The previous sections have shown how present and forthcoming neutron star data (masses, radii, tidal deformabilities) provide constraints for the equation of state and for possible phase transitions in cold, dense baryonic matter. The enhanced stiffness of the EoS at high baryon densities is a necessary feature: sufficiently high pressures are required to support neutron stars with masses around and beyond
at relatively large radii (
km). The central core densities are not as extreme as was previously imagined. Even in the core of a 2.3
neutron star the baryon density at its center stays below five times the density of equilibrium nuclear matter (at 68% credible level, see Eq. (
12)). The upper border of the 95% credible interval of the inferred central density
27] lies slightly above
, but with very low probability. This observation has consequences for the interpretation of the possible structure and composition of neutron star matter that we discuss in the following.
4.1. Reminder of low-energy nucleon structure and a two-scales scenario
Spontaneouly broken chiral symmetry as the long-wavelength manifestation of QCD governs the low-energy structure and dynamics of hadrons including nucleons and pions. As chiral Nambu-Goldstone bosons, pions play a distinguished role in this context. Models based on chiral symmetry often view the nucleon as a complex system of two scales [
52]: a compact hard core that hosts the three valence quarks and thus incloses the baryon number, and a surrounding quark-antiquark cloud in which pions figure prominently as the `soft’ degrees of freedom.
Such a two-scales scenario is manifest in empirical form factors and sizes of the nucleon. Consider for example the proton and neutron electromagnetic form factors and their slopes at zero momentum transfer which determine the corresponding mean squared radii. The empirical r.m.s. proton charge radius,
fm, combined with the slope of the neutron electric form factor,
2, gives the isoscalar and isovector mean-square radii of the nucleon,
with resulting values [
Each of the nucleon form factors related to a current with index
i has a representation in terms of a dispersion relation,
Mean-square radii are given as:
where the distribution
represents the spectrum of intermediate hadronic states through which the external probing field couples to the respective nucleon current. For example, the isovector charge radius reflects the interacting two-pion cloud of the nucleon governed by the
meson and a low-mass tail extending down to the
. The isoscalar charge radius is related to the three-pion spectrum that is strongly dominated by the narrow
meson [
54] and starts at
. The isoscalar charge form factor of the nucleon,
), is particularly suitable to discuss a delineation between `core’ and `cloud’ parts of the nucleon [
56]. The vector meson dominance principle implies, in its simplest version, a representation of the form:
The form factor
of the baryon number distribution in the nucleon core acts as a source for the
field that propagates with its mass
. Introducing the mean-square radius of the baryon core,
, the mean-square isoscalar charge radius becomes
MeV the estimated baryonic core radius is:
A nucleon core size of about 1/2 fm is characteristic of chiral `core + cloud’ models. It also keeps up in more detailed treatments of the spectral distributions governing the nucleon form factors [
53]. Inclusion of additional
meson and
continuum contributions in the spectral function of
move the core radius to just slightly larger values.
Consider as another example the form factor associated with the axial vector current of the nucleon. The corresponding mean-square axial radius deduced from neutrino-deuteron scattering data is reported as [
A schematic axial vector dominance picture would assign a dominant part of the `cloud’ contribution to this form factor through the spectrum of the
meson with its large width. If an approximate scale of this `cloud’ part is identified with
using the physical
GeV, one finds
with an estimated uncertainty of about 25%.
Yet another interesting piece of information is the mass radius of the proton deduced from
photoproduction data [
58]. It involves the form factor of the trace,
, of the nucleon’s energy-momentum tensor and is supposed to be dominated by gluon dynamics at the center of the nucleon. Low-mass (e.g. two-pion) components are suppressed. The result quoted in [
is once again remarkably close to an assumed `core’ size scale of
These empirical considerations motivate a picture of the nucleon as containing a compact `hard’ core in which the valence quarks and their baryon number are confined, and a `soft’ surface of quark-antiquark pairs forming a mesonic cloud. This structure has implications for the behaviour of nucleons in dense baryonic matter. With a core size fm and a cloud range given e.g. by the proton charge radius, fm, there is a significant separation of volume scales in vacuum: .
