor,
Fgf3/7/10/22, and several forkhead and homeobox transcription factors (
Dbx, and
Prrx) were upregulated by CiEMa. Moreover, vanadium-binding proteins (
CiVanabin1 and
CiVanabin3) were also significantly induced (
Figure 9). Consequently, these results strongly suggest that CiEMa plays a role in cell growth and/or tissue repair via regulation of the growth factor and transcription factors, rather than direct regulation of immune-response genes including AMPs and cytokines. Taken together, these results verified the novel cascade of immune response mediated by CiEMa: the non-self antigen LPS acts on GHs and URGs to induce CiEMa secretion, which leads in turn to the upregulation of various genes in the pharynx (
Figure 10).
3. Discussion
In the past two decades, along with the assembly of the genome and cDNA libraries, various
Ciona hemocyte-derived transcripts have been identified and attracted attention to the evolutionary lineage of the innate immune system [
38]. Based on genome sequencing data and homology searching, several immune-related genes including complement components, Toll-like receptors, lectins, and cytokines have been characterized as counterparts of their vertebrate homologs [
39]. The easy isolation and fractionation methods of
Ciona hemocytes, and the application of LPS challenge to ascidian individuals, enabled us to investigate the immune system of ascidians and underscored the usefulness of
Ciona as an evolutionary model organism of the innate immune system [
13]. In contrast to the homologous molecules to vertebrates,
Ciona-specific molecules have been less investigated. In this study, we identified a novel hemocyte-derived peptide, CiEMa, and demonstrated the possible roles in the immune response of the
Ciona pharynx.
We first identified CiEMa from the neural complex and ovary (
Figure 1) and found to be expressed in the specific hemocytes (
Figure 3 and
Figure 4).
In silico prediction of CiEMa being secreted (
Figure 2) was substantiated by immunoreactivities in hemolymph (
Figure 7A) and dot blot analyses using supernatants of hemocyte incubates (
Figure 8B). Consistent with the fact that hemocytes initially emerge at the 1
st ascidian stages of juveniles [
40], our WISH analyses confirmed the hemocyte expression in two-week-old juveniles (
Figure 5). The overall tissue distribution was maintained in the adult ascidians in that predominant expression in the hemocytes in the pharynx and epithelial expression in the stomach (
Figure 6 and
Figure 7). Given that the pharynx, stomach, and hemocytes are important sites for primary immune defense [
13], CiEMa is likely to play roles in the immune response.
In the stomach, the epithelial cells, especially those of the inner fold, are known to express several genes involved in pinocytosis and phagocytosis [
41]. Particularly, the strong expression of CiEMa in the bottom of inner fold cells was similar to that of the phagocytosis-related cell surface receptor, Mrc1 (mannose receptor C-type 1). The endosome-like expression of CiEMa in the stomach epithelium supports a possible role in the uptake of large particles and/or small nutrients. Moreover, the variable region-containing chitin-binding protein A (VCBP-A) has been shown to accumulate in identical large (endosome-like) vacuoles in the inner fold [
42], raising the possibility that CiEMa supports the opsonizing function of VCBP-A. In contrast, CiEMa was unlikely to be involved in the digestion, given that it is not expressed in the outer-fold cells where is enriched for pancreatic enzymes [
43]. Thus, CiEMa may play distinct roles in epithelial cells of the stomach and in hemocytes.
CiEMa showed the most predominant expression in both juvenile and adult hemocytes (
Figure 3,
Figure 4,
Figure 5,
Figure 6 and
Figure 7). Of interest, the CiEMa signal was not observed in all hemocytes but only in some clusters of GH and URG hemocytes, suggesting specific roles in these particular cell types (
Figure 3A,
Figure 4,
Figure 5B-D, and
Figure 7). GHs and URGs have been reported to express various immune-related genes including cytokines, phenoloxidases, and complements [
13]. Although
CiEma mRNA expression did not change following LPS stimulation, increased CiEMa secretion from isolated hemocytes was observed (
Figure 8). Similar expressions have been reported for some
Ciona cytokines and relevant signaling molecules including CiTGFb, CiTNFa and CiIL17s in the clustered hemocytes of LPS-challenged ascidians [
46], supporting the view that CiEMa plays a cytokine-like role as a signal transduction molecule in response to non-self antigens.