This scale separation is expected to increase further in dense baryonic matter, for the following reasons. The properties of the soft multi-pion cloud are closely tied to spontaneously broken chiral symmetry and the approximate Nambu-Goldstone boson nature of the pion. The size of this cloud is expected to increase with density, along with the decreasing in-medium pion decay constant, , which acts as a chiral order parameter. The baryonic core, on the other hand, is governed by gluon dynamics, without a leading connection to chiral symmetry in QCD. This core is therefore expected to be quite stable against changes from increasing density up until the compact hard cores begin to touch and overlap.
What arises in this way is a two-scales scenario for dense baryonic matter as described in [
47] and sketched in
Figure 9. At
the tails of the meson clouds of nucleon pairs overlap, resulting in two-body exchange forces. As the average distance between nucleons decreases with increasing density, around
, the soft clouds of
pairs start to be delocalized. Their mobility expands over larger distances in a percolation process involving larger numbers of nucleons. In conventional nuclear physics terms, this corresponds to the emergence of many-body forces, the strength of which grows with increasing density. At that stage the baryonic cores are still separated but subject to increasingly repulsive Pauli principle effects. The cores begin to touch and overlap at average nucleon-nucleon distances
fm, corresponding to densities
. Further compression of baryonic matter would still have to overcome the strongly repulsive hard core in the nucleon-nucleon interaction. Recalling the inferred credible intervals of the central densities in heavy neutron stars, Eq. (
12), one concludes that a phase transition to valence quark deconfinement does not seem likely in a two-scales picture and under the conditions in the cores of neutron star, unless they are extremely heavy.
An interesting and closely related result emerges from a detailed analysis of
scaling in electron-nucleus scattering at large momentum transfers (
GeV) and low energy transfers [
59]. The persistently observed
scaling under these kinematical conditions implies that the electrons still scatter from strongly correlated pairs of nucleons, rather than quarks, at short distances. The conclusion drawn in [
59] is that at local densities as large as five times
, nuclear matter still appears to behave as a collection of nucleons.
4.3. Chiral symmetry restoration in dense matter: from first-order phase transition to crossover
The quest for chiral symmetry restoration at high baryon densities, a transition from the spontaneously broken Nambu-Goldstone realisation to the unbroken Wigner-Weyl mode, has been a persistent issue for a long time. A possible first-order chiral phase transition and the existence of a corresponding critical end point in the QCD phase diagram have always been topics of prime interest [
62]. Early hypotheses concerning the occurance of a first-order phase transition were frequently based on Nambu–Jona-Lasinio type (NJL) models in mean-field approximation [
65], later extended by incorporating confinement aspects through added Polyakov loop degrees of freedom [
The empirical constraints on strong first-order phase transitions in dense neutron star matter as described in
Section 3.2 are strikingly at variance with previous mean-field (e.g. NJL model) predictions. These suggested that a first-order chiral phase transition should already appear at relatively low baryon densities,
. A possible explanation for this discrepancy can be found in [
71] where a chiral nucleon-meson (ChNM) field theory was used to explore the effects of fluctuations beyond mean-field (MF) approximation. The starting point is a relativistic chiral Lagrangian,
, shaped around a linear sigma model with nucleons
, pions
and a scalar
field. Short-range dynamics is parametrized in terms of heavy isoscalar and isovector vector fields
. The expectation value
of the scalar field acts as a chiral order parameter normalized in the vacuum to the pion decay constant,
MeV. Two classes of fluctuations beyond MF were then systematically studied: first, vacuum fluctuations which introduce an additional term proportional to
in the MF partition function; and secondly, fluctuations involving pion loops and nucleon particle-hole excitations. The vacuum fluctuations can be included in an extended mean-field (EMF) approximation [
69]. Fluctuations involving pion and nucleon loops are computed using non-perturbative functional renormalization group (FRG) methods. The parameters of the ChNM model, in particular those related to short-distance dynamics, are fixed to reproduce empirical nuclear physics data [
Figure 10 demonstrates the important role of fluctuations beyond mean-field approximation for the chiral order parameter
. In symmetric nuclear matter the mean-field approximation of the ChNM model correctly reproduces the first-order liquid-gas phase transition at low density. But the chiral order parameter also displays a strong first-order chiral phase transition with a Maxwell-constructed phase coexistence region starting already below
. For neutron matter, which has no liquid-gas phase transition, the MF approximation nevertheless predicts a first-order chiral phase transition at densities around
, well within the range of densities realised in neutron stars. However, in both nuclear and neutron matter, the inclusion of fermionic vacuum fluctuations (i.e. the effect of the ground state zero-point energy) in the extended mean-field (EMF) approximation converts the first-order chiral phase transition into a smooth crossover and shifts it to densities
. This effect is further enhanced by the additional fluctuations included in the full FRG calculation as demonstrated in
Figure 10. As a result, chiral symmetry restoration is relegated to very high baryon densities beyond the inferred core densities in even the heaviest neutron stars (see Eq. (
12)). A comparable impact of fluctuations on the phase structure is seen in alternative chiral models [
Another approach based on chiral symmetry is the parity-doublet model. In this model the active coupled baryonic degrees of freedom are the nucleon with spin-parity
and its chiral partner with spin-parity
, where the latter is identified with the
resonance. Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in vacuum manifests itself in the mass splitting of these two states, while the in-medium restoration pattern of this symmetry is signalled by the N and N* masses becoming degenerate. A recent detailed analysis [
74] of the chiral order parameter in this model using extended mean-field approximation finds a chiral phase transition in nuclear matter, but at extremely high densities
, far beyond the density scales reached in neutron stars.
4.4. Dense baryonic matter: a Fermi liquid picture
The constraints on the equation of state inferred from the current empirical data still permit an interpretation of neutron star core matter in terms of baryonic degrees of freedom, such as a system dominated by neutrons [
36] with small fractions of protons and perhaps hyperons [
77]. The inferred baryon chemical potential
shown in
Figure 3 does not distinguish between different species of baryons. Its behaviour displays nonetheless increasingly strong correlations at high densities. It is instructive to analyze the gross properties of this state of matter using the Landau theory of relativistic Fermi liquids [
78]. Here we perform a schematic study assuming "neutron-like" quasiparticles [
79], with baryon number
and a density-dependent mass
, ignoring other small admixtures in the composition of the dense medium. These quasiparticles are characterized by their (relativistic) Landau effective mass
at Fermi momentum
together with an effective potential,
, so that the baryon chemical potential can be written [
The median of the
posterior credible bands in
Figure 3 is now taken as a guiding starting point to extract the baryonic quasiparticle properties. With an educated ansatz for
, the density dependence of the potential
can then be deduced and further discussed. One possible choice is to take
MeV) from the non-perturbative FRG calculation employing the chiral nucleon-meson field-theoretical model [
70] discussed in
Section 4.1. The resulting Landau effective mass
is shown in
Figure 11 together with the potential
. The 95% credible band of
Figure 3 leads to an uncertainty of about 15% for
U at high densities. It is instructive to fit the resulting quasiparticle potential by a series in powers of baryon density for
as before):
The coefficients fitted to the median of
This pattern reflects a hierarchy of many-body correlations, recalling that the term linear in density represents two-body interactions, the term of order
corresponds to short-range three-body forces, and so forth. The role of the repulsive
N-body terms with
is quite significant: at
, corresponding to an average distance of about 1 fm between the baryonic quasiparticles, these terms contribute as much as the two-body forces to the potential
U and generate the strong pressure to support heavy neutron stars. Of course these statements rely on the ansatz for the density dependent mass
which is guided by FRG calculations of pure neutron matter. A small fraction of protons in beta-equilibrated matter will not change this picture substantially. However, neutron star core compositions that deviate qualitatively from this simplified picture may lead to different conclusions.
Finally, consider the dimensionless Fermi liquid parameters,
, of the spin-averaged quasiparticle interaction. In terms of the quasiparticle mass and potential, they are given as [
Further useful relations are:
with the density of quasiparticle states at the Fermi surface,
, and
The result in
Figure 12 shows a strongly increasing
at high densities. This reflects once again the growing importance of many-body correlations as matter gets more and more compact. Such repulsive correlations are responsible for the increase of the sound velocity beyond its canonical conformal limit,
, as seen in
Figure 1. The Fermi liquid parameter
is smaller in magnitude and has a negative slope indicating the decreasing effective mass at higher densities.
The Landau parameter
displays the typical behavior of a strongly correlated Fermi system. It is interesting though to observe that in comparison with the leading Landau parameters in liquid
3He, the correlations in neutron star core matter are not extraordinarily strong. Values of
are reported for
3He at zero pressure, and
at a pressure of 27 bar [
80]. Accordingly, the Fermi liquid parameters for matter in the density range,
, inside even the heaviest neutron stars, are significantly smaller. In this perspective the dense baryonic medium encountered in the center of neutron stars is perhaps not as extreme as often imagined.