Most of the known hemocyte-derived signaling molecules are cytokines [
15]. The three
CiIl17 genes have been shown to upregulate following LPS challenge [
45]. The
CiTnfa also has been shown to be induced in hemocytes at 4 hours after LPS injection [
44]. Of particular interest is that CiEMa did not alter the
Tnfa expression, and downregulated the
Il17-2 (
Figure 9), suggesting that CiEMa plays roles distinct from those of typical cytokines. Moreover, none of the examined AMP genes were affected by CiEMa stimulation (
Figure 9), suggesting that CiEMa is likely to be involved in other functions rather than direct regulation of immune processes.
In general, FGF signaling, homeobox proteins, and forkhead-box proteins are key regulators of cell proliferation, differentiation, and embryonic development in both vertebrates and invertebrates.
Ciona FGF3/7/10/22 is important for notochord development in tailbud stage embryos [
47]. In contrast, disruption of
CiHox3 did not affect the normal expression of neuronal markers in the swimming larva [
48]. Although no other functional insights of signaling genes and transcription factors in
Figure 9 in adult tissues have been reported, upregulation in 4 or 8 hours after CiEMa stimulation implies possible roles in tissue development or repair via cell proliferation and differentiation. In addition, five vanadium-binding protein genes,
CiVanabins have been identified [
49], and two of which,
CiVanabin1 and
CiVanabin3, were upregulated by CiEMa. In
Ascidia sydneiensis samea, vanabins have been shown to be expressed in SRCs, a type of agranular hemocyte [
51]. In
C. intestinalis type A, SRCs have been shown to express the AMP CrMAM-A and the galectins (CrGal-a and CrGal-b) [
53]. These findings raise the possibility that vanadium accumulation contributes to the immune response in ascidians.
Most vertebrates have acquired sophisticated adaptive immune systems employing major histocompatibility complexes, T-cell receptors, and immunoglobulins. These changes are hypothesized to have led to decreases in the number of components of the innate immune system [
1]. In contrast, in invertebrates, various innate immune molecules have evolved such as lectins [
54], AMPs [
55], and cytokines [
56]. Additionally,
Ciona has developed a variety of species-specific peptides including CrCP [
34], PEP51 [
30], and CiEMa. As observed in CiEMa, a signaling molecule produced by atypical processing at Trp or Asp, may contribute to the diversification of signal transduction in the ascidian immune response. Combined with the fact that such unconventional processing of peptides has also been reported in other invertebrates [
60], the observation of numerous functionally uncharacterized peptides in
Ciona suggests that these factors serve as novel cytokine-like or immune-related signaling peptides. Although further functional analyses are required, the current study identified a novel hemocyte-derived peptide and proposed possible roles in the immune response in
Ciona (
Figure 10), providing evolutionary insights into the innate immune systems of chordates.
Figure 1.
Identification of a novel peptide, CiEMa from the Ciona neural complex and ovary. (A) MALDI-TOF analysis of the peptide-enriched fraction of the neural complex. Several annotated peptides, including CiLF6, CiTKI, CiYFL1, and CiNTLP6, were detected. A predominant peak with an m/z of 1628.877 was also observed. (B, left) Tandem MS analyses on the precursor ion of 1628.5 in the neural complex and ovary. Most of the MS/MS peaks of the neural complex and ovary were identical to those of a synthetic peptide (NERKGAEPQFPPEM-amide). (B, right) MS-tag analyses, using a mass list of fragment ions of the neural complex, identified theoretical b- and y-ions (shown in red). The experiments were performed independently at least three times.
Figure 1.
Identification of a novel peptide, CiEMa from the Ciona neural complex and ovary. (A) MALDI-TOF analysis of the peptide-enriched fraction of the neural complex. Several annotated peptides, including CiLF6, CiTKI, CiYFL1, and CiNTLP6, were detected. A predominant peak with an m/z of 1628.877 was also observed. (B, left) Tandem MS analyses on the precursor ion of 1628.5 in the neural complex and ovary. Most of the MS/MS peaks of the neural complex and ovary were identical to those of a synthetic peptide (NERKGAEPQFPPEM-amide). (B, right) MS-tag analyses, using a mass list of fragment ions of the neural complex, identified theoretical b- and y-ions (shown in red). The experiments were performed independently at least three times.
Figure 2.
In silico analyses of the precursor sequence of CiEMa. (A) The translated sequence of the
CiEma gene from the Ghost database is shown. The predicted N-terminal signal sequence is marked in grey, and the mature peptide identified in
Figure 1 is shown in red. (B) The N-terminal signal sequence was predicted using SignalP 6.0. The peptide bond between Ala20 and Phe21 is suggested to be the cleavage site. (C) Subcellular localization of CiEMa was predicted using DeepLoc 2.0. The N-terminal sequence was predicted to serve as a signal peptide (upper panel), and CiEMa was predicted to be secreted into the extracellular region (lower panel).
Figure 2.
In silico analyses of the precursor sequence of CiEMa. (A) The translated sequence of the
CiEma gene from the Ghost database is shown. The predicted N-terminal signal sequence is marked in grey, and the mature peptide identified in
Figure 1 is shown in red. (B) The N-terminal signal sequence was predicted using SignalP 6.0. The peptide bond between Ala20 and Phe21 is suggested to be the cleavage site. (C) Subcellular localization of CiEMa was predicted using DeepLoc 2.0. The N-terminal sequence was predicted to serve as a signal peptide (upper panel), and CiEMa was predicted to be secreted into the extracellular region (lower panel).
Figure 3.
Localization of CiEMa in the ovary and neural complex. (A) In situ hybridization (ISH, upper panels) and immunohistochemistry (IHC, lower panels) of CiEMa in the ovary. 4% PFA- and Bouin’s-fixed ovaries were used for the ISH and IHC, respectively. Signals were detected using the DIG-NBT/BCIP system for ISH and the ABC system for IHC, respectively. For ISH, the sense probe was used as a negative control; specific signals were observed in the antisense probe (arrow). For IHC, the pre-absorbed antibody was used as a negative control; specific signals were observed in the anti-CiEMa antibody (arrow). Fo, follicles. The scale bar represents 20 μm. (B) IHC of CiEMa in the neural complex. (Upper) Low-magnification images indicated no signals in the cerebral ganglion (CG) and neural gland (NG). The boxed area in the upper panel is magnified and shown below. (Lower) High-magnification images indicate specific expression in the hemocytes around the NG and in the ciliated funnel (CF) (arrows). Scale bars in the upper and lower panels represent 100 μm and 20 μm, respectively. Localization was confirmed using two or three independent tissues.
Figure 3.
Localization of CiEMa in the ovary and neural complex. (A) In situ hybridization (ISH, upper panels) and immunohistochemistry (IHC, lower panels) of CiEMa in the ovary. 4% PFA- and Bouin’s-fixed ovaries were used for the ISH and IHC, respectively. Signals were detected using the DIG-NBT/BCIP system for ISH and the ABC system for IHC, respectively. For ISH, the sense probe was used as a negative control; specific signals were observed in the antisense probe (arrow). For IHC, the pre-absorbed antibody was used as a negative control; specific signals were observed in the anti-CiEMa antibody (arrow). Fo, follicles. The scale bar represents 20 μm. (B) IHC of CiEMa in the neural complex. (Upper) Low-magnification images indicated no signals in the cerebral ganglion (CG) and neural gland (NG). The boxed area in the upper panel is magnified and shown below. (Lower) High-magnification images indicate specific expression in the hemocytes around the NG and in the ciliated funnel (CF) (arrows). Scale bars in the upper and lower panels represent 100 μm and 20 μm, respectively. Localization was confirmed using two or three independent tissues.

Figure 4.
Localization of CiEMa in Ciona hemocytes. Ciona hemocytes were isolated by rupturing the heart, collected in an anticoagulant-containing buffer, dried on the slides, and subjected to immunocytochemistry (ICC). Blocking, immunoreaction, and signal detection were performed as IHC. The Ciona hemocytes were distinguished by their morphology. LLC, lymphocyte-like cell; SRC, signet ring cell; HA, hyaline amoebocyte; CC, compartment cell; GH, granular hemocyte; MC, morula cell; URG, unilocular refractile granulocyte. The scale bar represents 5 μm. Expression was confirmed in three independent experiments.
Figure 4.
Localization of CiEMa in Ciona hemocytes. Ciona hemocytes were isolated by rupturing the heart, collected in an anticoagulant-containing buffer, dried on the slides, and subjected to immunocytochemistry (ICC). Blocking, immunoreaction, and signal detection were performed as IHC. The Ciona hemocytes were distinguished by their morphology. LLC, lymphocyte-like cell; SRC, signet ring cell; HA, hyaline amoebocyte; CC, compartment cell; GH, granular hemocyte; MC, morula cell; URG, unilocular refractile granulocyte. The scale bar represents 5 μm. Expression was confirmed in three independent experiments.
Figure 5.
Localization of CiEMa in Ciona juveniles. Two-week-old juveniles were used for WISH. Panels (A) and (E) show overviews of Ciona juveniles at low magnification following hybridization with antisense (A) and sense (E) probes. The indicated areas in (A) and (E) are shown at high magnification in (B-D) and (F-H), respectively. The hemocyte-specific signals (arrowheads) were observed in the neural complex (B and F), pharynx (C and G), and stomach (D and H). The stomach also showed broad signals (D and H). OS, oral siphon; AS, atrial siphon; NC, neural complex; Pha, pharynx; Stom, stomach; Int, intestine; Endo, endostyle. Scale bars represent 500 μm in (A) and (E) and 100 μm in (B-D) and (F-H), respectively. Expression was confirmed using approximately ten juveniles.
Figure 5.
Localization of CiEMa in Ciona juveniles. Two-week-old juveniles were used for WISH. Panels (A) and (E) show overviews of Ciona juveniles at low magnification following hybridization with antisense (A) and sense (E) probes. The indicated areas in (A) and (E) are shown at high magnification in (B-D) and (F-H), respectively. The hemocyte-specific signals (arrowheads) were observed in the neural complex (B and F), pharynx (C and G), and stomach (D and H). The stomach also showed broad signals (D and H). OS, oral siphon; AS, atrial siphon; NC, neural complex; Pha, pharynx; Stom, stomach; Int, intestine; Endo, endostyle. Scale bars represent 500 μm in (A) and (E) and 100 μm in (B-D) and (F-H), respectively. Expression was confirmed using approximately ten juveniles.
Figure 6.
Tissue distribution of CiEMa mRNA in adult Ciona. (A) A schematic illustration of adult
Ciona tissues (modified from Osugi et al., 2020 [
36]). OS, oral siphon; AS, atrial siphon; NC, neural complex; Pha, pharynx; Stom, stomach; Int, intestine; Endo, endostyle. (B) The previous RNA-seq data [
10] for adult
Ciona tissues were analyzed (upper). qRT-PCR analyssis confirmed the tissue distribution of
CiEma (lower). Relative expression to the reference gene (KY21.Chr10.446) [
10] was indicated. Data are shown as the mean ± SEM with data points. Four independent data sets were analyzed using the Levene (
PL=0.1955) test followed by one-way ANOVA (
PA=8.579e-07). IntP, proximal intestine; IntM, middle intestine; IntD, distal intestine.
Figure 6.
Tissue distribution of CiEMa mRNA in adult Ciona. (A) A schematic illustration of adult
Ciona tissues (modified from Osugi et al., 2020 [
36]). OS, oral siphon; AS, atrial siphon; NC, neural complex; Pha, pharynx; Stom, stomach; Int, intestine; Endo, endostyle. (B) The previous RNA-seq data [
10] for adult
Ciona tissues were analyzed (upper). qRT-PCR analyssis confirmed the tissue distribution of
CiEma (lower). Relative expression to the reference gene (KY21.Chr10.446) [
10] was indicated. Data are shown as the mean ± SEM with data points. Four independent data sets were analyzed using the Levene (
PL=0.1955) test followed by one-way ANOVA (
PA=8.579e-07). IntP, proximal intestine; IntM, middle intestine; IntD, distal intestine.
Figure 7.
Localization of CiEMa in the pharynx and stomach. The Bouin’s-fixed pharynx (A) and stomach (B) were used for IHC. Serial sections were probed with either the pre-absorbed negative control or the anti-CiEMa antibody. (A) Signal was detected in the hemocytes (black arrows) and hemolymph (arrowheads). (B) In addition to the hemocytes (black arrows), strong signals were detected in the epithelial cells of the inner fold (white asterisk) but not in the outer fold (black asterisk). Strong signal was observed on both the apical and basolateral sides of the epicardium (white arrows). Hc, hemocoel. Scale bars in the upper and lower panels represent 50 μm and 20 μm, respectively. Expression was confirmed in two different tissues.
Figure 7.
Localization of CiEMa in the pharynx and stomach. The Bouin’s-fixed pharynx (A) and stomach (B) were used for IHC. Serial sections were probed with either the pre-absorbed negative control or the anti-CiEMa antibody. (A) Signal was detected in the hemocytes (black arrows) and hemolymph (arrowheads). (B) In addition to the hemocytes (black arrows), strong signals were detected in the epithelial cells of the inner fold (white asterisk) but not in the outer fold (black asterisk). Strong signal was observed on both the apical and basolateral sides of the epicardium (white arrows). Hc, hemocoel. Scale bars in the upper and lower panels represent 50 μm and 20 μm, respectively. Expression was confirmed in two different tissues.
Figure 8.
Induction of CiEMa secretion by LPS challenge. (A) Hemocytes isolated from adults were incubated with or without LPS for 1 hour, and
CiEma expression was examined by qRT-PCR. Relative expression to the reference gene (KY21.Chr9.158 (KH.C9.410)) [
21] was indicated. Four independent data sets were analyzed by Student’s
t-test (
P=0.32) and are presented as the mean ± SEM with data points. (B) Hemocytes were incubated with or without LPS for 1, 2, and 4 hours, and CiEMa secretion was examined by dot blot. Signals were quantified using Fiji software. Data are shown as the mean ± SEM with data points. Six independent data sets were analyzed by Student’s
t-test *,
P=0.032, 0.042, and **, 0.009 for 1, 2, and 4 hours, respectively.
Figure 8.
Induction of CiEMa secretion by LPS challenge. (A) Hemocytes isolated from adults were incubated with or without LPS for 1 hour, and
CiEma expression was examined by qRT-PCR. Relative expression to the reference gene (KY21.Chr9.158 (KH.C9.410)) [
21] was indicated. Four independent data sets were analyzed by Student’s
t-test (
P=0.32) and are presented as the mean ± SEM with data points. (B) Hemocytes were incubated with or without LPS for 1, 2, and 4 hours, and CiEMa secretion was examined by dot blot. Signals were quantified using Fiji software. Data are shown as the mean ± SEM with data points. Six independent data sets were analyzed by Student’s
t-test *,
P=0.032, 0.042, and **, 0.009 for 1, 2, and 4 hours, respectively.
Figure 9.
Gene expression change in the CiEMa-stimulated pharynx. Differentially expressed genes screened on RNA-seq data were confirmed by qRT-PCR. Expression is shown relative to the reference gene (KY21.Chr2.148), which was identified by RNA-seq to be constantly expressed. Data are shown as the mean ± SEM with data points. Three to four independent data sets were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and PA values are indicated in each graph. The expression value of AMP genes for the 0 hours was set to 1, given that the expression levels before CiEMa stimulation varied among the sample sets.
Figure 9.
Gene expression change in the CiEMa-stimulated pharynx. Differentially expressed genes screened on RNA-seq data were confirmed by qRT-PCR. Expression is shown relative to the reference gene (KY21.Chr2.148), which was identified by RNA-seq to be constantly expressed. Data are shown as the mean ± SEM with data points. Three to four independent data sets were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and PA values are indicated in each graph. The expression value of AMP genes for the 0 hours was set to 1, given that the expression levels before CiEMa stimulation varied among the sample sets.
Figure 10.
Schematic diagram summarizing the proposed model. CiEMa secretion from the hemocytes, namely GHs and URGs, is induced in response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as non-self antigen. The CiEMa in turn affects the pharynx (indicated by the cross-hatched surface) and upregulates the expression of genes regarding vanabins, signaling molecules, and transcription factors. GH, granular hemocyte; URG, unilocular refractile granulocyte.
Figure 10.
Schematic diagram summarizing the proposed model. CiEMa secretion from the hemocytes, namely GHs and URGs, is induced in response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as non-self antigen. The CiEMa in turn affects the pharynx (indicated by the cross-hatched surface) and upregulates the expression of genes regarding vanabins, signaling molecules, and transcription factors. GH, granular hemocyte; URG, unilocular refractile granulocyte.
Table 1.
RNA-seq of the CiEMa-stimulated Ciona pharynx.
Table 1.
RNA-seq of the CiEMa-stimulated Ciona pharynx.
Sample |
Total reads |
% mapped |
Accession |
Pha_CiEMa_0h |
70,659,570 |
84.93 |
SRR26963725 |
Pha_CiEMa_1h |
80,794,444 |
85.50 |
SRR26963724 |
Pha_CiEMa_2h |
84,126,938 |
85.08 |
SRR26963723 |
Pha_CiEMa_4h |
84,462,016 |
84.30 |
SRR26963722 |
Pha_CiEMa_8h |
109,996,394 |
87.07 |
SRR26963721 |